• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 4,529 Views, 131 Comments

Big Brother Garble - ColtKit Productions

During the Dragon Migration, Garble learns that Spike is his brother. He does the only "Rational" thing he can think of. He promptly kidnaps Spike.

  • ...

A Slight Hiccup, Part 2

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, it just seemed like such a perfect spot to end it

Hiccup... was a tad puzzled. Spike wasn't treating him like a burden. He caught the whelp occasionally staring at his scars, which Hiccup understood as a matter of course, but Spike always blushed when Hiccup caught him. Then talked about something completely unrelated... it was... weird.

"I can't wait to introduce you to Horrorcow!" Spike eagerly bounced.

Hiccup smiled, more friends was always good. "Who's he?"

"She, is this real cool kinda dragon, WITH UTTERS." Spike was blushing like mad, as he exclaimed "Utters". Although that didn't surprise Hiccup as much as "She".

Hiccup blinked... had he just... signed himself up with the Misfits of the nest? An Earth Drake, a girl, and himself (a cripple). Burdens to the nest, all round. Suppose that's the only place that Hiccup COULD fit in... at least Lava Frost seemed more compassionate to such dragons, then his former Alpha.

Then again he could afford to be. His nest was filled, to the brimstone, with food.

Hiccup gave a smile, as his new... well, he wasn't really sure what Spike was supposed to be to him. Just regular roommates? Brothers? Or maybe... mates? Lava Frost hadn't really explained.

Regardless, Spike was helping him unpack. All well chatting away, non-stop.

Hiccup told him about some of his inventions. Which the Earth Whelp was lingering on, as they found places to put the gizmos.

Hiccup gaped, hearing his fellow "little guy" was raised by ponies. How he was only recently reunited with his brother, and how he had a new kind of flame, created by pony magic.

Spike even demonstrated by belching out some flames. They were green, and sparkled a lot... nothing like anything Hiccup had ever seen. So maybe Lava frost was just more compassionate, to burdens, if they could contribute in other ways, like creating more eggs... suppose time will tell.

### •

Garble grumbled, as he busied himself, cleaning up his basking area.

Toothless was in here, to, as he was letting the Kobolds put away his things. The Night Fury was just sitting on his butt, annoying some fish from the pond. While holding up the blanket of jackalope fur.

"Wow," Toothless grinned at the blanket. "Whelps here really are spoiled."

Garble threw down his armful of bones, "Who you calling a whelp!"

Toothless blinked, before slowly smiling. His teeth retracting as he gave a big goofy grin. "You mean, this is yours!" the new dragon dared laugh. "I thought it was your brother's!" he laughed harder.

Garble growled. Quickly flying over at the Night Fury, and attempting to slam his fist in his face.

Toothless just grinned. Pivoting to the side, he grabbed hold of Garble, and then proceeded to slam HIM into the ground... then promptly sat on him.

The nearby Kobolds just rolled their eyes. The favorite pass time of Rookie dragons was to wrestle with each other. So they hardly gave the scene a thought. It would only be a problem if the boys tried using their claws, or drew blood.

Garble snarled, "I am NOT losing to a cripple!" and attempted to struggle out of the pin.

Toothless smiled, his teeth popping back out as his grin turned more sadistic. "You already have. Some 'whelp', as soft as you, couldn't hope to take on a Night Fury."

Garble raged, Swiping with his tail, and successfully knocking off the Night Fury. "Don't underestimate me!" He demanded.

Toothless rolled for longer then he had to. Getting some distance between them, before attempting to stand. Swiping the floor with his tail and flourishing his wings, Garble didn't have a chance to pin him in turn.

Toothless then proceeded, while Garble was dazed from the display, to headbutt the Monstrous Nightmare in the gut.

Garble took it straight on, but as he gasped for breath, he powered through it. Grappling the Night Fury around the head, and slamming him into the ground.

Garble smirked, "So much for Night Fury superiority."

Toothless just laughed, confusing Garble, before the Night Fury jumped up. The shock caused Garble to let go... and somehow he ended up pinned to the cave floor, Toothless' back on top of him.

"Are you stupid!" Garble demanded. "I could have broken your neck!"

Toothless just grinned, ignoring that entirely. "That's 2 to 1."

Garble grumbled, "Can see how you got yourself crippled. You're totally nuts!"

Toothless just laughed... and Garble smirked. This guy might be a worth while mate, after all.

"Boys!" One of the Kobolds snapped. As their game appeared to be getting dangerous. "Stop goofing around, and come here."

The rookies looked at each other a moment, before Toothless rolled off Garble. Both teenagers, remaining on all fours as to not tower over the Kobold, hesitantly walked over to the tiny creature. Their head fins pinned in a submissive manner, ready for a tongue lashing. They certainly weren't disappointed, as the Kobold scolded them both, like tiny whelps.

### •

"Looks like I need to make a call to the nanny Clutch." The Kobold grumbled.

Garble gaped, "No You Don't!" He insisted. All kinds of embarrassed. The very idea of having nannies permanently assigned to him!

"Look at the state of this cave!" The lead Kobold glared.

"Oi!" Toothless huffed. "I just got here! You can't blame me for the mess!"

The Kobold just glared, getting The Night Fury to lower his head. "After that little display, you probably need some-dragon watching you even more. Then Spike needs mind healers, and Hiccup is so badly crippled, he'll need constant looking after."

Toothless muttered, "He does fine on his own." only to get bapped on the nose.

"You brats are getting assigned a nanny, and maybe a couple of apprentices if I can swing it."

The mighty Rookie dragons did the only thing they could. They groaned in acceptance.

Comments ( 12 )

good Chapter

love have garble and toothless fight like a marriage coupled

please use the tile misfits of the nest for one of the upcoming Chapter please

I wish this story would get updated more, I love the dynamic between the brothers, I can't wait for the ponies to visit.

(Also please don't let this story turn into foal con cause I really like this story)

love this story

Sounds like a good chapter name

I have no intentions for foalcon.

All romance will be innocent stuff. With the occasional kiss being as sexy as it gets

Why thank you.
I love hearing that.

it all your

So the boys are getting a nanny, I hope it’s a dragon 🐉. But whatever it is he has his work cut out for him.

I hope that means more spankings. Especially for the rookies, Spike and Hiccup sound more mature than them and Toothless sounds like he needs a spanking more than the others right now. I can’t wait to see who the nanny is.

And frankly they all need an adult in that cave. And constant supervision.

I have a few characters in mind. Still deciding on the Apprentices, but I hope you like my choice of nanny

Please tell me you still plan on continuing this it's been almost a year

I hope to come back to it eventually, as so many people like it, but I've lost interest in writing it.

As soon as I get inspired to write something else, i'll get to it.

I really enjoy this story!

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