• Published 17th Jan 2017
  • 11,143 Views, 56 Comments

You Can Always Come Home - EntityRelationship

Sunset Shimmer has returned to Equestria, by special request of Celestia. Celestia wants to make her former pupil an offer. A chance to turn back the clock, to take back a moment that they both, dearly regret.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Sunset Shimmer...is she alright?”

“I think she’s going to be fine. I left her in good. Hands.”

Princess Celestia held that thought in her mind the entire time she stayed in The Crystal Empire. She was there in an official capacity, as Princess of Equestria she had to maintain her composure. She had duties to attend to, ponies that needed her help and guidance. She could not let the resurfacing of her former student disrupt her in her obligations to her subjects.

So, she continued her princessly duties without the tiniest crack in her emotional facade. She tended to the nobles and matters of state, she entertained visiting diplomats and served the needy as best she could. Because Celestia was a Princess, and being a Princess came with responsibilities. Commitments. It meant that she did not have the luxuries of her own emotions, in the ways that other ponies did.

And all that time, she kept that thought in her mind: Sunset Shimmer was fine. She was in good hands.

She told herself that on the train ride of the Crystal Express back to Canterlot. She told herself that as she walked up the stairs to Canterlot Castle. Sunset Shimmer was fine. She was in good hands.

She told herself that as she telekinetically turned the knob on the door in the east wing of the castle. A door that she had not personally opened in a very long time. Sunset Shimmer was fine. She was in-

The door closed. And Celestia collapsed on the floor.

And she cried.

She was okay. She was okay. She was okay.


Even when the portal was opened again, due to no small amount of ingenuity on Twilight’s part and a flash of either genius or craziness from Pinkie Pie, it had taken a lot to convince Sunset Shimmer to come back through. Celestia had very deliberately and loudly not pushed the matter, even refraining from making direct contact with her former student, for the moment at least. She had dropped the hint to Twilight, ever so subtly, that, if Sunset wanted to return, she could. She would not be arrested, thrown into prison, or banished. She had nothing material to fear by coming back. And Celestia trusted that Twilight would pass the message along.

It had taken a few weeks for Celestia to realize that, perhaps, it was not material punishment that kept Sunset Shimmer away from Equestria. That it was something far worse: guilt. And shame. Emotions Celestia had come to know for herself far too well in the past thousand years. Perhaps too well to realize that other ponies felt them too.

But eventually, Sunset Shimmer had agreed to come back. In her own time, in her own way, she had asked if she could return. Celestia had made all of the preparations, stressing in silence over each and every one. Should her return be large and publicized, or understated and private? The old Sunset Shimmer probably would have loved a large to-do about her return, but from what Celestia had heard Sunset had been struggling with being the center of attention after the incident with Twilight’s crown. She was getting better, yes, but a large celebration was probably still too much for her. At the same time, Celestia did not think it would be best for her to meet Sunset Shimmer alone. That could feel like an ambush, facing her former mentor alone in a body that was no longer familiar to her, in a world that she had only briefly visited in recent years.

Ultimately, Celestia had decided on a compromise between the two extremes: a small group of ponies to greet her as she came through the portal. Celestia herself, of course, Twilight Sparkle, a small group of castle staff who had worked at the castle when Sunset Shimmer was living there, and the five, Equestrian version of the friends she had made at Canterlot High School. Celestia wanted Equestria to feel familiar, friendly. Like home.

Sunset Shimmer emerged from the portal slowly, with her eyes closed. She took a deep breath and opened them.

And there she was. Just like that. The filly that Celestia had lost all of those years ago. A little older, to be sure, but it was her. That yellow coat, her aqua eyes, the flaming red and yellow mane. It was her.

Her girl was home.

Celestia took in a breath. She had to keep her composure. She had to stay calm and collected for her former student. “Sunset Shimmer,” she said. “Welco-”

At that moment, Sunset’s perfectly self-controlled demeanor shattered.

She ran into Celestia’s chest, sobbing. Tears ran down her cheeks and stained Celestia’s white coat. Celestia turned her gaze to the other ponies in the room, who exchanged eye contact awkwardly at the sudden and extreme outburst of emotion they were unexpectedly witness to. If Sunset had noticed the scene she was making, she apparently didn’t care. She just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, pushing herself closer and closer to Celestia as she babbled incoherently.

Gently, Celestia wrapped her foreleg around Sunset Shimmer, and gave a tiny smile, pulling her in even closer. “There there, my little pony. It’s okay. It’s okay.”

Behind the crying and the stammering, Celestia could make out one, coherent sentence, repeated over and over. “I’m sorry,” Sunset Shimmer said, sniffing as she spoke. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

She wasn’t asking for forgiveness. She was just trying to express the enormous guilt that had been building up inside of her. It was something she had to do, and Celestia realized she would have to let her. No matter how much she wanted to interrupt, to say something herself, whatever she had to say would have to wait.

It’s the duty of a parent.


Celestia allowed some time to pass before contacting Sunset Shimmer again. This time, there was no indirection, no dropped hints to Twilight to pass along to her. She did not even use the book that Sunset and Twilight had been using to exchange messages between worlds. She simply wrote a short note:

“Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I would like to speak with you. Please come to Equestria at your earliest convenience.

Princess Celestia.”

She mailed the letter without a thought of whether or not it would find its way through the cosmos, to the alternate universe Sunset Shimmer was living in, and ultimately into her hands. Equestrian mail was very efficient, it delivered. Sometimes a little later than expected, but the mail always found its way to its destination.

And so, Sunset Shimmer found herself back in Equestria again. This time, in the castle where she had spent most of her youth. She composed herself a little more formally this time, perhaps, Celestia thought, overcompensating for her loss of control the last time she had visited. For a long while they walked in silence, passing through familiar halls and familiar paintings. Little details may have changed, but it was the same castle they had lived in together for so long.

And the echoes of arguments past followed them as they walked.

“How are you doing in school?” Celestia asked, finally breaking the silence. Sunset almost jumped at the question, the first time anyone had asked anything like it in a long time, much less her former mentor.

“I’m-I’m top of my class,” Sunset Shimmer said, anxiety trembling in her voice. “Math and science isn’t all that different from magic, when you get down to it. It’s all about memorization. And...well, I learned how to memorize things, here.”

Celestia gave a small, regal nod. They came to a staircase and started to ascend. “And your friends? How are you all getting along?”

“V-very well,” Sunset Shimmer said, gulping heavily. “We’re in a band together. A-and I’ve been helping Fluttershy at the animal shelter, and Rainbow Dash with the soccer team, a-and Applejack on the farm, a-and…” Sunset stopped and Celestia looked down to her. Her eyes were watery and large, full of craving and desperation. There was a question behind it, and if Celestia had known her former pupil a little less well, she may have thought the question was, “Are you proud of me?” But Celestia had seen Sunset Shimmer desperate for her approval before. This was different. The question here was subtly different, but the distinction was important.

It would be more accurate to say that the question behind Sunset’s eyes was, “Are you disappointed in me?”

It wasn’t fair, Celestia told herself as they climbed the stairs. Sunset Shimmer was not her first student. Celestia had had many protégés in the over a millennia she had lived. Some fillies, some colts. Some unicorns, some pegasi, some earth ponies, even a griffin or two in her time. Some had been quiet and thoughtful, others brash and hotheaded. And she had loved them all. She still knew all of their names, their hopes, their dreams, their favourite foods.

But there was one way in which Sunset Shimmer was the first. Sunset Shimmer was the first orphan to find herself Celestia’s personal student. At the time, Celestia had not given it much thought. The little filly had potential, and that was all that really mattered. Celestia had brought previous students to live in the castle with her before, so this was hardly different.

What Celestia had not prepared herself for was what it truly meant to be raising a filly all on her own. Her previous students all had families to go home to, even if it was only from time to time. Celestia could share the load of making sure they grew to be well-developed, emotionally-mature individuals. She showed them love, yes, but she had never been in a position before where she was the only one to take care of them. She had never had to take a foal’s temperature when they were sick before. She had never had to read them bedtime stories, or tell them that there was no monster in their closets. She had never had to be a parent to them before.

And that was what was unfair about this. Celestia was a Princess of Equestria. She had thousands of subjects, each one of which required and deserved her full attention. And it was unfair that, with all of those ponies counting on her, this one, little filly meant so much to her.

“There’s something I want to show you, Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said as she turned the doorknob. Sunset Shimmer trotted into the room, and her eyes widened as she saw what was inside.

“Is this-?” Sunset Shimmer asked, but her voice trailed off. The sun-decorated room seemed to swirl around her as she stepped inside, a thousand barely-recalled memories came flooding back to her like the crashing of cognitive waves against her well-ordered mind.

“Yes,” Celestia said as she followed Sunset Shimmer inside. “It’s your old room.” Celestia trotted around the room, noting small details as she did. The copy of Sunset’s cutie mark, which decorated the wallpaper. The swath of slightly against-the-grain paint on the wall, where Sunset had accidentally set it on fire one night while practicing her latest spell. The toy crown Celestia had given her for Hearth’s Warming one year. She made her way to the balcony and looked out the window. “It’s a nice view,” Celestia said, gazing out to the horizon. “I remember, when you were a filly, you would get up, first thing every morning, to watch me raise the sun.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded. “I still sometimes watch the sunrise,” she admitted, quietly. “I know you’re not raising it there. But...I don’t know. It feels...nice. Somehow.” Sunset looked around the room, at all the little, physical things she had left there when she ran off, all those years ago. “You really kept my room like this? All this time?”

Celestia gave a small nod. “At first, I thought you might come home and want it again. I told myself that you just needed time to cool off, that you’d be back any day, ready to resume your studies. And when the portal closed...I thought you might find your way back, somehow. You were always intelligent and creative, perhaps you would find a way to open it again. But as time passed…” Celestia gulped. “I knew you weren’t returning. At least, not anytime soon. But I kept this room just the way it was. I read that this behaviour is not unusual for ponies who have lost a chil-” Celestia caught herself, coughed, then continued. “Lost someone close to them. The room becomes a shrine, of some sort. It was...comforting to me to know it was here. To remember you.”

Sunset Shimmer looked up at her former mentor, tears in her eyes. “Celestia…” she said. “I...I…”

“I wrote you, a few times,” Celestia said. “In that book. I had hoped that it would still work, even with the portal closed. But when I got no answer, I assumed that either it would not work with the portal closed, or you did not want to answer.”

Sunset looked down at the floor, a little ashamed of herself. “I got your messages,” she whispered. “But I couldn’t bring myself to reply.”

Celestia sighed deeply. This was it. “There was, of course, a third possibility I considered,” she said. “That you were not replying to my messages, because...you couldn’t.” Celestia’s pacing increased, nervous energy burning off through her hooves. “I told myself it was impossible. That you were always independent, that whatever other...problems you might have had, taking care of yourself was never one of them. I told myself that whatever world you ended up in was in more danger from you than you were from being in it. But I couldn’t…” Tears started to roll down Celestia’s cheek. “I couldn’t bring myself to believe it.”

Sunset Shimmer lifted a hoof to interrupt, but stopped herself. Celestia had let her cry into her chest when she had first returned to Equestria. She had given her the opportunity to relieve all the guilt she had been feeling for so long. Now it was time for Sunset Shimmer to give her old mentor the same courtesy.

“I was afraid that something horrible had happened to you,” Celestia choked out. “I was...terrified that you were hurt. Or worse. I stayed up at night, thinking about all the terrible things that could have happened to you after you ran away. All because of something I said.”

“I-it wasn’t because of something you said,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I think we both know I was pretty headstrong back then. I was probably going to end up running away no matter what happened. And besides...I ended up in a high school. Not exactly the most dangerous place to end up in, all things considered.”

Celestia shook her head. “It ended up alright, yes. But at the time, I didn’t know that. And I relived our last conversation, over and over. Telling myself that if I’d been more patient, if I’d explained myself more clearly, maybe, just maybe, I could have convinced you to stay. That you’d be safe.” Celestia sighed. “I can’t change the past,” she said. “But one thing I’ve learned in the past few years is that I can change how I react. I don’t have to keep making the same mistakes, over and over again. If life gives us a second chance, we can take it.” Celestia turned to look at Sunset Shimmer, head-on. “There’s another reason I wanted to show you this room again,” she said. “Everything’s in its place. Even the books you swiped from the restricted section of the Canterlot Library and hid.”

“I-I can explain that!” Sunset Shimmer said, but Celestia raised a hoof, silencing her.

“This room is unoccupied. Twilight has reached the end of her studies. I have a position for another student. If you are so inclined.”

Sunset froze. The enormity of what Celestia was saying came crashing down on her like a collapsing building. “Are...are you saying-?”

“You can come home, Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said. “You can resume your studies, here. We can pick up where we left off. We can make it like our argument never even happened.”

Sunset looked around the room. Her old bedroom, her old things. How many nights had she lay awake, thinking about this place? Silently wishing she could go back home? “I...I have friends at CHS,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“You can visit them whenever you like,” Celestia said. “Or they can visit you. I’m sure I can convince Twilight to move the mirror back to Canterlot Castle. You will literally be a short walk away from them. You can hop through the portal, meet them for lunch, return for your studies, and be back for band practice, if you were so inclined.”

So, no loss of friendships, Sunset told herself. She looked out, over the horizon again, to where the sun rose each morning. “I think…” Sunset said, considering her options. “I think I am going to have to say...no.”

Celestia have a slight nod. “I understand,” she said. “May I ask why?”

Sunset sighed, stuck her hooves out over the railing, and watched the rays of the sun dance over the cityscape beneath her. “Because I think that other world is my home,” she said. She traced her front hoof over the railing, absentmindedly. “I made mistakes there. I’ll admit to that. And I’m not proud of it. For a while, people hated me there. But when that happened, I did something I didn’t really expect from myself. I didn’t run. I worked hard to try to prove that I wasn’t that person anymore, that I’d changed. It took a lot, but I made a place for myself there.” Sunset turned around to look at Celestia. “I always thought about coming back, you know. That I could undo that one mistake I made, and everything would go back to the way things were. But I think a part of growing up is learning that you can’t just undo your mistakes. That you have to live with them. And, sometimes you’re stronger and better for having made them.” Sunset placed her hoof against her chest. “I missed you, Celestia. So much. But I’m happy at CHS. And I don’t want to just...go back to before I made any mistakes. I want to overcome them.”

Celestia gave the smaller, yellow pony an affectionate smile. “I think...I knew that you would say that,” Celestia said. “And perhaps it was selfish of me to ask. But I thought you should know. You always have a place here, Sunset Shimmer. Even if it’s only for a week, even if it’s only for a day. You can always come home.”

Tears welled up in Sunset Shimmer’s eyes, and she embraced her former mentor tightly. “Thank you, Princess,” she said. “Thank you.”

Children make mistakes, Celestia told herself. That was the point of childhood. Make small mistakes then, so you don’t have to make them when you’re all grown up. It is a parent’s job to realize this. A parent’s job to let their child make mistakes, even if they think it would save them a little hardship now to avoid them.

And it is a parent’s job to let their children know one, simple fact: that no matter where they go, no matter what they do, they can always come home.

Author's Note:

Okay, so, I never really intended to write a "Sunset Shimmer meets Celestia again" fic...I've alluded to it a few times, but I basically treat them as having been fully reconciled by the time my fics start. But, I've had this idea in my head for a while...I'm sure this ground had been tread before, but I've always liked to think that Celestia was deeply worried about Sunset Shimmer all the time she was missing. Her first question when Twilight returns at the end of "Equestria Girls" was to ask if she was okay, so...yeah :twilightsheepish: I went ahead and wrote this. I don't know if it's any good or not, and it's kind of not my normal speed, but I couldn't get the idea out of my head.

I'm not sure if this belongs in my "Prep-Verse" or not. If it does, it's probably a prequel to the whole thing. But anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 56 )

Moderately touching.

Momlestia is best Celestia. And I am a sucker for Sunny and Tia bonding

:ajsmug: Scenes like these show the potential that Sunset Shimmer had which the movies completely wasted. This really should've happened in canon already, but I feel like we're past that point now. Oh well!

Beautiful :twilightsmile:

Sweet, though at times overwrought. Still, when you aren't tugging too hard on the reader's heartstrings, this works well.

Awwwww.....very touching and great work! :pinkiehappy: :heart:

This is one type of Fimfic, done a thousand times over, that I will never get tired of seeing the interpretations that people come up with :pinkiesad2:

A cute, touching little story. Great job on pulling the heartstrings!

Ceslestia's suggestion of moving the portal mirror to Canterlot does work where ever Sunset stays, instead of living in Equestria and visiting the human world from time to time she can live in the human world and visit Equestria from time to time. That's the advantage of having a portal between worlds that can be opened on demand, Sunset can actually live in both worlds. In fact in cannon it could work, it really should, I'l like to see Sunset in some episodes of the show, she lives both far away and right next door.

Effective not efficient. If the mail was efficient then it would move packages at minimum cost.

7873619 Woohoo! Moderately! I'll take it! :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for reading!

7873908 Hehe, I do love the motherly Celestia too :twilightsmile: Glad you liked it! Thanks for reading, and for faving!

7874555 Oh, I completely agree. I'm really afraid that with SciTwi in the main cast now, we're never going to get the opportunity, either...I mean, I LOVE SciTwi, don't get me wrong! I just...hope that we still get more development out of Sunset Shimmer, even with her there. That's all! Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

7874574 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

7874931 That's absolutely a fair criticism. I think what happened here is I sort of stumbled on that section. To be honest, there was a LOT that I wanted Sunset to say there. In my mind, she has a lot of reasons for refusing Celestia's offer here. A big one is, in my headcanon, she's just more comfortable as a human than she was as a pony. But a lot of what I had to say to that effect, I've said somewhere else before, and I didn't want to just retread old ground. But, the intention here wasn't that Sunset Shimmer was just staying in the human world to make amends. I didn't intend to imply that she's in some kind of self-imposed exile or something, though I can see how that may have come across. The thing I was more trying to get to was that she had found a place where she didn't want to run away anymore. A place where she actually wanted to stay and fix her mistakes, rather than escape them. There was also a little bit of asserting her independence in there as well, realizing that she was happier without all the obligations that Canterlot society put on her, and the thrill of being the first pony to really explore a whole new universe...but I guess none of this came across exactly the way I'd hoped :twilightsheepish: I'm glad you enjoyed it anyways! Thanks for reading!

7875134 Hehe, glad that I could make you cry! Wait...that's not what I meant! Gah! Stupid backspace key is broken, can't delete! :rainbowlaugh: Thanks so much! Thanks for reading, and for the fave!

7875150 Thank you so much :twilightsmile: I'll admit, drama's not my usual style, so it may have gotten a little heavier at points than I intended...still, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

7875440 I'm so glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for reading, and for the fave!

7875796 Yeah, the core idea here isn't really original...okay, not at ALL original :twilightsheepish: And I really wasn't going to do it...but I couldn't get the story out of my head! And I like to think this implementation is at least a little different than what's been done before, so hopefully I've at least added a little to the "Sunset Returns to Meet Celestia" story. Maybe...or maybe not :twilightsheepish: Thanks for reading!

7875894 I'm glad I could get an emotional reaction! :twilightsmile: I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

7876007 I like to imagine that Sunset actually is visiting Equestria fairly often...just not onscreen :rainbowlaugh: I mean, in a deleted scene from "Friendship Games" she talks about visiting Twilight in Equestria rather casually ("You can pay me back when I come to see you.") Not explicitly canon, but still! I like to imagine that they keep the mirror in Twilight's castle so that 1) Twilight can visit easily and 2) Sunset can visit her easily. And I hope we get to see some Sunset in Equestria in canon one day too...maybe in an upcoming EG movie? Hopefully? Thanks for reading, and for the fave!


That was the first story that made me cry in a long time. That's just so sweet. Please, take some favorites and a follow.

I get the feeling the only dislike is someone missing the like button.

7876681 I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: Thank you so much for the fave, and for following! I hope you like what's coming up!

7877089 Hehe, that'd be nice, but I can understand that this story might not be for everyone. I'm glad that you liked it, though! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

Rather well-done, and very big of Sunset to refuse to just turn her back on her mistakes and who she has become.

This is a very good one-shot.

Seems like something that would happen. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

7876237 I do think Equestrian Girls has drifted bit too far from it's parent series and needs an infusion of Equestrian characters and cross dimension interactions. Also haveing Twilight call apon Sunset to help her in Equestrian seems like a great plot device to use. Having things from the human world leek into Equestrian the same way Equestrian magic leeks into the human world perhaps?

7876237 A charming little read, I enjoyed it. :trollestia:

Nicely done. However, Celestia failed to remind her, "True, mistakes cannot be undone. I know, I've made plenty of mistakes, myself. However, I also learned that rebuilding relationships doesn't require mistakes to be undone. It only requires the courage to reach out reforge those relationships. You would not be running away from there to continue our lessons here. But you can still always come home."
And as Xanderfox mention, it wouldn't matter which world she resides in, SS could easily have both!

“This room in unoccupied.

That N has misplaced aspirations of being an S.

Otherwise a rather enjoyable little fic.

7877322 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, I think it's a sign of her development that she really tried to make amends back in CHS in the EG universe, even when it was difficult. Considering that a lot of her start of darkness was from her taking shortcuts...idk, I think it's a sign of growth! Thanks for reading!

7877368 I'm glad you think so! :raritystarry: Thanks for reading!

7877904 Thank you so much! This is how I've sort of been visualizing the meeting of Celestia and Sunset Shimmer for a while now. Call me a sucker for a happy ending :twilightsheepish: Thanks for reading!

7878354 I'm glad you found it charming! :twilightsmile: Thank you so much!

7878368 That is true, there are plenty of good responses that Celestia could have had there. The thing is, I didn't want to make it seem like she was pressuring Sunset Shimmer into coming back. That's why she accepts and respects her decision, before even asking why she made it. I totally subscribe to the theory that Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria frequently...I mean, she talks about it so casually in that one deleted scene, it just seems to make sense! Anyways, thanks for reading!

7878580 D'oh! :derpytongue2: My bad, thanks for catching that! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!

And for anyone who happens to be reading this...thank you so much for reading. This story has been performing much better than I ever thought it would, and I'm really grateful that people seem to be enjoying it. Thank you!

No you can't. Neat story though.

This was a beautiful story to read, I actually cried at the end. Thank you so much for posting this.
BTW, it helps to listen to some good music while reading the second half. I chose this.

Home is the place you make for yourselves. In the end, all children move away; it doesn't change their love for their parents but it does change the place and people they consider their true home.

No I'm not crying! YOU ARE CRYING!!

I'm not a fan of artificial feels by means of dead parents, but this is relatively inoffensive as they go, and honestly the orphan angle would explain a lotof Sunset's sense of entitlement. So I'm in favor of this.

7879095 Awww, I'm sorry to hear you feel that way :fluttercry: I'm still glad you enjoyed it, though! Thanks for reading!

7879228 I'm glad that my writing was able to touch you! :pinkiehappy: Thank you so much for reading, and for the music suggestion!

7879877 Wonderfully put! Thank you so much for reading! :twilightsmile:

7880131 Aww...well, I'm glad you liked it, no matter how much you're NOT crying! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!

7880448 I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile: This is a failing of mine to get my point across effectively, but my intent wasn't to paint it so it seemed that Sunset Shimmer actually had insecurities about being an orphan. The reason I have her be an orphan in my fics is that it seems to (to me) to be the best explanation for a few things we see in the movies. She ran away at what appears to be a very young age, but stays in the human world of her own free will, and the only real reference she makes to a life she left behind is Princess Celestia. It's possible she has a family back in Equestria that she's just not visiting, but...idk, it felt a little too sad for her to have actually run away from an unrelated family because of a fight she had with Celestia. Put on top of that some interactions that I think seem to indicate that she and Celestia have a mother/daughter relationship and...it fits, at least for me. I imagine, though, that she has absolutely no angst over it, and really considers Celestia to be her real parent. Anyways, thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

Um, one issue. In the Author's notes you say Celestia asked how Sunset was at the end of the Friendship Games. I think you meant to say the first Equestria Girls :rainbowwild:

Other than that, I dig it :moustache:

7881303 D'oh :twilightsheepish: Seems like I have Friendship Games on the brain...but it's just so good! :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for faving! :raritystarry:

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Now Reviews #101.

My review can be found here.

This was good.

7884702 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked it!

This reminds me of a song I heard (just last night, I think) as I was coming home from work. It's a song by Bon Jovi and featuring Jennifer Nettles. Who says you can't go home?:twilightsmile:

So Silfoe recently finished up a nice Celestia Sunset picture. Feels apropros for this story. You should ask her if you can use it for the cover art.


7886125 Haha, I'll admit, that song went through my mind a few times when writing this story :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for reading!

7887387 Wow, that really is a nice piece...I may reach out to her and ask, I'm just a little nervous about reaching out to a talented artist like that and asking if I can use their work for a random story :twilightsheepish: I have...social anxiety issues, heh...thanks for reading!

finally got aorudn to reading this godo story loved it wont even threaten you this time

7964095 Well, thank you so much :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Don't worry, I don't need threats :rainbowlaugh: Working on a new story now, so I hope you enjoy what's coming! Thanks for reading! :raritystarry:

8006816 I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading, and for the fave!

I can just imagine Princess Celestial grounding Sunset Shimmer now lol

8163570 "Young lady, you know better than to turn into a demon and try to conquer the world on a school night! You are grounded!" :rainbowlaugh: Thanks for reading!

i loved this. i cant think of anything else to say really.

I'm so glad you did! :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading, and for the fave!

Your welcome man. i love this story when im not working on my own stuff.

So this is a bittersweet one, huh? It hurts. OTL

Aw...No Solar Flare from Sunset saying no? I mean, if it had been my daughter...

Not that I plan on having a daughter, mind you, but still...

This was wonderful and heartwarming and exactly what I needed.

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