• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 1,350 Views, 20 Comments

All the Queen's Horses - Bluespectre

How far would a father go to protect his only daughter? When the echoes of war have faded, when the scars of battle have healed, what truly matters more than family.

  • ...



“You are certain about this, Twilight?”

The lavender unicorn adjusted her spectacles and consulted her notepad before nodding in response, “Yes, Your Majesty. I’ve confirmed everything using Starswirl’s formula on temporal transfiguration and realignments.” She adjusted one of the focussing crystals and floated up another piece of chalk in her magic, “The temporal distortion is consistent with a shift of approximately two thousand years, going by the current system of calculation of course.”

The white alicorn turned to stared at the stone archway, her eyes gazing off into memories of a time and place that only she could see. “But where, Twilight. If they have returned to our past, then where?”

Twilight shook her head, her frustration at being unable to answer the princess evidenced by her drooping ears, “I… don’t know.” She closed her eyes and sighed, “The portals I’ve encountered normally leave some trace of the tracking spell they use to lock onto a destination, but this is what the wendigo called a ‘master portal’, and I’m not certain you actually need another physical portal to use one.” Twilight indicated the control plinth which was studded with glowing gems, “Perhaps if I could spend more time studying it, I may be able to-”

“We don’t have the luxury of time any more.” Celestia shivered and narrowed her eyes, “That… ‘creature’ has taken his flock to our past for a reason. Whatever that is, it will affect us all, and I can assure you the end result will not be favourable… for any of us.”

“But what are we going to do?” Twilight adjusted her spectacles and gratefully took a glass of fruit juice from Spike, “Do you want me to take the elements of harmony and-”

“No.” Celestia shook her head, sending ripples of rainbow colour shimmering and sparkling in the eerie blue light of the cavern, “I have other plans for the elements, Twilight. I need you here, to help protect the present.” She turned slowly at the approach of steel shod hooves, “Sometimes you need to fight fire… with fire.”

“Your Majesty.” The grey unicorn stallion bowed low, his piercing blue eyes catching Twilight’s gaze, “Miss Sparkle.”

H… Hello, Sir.” Twilight whispered.

The princess raised an eyebrow, “Oh, come Twilight, I am well aware you have met with Lord Fairlight before.”

Twilight balked, “I…!”

Celestia rolled her eyes, “So transparent...” she muttered under breath. “Lord Fairlight, I understand Luna and Brandy have briefed you on the situation?”

The grey unicorn nodded, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“And your… ‘troops’ are prepared?”

Fairlight tossed his black and white mane, glancing over his shoulders at the curious assemblage of creatures that looked like they had fallen from the pages of a history book. “They are Your Majesty. I owe Lord Runcy a debt of gratitude for allowing us access to his… museum.” He gave Twilight a knowing wink, “Somewhere right up your street I believe, Miss Sparkle. You really ought to visit it sometime. Silver Spoon and her family would love to see you again.”

“Y… Yes!” Twilight squeaked. Every time she’d met the enigmatic stallion he’d made her hooves itch, and this time was certainly no different. There was just something unnerving about those vivid blue eyes of his and the way he smiled that made her want little more than to run full tilt for the hills. But at the same time, Fairlight had that indefinable magnetism about him that always seemed to draw ponies to his side. She surmised that it probably had something to do with the magic of the wendigo and the way they could detect where their lord was; she’d have to make a note to study that when she had time, it was really quite fascinating and could be of particular interest to-


Twilight jumped in surprise, “Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Could you reactivate the portal please?” The princess sighed and turned back to the grey unicorn, “I know we have had our… disagreements, Lord Fairlight, however I trust you understand that this undertaking is one that is likely to be extraordinarily dangerous. I would not normally ask anypony to risk their life like this, but this time the whole of Equestria is a risk, including your own people.”

“No pressure then,” Fairlight smiled, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.”

“I hope so,” Celestia said quietly, “Wendigo or not, you are all children of Equestria, and it always good to come home.”

The stallion closed his eyes and nodded slowly, “I couldn’t agree more.” Fairlight turned to face the ranks of warriors. Minotaurs, griffins, ponies, hippogriffs, and no small amount of grey unicorns, all stood in silence, watching him with a stern acceptance of what needed to be done. Many bore scars, evidence of their deeds in the land of the changelings. These were soldiers, many were veterans, and all of them filled Twilight’s heart with a chill than made her knees tremble. Fairlight’s voice rolled out around the room, “You know me, I am not one for flowery speeches or colourful prose. I am not one for trying to persuade you through clever wordplay and appeals to your honour. You are here today because you are my brothers, my sisters, and we are family. We are children of Equestria, we are the warriors of the four winds, and I would fight by your side to protect our home and our loved ones as much now as I ever have before. There is not one of you here today who I would not gladly fight shoulder to shoulder with, who I would lay down my life to defend, as my brother, as my sister.” He nickered, “For those who would brave the seas of the unknown and the storm of battle, then take up your arms and follow me.” Fairlight’s blue eyes blazed, “Fortune favours the bold!

A roar of a hundred voices filled the cavern, shaking the floor, causing the very air to vibrate with its power. Spike took a step forward, his eyes gleaming, “Lord Fairlight...”

Twilight tried to shush him and moved to push him behind her as the warriors lined up, ready to enter the shimmering light of the portal, but noticing him, Fairlight paused and bent down to address the little dragon, “Spike, isn’t it?”

Spike nodded, “Yes, sir.”

“I have a little dragon at home. She’s a forest dragon, I believe.” Fairlight scratched his mane, “Doesn’t say much though. Actually, she doesn’t say anything at all.”

Spike coughed nervously, “I’d… erm, I’d like to meet her some day, sir, if I may. I was wondering if… if it was alright, if I could come with you?”

“Spike!” Twilight’s mane bristled, “No! Good grief, what are you-”

Fairlight shook his head and laughed, his good humour spreading along the ranks of his armoured band, “You know, Spike, if I thought Twilight wouldn’t fret, I would, without hesitation. Who wouldn’t want a dragon on their side?” There was a general murmur of agreement around the cavern. “Alas, Miss Sparkle here will need help, Spike, and from what I hear you are not only an accomplished scholar of magic yourself, but her personal bodyguard, am I right?”

Spike scratched his ear nervously, “Um… well, I suppose I am… a bit.”

Fairlight reached down and took Spike’s claw in his hoof, “Spike, upon my honour, when we return I shall introduce you to my family and young Tarragon. Perhaps, if she is willing, even her mother.” He grinned, “But that’s a very big, perhaps. Eh, lads?” Chuckling broke out behind him. “You know, Spike, we all have to protect those we love, and one day your body will grow to match your heart and your courage. And when that happens, then nothing in this world would dare to challenge you nor threaten those you hold dear. Until then, brother, honour to you.” Suddenly Fairlight clopped his hoof to his chest.

Spike looked unsure, but with a prod from Twilight stood up tall and repeated the gesture, “Honour to you too, Lord Fairlight.”

And with a final wink from those piercing blue eyes, the grey stallion turned and walked through the pool of silver and into the unknown.


“Silver Spoon?”

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee?”

“Would you come up to the front and complete the next problem for us please?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Silver adjusted her spectacles and climbed down from her chair, giving Di a knowing wink as she trotted up to the front of the class. Confidently she took the stick of chalk in her mouth before completing the long multiplication with apparent ease. It was one of her gifts, and one that she took particular pride in. Papa had shown her how important mathematics was when it came to calculating the right amount of blasting materials for quarrying, how much tonnage was needed for the masons, the distances and times for deliveries and so on and so on. Some day she would be the mistress of the house, the Lady of Spoon manor, and the days of having to worry about fainting, about relying on others to provide her with medication before she passed to the herd was now a thing of the past. She was a little sad that she hadn’t met Golden of course, especially as she’d cured her of that horrible illness, but papa had said she’d gone home to be with her family so that was nice. But to think she was still alive after all this time! It was incredible! She wasn’t sure about those wendigo things though; papa had said they were all nice ponies and were really just unicorns who liked to live quiet lives, so she didn’t have to worry about them at all. It was so typical though wasn’t it, that she’d been so utterly worn out by the experience that she’d slept all the way home! Even Di had trouble remembering much, except that the grey unicorns had used their magic to help her and then they’d all run off into the night before meeting Miss Sparkle and, amazingly, Rinse!

“Excellent, Silver Spoon,” Cheerilee nodded, “you can sit down now.”

Di clopped Silver’s hoof as she passed, “Knew you could do it” she whispered.

There was a commotion outside the room and a knock on the door. “Miss Cheerilee?” somepony called, “They’re here.”

Cheerilee nodded her understanding, “Thank you. Class, we’re all going to the assembly hall now, in good order please.”

Despite their teacher’s urging, a generalised hushed murmur rose from the fillies and colts as they trooped out one after the other. Something important was happening today, and there’d already been a huge amount of speculation as it was when Miss Cheerilee had suddenly reappeared in the class as though nothing had happened. They all knew Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were involved somewhere along the line as they’d conveniently ‘gone on holiday’ around the same time she’d been suspended and now, as if by magic, the three of them reappeared just like that! It was too much for one small yellow filly, “Pssst! Silv, what’s goin’ on here? Y’all know what this is about don’cha?”

Silver shrugged as Di lifted her hoof to her mouth, “Shhh! Didn’t you hear the teacher?”

Apple Bloom blushed bright red, much to the amusement of Di who gave Silver a cheeky wink. In response, Silver waggled her eyebrows surreptitiously. She knew, they both knew, but would they tell everypony? There were some things that friends shared solely between themselves, and they’d been through too much together to simply give away the details of their adventures to anypony with a pair of ears. Besides, who would ever believe them? They’d all think they’d gone nuts, especially Silver – the pony with voices in her head. Silver sighed and gave herself a shake. Deep down she didn’t really care what ponies thought of her, but she knew her parents would, and how her family name could be irreversibly tarnished by the mere suggestion of mental health problems. Naturally it wouldn’t matter to any detractors of the Spoon family that such things were a thing of the past, nor that only one personality resided in the little silver-grey filly now. All they would care about would be their ability to use it to undermine the Spoon family’s standing in court or steal away their life blood – trade. Silver couldn’t, and wouldn’t let that happen, and Di knew it too. A daughter of a noble family herself, Diamond Tiara was no fool, nor would she allow herself or her friend to be taken for one. A noble daughter could keep a secret, and one that only they and those who were there would know – and why would they tell anypony anyway? Bits could seal mouths just as well as any sense of patriotism.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts” The tan coloured mare on the podium lifted her hoof and tapped the microphone sending out a high pitched shriek of feedback, “Um… can you all hear me?”

“Not now we can’t!” Somepony shouted out rubbing their ears.

A general round of quiet laughter rolled out around the audience to a stern gaze from the tan mare. With a flick of her tail she continued, “As you all know, Equestria has recently been in mourning following the tragic sinking of the steamship Queen of Waters. Many innocent souls were lost that day, and even here in our small town of Ponyville we felt that loss keenly as several of our own were lost to the herd. One of those, Lord Runcible Spoon of Spoon Manor, was also believed to have perished in those icy waters.” The mare took a breath and adjusted her half moon spectacles, “Therefore it is with great pleasure and a joyous heart that I can now reveal to you all that Lord Spoon has been found alive and well, and has kindly joined us here tonight to speak to join us as we give thanks to the goddesses for their love and guidance as well as to pray for the souls of those who were lost.” The tan mare stood to one side, “Lord Spoon.”

A tall grey stallion with a flowing oil black mane and deep purple eyes ascended the steps to the podium to absolute silence. “Thank you, lady mayor.” Runcy’s suit was impeccably tailored: from its long black tails, to the waistcoat with the gleaming watch chain and smart navy blue tie, he was every part the stallion Silver loved with all her heart. She felt she was going to burst with proud as her father’s deep timbre rolled out across the assembled children and parents, “Thank you everypony for coming here today.” Runcy closed his eyes a moment and smiled slowly, “When I awoke this morning, I did what so many of us do every single day: I got up, had a wash, brushed my teeth, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I suspect that none of that is a surprise to anypony here, and it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, an earth pony, a pegasus, a unicorn, a stallion or a mare, every day we all wake to the start of a new day. I wonder now, how many Equestrians open the curtains in the morning and look out of their window to the dawn sky and ask themselves: what of those who can no longer see the dawn? What of those who have forever left the ones they love behind, those who in turn, loved them, never more to stand in that same light of the princess’s sun and feel the closeness of another?” Runcy nodded, “There was a moment, when I was on that fateful ship, when in my heart I had to say goodbye, to my wife, to my daughter, and all those whom I had known during my life; for I was certain that the end was near. Fate, however, had other plans in store this old stallion, and I stand before you now very much alive and well, more so than the poor souls who went down beneath the icy waves that day.” Runcy took a sip of the water provided on the podium before continuing, “Now, I know some of you won’t be particularly religious ponies, and I can truthfully say that I am not the most devout myself, but it is only when something like this happens, when you are so close to losing everything and everyone you love, that you realise, finally realise, that as precious as life is and as tenaciously as we cling to it, it is as fragile as a breath upon the breeze of the world. And yet as fragile as we are, we as a people, together, are strong. We stand together as one: we work together, we live together, we help one another and we provide a stronger, safer future together for our children. It is this strength that makes us who we are. It is this strength that I believe grants us a place beneath the blue skies and warming sunlight of the eternal herd in the fields of green and gold. But we should never forget,
nor fail to give thanks, for the restful beauty and grace of the skies that blanket us as we slumber, gifting us all with the rest we need to regain our strength to face another day.” Runcy lifted his head and smiled, “And so it is with great honour, that I present Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna.” He held out his hoof and from the curtained area beside the stage the midnight coated alicorn princess of Equestria strode.

Her mane flowing like the night sky, the princess’s azure eyes twinkled in the glow of the stage lights, “Thank you, Lord Runcy.”

Everypony was immediately on their hooves.

“Please, good ponies of Ponyville, we ask you to be seated.” Luna smiled and waved a hoof, at which the audience sat back down once more. “We have come today for two reasons, firstly, to welcome home of Equestria’s sons so recently believed lost. And secondly, to wish you all a happy Heart and Hooves day for tomorrow.” Luna raised an eyebrow and smiled demurely, “Traditionally our sister has lead these celebrations, however as she is away on business, she has asked us to take her place and sends you her apologies together with her heartfelt best wishes for this most special time of the year.” The princess nodded towards Runcy, “We believe the celebration this year is especially poignant as we welcome home a beloved husband and father, but also to say a prayer for those who are now with the herd, safe and at peace.” She lifted a piece of paper and, to the surprise of some of the audience, took out a pair of reading spectacles and placed them on her muzzle before clearing her throat, “We have been asked to remind you all that the school newspaper, the ‘foal free press’ will be devoting their entire publication tomorrow to the celebrations and will include the ‘faculty special feature’ which I’m sure the students here will find… heartily amusing.” There was a ripple of chuckling around the auditorium. “We believe that one of the photographs due to
be submitted to the newspaper was accidentally used in the last edition, and we are pleased to note that even in a time of sorrow, the ponies of Ponyville can display both love and, if a little mischievous admittedly, good humour.” The alicorn princess fixed Miss Cheerilee with a smile that had her blushing like a beetroot. “Now,” Luna spread her wings dramatically, “We would like to invite you all to join us in prayer to give thanks for our beautiful world and to ask for the protection and love of those in this world, and the next.” She turned to the grey stallion beside her, “Lord Runcy...”

Runcy walked up beside the princess and bowed before addressing the audience, “Let us pray...”

Silver bowed her head and repeated the words she’d heard so many times before. She’d given thanks to the goddesses, to the princesses, to the sun and the moon, but she’d never been lead in prayer by one of them! It was humbling, and oddly exhilarating at the same time. Di must have been feeling the same way as she could feel her gently moving up against her and heard her intone the words, “We give thanks”. But, as always, it was all over in what felt like merely seconds before the students began to file out after their parents. “Di?” Silver noticed her friend had stopped and saw the way she was looking over to where the princess was speaking to her mother.

“Huh? Oh, nothing...” Di gave herself a shake and turned back to join the queue of ponies filing through the doors.

“Everything still alright at home?” Silver whispered, “You can tell me if it’s not, you know.”

“I know,” Di smiled a little sadly, “I don’t think things will ever be… you know, perfect, but father’s at home a lot more now that the latest contract has finished and mother didn’t seem that bothered about me… ‘disappearing’ for a few days.”

“What about your father?” Silver asked.

Di sighed, “He wasn’t happy.”

“Oh.” Silver gave her friend a nudge, “But you’re okay now, right?”

“Yeah...” Di winked cheekily, “What about your mama?”

“I was lucky she was so sedated by the doctor that she pretty much lost several days and ended up coming round to papa standing at the side of her bed.” Silver shook her head, “You should have heard her!”

“She must have been happy to see him home,” Di said.

Silver grimaced, “I don’t know about that, she screamed the place down! Mama was hysterical. She thought papa was a ghost and threw a chamber pot at him.” She sighed, “It took ages to calm her down.”

Di covered her mouth with her forehooves, “Oh, no! What about Rinse and the others?”

“They came running in of course, but Rinse has...” Silver closed her eyes a moment, “She’s had to go back to… you know, work.” She felt her eyes stinging a little but fought back the tears, “I’ll miss her, but she promised to come and visit us when she can.”

“I can’t help but feel that’s partly my fault...” Di muttered.

“Oh, don’t be silly!” Silver gave her friend a prod with her hoof, “If it wasn’t for you I probably wouldn’t have found papa, or I could have ended up stuck with those dog monsters or… who knows what!”

“Yeah, I know.” Di shuddered, “Hey, how about we go and get some sweets from sugar cube corner before we go home?”

“I’ve got the tickets,” Silver beamed.

“And I’ve got the bits!” Di stuck her tongue out, “Ready?”

The girls stopped and faced each other, smiling happily, “Bump, Bump, Sugar lump, RUMP!

Around them the other children flowed by as insubstantial as leaves on a river with the two friends the rocks that could withstand anything the world could throw at them.

Nearby, a pair of azure eyes watched the two fillies. “So young. We can barely remember being that

Runcy smiled, “I know, Your Highness. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago and other times, like only yesterday. I think I must be getting old.”

“You are as old as you feel, Lord Runcy” Luna closed her eyes and nodded, “In your mind and your heart.”

Runcy took a breath, “Shall I call for your carriage?”

“No, not yet.” Luna shook her head, “We should like to have a look around Ponyville first. It is some time since we were here last, and the dreamworld is not always the same as the waking one.”

A familiar pink mare trotted past, bowing as she went.

“I suppose everything worked out in the end. After a fashion,” Runcy said quietly, bobbing his head to the retreating mare.

“Oh, a few words can do wonders, Lord Runcy,” Luna smiled absently, “Sometimes we don’t realise how much we are hurting those we love, and even well meant intentions can wound as deeply as any intentional cruelty.” She sighed, “Sometimes, it just needs a little illumination on the subject.”

“The light of the moon,” Runcy breathed.

“My children are home now,” Luna smiled, “The least we can do is help make sure that same home is a safe and loving one for every child.”

“Thank you,” Runcy bowed, “Your Highness...”

“Lord Runcy.” Luna bowed in return and watched the grey stallion walk away. It was indeed a time to celebrate, and to remember. The past, as painful as it had been, had still held the barest sliver, the tiniest kernel of hope she had never dared dream could some day burst into life as at it had, far to the north in the frozen wastes where nothing grew. But they had, hadn’t they; the children of her old love, the one she had never forgotten, even after a thousand years. She closed her eyes and whispered his name, “Maroc.”

“Your Highness?” The night guard soldier saluted and stood silently waiting for orders from his mistress.

Luna looked at the strange creature. Some called them ‘bat ponies’, as though a bat could produce an offspring with a pony! She felt a smile coming to her lips; she knew the truth, but she would never say. Perhaps Celestia knew too, but if she did she hadn’t let on. Sometimes, it was better to remain silent. Luna ruffled her feathers and peered out of the window, “Let’s go for a walk,” she said quietly, “We would like to feel the breeze this day.”


“My lord?” Sebastian bowed his head respectfully, “The morning paper, sir.”

“Ah! Excellent, thank you. Better late than never eh, Seb?”

“Precisely, sir.”

Runcy picked up his coat and tilted his top at a rakish angle with a tap of his hoof, “Good?”

Lark rolled her eyes, “Young again, dear?”

“Always for you my darling,” Runcy snatched up his wife and gave her a kiss, eliciting a squeak of protest and bringing a blush to her cheeks.

“Runcy! Not in front of the children!” Lark giggled.

Her husband barked out a laugh, “Bah! They’ll be doing this themselves one day.” He gave Silver a look, “But not for a while yet though, young lady!”

Silver grimaced, “Yes, papa.”

Di chuckled, “You all set? I’ve got the goodies.” She held up the edge of her pannier showing the bottles of juice and bags of treats sequestered inside.

“Two tickets to ‘Trixies Fabulous All New Fantabulous Extravaganza!’” Silver held up her own hoofbag, “Are your parents coming too?”

“Uh-huh.” Di nodded towards the door, “They’re meeting us there. Apparently your father and mine have some business arrangement to discuss regarding quarrying, or something.” She dropped her voice to a whisper, “It sounds really boring!”

There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it!” Terra trotted out of the kitchen, a tea towel floating in her magic and soap suds on her hooves. To Silver’s chuckles and Runcy’s half hidden smirk, the grey mare magicked open the front door to a tall black stallion leaning on a crutch and sporting several bandages. He grinned widely, his white teeth catching the light,

“Ready for off old boy? Your carriage awaits!”

“Of course, Lord Coalford, and your good lady?” Runcy noticed the surprisingly casually dressed mare in the back of the carriage waving to them and smiled; some things never changed. Some things…

The group of friends trotted out to the carriage and began a giggling and good natured jostling to find their places. Runcy watched them with a smile on his face; there were others too who would be finding their place in this world now, and if they all managed it as easily as the grey mare walking up beside him rubbing the suds from her muzzle, then Equestria’s newest family members would make their world all the stronger. Part of him wondered about Sunny, and what had happened to him, but as well meaning as the old stallion may have been in his own way, he couldn’t help hating him for what he’d done. Equestria’s future should be one full of light and hope. Sunny’s vision for the future however… well, he could only pray that the old fellow was wrong. Wherever he was.

“They’re waiting for you,” Terra said quietly.

Runcy nodded, “You sure you don’t want to come along? There’s room for you, you know.”

Terra smiled, “I know. I wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t.” She waved to Lark who waved back and stuck her tongue out playfully. “You’ve given me the life I never thought I would have,” the grey mare said softly, “I owe you both more than you could ever know.”

Runcy chuckled, “You’re part of our family now.” He gazed lovingly at his wife and his beloved daughter, “And you are most welcome.” He gave her a wink and trotted down the steps and across the gravel driveway, “See you tonight!”

Terra stood in the doorway and waved to them all as the carriage pulled out, heading off into the evening.

“Hey Terra, you up for another hoof? Mrs Cream’s got that bottle of sloe gin from her hubby for us to try.”

“Coming, Crisps.” Terra turned and pushed the door to with a click, “You joining us tonight, Seb?”

Sebastian’s normally emotionless face broke into a rare smile, “Of course. After all, we’re all family.”

Terra watched him vanish into the kitchen and stared over her shoulder at the study door, the study where the large painting of Golden Spoon hung above the old fireplace keeping watch on the house of Spoon and the people she had given so much to save.

She smiled, “It’s good to be home.”


Comments ( 9 )

Absolutely brilliant I have enjoyed the whole book ,I couldn't put it down and I am now disappointed I have finished it.What do Let read now? Hopefully more by the same author.

No, I haven't got split personality disorder. This is what happens when a friend logs on using your account details.


Still, nice to get a comment now and again. Gets a bit lonely here amongst the tumbleweeds :pinkiehappy:


This was some pretty good stuff. I've been spending the past month slowly making my way through the stories you've written ever since I ran into the cover art for this fic in Drawfriend on EQD, and I really like the lore you've established.

I've still got a bit of a ways to go. My starting point was at "When The Snow Melts", and I had no idea the Fairlight stuff would interact with it.

8109740 Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Bear in mind that Fairlight was my early work and is due for a rewrite. If you can forgive this, i think the story is solid and i'm working on the last Fairlight book now.


Always love a good story.

Time to move on to the Fairlight series heh a bit later.

Although i do wonder what Larks first reaction to Terra was. I imagine she could feel something was different about her relationship with Runcy.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Have a great Christmas, and thanks for you help with the typos :twilightsmile:

You're welcome, and happy christams to you too!

And thank you for writing such awesome stories. :pinkiehappy:

A good story in its own right. A departure in style from its predecessors, but that just means it is different.

Enjoyable as a stand alone fic, even without having read the previous tales.

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