• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 17,621 Views, 3,972 Comments

Pandemic - ASGeek2012

The small Colorado town of Lazy Pines soldiers on through a bad outbreak of influenza in an otherwise typical flu season ... until the OTHER symptoms manifest.

  • ...

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Chapter 8 - Family Forgotten

Starlight turned her head towards Twilight as they stepped aboard the train. "You haven't told me yet exactly what we're going to do in Canterlot this morning."

Twilight glanced around to ensure they were alone. She had requested a private car; she generally didn't like to use her princess privilege in that manner, but this time she felt it justified. "We're going to start our investigation with that name we found last night," she said as they took their seats.

"And how can we do that if this pony has been effectively erased from history?" asked Starlight. "And even from ponies' minds?"

"By starting with the minds I know best," said Twilight with a faint smile. "My parents."

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "I don't follow."

Outside, the conductor shouted, "All aboard!" Twilight waited until the train lurched away from the station before answering. "Are you aware of Canterlot foal naming traditions?"

"Only vaguely," said Starlight. "You got your first name from your mother, Twilight Velvet, right?"

"Yes, and Sparkle is a variation on Light."

"So how did they ever name your brother Shining Armor?"

"My mother's grandfather was named Steel Armor and was a very well-respected member of the Royal Guard," said Twilight. "He had passed away a few months before Shining was born, and Mom wanted to honor the stallion's memory. 'Shining' was the best name they could come up with on the light theme that worked with 'Armor'."

"Okay, I follow you so far," said Starlight. "What about it?"

"My grandfather on my father's side is Shimmering Light. His wife is named Sunset Glow."

Starlight's eyes widened. "You're kidding me. You really think--"

"--that if they ever had a daughter, they could potentially name her 'Sunset Shimmer'."

"But they didn't," said Starlight. "You told me your father had no siblings."

Twilight nodded. "I know. But if he did have a sister, she would be my aunt."

"Wow," Starlight breathed.

"This is personal now, Starlight," Twilight said. "This has affected my own family. If my theory is right, we've been made to forget this pony was ever our kin. My grandparents are the kindest ponies you could ever meet. The idea that they could've been made to forget they ever had a daughter is revolting."

Starlight nodded, her eyes averted.

"Something the matter?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, um, no, it's fine," said Starlight in a subdued voice.

"No, it's not," declared Twilight. "What is it?"

Starlight sighed. "I was just thinking how easy it would've been for me to do something like this when I was messing with the timeline."

Twilight placed a hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "Please, don't make up reasons to feel guilty just for the sake of it."

Starlight frowned and looked at Twilight. "But what if this is my fault? What if I did do something that set this in motion somehow? For all I know, maybe I was the pony who put that mind magic spell on the book and--"

"No," said Twilight. "Starlight, during our fight, I became very aware of how the energies of the time stream operated. I don't feel anything remotely like that here. This is not a timeline disruption."

Starlight smiled faintly. "I hope you're right about that."

"Think of it this way: you know all about how small things can change history. Put that knowledge to use here and help me find ways to poke more holes in this dark magic spell."

"You really think we can do that?"

"Dark magic is powerful but not very precise," said Twilight. "It was never meant for something this delicate. That means if we can get aspects of reality to actively fight against it, it will weaken." She paused. "And force the original caster to renew it."

"And thus forcing the caster to reveal her identity," said Starlight. "Um, or his identity."

Twilight sighed. "It's okay, Starlight. I'm resigned to the idea that Celestia is the number one suspect. She's the only pony around twenty years ago who could pull off such a feat. Luna was still on the moon and Cadance had only just become an alicorn. This is indeed alicorn-level magic."

"I'm sorry, Twilight," said Starlight softly.

"What we don't know -- and what I truly hope will make some sort of sense -- is Celestia's motivation. What in Equestria would drive her to completely erase the existence of one particular pony?"

Celestia peered at the remaining fruit on the breakfast platter, looking thoughtful. She finally plucked a slice of apple in her magic and raised it to her muzzle. She glanced past it. "You've been rather quiet this morning, dear sister," she said gently before popping the slice in her mouth.

"My apologies, Tia," said Luna with a small smile. "I have things on my mind."

Celestia considered. "Would it have anything to do with that letter you received just before I raised the sun?"

Luna had not realized Celestia had seen her with that letter. Now that she did, she was not surprised Celestia had asked about it. It may seem like an innocent question to most, but where Celestia was trusting to a fault, this was the equivalent of rampant paranoia. "In a way, yes."

"May I ask what it was about?"

Luna was quite tempted to give her sister a taste of her own medicine and be just as elusive as she but decided it was best to allay suspicion. "It was from Twilight Sparkle, thanking me for helping her with a particularly difficult nightmare."

While that had indeed been in the letter, the context had been different. It had also indicated Twilight would be in Canterlot that morning.

"Twilight? A nightmare?" Celestia said.

Luna could not tell if her sister's surprise were genuine or not. "Everypony experiences nightmares now and then, and Twilight is no different."

Celestia chuckled. "I know, dear Luna, but I simply want to make sure Twilight is in the correct frame of mind for a task I have for her."

Luna hesitated. "Task?"

"I was originally intending to leave Canterlot in two days to resume talks with the changelings," said Celestia. "But then I realized that this would be an excellent opportunity for the Princess of Friendship."

Normally, Luna would agree, but now she had to suspect Celestia's motivations. "While I believe Twilight would indeed excel at any task you place before her, isn't this more suited for the head of state?"

"Really, the only use I have in the end is placing my signature upon the final documents."

"But where you have already started this work, doesn't it make more sense for you to finish it?"

Celestia smiled. "Now, Luna, one would think you have some doubts as to my intentions. I only wish to help broaden Twilight's experience."

"And one would think you still consider her your student who needs regular assignments to keep her busy," said Luna, unable to contain her frustration anymore.

Some of Celestia's smile faded. "Twilight is free to refuse my request. Of course, I will insist on knowing why. We will know soon, as I intend to head to the Castle of Friendship after breakfast."

Luna kept her expression as neutral as she could, very much aware of her sister's scrutiny. "Might I suggest you wait one more day?"

Celestia hesitated. "For what reason?"

"Twilight's nightmare disrupted her sleep. She is likely feeling a bit frazzled this morning. Giving her a day to recover would put her in a better state of mind." Luna hated lying. She wished this had been the day before, just after Twilight had actually experienced her nightmare, at which point Luna's statement might contain a kernel of truth.

Celestia considered as she selected another bit of fruit. She stared at the slice of peach, slowly turning it over and over as she contemplated. "Very well."

Luna did not trust the flat tone in her sister's voice. She forced a smile and rose to her hooves. "Thank you for the lovely breakfast as always, but I need to retire for the day."

Celestia's smile returned as if it had never left. "Of course, dear sister. Pleasant dreams."

Luna headed out of the chamber and cantered down the hall. At the entrance to her quarters, her night pony guards came to attention. She jabbed a hoof towards one. "I have an important task for you."

"Yes, Princess," said the guard.

"Follow me inside."

The guard dutifully followed and stood just inside the door. Luna closed it behind him with a nudge of magic and grabbed a scroll and quill. "You are to be discreet," said Luna. "You are not to reveal the nature of your mission to anypony. If asked, you are to deny you are even on a task for me. Is this clear?"

"I understand, Princess!"

Luna wrote on the scroll: Twilight, there is a danger that Celestia may try to visit you at the Castle today. I believe she is trying to divert you from your course. Use your best judgment as to how to proceed.

She rolled up the scroll and levitated it to the guard, who tucked it under his wing. "Find Princess Twilight Sparkle and give that to her," said Luna. "She is in Canterlot, most likely at her parents' residence."

"I will do as you command, Princess!" the guard declared.

"Then go."

The guard bowed his head and left.

Luna wasn't quite done. She had to delay her sister from going to Ponyville long enough for Twilight to receive the letter. She had an idea who might be persuaded to help, even if it was a long shot.

Then again, it had been a while since he had pulled a prank in the palace. He was long overdue.

The unicorn mare who came to the door gasped in delight as her eyes fell upon Twilight. "Oh, heavens! Twily!"

Twilight smiled. "Hi, Mom."

"Come here!" said Twilight Velvet as she pulled her daughter into a tight hug. Behind Twilight, Starlight glanced away, shuffling one of her fore-hooves. "I had heard you were in Canterlot the other day."

"Sorry I didn't visit then, Mom."

Velvet broke off the hug and beamed at her daughter. "Please, Twily, no need at all to apologize, we understand you're so very busy these days." She tilted her head and looked past Twilight. "Oh, hello."

Starlight waved a fore-hoof. "Um, h-hi."

Velvet smiled. "You must be Starlight Glimmer."

Starlight hesitated before stepping forward and offering her fore-hoof. "Um, yes, I am. Pleased to meet -- oof!"

Velvet hugged her as well. "Any friend of our daughter is a friend of us."

"Er, thanks," Starlight murmured.

"Please, won't you both come in?" said Velvet as she broke off the hug. As she turned and headed inside, she called out, "Nighty! We have visitors! Twilight and her friend Starlight!"

A unicorn stallion cantered into the room. "Oh, my stars, hello, Twilight!" said Night Light.

"Hi, Dad," said Twilight. "I hope we're not interrupting anything."

Night waved a hoof. "Nonsense! We always have time for you, Twily."

"Would you like something to eat?" said Velvet.

"No, I'm okay," said Twilight.

"Are you sure? You look a bit thin to me."

Twilight blushed. "Mom, please ..."

Starlight pressed her hoof to her muzzle to hide a grin.

"How about just something to drink?" said Twilight. "Maybe some juice? Would you like some as well, Starlight?"

"Yes, please, thank you," said Starlight.

Velvet smiled. "Be right back."

Night stepped forward as his wife trotted off to the kitchen. "Please, everypony, sit down."

Twilight hopped onto the sofa, and Starlight followed. "I'm afraid this is not strictly a social visit, Dad," said Twilight.

Night sat in an easy chair. "Oh? Is something wrong?"

"You could say that, but not with me. Actually, this concerns you and your immediate family."

Velvet returned with a tray and several glasses of apple juice. "Does it now?" she asked as she set the tray down on the table. She stood next to her husband's chair and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

Starlight immediately levitated a glass to her muzzle, but Twilight ignored hers. "This is kind of hard to explain," said Twilight. "In fact, it's going to sound kind of weird. Let me try this: have you ... have either of you heard the name Sunset Shimmer?"

Night glanced at Velvet, who shook her head. Night looked back to his daughter. "Can't say that the name rings a bell, Twily, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine." Twilight sighed. "Well, it's not fine, but it's not your fault."

"Who is Sunset Shimmer, dear?" asked Velvet gently. "Maybe if you explain to us who she is, we might remember her."

"I doubt it," said Twilight. She looked at her father. "She's your sister."

Night's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon?"

"Honey, your father never had a sister," said Velvet in confusion.

"Indeed, I've always been an only foal," said Night.

Velvet's gaze flicked to Starlight. "Wait a minute, dear," she said to Night. "Starlight here was the one who did a bit of mischief with the timeline."

Starlight blinked. "Mischief? That's ... a rather weak word to describe what I did."

"Perhaps that's what this is all about?" Velvet suggested.

"Ah, I see!" said Night. "Meaning in some alternate timeline, I have a sister."

"No, that's not what we mean!" Starlight declared. "We mean you have a sister in this timeline but you forgot her!"

Night and Velvet stared at her. "What?" Night said in a small voice.

Twilight frowned. She had wanted to break this a little more gently, but perhaps the shock would help break the influence of the spell. "I know this sounds incredible, and there's a chance I may be wrong," said Twilight. "Dad, I want you to think very hard on the name Sunset Shimmer and see if it means anything to you."

"I'll do my best, Twily," said Night. "I do admit, it sounds like a name my parents would give a daughter."

"Didn't you tell me your parents wanted a daughter at some point, dear?" Velvet asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact."

Twilight finally levitated a glass towards her. "How strongly did they want one?"

"Pretty strongly, I would say. Normally I'd tell you to talk to your Grandpa Light or Grandma Glow for more details, but it's kind of a sensitive topic for them."

"Sensitive topic?" Starlight asked. "Why?"

"Your friend is ... quite forthright, Twilight, dear," said Velvet.

Twilight smiled at Starlight. "Yes, but I often like that about her."

Starlight slowly smiled as well.

Velvet glanced down at her husband. "You don't have to tell them if you feel too uncomfortable about it," she said softly.

Night shook his head. "No, Twily doesn't bring up stuff like this for no reason." He sighed and gave Twilight a sad look. "When I was very young, my parents told me they planned to have another foal and were hoping for a daughter. I was quite delighted at the prospect of having a sibling. Yet after repeated failures to conceive, my mother had to tell me that it might not happen. I was so disappointed that I, um, well ..." He fidgeted a bit. "I invented an imaginary sister."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You did what?"

Night blushed. "This is a little embarrassing."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way at all," said Twilight. "But I find it very odd you would happen to do this when I think you might have had a real sister."

Night exchanged a troubled look with Velvet.

"What did you call her?" asked Starlight.

"I called her 'Sunny'," said Night. "But only because it was based on my mother's name."

Twilight frowned. "Or a nickname for 'Sunset Shimmer'."

"Really, Twily, she was as imaginary as the characters in those Daring Do books you enjoy."

"Never mind that, I--" Twilight stopped. "Wait, what did you just say?"

"Um, as imaginary as characters in a story?"

"No, that's not what you said. You said Daring Do."

Night blinked. "I did?"

"Yes, you did," Velvet said, bemused.

"I heard it, too," said Starlight. "I just don't get what the significance is."

"The events recounted in Daring Do are real," Twilight said.

Starlight stared at her. "You're joking ... right?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later. The point is, I told my parents about it. They know Daring Do is real as well."

Night's pupils shrank slightly. "But then why did I--?"

"Because something in your subconscious -- where you know you had a real sister -- was looking for a way to slip past the magical censor that's suppressing your memories!"

Stark silence settled over the room. Night's eyes glistened. "Good heavens," he whispered before giving Velvet a stricken look. "Could ... c-could I really have had a sister I don't remember?"

Velvet pressed a comforting hoof into her husband's shoulder before casting a troubled gaze at her daughter. "Twily, I don't mean to be cross with you, but the subject of his imaginary sister is more sensitive than he's let on. It ... it caused quite a row in his family right when you were still a foal."

Twilight's eyes widened. "When did that happen?"

"Twily, please--"

"I'm sorry, I know this is painful, but I have to know! When did it happen?"

"Twenty-one years ago," said Night in a quavering voice.

Twilight whipped her head towards Starlight. "Before we left the castle, I had another look at that dark magic spell."

Night's pupils shrank to pinpricks, and Velvet swallowed hard.

"I wanted to see if I could figure out how old it is. I was able to estimate the date of the casting of that spell to about twenty to twenty-one years ago!"

"And that matches the last date of residency in that house on Old Canterlot Way," said Starlight.

"It all fits! They're all tied together somehow!"

Starlight nodded. "I agree, we're really on to something."

Night began shivering hard.

"Something else," Twilight said. "Twenty-one years ago was when Cadance started foalsitting me. If I really did have an aunt, and she was doing that task, that would naturally stop by the time she disappeared and--"

" ... bad influence ..." Night murmured.

Twilight spun around in her seat. "What did you say?"

Night blinked rapidly. His muscles suddenly relaxed. "Huh? Oh, nothing."

"I could've sworn you said 'bad influence'."

"I-I heard it, too," said Velvet.

Night frowned slightly. "Yes, Twily, my parents thought the whole imaginary sister idea would be a bad influence on you, so they insisted I stop."

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "You were doing the imaginary sister thing into your adulthood? Isn't that kinda weird?"

Night blushed. "Well, I didn't do it seriously, I'm sure. But I don't think my parents wanted to be reminded of their failure to have a daughter."

"Twily," Velvet said in a shaky voice. "Did you say 'dark magic' earlier?"

"Yes, I did," said Twilight. "There is a huge dark magic enchantment that's suppressing all record and memory of Sunset Shimmer. But the fact that I was able to get Dad to fight against it, even if briefly, means I may be able to break its hold without--"

A loud knock at the door startled them. Night bolted out of the chair. "I'll get it!" he cried as he galloped away.

"I'm going to have to be frank, Twilight," Velvet said. "I'm a little scared right now."

Twilight got off the sofa and trotted over to her. She drew her mother into a hug. "I'm going to figure this out, I promise."

"Um, T-Twilight?" said Night.

Starlight's pupils shrunk. Twilight uttered a small gasp and broke off the hug.

"It's for you," Night said in a weak voice.

The night pony stallion marched forward. "Princess Twilight Sparkle!" He passed a scroll to Twilight. "Important message for you from Princess Luna."

"Luna??" Twilight cried. She took the scroll in her magic. "Yes, thank you."

The guard came to attention, bowed, then turned and headed out.

Starlight rushed over to her as Twilight unrolled the scroll. "Oh, no!" said Twilight.

"I think Princess Celestia's on to us." Starlight said in a nervous voice.

"And I left that book on the table in the library! I better get a letter off to Spike!"

"Is everything all right?" Velvet asked tentatively.

Twilight rolled up the scroll and tucked it in her mane. "Um, I have a bit of an emergency right now. I'll be back as soon as I can. And please, if you remember anything else, let me know! Come on, Starlight!"

Celestia truly did not enjoy lying any more than Luna had. She wished she could explain at length how everything she did was with her beloved ponies in mind. Yet she could not risk even the slightest possibility that the enchantment would degrade before she had a chance to renew it. Before she could do that, she needed Twilight as far away from Canterlot as possible, or the surge of dark magic would be detected. She needed to keep up the deception only as long as it took her to figure out what had gone wrong. Then she could come clean and accept either Twilight's forgiveness or unending hatred.

Then she'd have the monumental task of forgiving herself.

She had intended to make a brief announcement at the opening of Day Court that she needed to delay the proceedings due to an urgent matter, yet she then faced what became the daunting challenge of getting to Day Court.

The usual corridor she took had been the scene of an unfortunate collision between the cleaning staff and the cooking staff. A very large cake that was being transported to a banquet hall for one of the nobility's many social engagements lay splattered across the width of the hallway, burying several ponies in thick vanilla cake and pink frosting. Guards frantically tried to reach the stuck ponies as best as the slick floor would allow.

"Our sincerest apologies, Princess Celestia," said the head chef in his usual snooty voice. "But may I ask you take an alternate route so we can clean this up?"

"Very well," Celestia said as she turned away.

"Of course, Your Highness could chose to eat her way through it."

Celestia blinked and spun around. "What did you just say to me??"

"That you could heat your way through it," said the chef. "Using your horn, of course. One good blast should do it, if you're careful not to hit the other ponies."

"Ah, no," said Celestia. "I'll be on my way."

Celestia made a mental note to send a memo to the palace counselor. The chef had obviously been working too hard.

She turned down a less-used corridor, only to find it filled with foals of the nobility using it as a makeshift go-cart derby. "Oh, sorry about that, Princess!" said the lilting voice of the nanny. "I didn't realize they'd be in the way this morning."

Celestia smiled softly. "It's all right."

"Shall I have them stop and clear a path for your vast posterior?"

"No, I don't have the heart to--" She stared. "Wait, clear a path for what?"

The nanny smiled. "For my vast superior."

Celestia tilted her head. "Um ... no, that's fine. I'll find another route."

She glanced back as she headed away. All the carts had cakes painted on them.

Celestia headed down another hallway. She stopped to get her bearings, worked out several convoluted ways to get to Day Court before finally stomping a fore-hoof. "Oh, ponyfeathers, I'll just teleport."

A flash of light later, and she was inside her court. She frowned as she realized she was not quite where she had targeted. She had wanted to appear beside her throne facing the door. Instead, she was standing in the middle of the room, facing her throne.

"Ah, Princess, very good, you're here!"

Celestia whirled around. She looked past the lone unicorn noble towards the still closed doors. "Prince Blueblood, how did you get -- actually, I don't care. I am sorry, but Day Court is delayed. Please relay that to your fellow nobles. Now, if you will excuse me--"

"But, Princess, I have a matter of utmost urgency!" said Blueblood. His horn glowed, and he extracted a scroll from his mane.

"I am sure it can wait."

"This is quite the emergency, Princess. We need an immediate decision about critically low supplies at the palace."

Celestia frowned. "What could possibly be so urgent that it warrants a delay from a critical task I must perform?"

Blueblood unrolled the scroll. "Cake."

Celestia blinked. "Cake?"

"Indeed, cake!"

Celestia face-hoofed. "I see what's happening here, Blueblood. You've been lured into taking part of an elaborate prank that--"

"For instance, Princess, is there enough of it?" said Blueblood.

"You're likely under the influence of a--"

"Are the cakes big enough? Do they really go right to the Princess' flanks?"

Celestia narrowed her eyes. "That's quite enough."

"Does the Princess get gas when she has cake?" Blueblood rambled on. "If so, is there adequate ventilation when she--"

"ENOUGH!" Celestia shouted. "I'll deal with this nonsense when I get back." She started past the Prince.

"But would you stay if this concerned Old Canterlot Way?" declared Blueblood.

Celestia froze at the door. She slowly turned around. "Why do you believe I would be interested in that?"

"Oh, but everypony has their secrets, Princess," said Blueblood in a sly voice. "Now may I have a proper hearing?"

Celestia's mind raced. Could the nobles have found out? Or had Twilight mentioned something to them? No, she had little use for the nobles herself. This could be just a fishing expedition, but Celestia could not take the chance.

"Very well," said Celestia in a low voice as she trotted over to him.

"Please, Princess," said Blueblood, gesturing with a hoof. "Be so kind as to seat your ample plot upon your throne."

"My what?!"

"Your regal plot."

Celestia narrowed her eyes as she stepped past the Prince. "I do not care for my ... posterior to be referred to by that particular word no matter what adjective precedes it." She reached her throne and turned around. "So kindly refrain from--"

As she sat down upon the cushion covering her throne, it let out a farting noise of such intensity that it shook the walls and rattled the windows, continuing for almost a full minute until it was heard everywhere in the palace.

Before a stunned Celestia could respond, Blueblood snorted, then fell to the floor howling with laughter.

Celestia sighed and draped a foreleg over her eyes. "Discord, I presume."

Blueblood vanished in a flash of light, to be replaced with the still laughing draconequus. "Oh, my! The look on your face just now! It was priceless!"

Celestia stood up. "Really, Discord, a whoopee cushion? Isn't that a tad passe?"

Discord drew himself up to his full height. "I like to think of it as the classics never go out of style." He snapped his talons, and a plate filled with angel food cake hovered before him. "Here's some cake to make up for it."

"Ah, no, thank you."

"Oh, but I do insist." He gave the plate a flip, launching the cake towards Celestia.

Her horn glowed, and a blast of magic intercepted it. Rather than incinerating as she had intended, it splattered in all directions, hitting the windows. Whatever window it hit, the scene formerly displayed on it was replaced with a painting of Celestia eating cake.

"Is there a reason for all this?" Celestia said in a tired voice.

Discord munched on the empty plate. "You mean other than wanting to play a long overdue prank on Princess Sunbutt?"

"Why did you mention Old Canterlot Way?"

Discord finished off the plate and licked his talons. "There used to be a very good bakery there that had the finest cakes."

Celestia face-hoofed. "Discord, could we turn the topic to something other than cake?"

"Oh, very well. Truthfully? It was ..." Discord waved a talon, and the room was cast into absolute darkness. Celestia illuminated her horn in time to see Discord conjure a bow and launch an arrow in a random direction.

"A shot in the dark?" Celestia said. "Was it the same with the stuff about secrets?"

Discord chuckled, conjured a pull-chain, and tugged on it. It clicked, and full light returned to the room. "Now, now, my dear Princess. Do you honestly think I wouldn't have seen that little rip in the fabric of reality? I figured you must be concealing it for some reason and thought it would be good for a little entertainment." A container of popcorn materialized in his paw. "I was not disappointed."

Celestia stepped up to him. "Do you intend to share this information concerning the rift with anypony else?"

"And spoil my fun? Not a chance!" A flash of light, and Discord was dressed like a boxer. He adopted a fighting stance and made some quick jabs in the air. "I'm quite looking forward to seeing you in a match-up against Sparklebutt."

"I don't want this to be a 'match-up', Discord. I don't like being at odds with her."

Discord shrugged, and his boxing paraphernalia vanished. "I must say, this is unusual for you, Celestia. Being so secretive and confrontational. Not what I expected from you at all." He leaned over and whispered to her with a sly smile. "Keep up the good work." He winked and vanished. A moment later, the windows faded back to their original scenes.

Celestia frowned. "I'm doing this to prevent a confrontation, not encourage one."

She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Discord had appeared in one of the windows. "Who are you trying to convince, Celestia? Me? Or yourself?" He vanished once more.

"All right, I got a letter off to Spike," said Twilight. "He'll secure the book in one of the shielded rooms I use for practicing potentially dangerous magic. That should hide it from Celestia's senses."

"But that's not going to solve the problem of us not being there," Starlight said. "How are we going to get back to the Castle in time?"

"If it were just me, I could fly most of the way and teleport the remaining distance."

"Maybe you should go on ahead, then."

"We both have to be there," Twilight said. "You said yourself that she suspects you can be of great help to me in any investigation. We can't afford to raise any more suspicions!"

"Then what do we do?"

Twilight glanced up into the sky. "I have an idea. Starlight, you can hold that self-levitation spell for quite a while, right?"

"Well, yes, but I can't fly very well with it," said Starlight. "Certainly nowhere near as fast as you."

"You won't have to. I'll be your wings."

Starlight's pupils shrank. "Are you serious?"

"You have any other ideas?"

Starlight sighed. "No. All right, let's try it." Her horn glowed, the aura spreading over the rest of her body. Her hooves left the ground a moment later. "Now what?"

Twilight extended her wings. She rose into the air and situated herself over her student, then wrapped her fore-legs around Starlight's barrel.

Starlight yelped. "Um, well, this isn't awkward at all. Nope, not a bit."

Twilight blushed as she flew up and forward with Starlight in tow. "Oh, hush."

"Just get us back to the Castle as quickly as possible so I can start forgetting this ever happened."

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia's voice rang from the entrance of the Castle of Friendship. "Starlight Glimmer! May I speak with you both for a few moments?"

Spike hurried back up the stairs from the depths of the subterranean magic labs as fast as his feet would carry him. "Oh, um, hey, there, Princess!" Spike said in a bright if slightly quavering voice. "What brings you here?"

Celestia swept her gaze over the room as she stepped forward. She smiled down at Spike. "I have a task for Twilight and her pupil. If you would be so kind as to inform them I am here, I would appreciate it."

"Ah, well, um ..."

"Is something the matter?"

"They're ... they're out!"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Out?"

"Way out!" said Spike. "I mean, they're far away. Er, not that far away! They're in town. Somewhere."

Celestia chuckled. "You appear to be a little confused. Are you certain they have not taken a little trip somewhere?"

"Positive! They're right here in town."

Celestia nodded and turned away. "Then perhaps I will look for them in Ponyville. It's been too long since I paid the citizens of this town an informal visit."

Spike's eyes widened. "Oh, but they'll be back soon! We just have to wait for them, that's all."

Celestia turned back around. "Now, Spike, is there something you're not telling me?"

"Sure there is! I haven't told you what I had for breakfast this morning, or what the weather schedule for today is, or--"

"I didn't quite mean that, and ..." Celestia trailed off. She raised her head and looked towards the library.

Spike swallowed hard and started whistling.

"Spike," said Celestia in a more serious voice. "Has Twilight been practicing any unusual magic lately?"

Spike fidgeted. "What do you mean?"

"I thought for just a moment I caught a lingering resonance of dark magic."

Spike's eyes widened. "Dark magic? Here? Oh, now, that's silly! Oh, um, I didn't mean you're silly, Princess! I just--" He glanced past Celestia. "They're here!"

Celestia turned around as hoofsteps galloped towards her. "Princess! Sorry!" a winded Twilight said as she skidded to a halt. "Didn't know you were coming! Was busy in town!"

"Uh, same here!" said Starlight. She giggled nervously. "All that friendship lesson stuff just keeps us busy busy busy!"

Celestia smiled gently. "That's very good to hear, and it is part of my reason for this visit. Twilight, you are no doubt aware that there is still much work to be done concerning the changeling negotiations."

Twilight nodded and smiled. "Yes, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it when you get back."

"Then you will be glad to hear that you will instead have first-hoof experience with it," said Celestia. "As I am requesting that you and Starlight go in my stead."

Starlight's mouth fell open. "Wh-what??"

Twilight chuckled. "Oh, thank you for this honor, but, well, isn't that more something for you to handle?"

"I can think of no better pony to conclude these negotiations than the Princess of Friendship and her faithful student," said Celestia. "I daresay you are even more qualified than me."

Starlight raised an eyebrow.

Celestia turned to her. "Did you have a comment, Starlight?"

"Uh, no, I'm good," Starlight said quickly.

"Celestia, while I would love to do this--" Twilight began.

"Can you deny this would be an excellent experience for your student?" asked Celestia.

"Well, no, but--"

"Then I think you would want to embrace this opportunity."

Twilight exchanged a look with Starlight. "How soon would we have to leave?" Twilight asked.

"In two days," said Celestia. "Given your skills at preparation, I am confident this is enough time for you to be ready. Do you have any further questions?"

"No," said Twilight in a subdued voice.

Celestia smiled and extended her wings. "Then I bid you good day." She flew up towards one of the open balconies and was gone. A few seconds later came the flash of teleportation magic.

Starlight frowned and turned to Twilight. "You know why she's doing this, don't you?"

"Yes," said Twilight with a heavy sigh. "She wants to renew the dark magic spell when I'm not around."

Spike gasped. "Y-you mean ... Princess Celestia did this?!"

"I can't see who else it could be."

"You're not really intending to go on this little trip, are you?" Starlight asked.

"Of course not," said Twilight. "But that means I now have only two days to find a way to break the spell." She shuddered. "Or to force a confrontation with Celestia."

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