• Published 11th Jan 2017
  • 2,965 Views, 33 Comments

A Replica In Equestria - Golden Flare

[Displaced Story] I heard of the rumors of people disappearing at conventions, but I didn't believe it, until I went, cosplaying as Riku Replica. Now I'm stuck in a little girl's TV show, what could go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 1

I awoke groggily to the sound of explosions, but they sounded like they were close by and far away at the same time. Once my senses finally recollected themselves, I slowly stood up, trying not to make myself dizzy again. I found myself in some kind of alley in a city, still hearing the explosions. Did something happen while I was out? Did that man drag me here?

Either way, I'm not gonna get my answers standing around here, after my dizziness faded away I ran out of the alley and saw something crazy.

A weird-looking city being destroyed by horse sized and shaped bugs with wings and horns.

And little technicolor horses running around in a panic.

This all looked WAY too familiar to me, almost as if this was...

The man's words suddenly came flooding back into the forefront of my mind.

"Truth be told, you should've believed those rumors...Riku Replica."

Subconsciously, I turn my head to face a conveniently placed mirror shop, which I saw Riku Replica standing where I am right now.

...I can't believe it.

The rumors were true.

I backed back into the alley and tried to calm myself down, but to little avail. On the inside, I was panicking, trying to believe that this was some kind of bad dream that I was having after Rebecca made me watch another My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic marathon, and on the outside, I was hyperventilating and constantly pinching myself to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

But I still remain awake.

This was no dream.

This was real.

And that made it ten times worse.

At first I felt fear of the situation I was in, then I felt grief as my parents may never know what happened to me and that I may never see them again. And lastly...

I felt anger.

Anger towards the man who sold me that Soul Eater and putting me in this situation to begin with.

Knowing me, I needed some kind of outlet for my anger before I burst.

And the fact that I was Riku Replica, a being who embraced the darkness, which was crafted from rage and despair, didn't help matters either.

Then a stray thought came to me, the Changelings were bad, especially their queen.

My little sister only showed me the first few seasons of her show, but I don't care.

I had anger to vent.

Not wanting to stand around anymore, I willed the Soul Eater into my hand and it did, I was so mad I didn't even care how I did that. I rushed back out of the alley and chopped a nearby Changeling in half, watching it slowly die and I turned my attention to the others in the vicinity as they saw what I did. With an emotionless gaze, I rushed towards them.

This day has been just perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
Everypony I'll control
Every stallion, mare, and foal

Who says a girl can't really have it all?

Chrysalis giggled maliciously as Twilight snuck over to Princess Cadence.

"Quick! Go to him while you still have the chance!" Twilight said as she freed Cadence.

Suddenly, Chrysalis cried out in pain as she felt like something sharp sliced her in two, "What...? One of my subjects has...died? But how?!"

A groan from Shining Armor gained her attention, "Is the wedding over?"

"It's ALL over!" Chrysalis said.

"The spell! Use your spell!" Twilight said to Shining, but Chrysalis cackled.

"What good would that do? My Changelings already roam free!" she pointed out as they all saw the destruction her subjects were creating.

Chrysalis cried out again as she felt more of her precious Changelings die.

"What's up with her?" Rainbow asked, which made Chrysalis glare at the lot of them.

"I thought Equestrian were taught never to kill! Is it that my Changelings are the only exception?!"

"What are you talking about? The Royal Guard never kills another pony, or anything else for that matter!"

"Oh really? Then explain why I can feel the pain of death my Changelings are enduring!"

Nopony had an answer for her as they all remained silent. Just then, Shining Armor felt a dark presence in the city and kneeled in pain of how strong it was.

"Shining? What's wrong?" Cadence asked.

"It's not us." everyone in the Great Hall were confused by his words, "Somepony else...or something is killing the Changelings. I picked up a dark aura in the city. A really...strong one."

They all gasped, even Chrysalis.

As I kept killing off more of these monsters, I made my way to the castle and to the Great Hall, where the wedding, and the queen, would be. After trying to traverse the castle like a gigantic maze, I finally found those massive doors that led to where their queen was. Now, in any other situation, I should've strolled right in with a smug grin on my face, ready for an epic battle.

But with my mind clouded with anger...

With a battle cry, I used my sword to slice the door several times until they fell apart, revealing multiple shocked ponies and an equally shocked Changeling queen.

"Knock, knock, motherfucker!!" I yelled.

They gasped at my use of profanity, but I didn't care, I had a queen to slaughter. Without a moment's hesitation, I ran towards Chrysalis and went for her horn, she retaliated with a beam from her horn, but I slashed it away, blowing up a piece of the Great Hall in the process. What I didn't notice at the time was that Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were combining their magic to blast the Changelings and their queen away from Equestria.

Chrysalis and I were locked in the middle, my sword meeting her horn, when I finally saw what they were doing. I pushed her away and dove behind a fragment of rubble, bracing myself for the magical attack. When it was unleashed, I felt myself being forced out of the room, but I held firm, refusing to be ejected from the land.

Chrysalis and her subjects didn't fare better than me as they were blasted out of Canterlot and Equestria in general, screaming all the while. As Shining and Cadence came down from their magical high, as I call it, I tried to make myself scarce before something really bad happened. But my hopes were dashed to pieces when Twilight went to see if her teacher was alright.

...Don't ask me why I know their names, my sister REALLY kept me on a metaphorical leash when it came to her show.

"You have a real wedding to put together." Twilight smiled at her mentor, who looked serious all of a sudden, "But first..." she turned to me as I tried to tiptoe away to the chopped up door, "HALT!"

I seized up and slowly turned to face the ponies, all my anger dissipated after that blast. Seeing all of their glaring faces, all I could do was smile and chuckle nervously and run like a chicken.

"Guards! Seize him!" Celestia ordered.

The moment I heard that and the rattling of armor, I tried to run faster, hoping my Dark Mode suit would enhance my speed or something. By the time I made it outside, the guards were gaining on me, I needed to slow them down somehow. It was then that a thought crossed my mind: if I'm Riku Replica, then I must have all of his abilities!

With a smirk, I spun around and fired Dark Firaga at the guards while shouting, "Drop!" and the explosion hit a couple of them and caught the rest off guard as I escaped. Once at the train, I ran pass the ticket pony and jumped on the caboose of the train as it drove away, leaving the city and guards behind, who were cursing me as I waved at them. I sat on the end of the caboose as I thought rationally for the first time here; my old life is gone, all because of that merchant, now I'm trapped here and pretty much everyone wants me dead.

Yeah, I'm gonna die.

Comments ( 29 )

Yay riku replica I'm very excited to see what happens next keep up the good work update more soon :twilightsmile: and question will there be a paring in this story :rainbowderp:

"Knock, knock, motherfucker!!" I yelled.

I am officially invested!:rainbowlaugh:

Should've ran away when he had the chance

Nice start. When you are ready do you want to do a cross. (Zidane from FF9)

Well, I can safely say that I'm invested. If you'd like, once it gets a little further down the road, we can do a crossover with my new Sinestro Corps Hal Jordan story.

7860578 Sure, just one question: do you have a Gdocs?

7860615 We'll see

7860754 Okay, when the time comes, send me the link to your Gdocs via PM and we'll work together on it

You got me hooked at " Knock Knock Mother Fuckers"

Yo I can haz crossover?

7861802 Depends, what story do you want to crossover with mine?

7861808 I only have one. (That's public) The Equestrian Omni Knight

7861828 I haven't read it yet, so if I get confused on something, you might have to fill in the blanks for me, but yeah, down the road we can crossover

7861841 SWEET. And I'll definitely fill in any blanks. When you read throu it, pick an item, it might just make things interesting

7862377 I'll take your word for it

7862387 Hey, i see, the truth over the master xehanort's keyblade:

Ok that was funny, I'm invested

Die die we al... oh right I already did this on a nother story.

"What are you talking about? The Royal Guard never kills another pony, or anything else for that matter!"

Ah, yes. 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', the code of the weak.

Your video is not working.

Any chance you'll update this or is it dead for good?

8980140 I will update this, I just haven't had the time or inspiration to do so yet

Whats going to happen next?

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