• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 11,146 Views, 259 Comments

Applejoy - BronyNeumo

The lengthy sequel to my "Confessions and Considerations" series of stories.

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Chapter 16

Chapter 16

"Scootaloo! Applebloom! Sweetie Belle!" Rainbow Dash's voice was growing even raspier and strained than usual as she tried calling the girls again and again. She stumbled down the tree-lined path, her hooves struggling to gain traction on the snow-covered surface. She grit her teeth as an icy blast of wind, funneled through the confines of the orchard, hit her head on.

She looked up, squinting against the stinging of the driving snow. All around her, she could see the blinding whiteness and terrible murk of the blizzard. Occasionally, the shelter of the tall trees provided enough of a break in the storm for her to see empty branches, icy and ghostly, creaking in the wind. But then, the vision faded from view as a fresh gust, carrying more snow, covered it anew. She stomped in frustration, compacting the soft layer of snow beneath her hooves. "This is crazy!" she screamed into the night, charging forward with reckless abandon.

She could not even hope to figure out where in the orchard she was. A good time before, she had passed beneath the sheltering arms of the hibernating apple trees, but she had no idea if that was hours, or mere minutes ago. For all she knew, she could have been running around in circles, hemmed in by the trees and blinded by the blizzard that barely allowed her to see which way was up. She ran. The only way she could be sure she was getting somewhere was to keep moving forward.

Her progress, however, came to an abrupt and unpleasant halt when she very nearly ran headfirst into a tree, jerking her forehead out of the way just in time to absorb the blow with her chest. She collapsed to the ground, sinking into the soft snow, the air knocked out of her lungs. Her first few gasps came up empty as she tried to inhale again, and several errant snowflakes found their way into her open mouth. She choked, coughing and sputtering, and somehow found she could finally breathe again. She rolled over onto her side, breathing deeply. After a few seconds of confused fumbling and flailing with her hooves, she was able to right herself, coming dizzily back to her hooves. She shook her head, trying to clear the ringing from her ears.

She padded forward once again, more cautiously than before. Around her, the swirling wind and snow danced, jeering and taunting her. She bit her lip, ducking her head down and out of harm's way. She wanted to scream again, but knew she should save her breath for more important things. "Scootaloo! Applebloom! Sweetie Belle!"


Applebloom groaned in her sleep. She had managed to get what felt like a few uneasy moments of sleep to herself, and now felt the illusion of that aura begin to fade away. She felt cold. Her fur was cold, her face was cold, everything about her was cold. She could have probably endured this, however, were it not for the thing poking into her side. Still only half-awake, she winced as she felt the prodding again and again. Finally, convinced something was attacking her, her eyes opened wide and she rolled over.

Applebloom choked as she nearly inhaled a mouthful of snow. She coughed and flailed her legs, trying to find purchase in the deep white powder. Finally, sputtering, she managed to right herself, standing shakily on all four legs, her pelt coated in snowflakes picked up in her struggles. She spit out some water that had found its way into her mouth, coughing a couple more times. She blinked, squinting against the dark of the forest and the brilliance of the pure blanket of snow all around her. As her vision came back into focus, the blurry outline of Sweetie Belle materialized against the white backdrop. Applebloom glared at her. "What… what is it?"

"Applebloom… It's Scootaloo. She won't wake up."

Applebloom's pre-planned retort died in her throat as her eyes went wide. In an instant, she had spun around, her gaze falling upon the orange pegasus filly. Scootaloo was curled into a ball, her front leg held awkwardly up to her face. In a sudden flash, everything that had happened came crashing back to Applebloom. The ice patch, the tree root, Scootaloo's screams, falling asleep with the other filly in her grasp, everything. Applebloom gulped. Her mouth, despite the snow she had nearly swallowed not moments before, felt strangely dry. "How long was Ah out?" she mumbled to no one in particular.

Sweetie Belle stepped up alongside her. "Not long. Not even a half-hour, really. Maybe ten minutes."

Applebloom could hardly hear her. She strode forward, approaching Scootaloo. She nudged her side, pressing up against her soft fur with her nose. Nothing. She did the same to her face. Nothing. She leaned in close, pressing her ear up against her fillyfriend's snout. It took a moment, but she was able to make out a slow, ragged pulsing sound. She breathed a sigh of relief. Scootaloo was still breathing, at least she knew that. She turned to look back at Sweetie belle, her face a mask of concern.

"Is she… is she…"

"No, Sweetie. She ain't." Applebloom paused. Her soaking mane clung to her head and neck, drawing in the cold. She shivered. "Ah don't know what to do. She needs help."

"We need to find somepony. We can't do this ourselves, AB." Sweetie Belle gave her a despairing look, her eyes brimming with tears.

Applebloom grimaced, sniffling as she turned to throw another glance back at Scootaloo. The other filly's eyes were tightly squinted shut in pain. Applebloom could feel her eyes watering. "We can't leave her."

"Then I'll go. I'll find somepony. We have to help her."

Applebloom shook her head. "You'll get lost. It… it has to be me. Ah'm an Apple. Ah know this orchard. If Ah can't find mah way home in a blizzard, nopony can." Applebloom trotted back over to Scootaloo. She looked down at her face, framed with purple hair and contorted in pain. She winced at the sight, closing her eyes and leaving the other filly a kiss on the cheek. She turned back to Sweetie Belle. "You keep her safe now, ya hear?"

Sweetie Belle nodded vigorously. "Always."

Applebloom stumbled, floundering as the snow became deeper, and reached Sweetie Belle, drawing her into a hug. She could feel the unicorn filly's fore legs lock around her neck desperately, as if she might never see her again. Applebloom tried not to think about that. She squeezed tighter for a split second before breaking away. Sweetie Belle sniffed, shaking her head to force away the tears that were bound to freeze.

Applebloom swallowed nervously as she poked her head out from around their mound of snow. Beyond their tiny alcove, the storm blew as fiercely as ever, and more and more snow was driven up against the sheer face of the opposite wall. Applebloom cast one last look at her two best friends in all of Equestria before she stumbled out into the fray.


Snow swirled about the living room window in an unrelenting mass as Applejack stared, straining to catch any sign whatsoever of her returning loved ones. She could feel a knot clench in her stomach. There was no way to see past the veritable curtain that shrouded the entire farmhouse, despite having turned every light on. Even inside the cozy room, Applejack shivered. She couldn't even remember having seen a storm like this one before. Most snowstorms that rolled through were light, more comparable to flurries than any real blizzard. The worst she had seen didn't even compare to this.

The flickering of the flames within the hearth played off the glass window pane as Applejack stared. Try as she might, she couldn't see anything. Finally, she sighed, admitting defeat. She gnashed her teeth as she turned away from the window. Not knowing what was happening outside was tearing at the very fabric of her mind. The knots and lines in the strong timbers and weathered wood paneling that made up the living room walls danced in the firelight. It was late – she knew that. She couldn't imagine anyone else being up, but even as she thought this, she could hear the creaking of floorboards coming from the upstairs. She turned her attention to the stairs as the sound of soft hoofsteps grew louder, resonating off the old stairwell walls. There could be only one pony who left such a light step.

Sure enough, a smooth, but slightly disheveled, pink mane came bobbing into view as Fluttershy appeared. From across the living room, the two mothers locked eyes, and a deep, profound understanding passed between them in the span of a few seconds. Wordlessly, Fluttershy spread her wings and leapt off the staircase, soaring through the air towards Applejack. She came to land daintily on her hooves and trotted the rest of the way to her friend. Fluttershy wrapped her fore hooves around Applejack's neck, laying them softly across her back. Applejack squeezed back even harder, burying her face into Fluttershy's shoulder.

Applejack emitted a few incoherent sounds as Fluttershy held her, nodding, as if to say she understood. She understood everything. Applejack sobbed quietly, withdrawing her face and finally breaking the hug. She sniffed as she set herself back down on her own four hooves, swaying from back to forth slightly. "Th- thanks," she choked.

Fluttershy tried to smile; a small, wan, encouraging smile. "Don't mention it."

"It's just… it's just so hard. Here Ah am, sittin' here with nothing to do, and Ah have no idea where Rainbow is. Ah have no idea where mah own sister is. Ah can't stand the thought that somethin' bad might happen and Ah wouldn't know about it!"

"I know." Fluttershy spoke quietly, her gaze held firm. "I know. I love them too, Applejack. Maybe not as much as you, but I still do. I want them home just as much as you."

Applejack nodded silently, simply letting Fluttershy continue. "I know Rainbow dash is out there doing her very best. And when Rainbow Dash does her very best, she usually wins. You have to believe that, Applejack. You have to believe that Rainbow Dash won't let anything bad happen without a fight. She's the Element of Loyalty for a reason, you know."

"Ah know. Ah know Dash'll do anythin' ta get those fillies home. Ah just… Ah just can't stand bein' outta the loop. Ah need ta know what's happenin'. Ah need to know when Ah'll see my wife again, when Ah'll see them all again."

"I'll wait with you, Applejack. You don't have to be alone."

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Applejack sat down next to her, wiping her damp eyes with a hoof. "That means a lot ta me."

The two mares stared silently into the fire for a long while. Their eyes flickered with the reflection of dancing flames. Suddenly, Applejack stood up, trotting out towards the kitchen. Fluttershy's gaze followed her expectantly. "Ah need somethin'," Applejack offered as her only explanation. Slowly, quietly, she moved past the kitchen and into the hallway, down past the guest rooms and towards the nursery. She could just barely hear the howling of the storm, its fury muffled by the cozy home's thick walls. Gently, she swung the nursery door open, and crept towards the crib that held her sleeping daughter. She smiled when her eyes befell the scene. Applejoy was sleeping peacefully, her little chest rising and falling only slightly with the disturbance of breath. Applejack stooped and carefully lifted her out.

Much to Applejack's relief, when Applejoy awoke, she didn't cry out. Her eyes blinked open in mild surprise. Applejack immediately felt herself calm as she looked upon her daughter's questioning face. Her bright magenta eyes, so much like Rainbow Dash's, Applejack realized for not the first time, had a sedating effect, as if the brash pegasus she had fallen in love with was in the room with her at that very moment. Applejack kissed her daughter's forehead and set her gently onto her back, feeling much more at ease as she left the nursery.

Fluttershy gave her a knowing smile when she arrived back in the living room. She set Applejoy down on the carpet before the fire and lay down next to her, curling her own body around her small form. She held Applejoy tight, and felt her fall back asleep within her embrace as the soothing heat of the crackling fire washed over all three. "Come now," she whispered, stroking the little filly's mane, "Let's wait for momma."


Applebloom felt like she had hardly taken a few steps. Casting a glance back over her shoulder, she found the swirling conflagration had swallowed her friends and their little alcove from view. She swallowed nervously, turning back around to fight forward into the storm. She passed beneath the dark silhouettes of countless trees, their close proximity being the only thing that kept her away from the worst of the storm. She squeezed her way through gaps between tree trunks, shaking herself every so often to clear away the snow that had built up in her fur.

She emerged from a tight patch of trees into a clearing she instantly recognized. Her face lit up, even in the face of even stronger gusts of wind. She had spent many lazy afternoons playing there as a filly. She could see where she was in perfect clarity. Feeling a sudden surge of newfound energy, she charged out into the clearing, crossing the deep, snowy blanket with a series of leaps. She knew the main path from the orchard into town lay beyond the next stand of trees. She reached the other side of the clearing, and a new line of trees materialized out of the storm ahead of her. She slowed down and plodded her way into the wood. As she shoved into a particularly deep patch of snow, her ear twitched once, and then again.

She stopped cold, listening. She could hear nothing but the whistling of the wind through branches high above her head and the whispering of the snow as it fell into the clearing behind her. For a moment, she thought she might be going crazy. She was about to push forward again when another sound rang out. Her senses piqued instantly. No, she wasn't going crazy. She had definitely heard something. Something faint, barely recognizable, yet distinct. Something high-pitched and undeniably separate from the constant throaty roar of the storm all around her.

She remained stock-still, listening intently, hoping to catch it again. Her ears rang with the ever-present rushing sound of the blizzard, but once again, she heard something ring out, cutting through the din. It seemed louder this time; closer, and it sounded like… like… a pony's voice?

Applebloom took off, stumbling forward, giving no heed to the depth of the snow around her. She shoved her way between two particularly close trees and tumbled into another snow bank, emerging from the grove into a long swath of open space – the road from town. Snow swirled all around her. The trees disappeared from view. The blizzard was worse in this open area, and Applebloom couldn't see anything. Even so, she heard it again: the high-pitched voice cutting through the background noise like a hot knife through apple pie. She could hardly make out words, but in her mind, even though she remained dimly aware she could just be imagining things, she could have sworn she heard her name.

In desperation, she screamed into the murk. "AH'M HERE! HERE!" she kept on shouting, unable to tell if there was any response, until she was hit full force by something solid, tumbling backwards from the blow. She came to a rest on her back in the snow, her head spinning. For a few seconds, her vision drifted in and out of focus, but then something materialized out of the nothingness above her and swam into view. A pair of wide, magenta eyes stared down at her.

Rainbow Dash coughed and wheezed; her throat felt dry and raw. She was sore from crying out so many times. She took a deep breath. "A…" She coughed again. "Applebloom?" Her voice was hoarse and crackly.

Applebloom shook her head, scarcely able to believe her eyes. Rainbow Dash stared down at her in anticipation. When she recognized the cyan pegasus, a wave of relief rolled over the young earth pony. "Rainbow Dash, Ah…. Rainbow Dash! Ya have to come now!" She squirmed, startled, Rainbow Dash jumped up, letting the filly right herself. Applebloom shook the snow from her fur and waved her companion on with a hoof. "Come on. This way. Hurry!"

"What… what's wrong?" Rainbow dash croaked, deftly following the younger pony towards the edge of the path.

"Scootaloo. She's hurt. No time to explain. Come on!"

"Scoots? She's hurt?" Rainbow Dash bounded forward, adrenaline coursing through her as Applebloom led her onward. They passed back into the grove of trees, Applebloom foraging a path forward through the trough of snow she had carved not moments ago. They cut back across the clearing, sauntering through ever-mounting depths. As they reached the other side, Applebloom found her hoofprints again, undisturbed within the tightly-packed copses of trees where the wind could not reach. Picking up speed, she rushed ahead, Rainbow dash following in her wake, her face a mask of concern. Before too long, a towering mound of snow, the size of a small hill, loomed within their sights. Applebloom sighed in relief. They were nearly there.

Sweetie Belle looked up in surprise when she heard shuffling noises returning to their sheltered niche. She blinked as two figures emerged from the billowing snow. A tired voice called out to her. "Where's Scoots?" Wordlessly, Sweetie Belle pointed behind her and a cyan blur rushed past her. Applebloom trotted up to her friend and both turned towards the two pegasi.

Rainbow Dash hurried up to the curled orange ball that was Scootaloo. Her eyes were closed and she was not moving, yet Rainbow Dash could just barely see her chest rise and fall slightly. She reached down and laid a hoof across Scootaloo's cheek. She was cold. Rainbow Dash winced. She reached out, grasping the filly, and shook her gently, but received no response. Even in the chill, Rainbow Dash could feel the blood run from her face. She spun around, looking directly at the two wide-eyed fillies. "Help me get her onto my back," she barked, some confidence returning to her voice.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle nodded, rushing over. "Wait." Sweetie Belle stopped as they were about to lift. "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner." She peeled off her hat and scarf, transferring them both to Scootaloo, who already wore Applebloom's scarf. Sweetie belle stepped back. Scootaloo certainly looked warmer, if not any better.

Rainbow dash nodded, "Good idea." She pulled Applejack's scarf off herself and wrapped it around the unconscious filly as well. Then, gently, she lifted Scootaloo's prone form and shimmied her head underneath, so that she rested upon Rainbow Dash's shoulders. "Ok. One… two… three… lift!"

On command, both fillies pushed as Rainbow Dash lifted her neck. Scootaloo slid easily onto the elder pegasus's back. Rainbow dash grunted as her load settled into place atop her. Scootaloo certainly was heavier than the filly she was used to carrying around. Gradually, she got her hooves underneath her and stood up, her legs straining in protest. She took a few deep breaths and shook her head. "Alright… I'm taking her to the hospital."

Applebloom nodded, walking up to the pegasus. "Ok. We'll stick close behind."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No," she said sternly. Applebloom made to protest, but Rainbow Dash clapped a hoof over her mouth. "I said no. You both have already been out here for too long. Applebloom, you're not wearing anything, and Sweetie Belle only has her coat."

Applebloom stomped her front hooves against the hard-packed snow. "So? Ah'm not leavin' her."

"Go home. Find AJ. Tell her what happened and where I am. Get yourselves safe. Get yourselves warm. I'll handle this."

"But… Ah have ta be with her." Applebloom stared back up at Rainbow Dash defiantly.

"Applebloom." Rainbow Dash glared right back. "Trust me. I'm not gonna let Scoots down. It's not safe for you to come all the way to the hospital with us, and AJ needs to know what happened. You have to tell her."

"But, Ah…"

"Do you really want AJ to worry? She's probably scared to death for us right now. Go home. Let her know you're safe. Then get help. I'll take good care of Scoots."

For a moment, Applebloom looked ready to argue further, then her face fell and she nodded weakly. "Ok… just… just make sure she's safe… Ah think… Ah think Ah love her." She threw her arms around Rainbow Dash's neck, startling her for a second.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a fore leg around Applebloom and patted her on the back, nuzzling her gently. "I know. I do too… I do too."

They separated. Applebloom wiped a stray tear from her eyes before it froze. Rainbow Dash gave her a half-smile. "Get going. AJ needs to know where we are." Applebloom nodded, and then she and Sweetie belle ran back into the orchard. In a matter of seconds, Rainbow Dash could see neither. She took a deep breath and then turned around, heading for the road, Ponyville, and the hospital. She could only hope she had enough time.