• Published 15th Jan 2017
  • 7,615 Views, 498 Comments

My Little Paper Mario - Codex92

Bowser has another heinous scheme on his claws to defeat Mario and take Princess Peach once and for all, but the mushroom-eating plumber will have some help from six mares accidentally transported to the Mushroom Kingdom by a botched dimension spell.

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Siege on Bowser's Castle (Part 1)

It was time for the heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom and the six ponies from another world to storm Bowser's massive fortress and rescue Princess Peach. After their cheer, they exited the docking bay for Bowser's odd clown car contraptions and stood by the bridge, where they looked up to see the princess's castle sitting on top of the tall and wide fortress, where it would be crawling with the Koopa King's strongest and toughest defensive forces. The ponies looked down at the moat that the bridge crossed over, wincing at the sight of lava slowly flowing along as a means of protection from anyone daring enough to cross over and enter Bowser's domain. There were no guards watching the doorway, though they didn't need any with the door being locked from the outside, and no sign of a key outside.

"You sure we can't try to fly up there?" Rainbow asked.

"If Bowser's got Bullet Bill Cannons set up for aerial defenses, it's best not to take that chance," Goombario said. "We storm in. That's the only safest possible way of getting to him and Princess Peach."

"But where are the guards?" Twilight questioned. "Even if there is a lava moat, it would make sense to have guards watching the door for any intruders."

Mario shook his head, retelling previous methods of defense for when Bowser tried to take of the Mushroom Kingdom several times in the past and storming his older castles. One of them that shocked the Mane Six more was that Bowser tried throwing an entire military at him, including tanks, warships, and airships to try to stop him. Even with heavy artillery, Bowser never stood a chance, and there were other insane methods Mario could describe, but left them out as the mares got the gist of why he had less guards standing outside his front doors.

"Bowser doesn't have any standards with defending himself, does he?" Pinkie asked.

"Nope. Just brute force and getting frustrated when his strongest guards can't stop Mario," Kooper said.

The party looked around for a side entrance, a secret passage Bowser left unguarded. There was one path that was on the other side of the moat, which looked to have been formed out of cooled molten rock and had a doorway etched out into it. Being the only way for now, they carefully treaded along the safer ground once they walked over the bridge. Having dealt with the unbearable heat of lava in Mt. Lavalava before, at least most of them, they found that it was actually part of the inside of the fortress with its grayish-blue cobblestone walls, wired fences blocking off sections of the wall, and the safe walkway overlooking the lava with fences to keep someone from falling over and burning themselves.

At the other end of the short walkway down the small flight of steps, they saw a Koopatrol standing guard in front of what appeared to be a cell, where they heard a few of the prisoners inside talking. Before the guard even had a chance to notice them, Mario gave Kooper's shell a hard whack with his hammer, sending the blue-shelled Koopa Troopa smacking into the guard's head, knocking him out cold. Hearing the Koopatrol fall over, the prisoners gasped from the impact, their saviors walking into view, feeling relieved to see Mario. Most of the prisoners were Toads, one of them being a guard of the castle while the older one the plumber recognized as Peach's adviser/father figure, Toadsworth.

"Master Mario!" the elder, brown-spotted Toad exclaimed with joy, running up to the bars as best as he could in his old age. "Oh, thank the Stars you are alive! And you're here to save us, along with a lot of backup...Not unlike you, but help is definitely needed."

"Hello, old Toad!" Pinkie greeted.

Toadsworth blanched when he saw the six ponies, though took offense at Pinkie calling him old. "I am not that old. And my name is Toadsworth, Her Royal Highness's royal adviser and caretaker...Master Mario, who are these...creatures?"

"Uhh, I think it'd be too much of a long story to explain," Twilight said. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. We're here to help Mario stop Bowser and rescue everypony who were taken hostage, including you."

"...You mean 'everyone'," Toadsworth corrected.

"She does," Goombario said. "They have a different way of expressing the term for people. They come from another world."

Toadsworth raised a brow, but knowing they didn't have the time to sit around and chat, he went along with it until this whole mess with Bowser was settled. While the adviser spoke with Mario, Goombario, and Twilight, Rainbow decided to rummage over the unconscious Koopatrol. She hit the jackpot when she found a key he was hiding in his shell.

"Hey, guys! Looks like I found our key to actually get in!" Rainbow announced as she held up the yellow key. "Now it's time to really storm the castle!"

"Wait, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said, snatching the key out of her friend's hoof. "What about these Toads? They're trapped in that cell!"

"Don't worry about us," the guard Toad said. "Just save the princess. She's more important than us."

"Not to worry," Twilight assured. "I've got this." Lighting up her horn, she aimed her magic at the bars to create a hole for the prisoners to walk out. Unfortunately, her magic bounced off the bars, dissipating her mana as it shot up in the air. "What in Equestria? A seal?"

"Probably one of Kammy Koopa's most powerful seals," Toadsworth uttered. "She went through great lengths to keep me contained, and far enough away from the princess. Even if you could break through, it would take too long, and I fear Her Highness is in trouble knowing Master Mario is here in Bowser's very castle. Don't worry about us. We'll be fine."

Twilight grunted in frustration, but seeing the looks on the Toads faces assured them that Peach's safety mattered more than their own. "I'm sorry I couldn't be much help," she apologized before they made their way back outside to the front entrance of Bowser's fortress.

Though discouraged that Kammy Koopa had some really powerful magic considering how little she did while beside Bowser, Twilight wasn't going to let her failed attempt at a jailbreak get her down, especially when it involved someone who raised Peach. As soon as they reached the door, they used the key and unlocked it, tossing the lock aside. Before they walked in, having a feeling there would be guards in the next room, Rainbow grabbed Watt and rubbed her around, making her giggle while sparking herself up to give their foes a shock. Once she was ready, she burst through the doors into what appeared to be where the lava was constantly flowing to keep the moat flowing. There were a few Koopatrol guards on the bridge connected over the lava, unable to react to the speeding, electrified pegasus bursting in, smacking into them, and shocking them with a powerful volt that knocked them unconscious along with getting tackled by her.

With the way clear, everyone else ran across the walkway and into the next hall, where they were met with more Koopatrols and a couple Hammer Bros. These guards were aware unlike their comrades in the last room when they heard the electricity sparking from Rainbow Dash. The gray, spike-shelled Koopas tossed themselves into the intruders, only to get sent knocked back by Pinkie and Mario with a powerful swing of their hammers.

"Five!" Pinkie shouted.

"I think you mean 'fore'," Parkarry said.

"No, five," Pinkie insisted. "That's five Koopatrols total that are getting their stubby-tailed tushies knocked out." One of the Koopatrols that got knocked back recovered and tried attacking them again, the Hammer Bros. backing them up prepping their hammers to volley back their allies if they got knocked away again. "Hey! No! You stay back there!"

Pinkie swung at him again, sending the Koopatrol hurtling toward one of the Hammer Bros., only to smack them right back. Mario and Pinkie alternated hitting the ping-ponged Koopatrol as if they were playing in a doubles match of tennis, only with a lack of a net and boundaries, and the only way to score a point was by knocking the "ball" into their opponents. The hammer-wielding Koopas tried to play dirty as they tossed several hammers at Mario and Pinkie to throw them off while still volleying their friend back and forth, but Rarity and Twilight intervened and dealt with them using their magic to send their hammers back toward them. Eventually, they ended up getting struck by a stray hammer, stunning them and leaving them open to get hit in the gut hard by the Koopatrol. Even though the elite guard tried to bounce himself back, aiming for Pinkie, the energetic party pony side-stepped away, tripped him with her hammer, and sent him flying into the thick skull of Goombario as he headbutted him right in his soft underbelly, knocking the wind out of him and knocking him out cold as he tumbled to a halt.

At the end of the hallway, they walked through the door into the next room, surprised to see a huge double door with Bowser's face on it, and on their left were a couple blocks with more of Bowser's face etched on them. "Boy, he sure does have an ego, doesn't he?" Applejack commented.

"Wait until you see how many statues of himself he has on display at his real castle in his kingdom," Lakilester said. "I swear, all the money in his treasury goes to those things, if there is any in there."

"Blooooooooagh!" Everyone jumped at the mysterious voice that appeared out of nowhere. They looked around, only to find no sign of any enemies waiting to ambush them. It laughed at their surprise, their heads turning to face the stone door with Bowser's head, shocking them more when they saw it move as it mocked them. "Welcome, worms! I am called the Guard Door of Bowser's Castle, and it's my job to keep intruders like you from passing through."

"And now we have magically enchanted talking door faces," Bow uttered. "What next? A talking cookie?"

"Aww, that means I won't be able to eat a cookie if it can talk," Pinkie whimpered.

"Alright, guard door thing," Kooper said as he approached the enchanted doorway. "Let us through, or we'll bash our way through."

"Oh no. You're going to try to break my face in," the door sarcastically said before blowing a raspberry at the Koopa Troopa. "I'm indestructible, genius. But I'm sure you three are desperate to pass through. Why don't you all come just a bit closer?" Being cautious, everyone gathered in front of the talking door. "Everyone standing directly in front of me?"

"Yes," Twilight said. "What exactly are you-?"

The floor underneath them suddenly flipped open, making everyone except Bow, Watt, and Lakilester scream as they fell through the trapdoor. The hovering members flew down after them to make sure they were alright as they surprisingly fell into the same cell where they left Toadsworth and the other Toads earlier, a big mistake on their part as the trap closed on them. The guard door laughed as everyone who fell groaned while trying to untangle themselves from the massive dogpile.

"Suckers!" the door guffawed. "Now you're all trapped! Try all you like to escape, but it'll be useless!"

"I think we should have seen that coming," Rarity grumbled.

"We'll find a way out, blockhead!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Good luck with that," the door said. "Tell you all what: If you all manage to make it back up here, which I doubt, I'll let you pass. But I know you won't even make it, so why bother!?"

His laugh echoed throughout the cell, leaving the determined heroes to find a way out while the Toads seemed worried about their predicament. "Well, this is quite unexpected," Toadsworth muttered. "Then again, Bowser did have ways of being sneaky for a brute his size."

"Oh great. Now we're all trapped in here," one of the Toads groaned in despair. "What are we gonna do now?"

Looking around the "impenetrable" cell, Bombette noticed a familiar looking crack in one of the walls. She smirked, if she ever had a mouth, humming a little tune as she walked over to the damaged section of the cell.

"Watch and be amazed as I make this wall disappear!" Bombette announced, lighting up her fuse and waited patiently. Hearing her about to go off, everyone backed up far enough as the pink Bob-omb exploded, cracking open the wall and giving them the escape route they needed. Bombette landed on her toes in a pose after landing from her explosion. "Ta da! And now, to make us disappear from this cell!"

"Looks like Bowser's fortress isn't as perfect as it was meant to be," Twilight noted. "At least now all of us can escape."

"Well, that's a bit of a problem," Parakarry said. "This section's got a moat of lava flowing around. So...how are those who can't fly get over without getting burnt?"

Exiting the cell, the storming party looked outside to see a section around the outer wall of the castle where they walked alongside the moat to the cell located here. There was a platform around the corner, but it was too far for any of them, aside from Mario, to jump across. This made it difficult to help evacuate Toadsworth and the other captives, though if Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were able to fly them to safety considering how small and light the Toads were compared to them, they could steal one of Bowser's clown copters and make it back down to the kingdom safely.

"We'll start by getting Toadsworth and these Toads over to the other side first," Twilight planned. "We'll try to work out what to do from there if we can find a route around."

"Umm, how about Mario, Parakarry, Bow, Lakilester, and me check what's down the other end of the moat?" Watt suggested. "Maybe we can stop the lava."

"Yeah. That one room had a mechanism that kept the lava flowing when we barged in," Kooper said. "If we stop the flow, it'll cool the lava into rock and make it safe for the rest of us to walk on."

"So, that means the rest of us will stay behind until it's safe," Sushie added. "Fine by me, as long as I don't end up a charred Cheep Cheep."

Going along with the plan, the alicorn and two pegasi lowered themselves down for the Toads to climb up on their backs. Once they were safely settled, they jumped over to the safe walkways, using the heat coming from the lava to lift them up as they glided across. Once they were by the outside section of the bars from the cell, the Toads climbed down and began making their way to the docking bay to escape, Toadsworth stopping as he turned to face the three mares.

"Good luck to all of you," he said. "And to you and your friends, Miss Twilight. I'm not sure how long you've been here in the Mushroom Kingdom, but Bowser is not one to be trifled with if you're assisting Master Mario."

"We had a bit of an...experience with him," Twilight said. "We sort of appeared in front of Peach when my spell backfired in her castle before Bowser showed up."

"Hmm...I see," Toadsworth mumbled. "Just be careful. You and your friends look like something from a storybook...though I cannot recall where I've seen you before. Creatures like you don't deserve to see violence of Bowser's nature."

"Oh, trust us, old timer. We've seen plenty of action in our world," Rainbow assured. "It's not so peaceful where we're from compared to here."

Toadsworth nodded in understanding and hurried to catch up with the other Toads, deciding to wait until Peach has been rescued to learn more about the otherworldly creatures. As soon as he left, the trio of mares hurried back around to the others, where Mario and the flying members of the party checked on ahead further down the moat. There were several perilous platforms close to the wall, some of them moving back and forth to each safer, more stable grounds, while others seemed to float and sink down with enough weight pushing them down. Mario was very careful leaping across each platform, a cakewalk compared to some dangerous gaps from Bowser's previous castles he's been through. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Parakarry simply glided across with their wings while Bow, Watt, and Lakilester floated across with no hindrance to their hovering.

Along the way, they found a hallway where some lave was flowing in, but it was too low for those with wings to try to fly into without getting smacked into the ceiling. Lakilester volunteered to check it out, floating over the lava and into a small room with a treasure chest. Taking a peek inside, there was a castle key, keeping it on him in case there was a lock they needed to open to continue onward. Moving on, picking up a Thunder Rage and a strange bag with a question mark on it for future groups of enemies, Bow had to help Mario pass through a waterfall of lava while on a moving platform to avoid getting burnt, the gap between both sides too wide for him to jump over without risking getting himself fried.

They soon found another hallway, this time with the lava flowing out, which happened to be the source of where the lava was flowing into the moat. Mario climbed onto Lakilester's cloud as they, Watt, and Bow went inside to take a look while the mares and Parakarry waited, unable to pass due to the low ceiling of the entranceway. There was the source of the lava flowing out like a faucet as it hit the ground, the group of four being careful not to let the drops of lava splashing around to burn them. As soon as they reached solid ground, they climbed around to the top of the spout, where they were met with a trio of Koopatrols and a Kamek behind them.

"Ah! Oh no! It's Mario!" one of the spike-shelled Koopas exclaimed in fear.

"H-He's gonna cream us!" another said, only to get smacked upside the head by the Kamek's wand.

"Quit your bellyaching!" the wizard shouted at the terrified Koopas. "He's not much of a threat, even with a Boo, a Sparky, and a Lakitu with him!...Wait a minute, that Lakitu looks familiar."

"You should, since I stand out among the others along with my girlfriend, Lakilulu," Lakilester said, adjusting his glasses. The Kamek balked, recognizing the shades as the Lakitu smirked. "That's right. Lakilester's the name. And I'm working with Mario now."

"...Oh, crud," the Kamek uttered.

"What's so special about that Lakitu?" the last Koopatrol asked, sounding curious as well as frightened.

"He's the Lakitu who's ever mastered...Cloud Nine," the Kamek said, the information blowing past the other three Koopas' heads.

"And don't you forget it!" Lakilester said, pulling out several Spiny eggs from his cloud. "Who's up for a spike storm!?"

He flung hundreds of eggs at the four foes, the Koopatrols quickly ducking under their shells while the Kamek yelped and danced around trying to avoid getting pricked. "You're not going to be around to gloat any longer, you traitor!" he exclaimed, aiming his wand at the Lakitu.

Behind the Kamek, Bow appeared with her fan in her hand, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Excuse me," she said politely, but when he turned to face her, she gave him a sadistic grin and slapped him silly with her fan, spinning him around and immediately making him dizzy after several hard smacks.

The Koopatrols poked their heads out of their shells, thinking Lakilester had run out of Spinies to throw, only to be met with Watt as she zipped into their faces and shocked their limps out. Completely vulnerable from the paralytic shock, Mario charged forward and beat the stunned Koopas, punching their faces or abdomens and knocking the weaker of the elite guards unconscious. Once the group was beaten, Kamek given one last smack in the face by Bow that knocked him unconscious, the small party found a button near where the enemy Koopas were. Mario pressed the button down, stopping the flow of lava as it trickled to a halt, and with the lack of continuous heat from the flowing magma, it cooled down pretty quickly.

"Wow, that's some fast-cooling lava," Rainbow commented.

"It...shouldn't cool this fast," Twilight said, her sense of logic telling her this didn't make sense, but considering they were busy trying to save the kingdom, she'll throw any puzzling questions out the window to avoid wasting time.

Mario, Lakilester, Bow, and Watt rejoined Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Parakarry, waiting for a while as the rest of their friends caught up with them now that the lava was hardened and cooled enough to walk on. After regrouping, they continued on down the end of the moat, where there was a locked door. Luckily, Lakilester found that key, using it to open up the way and entered what was hopefully a route leading back up to where they were. Walking through, the next area was pitch black, no light source anywhere as they seemed to walk on what felt like a cavernous floor.

"It's r-r-r-really dark in here," Fluttershy whimpered.

She yelped when someone closed the door behind them, clinging onto someone nearby. Twilight lit up her horn to shed some light around them, Rarity joining her along with Watt as she was held in Mario's hands. Now that they could see, they were glad no one had moved any further. It looked like a massive cavern was built directly underneath Bowser's floating fortress, the pathways thin as it climbed up and around, and down below seemed to be a pit of nothingness. Fluttershy had latched onto Kooper in her fright, gently patting her head to help calm her a little now that they could see.

"Ok, everyone, be very careful," Goombario warned, daring to look down over the edge. He regretted to, swallowing the nervous lump in his throat as he stepped over to the dead center of the path. "Try not to slip off the edge..."

"What is this place supposed to be anyway?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe another section of a dungeon he was going to build," Twilight guessed, looking down over the edge. "There is a bottom, at least. If there wasn't, we'd probably be able to see the Mushroom Kingdom down below. No wonder this area was devoid of any illumination since it appears to be sealed off."

"Let's just hope that we'll find a way back to where we were," Bombette said.

Carefully navigating their way along the surprisingly stable pathways in the dark caverns, the party climbed up to the top while jumping across the small gaps in their way. It wasn't to say that it was a smooth walk since there were some of Bowser's henchmen lurking in the cavern, a new kind of enemy called a Bony Beetle that unnerved the Mane Six when Goombario explained that they were the skeletons of a Buzzy Beetle, only these ones were able to jut out spikes from their shell at will or whenever they get shocked. Mario decided to keep Watt in his hands at that to avoid everyone getting pricked if their spikes are in their shells.

Eventually, they finally seemed to reach the top where the cavernous ground shifted back to the stone tiles of the castle, and there was some light in the next room for them to see without a light source. Unfortunately, it was a dead end with only one of those Bowser blocks in the middle of the room, the same ones that were in that room with the guard door.

"Great. A dead end," Rainbow groaned. "I think it would have been better to try to go back around, fly everyone back up to the front entrance of the castle, and try again."

While the suggestion was a possibility, Mario stopped everyone from heading back into the dark cavern as he focused on the block. His Lucky Star began glowing white, making his pupils white as well as he tapped into the perception abilities bestowed upon him by Rarity's magic. He examined the block, which looked a lot more hollow than it seemed, then looked at one of the walls. There was a similar hollow block on the other side of the wall, which actually revealed a secret passage that was hidden by a similar Bowser block on the other side. Feeling curious, he pressed his hands against the side of the block and pushed. It moved against his strength, along with the same block that blocked the way, somehow connected with the one he was pushing while his actions surprised the others.

"Wowie zowie!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Secret passages!" She bounced over to their exit, poking her head out to see where they ended up. Ironically enough, the secret passage lead them right back to the same room with the guard door, the Bowser head's smug grin turning into a shocked jaw hitting the floor. "Hi, Mr. Scary Guard Door!"

"W-What!? But-but how!?" he exclaimed in confusion. The others walked into the room while the guard door was utterly baffled. "T-There was no chance for you to escape! The bars were magically enchanted, the moat prevented most of you from walking through, and there wasn't even an exit out of that cell without a Kamek around!"

"Next time, make sure your walls are kept in good condition before you trap a Bob-omb inside," Bombette gloated.

"...Ugh...Darn it...I guess I have to keep my word," the door grumbled. "Go on through...But don't think I'll forget this!"

The face let out an irritated roar, sounding eerily similar to Bowser's own roar before it went still and returned to being a statue carved onto the door. Free to pass after aggravating the enchanted door, Mario opened the double doors, continuing on as they entered what appeared to be a foyer with a path across from them and two more above them up a flight of stairs. Before heading upstairs, they went to the other pathway, heading down a long flight of steps and into what appeared to be another cell. The lone Koopatrol yelped in surprise, but didn't stand a chance when it tried to attack them, being flung hard into the wall by Twilight and her impressive magical power, knocking him out cold and dropping the key to the cell.

Twilight levitated the key over to the lock and opened the door, releasing some more Toads, one of them being a visitor that came from Dry Dry Outpost. After assuring the Toads they were freed and could get out while they had the chance, they thanked their saviors and made a break for it, leaving through the same hallway they came from to steal another one of Bowser's functioning copters. The party headed back into the foyer and climbed up the stairs, checking the left hall first for anything useful or a possible key to another locked door.

They found a storage room filled with supplies, treasures, and weapons that Bowser never issued any of his soldiers that would probably help them against Mario more than their own skills. It was inhabited by a Spiked Goomba, humming to himself as he seemed to dust some of the chests in the back. He turned around to check what else needed cleaning, only to freeze and stare in shock at the "visitors" who walked in.

"...Uhhh...Hi?" the Goomba greeted.

"What's a Spiked Goomba doing up here?" Kooper asked. "Isn't this fortress supposed to be protected by Bowser's elite guards?"

"...Cleaning duty?" he answered with a nervous grin. They didn't buy his lie, especially as Applejack raised a brow at his response. The Goomba let out a sigh, placing the duster on the crates where a couple of the items on display sat. "Ok, I'm not exactly the janitor. I'm...I guess you can call a shop keeper? I'm mostly just keeping stock of this warehouse: make sure stuff doesn't get spoiled, keep the place tidy to the best of my ability, and greet the elites while they just take what they need."

"Sounds like a shopkeeper to me," Bow said. "That's why I keep our shop in the basement, even though most guests don't stay long to look at what we have."

"And...you're not going to fight us?" Goombario asked curiously.

"What's the point?" the Spiked Goomba answered with a shrug. "I mean, Mario's right here, barging in through the castle to save the princess. Somehow, someway, he's going to beat Bowser with all your help, and the Koopa Kingdom's gonna go straight back to square one with taking over the Mushroom Kingdom. Kinda feels like the final ark of a big story with an epic conclusion."

Everyone was taken aback by the Goomba's pessimism, not even taking a chance trying to stop them. Pinkie, however, seemed suspicious as she strolled up to him.

"Have you read the script?" Pinkie questioned.

"...Uhh, what?" the Goomba asked, highly confused.

"How did you know this area would be the actual final ark of this story?" Pinkie asked, poking the Goomba's forehead as she continued questioning him. "What kind of 'epic conclusion' is there going to be? Do you know what's going to happen? Who's going to win? Do you know about our world!?"

"Ok, Pinkie, calm down," Twilight chided, dragging the pink earth pony back toward her friends. "Sorry about Pinkie. Whatever she says or does, it's just Pinkie being Pinkie."

"...Alright, then," he uttered. "So...seeing as there's no chance of us winning, wanna buy some stuff? This castle is pretty big, and there's going to be a ton more soldiers on the way up."

The group looked at each other, figuring this was a decent way of compensating with an enemy. They could just take everything, but they weren't thieves, even if some of the items here could be useful.

"I guess that seems reasonable," Twilight said once everyone came to an agreement. "Assuming you aren't going to rat us out and have guards ambush us."

"I'm the lowest grunt here," the Spiked Goomba said. "No one listens to my opinions anyway."

"Great." Twilight looked around, buying enough supplies for the long trek through the rest of the fortress and the future fights ahead, though she was curious about another item in particular that could help them navigate without getting lost. "By the way, do you by any chance happen to have a map of this castle on you?"

The Goomba walked over to a chest and pulled out a conveniently rolled up map, but the look in his eyes says he wasn't just going to part with it so easily. "You got enough coins on you to buy it off me?"

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