• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
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Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).


The Gala is over, the first one since Luna's return from the moon. Tormented by guilt from having been Nightmare Moon, Luna walks into the garden to contemplate Discord's statue, and wonder if she made a horrible mistake all those centuries ago.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

I approve and appreciate this headcanon. Very well written and touching. :twilightsmile:

Arguing over a strip of land a head wide and three barrels long!

Real medieval peasants, at least in Western Europe, often argued over equally-tiny plots of land. This was only in part because they were poor subsistence farmers. The French peasantry in particular had a reputation for being quarrelsome, and having land disputes with their neighbors that might go back many generations.

I like your description of how Luna slowly detached herself from the non-military affairs of the waking world, and thus built the trap of alienation and loneliness into which she then fell.

In the main timeline, did Luna ever accept Discord as the same one that she grew up with?

This story is actually canon to my universe. The fact that he broke loose the very next day and wreaked all the havoc she had hoped he would rather reach out to them instead of doing convinced her, for a while at least, that she'd been right the first time. But it's still in there, nagging at her, so probably sometime after Season 4 she'll reluctantly accept that Discord has always been himself. Maybe if he explains to her what the Spirit of Chaos thing means -- the fact that he titled himself the same thing as the entity that killed her mother is one of the things that went into her belief that he couldn't still be Discord. She doesn't realize it's a position that passes to someone new when the old holder dies.


Yeah, I know that this story is canon to your universe (The Last Draconequus, and not the "Discord is Q" universe), I (needlessly) specified "main timeline," because obviously Elements of Opposition and Not The Hero, while using the same backstory for Discord, are very much so not the main timeline.

I'd imagine that based off of revelations from Not The Hero, Discord would be kinda pissed to learn that Luna thinks that he's the very same being who killed her mother, for obvious reasons. I mean, I know that he knows that she doesn't think he's the real Discord, instead being a Chaos being that wears his skin, but does he know exactly who she thinks he is?

Woah, I've been waiting for a story with this description! And now one of my favourite authors has done it! :pinkiehappy: Can't Wait to read!

Luna, of course, knew better. Her brother could never have become the monster the Spirit of Chaos was. Even if he had all of Discord's memories, and claimed to be Discord. Even if he thought he was Discord.

This strikes me as hypocritical, as she insists Nightmare Moon is the same person as Luna, yet Discord is different. Even though chaos appears to change creatures in similar ways. Denial. Such a strong, terrible emotion.

It wasn't even mind control. It was more like what Discord did, bringing darker traits to the foreground... except it was worse. The happiness, the love that the victims felt was being swallowed, drowned in darkness, and their thoughts were a tangled, writhing mass of paranoia. Everypony is trying to kill you, including your spouse and your foals. Nopony really loves or cares about you, they just want your money. You will never find a mare who'll love you, so you should just go kill a bunch of mares with spells to punish them for refusing to give you love.

She is correct. This isn't mind control: it's much worse. It doesn't just control you, it rewrites your emotions. Changes your synaptic connections so it really is you thinking these horrible thoughts. A magical lobotomy, rewriting your very being.

With that in mind, she was never truly Nightmare Moon. Just as someone who gets a metal rod lodged through their head and loses parts of themselves are not truly themselves.

What if he was, in fact, really Discord, fallen to Chaos in the same way as she had fallen to Nightmare? What if she and Celestia had trapped, not an eldritch abomination impersonating her brother, but her actual brother, in stone, for more than a thousand years? And when she'd had the power to say something, to tell Celestia he was alive and aware in there, she hadn't done it?

Oh, wow. She may actually be breaking through her cognitive dissonance! You go mare! Exactly what I was thinking!

But then I my own self tried to kill Celestia. I would have brought eternal night. Can I truly judge thee?"

And there it is. Realization. You wrote her little mental struggles and progression to this conclusion quite well. I'd expect nothing less from you.

Okay, that was a neat little shortfic. Always interesting to delve into Luna's thought process on things.

I love it as always for anything you write. It is Discord, it is love, and it is tragic [Greek].

it must be thee.

I'd go with "thou" here; copula shouldn't take an object case, and even if it's somewhat in dispute now for casual English…you're adopting archaicisms, so it would more fit to go with the rule…except then, it's Discord, §o…

whom thou art.

who (same rule)

thou'rt my sister then must I be your brother."

thy brother.

Great story! As always, I am very happy I read a story of yours. The amount of detail, WOW! I especially love the continuity :twilightsmile:

I always found this Luna and Discord relationship to be one of the more interesting concepts present in the Last Draconequus world, so I'm happy to see it given some focus at last. Wouldn't mind more, either.

woohoo! good writing! sound pacing! tenouttaten!

Thinking back, I really didn't have much insight into your take on Luna until now. This explains a lot of her past actions, both baseline and in this continuity. I can only imagine what Discord thought of her thinking aloud. Thank you for a fascinating glimpse through her eyes.

Even though this takes place before Return of Harmony, this really makes the whole "Celestia set Discord free" plot point seem more sensical. If Luna confesses that she knows Discord is alive in there, and mentions that she might even understand him a little better, then that would be a good reason for Celestia to free him. Much better than "I have use of Discord's magic for good" as it's coming from a place of empathy.

Also, am I missing something? Did Mayhem kill Celestia and Luna's mother?


Yes, Mayhem killed their mother when he was committing suicide by pony, as Discord put it.

Spoilers for Not The Hero:

"First of all, whatever made you think that Chaos would ever take your side? Or really, any side at all? And secondly... I never gave you anything. That was my father, you mindless moron, and I inherited his power after the mother of those alicorn ‘bitches' killed him, and frankly I just wish she'd done it sooner and more painfully."

So it seems that they either killed each other, their mother died from her wounds, or she weakened him enough to be finished off.


Ah okay. That completely went over my head. I assumed she was killed in a separate incident.

This is probably really jarring and weird to read for people who haven't read the other stories in your universe, but I guess it's not really for them.

I never really could understand Celestia's penchant for leaving potentially dangerous artifacts just lying around, or the keys to enchanted prisons where just anybody could accidentally open them.

But which ones did she leave around? The Tree of Harmony and the gate to Tartarus were hidden in the Everfree, and likely she couldn't have moved them anyway. The Elements of Harmony were inert until acceptable bearers could take them. She didn't have the Alicorn Amulet; some shady dealer sold it to Trixie, so presumably Celestia had no idea what it was. And if Discord's prison had held up for a thousand years, why would she expect it to break down? She'd never been in a position to know that all the spells cast by the Elements of Harmony would break down shortly after the Elements of Harmony transferred to new bearers (which in my mind is the only explanation for why everything happens at once, Nightmare Moon and Discord and Sombra all within a few years.)

Spinoff Sequel Idea:
Discords released, but the mind they once new is completely gone replaced with the insane discord we know from the show, maybe a tad bit more incoherent. And extrovert who loves attention, alone so long would break them. Luna and Celestia now (past season 4/5) come to terms with the damage done to their 'family'

Not really written for them, no, it's intended more to go to worldbuilding on what I already have, but I think most of it should be understandable to someone coming into my universe for the first time. Most of the information provided about Luna is both new (as in, I haven't gone into it before) and based more or less entirely on my interpretation of canon, not building on stuff I did before; it's the stuff about Discord that mostly relies on Last Draconequus continuity, and I think the story does at least try to explain what it's talking about.

I dunno... this thing was on feature box yesterday and I don't think I have enough followers to trigger that on their own, so I think I must have had a bunch of new readers hit it, and no one's complained about it being incomprehensible so far.

I am now hoping for a story where Discord and Luna actually make friends again.
I mean knowing Discords luck in all of these stories he will die before anything good happens.


It sort of does happen in the comics, when she helps him with his nightmares.

I am not denying that but this authors universe is different from the show. I can't actually imagine that the shows authors have put this much thought into Discord's backstory.
Considering that Luna basically hates Discord and feels that he is not the real one.


Oh of course, but she draws a lot of things from the show then fits them into her own universe.

The Tree and Tartarus, I'll buy (although I have to wonder why she didn't make any changes about the latter once it became clear that its crack security force could be defeated with a squeaky toy).

Even the Amulet I'll maybe buy, although I have to wonder how she lost track of it in the first place, given that any Tammy, Doris and Harriet could look it up in detail in a public library.

But leaving Discord in the middle of a public garden where someone might be able to release him, whether by accident or design? At the very least, that's irresponsible, if not outright negligent, especially considering that no one seemed to understand the significance of the statue.

Yes, but until Discord was released the first time, we know Celestia didn't realize he could be. She said to the Mane 6 that she'd thought the spell from the Elements would hold him forever, and why would she expect it to break from a bunch of fillies fighting with each other if it hadn't broken when she banished her own sister and rendered the Elements inert? Afterward we have no idea where she stashed him. He might not have been put back in Canterlot Gardens.

And for all we know she did make changes to Tartarus' security. All we see is that Cerberus is still there, not that there are or are not additional security elements. Tirek got loose the first time Cerberus walked off the job (and was it ever revealed why he left Tartarus?)

I always thought Celestia freed him as much out of empathy, now that she knows he's awake in there, as need (in fact in the Next of Kin to Chaos universe that's made explicit), but in this case, Luna is not going to have a chance to tell Celestia until after Discord breaks loose and makes the point moot, and afterward, Luna remains unsure as to whether Discord is really Discord or not. Because, when he was freed, his immediate reaction was to do the exact same thing as he'd done before. Luna knows that the whole time she was Nightmare Moon, attacking the Mane 6, part of her wanted to be Luna again; she saw no evidence that Discord wanted to reconcile.

The thing that's sad here is that Luna's revelation comes just slightly too late. The chaos of the Gala has already begun freeing Discord; the fight by the Cutie Mark Crusaders just gives him that last little push.

You make good points all around. I still maintain that her conduct was was irresponsible, or at the very least extremely concerning: Displaying your vanquished enemies as trophies is not very paragon, not at all.

addendum: I was expecting, through the whole story, for Discord to turn the question back on her.

I've seen the term in some of your other stories, but I'm not sure what it means exactly. What's the thaumosphere?

The sphere of magical energy that surrounds the planet. It extends outward as far as the moon, or farther, but it gets thinner as you go.


Ah, thanks :D
You don't mind if I use the concept in my fics?

No, I'm pretty sure I'm not the one who invented it either, so go right ahead.

So... does canon pick up from there? Or are we going to be left on the edge of our seats for this one?

Edit: Nevermind, just read the author's note. I generally don't read those, so I missed it at first.

The fleshing out of Discord, dedication to writing him, and the varying universes and expansive headcanon you have are just such a great thing to see, and the stories you have like this one make for fantastic and filling little reads that still leave me wanting more!

(Also, the drama tag might suit this story nicely if you want to add it.)

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