• Published 12th Apr 2017
  • 509 Views, 12 Comments

Waiting for the Spark - Arcelia

What inspires Octavia?

  • ...

Waiting for the Spark

Waiting for the Spark

By Arcelia

Octavia stretched her back out against the cold, marble floor as she propped her legs up against the back of cello. She closed her eyes, allowing the sweet melodies to flow through her as she lied there. Behind her, were pieces of parchment manuscript and a warm, freshly brewed cup of jasmine tea.

The stillness of the room and the calming rays of sunlight that filtered in through the gap between her curtains created a peaceful and idyllic setting. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as the sound of her favorite tune filled her ears.

It was not often that Octavia would have the time, or the right moment to take pleasure in her favorite part of the creative process: Procrastinating. For she knew, as backward as it might sound; that putting off doing a project was essential to actually do the aforementioned project. For Octavia, this was writing new music.

Which at first, sounds simple and straightforward. Until you realize that many great artists and scientists had their own unique ways of allowing their mind to relax, henceforth causing that intuitive ‘spark.’

Octavia had discovered that for her, the perfect way of doing this was lying on the living room floor and just waiting...no matter how long it took. Preferably accompanied by her favorite tea and cello. All of this was designed to make her mind go into a peaceful and thoughtless state. One where she would act only on emotion and spontaneous inspiration, instead of logic and careful, constructive thinking.

If only she could do this more frequently, it was often that she would have to wait for a time where Vinyl wasn’t home to distract her. The mare’s loud, electronic dance music clashed with her more classical sound. Thus, making it very difficult to partake in some quiet, meditative time in which she could write new music.

In her mind’s peaceful and drifting state, Octavia thought back to the day when she first got her cello. It had been such a windy, fall day...back when she was living in Canterlot with her parents. She had only been a little filly then, but her heart had dreams big enough to fill the sky.

On that day, all the leaves were just beginning to change to their more muted, subdued colors. Leaves drifted towards the ground, the cobblestone streets covered in different shades of red and orange. As she walked along the busy street, her scarf blown about by the cool breeze, she found herself outside a store.

Octavia’s purple eyes gazed into the store’s window, right up high on the display, next to a saxophone was a full-sized cello. Complete with a handcrafted, spruce top and maple body. She could feel her heart leap, this was the one. Sure, she had a smaller one at home but ever since she started taking music lessons, all she dreamt about was having her very own full sized cello.

But then, she glanced at the price tag that sat next to the stand. There was no way she would ever be able to afford such an expensive instrument. Her heart sank, she turned away from the window display and started to walk back towards her home. She knew that her parents were never going to buy it for her. How were they going to be sure that she was truly passionate about her hobby?

At that moment, a gust of wind picked up as she felt her scarf move around her neck before being swept away by the breeze. Exposed to the cold, her body began to shiver as her hooves turned purple. Her Mother was always telling to wear more layers, perhaps this time she should’ve listened. She started to run down the street, chasing after her scarf. But as she ran, the wind carried her scarf further and further away.

Eventually, Octavia caught up to her scarf, which was now wrapped high up in the branches of a tree. A single leaf remained, blown about by the wind. At least the tree will be warm. She thought to herself as she wondered how she was going to get it down.

“Are you alright, Miss?” a smooth voice asked.

She gazed up into the kind eyes of the stallion standing in front of her. His gentle features and warm smile gazed back at her.

“Um...could you?” she felt her teeth chatter as she tried to speak, her tiny body shuddered.

The stallion leaned in close, his muzzle nearly touching hers. She pointed at the tree, hoping he would understand. He seemed confused, so she began to shake her hoof frantically in the air, still pointing at the tree. Glancing over his shoulder, the stallion finally saw the knit scarf caught up in the tree’s highest branches.

A blue aura was cast around the scarf as it was levitated towards her. With a kind smile, the stallion wrapped the scarf tightly around the filly’s neck. “There you go, you must have been freezing. Say, what’s a little filly like you doing out here all alone?”

“I was just going for a walk. My parents let me do this all the time, they have trust in me. But then, as I was starting to walk home...my scarf blew away in the wind.” Octavia replied, pulling the scarf up to her mouth.

“That’s quite alright, so what’s your name little darling?”

Octavia stood there for a moment, shivering against the cold. She had to be sure she could trust this stallion. “My Mother always told me not to talk to strangers,” she replied, taking a few steps back.

But the stallion simply chuckled before flashing a smile at her. “Oh, I think you can trust me little one. In fact, you look a little familiar. You wouldn’t happen to the be the daughter of Lunar Melody and Silver Note are you?”

She nodded her head. “Why, yes I am.”

“My name is Midnight Jazz. I’m a friend of your parents. They told me all about you.” he extended a hoof out to the filly.

She shook the stallion’s hoof. “How much did they tell you?” Octavia asked, raising a brow.

“Just that you’re quite the little Shozart. Seems that you’ve carried the gift of music from your parents. It’s quite a bit of luck that I bumped into you today, actually.” Midnight replied.

She bopped her head to the side. “Why’s that?”

Midnight rubbed his chin. “Well, I’m actually hosting a Young Musician’s Talent Show tonight and was wondering if you would like to participate. It’s open to all young musicians, of any talent, any instrument. Best of all, the grand prize is five hundred bits. I can get you signed up right now if you like.”

The little filly’s eyes widened and her heart raced. Octavia had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to not only showcase her talent but to show her parents how passionate she was about the cello. “I’ll have to ask parent’s permission first. But I would love to participate.” she smiled from ear to ear.

“I do love your enthusiasm, young lady. It’s important for any budding musician to be willing to jump into new situations or opportunities. It shows that you’re keen.” he said as he glanced at the filly’s blank flank.

“Well I would love to come, but I’m not sure if my parents would let me though,” Octavia replied, her eyes cast at the ground.

Midnight placed a hoofed on the filly’s shoulder. “You let me worry about your parents. Just bring along your best instrument and show us what you can do.”

“Ok…I best be getting home. My parents are probably getting worried.”

The stallion stepped away from her. “Alright then, see you at the show tonight. Best of luck!” he called out to her as he walked back along the street.

On her walk home, she wondered if tonight could really be the moment she was waiting for. The one that could change her life, help set down the foundations for the life she wanted to lead. Perhaps...but she would have to wait until that evening to find out.

~ * ~

Later that evening...

Octavia fidgeted about in her seat, her parents sat either side of her around the dinner table. They both looked at her with puzzled expressions, they didn’t understand what the next hour would hold.

“Now, Octavia my dear, are you sure you want to get up on stage and perform? Aren’t you just a little bit frightened?” her mother asked, her eyes beading at her.

She pushed the peas around on her plate. “A little, but that’s all the more reason to do it. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. Besides, didn’t Midnight Jazz tell you how wonderful it would be to have me perform?”

Lunar Melody looked at her husband, her golden eyes filled with fear. “Silver Note, say something to our daughter. She’s not listening to me.”

“Well, Octavia sweetheart, if you want to perform then you go ahead and do it. If you don’t take risks and try new things you’ll never live life to the fullest. Besides, I was performing for a wide range of ponies when I was your age.” Silver Note winked at the filly, as a scowl grew on her Mother’s face.

“I suppose that settles it then. If your father says you should perform that who am I to argue?” Lunar Melody said as she stood up from the table, her eyes cast down at the plates. “Octavia, go upstairs and get ready, please. You need to look presentable.” her mother began cleaning up the dishes.

Octavia bolted up the stairs, a mix of nerves and excitement rushed through her veins as her heart leaped. She couldn’t believe it. She’d managed to convince her parents to let her perform, Midnight was going to be ecstatic when he saw her.

Donning her best bowtie, she brushed a comb through her mane as she stood at the mirror. Her big purple eyes staring back at her. She wondered if, after all this time, she could finally become the pony she always wanted to be? The Octavia she always wanted to see staring back at her.

“A real musician.” she whispered softly to herself, her reflection staring back at her.

After a moment, she moved away and began packing her miniature cello.

“Octavia, dear have you finished getting ready yet?” her mother called from the kitchen.

She turned towards the door. “Yes, mother! I’ll be down in a minute.”

Locking her cello case, she took the stairs to the kitchen where her parents were waiting for her. “Are you feeling nervous at all? I certainly would be if I was performing for all those ponies.”

Octavia shook her head. “Not at all, Mother.” She had been waiting her whole life for this opportunity and tonight it was finally going to happen.

“I wouldn’t worry about her, honey. She’s quite confident for a filly her age and I think she’ll be just fine.” her father winked at her. “I remember when I was your age, Octavia. I was just as brave and took every opportunity I could.” he placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Now you go out there and show them you’re best.”

Her father held an intense look of fondness and pride in his deep blue eyes that night, one that Octavia would never forget.

A loud thumping sound came from the door. “That would be Midnight Jazz. You girls ready to go?” he father asked, before opening the door.

“Silver Note! How’s my favorite pianist still holding up?” Midnight asked as he entered the living room, embracing her father in a tight hug.

“Same as always, Midnight. Same as always.” he glanced at her. “I see you’ve met my daughter, Octavia?” he said, gesturing a hoof at her.

Midnight nodded. “Yes, I most certainly have.” he leaned down near her. “Octavia, don’t you look lovely?”

She could the warmth rising in her cheeks she wanted to respond but all she could do was let out a simple nod.

“You all ready for tonight? Not feeling too nervous?” he asked, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

She nodded once more.

After a brief moment of silence, Midnight glanced at his wristwatch. “Well how about we all getting going? The show starts in half an hour and I do not want to be late.”

Octavia followed Midnight Jazz and her parents out the door, the chilly night air resting on her coat as they walked along the quiet street. All the streetlights had being turned on, their flickering flames lit up the road in a warm, ethereal glow.

~ * ~

Before her was the Royal Canterlot Theatre, the place she could only dream of performing. It was a tall building with stone bricks and opulent molding on the front. Atop the colonnade was the sign with the name of the theater, and what shows were on tonight.

That’s when she saw it. “Young Musician’s Performance Parade.” Her eyes lit up, as she followed her parents inside.

The lobby was furnished with a marble countertop, plush carpets, and regal wallpaper. The shop was all closed up for the evening and there were no ponies at the front desk. It was strangely quiet.

“Silver Note, I must ask that you and Lunar Melody go and find a seat in the audience while I take Octavia backstage to get ready.”

“Alright then.” her father replied before leaning his head towards her. “Now, Octavia. You must promise your mother and I that you will do your best out there.”

Octavia nodded. “I will, Father. I promise.”

Her Mother smiled at her. “Oh, we’re so proud of you sweetie. We just wanted you to know that.” she gushed.

“Good luck.” her father pat her on the head as they left the room.

“Come on, Octavia. Let’s get you backstage.” Midnight said as he led her down a long, dimly lit hallway.

Her eyes scanned each flickering wall sconce as they passed them. She could feel her heart beating a mile a minute, the sheer excitement of it all was a little much for her to handle. Octavia decided it was best if she kept her mind off the set of doors that stood at the end of the hallway which was lit with the word ‘exit.’ It was fast approaching them and she needed a distraction.

“Midnight Jazz? Why aren’t there any ponies in the lobby? It’s awfully quiet around here.” she asked, glancing around the hallway.

“Well, presumably because everypony is already here. That and it's also a private function so they don’t usually need extra staff for these kinds of performances,” he said, keeping up his pace.

They had reached the doors to the backstage, she could feel her hooves begin to shake. She looked to Midnight Jazz.

“Don’t worry, if you’re feeling nervous it’s all part of the performance. Everypony gets nerves on their first show anyway. Just keep your head high and if you need to, close your eyes and focus solely on the music.” he said, as he pushed the doors open.

Backstage, a dozen other fillies and colts had gathered, all waiting anxiously to perform. “Now, I have to get to the judge's panel. Do you feel ready to perform when you’re called?” he asked.

Octavia nodded, grinning widely to hide her nerves. “Good. I’ll see you soon,” he said, before leaving the room.

She looked around the room, everypony had different instruments. She could see at least three other fillies had brought violins, while others had more jazz instruments such as trumpets and saxophones but it looked as though she was the only one with a cello. She could rest easy now knowing she was doing something unique and that she would stand out a little bit, if only for her instrument.

Noisy chatter amongst smaller groups of ponies filled the air as Octavia waited patiently for her name to be called. She wondered if the other fillies were talking about her, not that it mattered because she knew that she was mostly likely going to perform better than most of them anyway. After all, it takes a certain refinement and dedication to one’s craft for them to truly succeed in it. Which is why she was more than a little surprised to see a trio of fillies approaching her.

“A cello? Isn’t that a bit mellow for this sort of competition? I mean, wouldn’t you rather perform with a group of ponies than with this old thing?” the filly snickered, her grin grew as her friends giggled.

Octavia’s straight face didn’t waiver. “Well to be perfectly honest, I find my choice in an instrument to be rather personal. Besides the deep tone of the cello gives it its character and makes for one of the more refined instruments of the classical era,” she replied her eyes glanced at the wind instrument the filly was holding. “What are you playing?” she asked.

“The flute,” she replied, her eyes cast to the ground. “Melody Heart here is on the clarinet and Fine Tune is on the oboe.” she gestured at the two ponies beside her.

“Well, I bid you all the best of luck,” Octavia replied before keeping her gaze straight ahead.

From behind a large red curtain appeared a mare with a frantic look on her face. “Rose Symphony, Melody Heart, and Fine Tune? You girls up first.” The three little fillies trotted over to the mare, before disappearing beyond the curtain.

She could hear some ponies talking on the other side, but she couldn’t understand what they were saying. A moment later, music was being played and Octavia listened to the sweet melody and the way their three instruments sounded together. It was nice enough sounding, but she knew she could do better. She had to, how else would she afford a new cello?

Suddenly, she was starting to feel a little unsure as an uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. Her hooves began to shake, she only hoped that she would be next.

~ * ~

Over an hour later, Octavia was one of the few ponies left waiting to perform and it almost looked like she could be last. The only other pony in the room was a little colt with a trumpet, who stood shyly towards the side of the room.

The mare reappeared. “Blue Note?” she asked, her eyes scanned the room. The colt ran towards her, giddy with excitement.

Octavia took a deep breath, she needed to remain calm. She was the last pony to perform, her father had always said that if you are ever the last performance of the night, be sure to go out with a bang. Which in other words, means to do exceptionally well as to leave a lasting impact on the judges.

She could hear the buzzing of the trumpet, as the little colt blew. It was very off tune and sounded more like one of the exotic birds she had seen at the zoo. Rather than a beautiful instrument being played by somepony with good windpipes.

Of course, there was a light applause for the colt’s efforts. Octavia closed her eyes as to block any bad thoughts that might start to plague her mind. It was almost time for her to go on stage and she could feel her heart thumping away, the blood rushing through her veins faster than her cells knew how to carry it.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and immediately opened her eyes, only to see the mare from earlier. “It’s time go on now, are you ready, um…” she checked her clipboard. “Octavia?”

It was as though her throat had closed up, words seem prevalent so instead, she gave a simple nod.

“Come with me, the judges are ready for you.”

Octavia followed the mare beyond the curtain and the bright lights that sat overhead the stage temporarily blinded her. The room was blurry as she batted her eyes open, trying to see in front of her.

“Just stand here and get set up, then wait for the judges to give you the cue. Good luck.” the mare said, before disappearing backstage.

Standing in the center of the stage was almost a little daunting for Octavia, she had never seen so many ponies in her life. The theater was only half full but there was still at least a few hundred ponies in the audience. Her eyes scanned them row by row, in search of her parents. Eventually, she gave up and decided to get ready.

Placing her cello on the dark wooden floor, she unclipped its rough leather case. She carefully picked up her instrument and got herself into position, waiting for the judges to give their cue. placed her cello case on the wooden floor, unclipping and carefully picking up her instrument.

Octavia could feel the heat of the overhead lighting and felt the beads of sweat that ran down her face, her heart thumped even faster now. It had been the moment she had being waiting her whole life for, but suddenly she was incredibly nervous. Her hooves shook as they gripped the neck of her miniature cello.

“You may now begin.” one of the judges said to her, it was a stallion with thick black frames and a bow tie. He was sitting in the middle of two other judges, one of whom was Midnight Jazz and a mare she didn’t recognize.

She took a moment to take one last deep breath before she began playing. Her entire future rested on her getting this right. She could not mess this up.

As she pulled the bow over the strings, she could feel a warmth rise in her. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound. It was a deep but not understated tone that rose and fell like a pony’s breathing. She knew exactly the song she wanted to play and she knew exactly how to play it. She just hoped the judges would like it.

With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see the entranced smiles on the judge’s faces or the pride that glowed in her parents as they watched her. She couldn’t see anything, all she could hear was the sound of her playing and the notes as they carried her away. Whenever she played, she went somewhere far away. A place where her music teacher’s strict rules didn’t apply and only calming thoughts were allowed inside her head. It was a place of serenity for Octavia, a place of freedom.

When she opened her eyes, just as she finished her song she could see the audience standing up. Ponies were clapping and cheering, she looked at Midnight Jazz as beamed up at her. Not knowing what else to do, Octavia took her cello in one hoof and her bow in another and bowed.

Her breath was short and quick and she realized she was catching it. The beads of sweat dripped down to her cheeks as she looked back up at the audience. After a moment, the room went quiet and she quietly exited the stage.

As she pulled away from the curtain, she was greeted with the cheers from the other fillies and colts that performed that night. She could feel the warmth in her cheeks again as she gushed, unsure of how to respond.

“You do an amazing job, Octavia. The judges loved you.” the mare said. “They’re still deciding a winner but we’ll know in a few minutes. You all have to go back out on stage afterward for the announcement. Just take a breather for a little bit ok?”

Octavia let out a sigh of relief. It had been such a nerve-wracking performance that she completely forgotten about winning. But now she wasn’t so caught up in the prize, she was just glad to have being given the opportunity to perform. Which to her, was a prize in of itself.

Rose Symphony walked towards her now, a wide grin on her face. “Let me just say that I thought you were incredible out there. I heard you playing and I was floored by the mere sound of that cello. You deserve to win first prize, Octavia.”

“Thank you, Rose. But I’m not so concerned about winning, I’m glad that I was able to perform. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Besides, you guys were terrific out there. You should be proud.” she replied.

Rose looked at her friends. “Hey, girls what do you think about ‘The Terrific Trio’ as our group name? I mean we could become famous.”

The two other fillies nodded. “Sounds great, Rose. You’re right we could be famous someday.” Melody replied.

“Ok, everyone! They are about to announce the winners, so if you could all please return to the stage in an orderly fashion.”

Back on stage, the air was full of the murmurs from the audience and the judges. It was almost time to hear of her fate. The other fillies and colts were just as nervous, whispering amongst themselves.

A few moments later, Midnight Jazz cleared his throat. “Fillies and gentle colts, talented young musicians of all ages! We heard many, many brilliant performances but now it is time to select just three of you as our finalists. If selected, you will go on to perform again in the Manehatten Theatre of Performing Arts. Which as many of you must know, is one of the biggest theaters in all of Equestria. Are you all ready?” he asked before shuffling his papers.

He hadn’t told me about that last part. Now I really do have to win. Octavia thought quietly to herself.

“In third place, playing on the piano is Harmonic Keys. We all loved your rendition of ‘Castle Lake, Act II’ and are looking forward to seeing you again in Manehatten. Well done.” he shuffled his papers again. “In second place, playing the Saxophone is Scarlet Jive. I’m a jazz man myself and I have to say that your performance was the bee's knees. Keep up those blues, girl. See you also in Manehatten.” he flipped the page on his clipboard. “Now in first place, going home with the five hundred bits and a place in Phila Harmony’s Orchestra is Octavia on cello.”

Octavia felt her heart stop, the world around was spinning. The applause from the audience was roaring as her legs carried her over to where she collected her prize. Midnight Jazz came up the stairs onto the stage and handed her a cheque along with an envelope. “Well done, Octavia, your parents are going to be so proud of-” he tapped her on the shoulder.

She snapped out of her daze. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

Midnight leaned in close to her, his breath hot on her ear. “Octavia, your flank is glowing,” he whispered.

Octavia dropped her prize as she spun around to see that her flank was glowing bright yellow, the light filling up space as it slowly faded away to reveal a treble clef on her flank. “My cutie mark? Oh, my goodness. I finally have my cutie mark!” she squealed in delight as she spun around on the spot.

“Congratulations, Octavia you got your cutie mark!” Midnight told her, shaking her hoof.

Her heart leaped, she was buzzing with excitement and joy. She couldn’t wait to see her parents and show them what she had accomplished. But as she started to walk off stage, Midnight stopped her.

“You’ll see your parents in the lobby in a minute Octavia. I’ve just got to wrap up the show, ok?”

She nodded. “I understand. I’m just a little bit excited.”

“More than a little.” he looked out to the audience. “Thank you for joining us this evening ladies and gentle colts. I hope you enjoyed the performance of the young musicians we had here tonight. Feel free to return to the lobby and your children will be with you shortly. Good night!” he called out before ushering them backstage.

As impossible as it seemed all of her dreams had come true in a single night, she couldn’t stop smiling. She was glowing with pride as she walked back down the long hallway towards the lobby. The chatter of the foals behind her seemed so far away as she was met with the set of doors leading to the lobby.

In the lobby, she caught sight of her parents and rushed towards them. They embraced her with a warm tight hug, squeezing her with all their love. “We are so proud of you, Octavia.” her mother said, as she nuzzled her.

“We were absolutely floored by your performance sweetie, just incredible.” her father added on, his grin almost as wide as her’s.

“Mum, Dad, I have something I want to show you.” she said as he turned to her side, giving them a full view of her cutie mark.

Their eyes lit up. “Oh sweetie, you got your cutie mark! I’m so glad that you’re following in your father’s and I’s footsteps. We always knew you’d make a wonderful musician someday.” her mother gave her another tight embrace.

“I also have a cheque for five hundred bits and this envelope.” she said as she passed the envelope to her parents.

Silver note turned the envelope over. “What’s this?” her father asked as he opened it.

“What have you got there, honey.” her mother asked.

“It appears to be some sort of letter dearest. Let me read it for you.”

Dear Young Musician,

My name is Phila Harmony, I am the principal of the elite private school ‘Phila Harmony’s Academy for Exceptional Young Musicians.’

I am offering to your foal a place at my school in Fillydelphia, where they will learn all sorts of advanced music, theory and if they are well rehearsed enough may even have a spot in my orchestra which once a year, tours around Equestria.

Now, of course, I do not teach my students for free. Inside this envelope, you will find a slip which will you inform of the tuition fees. Which also covers the cost of residency, PHAEYM is a boarding school after all.

Last, of all, there is one final requirement. Your child is asked to bring one full sized instrument of their choice. Everything else will be covered in the tuition costs.

I hope to see you and your child soon.


Phila Harmony

“Am I going to get go?” Octavia asked, using her best sad eyes.

Her father leaned down towards her, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Well, it looks like we’re going to have to buy you a full sized cello now aren't’ we?”

~ * ~

Octavia’s eyes snapped open. She sat up, reaching for a quill. She scrawled down some notes on the paper in front of her. After a few minutes of writing, she stopped and took a sip of her tea. It was still a little bit warm.

She wondered how long she had been lying here for. The answer came when she heard the front door open, the key turned in the lock as it was pushed ajar.

“Octavia? I’m home!” her housemate called out to her.

Removing her earbuds, she left the room. The parchment paper still lying on the floor with her cello.

“Get any good writing down?” Vinyl asked her as she put her keys on the table.

“A little, not as much as I would’ve liked.” she replied, entering the kitchen.

Vinyl giggled. “You always say that, but seriously how much did you get done?”

She got herself a cup from an overhead cupboard. “Like I said, Vinyl. A little bit, I was…”

“Taking a snap?” the mare finished for her.

Octavia poured herself a cup of coffee. “I was not taking a nap. I was, letting the muse find me.”

“Did it work?” Vinyl asked as she sat down at the table.

“A little bit. But honestly, that’s not always what the creative process is about,” she replied, sitting down next to her.

Vinyl raised an eyebrow at her. “Then what is it about, Miss Traditionalist?”

“I’m not a traditionalist, I’m a classical musician. But in order to answer your question, Vinyl. I believe the creative process is about…

Waiting for the spark.”

The End

Author's Note:

Well, this certainly turned out to be a lot longer than I originally intended. I wanted to write a short, 2000 word one-shot about Octavia getting her cutie mark.

Instead, I got a 5,000-word one-shot about Octavia finding inspiration from the night she received her cutie mark and did her first real performance in front of a group of ponies.

I hope you enjoyed my story.

Comments ( 12 )

Thanks but what specifically do you find beautiful in the story?

8091296 Everything. It has a feel a serenity to it and also inspiring as well. Besides, I also really like Octavia :twilightsmile:

Thank you for expanding on that for me, I appreciate your feedback. :twilightsmile:

8091299 Didn't think I'd find you here, haha.

8091305 I'll second her. Not only is it serene or inspirational, but the story tells, without outright stating, a message, I feel. A message about artist and their drive, their pursuits, their being. An artist is their work, and a spark creates not only the piece, but the artist as well...

Or maybe I just need to get some sleep. Both work.

In either case, you are actually the first writer here to ever get my follow :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much, I appreciate you saying that. I try and place more personal themes and messages in my stories. I'm also glad to hear that you're following me. I hope to have some more stories on here soon. :twilightsmile:

Also, why am I the first person you've followed? Are you new? If not, there are plenty of great writers on here who are far more talented than I am.

8092560 Not that new. And yeah, there's other awesome writers here, but even though I've been here for some time, I'm still getting a feel for the community and who's who. Besides, my follows, based on how I act in other websites, are kind of rare and personal. So, in a way that feeds my ridiculous ego, consider it a great compliment ;)

This was utterly amazing. I love the way you came up with a unique way of "waiting for the spark". Theway you described her performance was beautiful. This is going up on my profile page when i have the time.

Thank you I definitely will take that as a compliment :raritywink:

Thank you so much, I'm really glad you liked it and I look forward to seeing it on your profile page :pinkiehappy:

This one got me the feels, reminds me of the amazing Evening Star (Brony musician known for his classical and electronic works).

One fave and an upvote should do!

I really liked this, and if I could describe it in one word, I'd call this story 'tranquil '.

It has a very relaxing atmosphere, but is still emotional. The way you show off Octavia's personality is subdued, and that suits her. The pacing was good and the idea of 'waiting for a spark' comes across strong, especially to someone who has a somewhat flighty muse recently.

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