• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 1,268 Views, 28 Comments

Live Life - Gpizano

In the summer time between college semesters, Sunset and human Twilight head to Camp Everfree to study the new magical leyline they discovered there. However the peaceful scenery belies the darkness that is about to fall...

  • ...

Don't Stop Reaching High

After finals had wrapped up, it was a simple matter of getting all of their supplies and friends together for the trip. They'd set off very early in the morning, making good time as they made it to Everfree forest by late afternoon. The best part for Sunset was how open the road was, she'd easily pull ahead of Twilight's Prius, the siren's audi and Tino's van, shooting them a smile before opening up the engine a bit more to take the lead. This was perfect summer weather for riding, the wind in her face felt cool and refreshing, it all seemed to go perfectly with her surroundings of beautiful trees and perfect little snippets of nature from flowers in a field to animals that allowed themselves to be seen.

"Are we there yet?"

Rolling her eyes, Sunset shot a grin back to Jackie. While the guitarist didn't look bored, with how close her girlfriend was pressed up to her she could feel that the other was squirming.

"It shouldn't be too much longer. Do we need to pull over so you can stretch again?"

"No, I'm fine so let's get it done!"

When they had gotten up this morning, Jackie had volunteered to ride with her the rest of the way. Her girlfriend had never gone on rides with her longer than an hour, so Jackie's body had to be aching by now but the guitarist was trying to be a good trooper about it. It would be about another ten minutes before they made it to Camp Everfree, Jackie squirming all the way but managing to appreciate the view a bit when something caught her eye. Sunset pulled in through the arch and over to the side where the dirt lot was, parking before taking off her red helmet and aviator sunglasses. Jackie would similarly remove the silver helmet Sunset had gotten her but gave a groan after a feeble attempt to get off the bike. Then she took a deep breath before pushing herself off.... then collapsed on her back on the ground as she started to whine and rub her thighs.

"Jesus Sunshine! How in the hell can you ride that without getting sore?!"

"Hey, I'm a little sore. I'm just used to it."

Grinning, Sunset reached out a hand to take Jackie's and hoist the guitarist up to her feet, her girlfriend a bit wobbly but managing on her own just fine. A couple minutes later the others would arrive, parking next to her bike before getting out and stretching. Twilight would approach, pushing lightly against her back and attaining a few pops while Spike followed excitedly after her.

"I'm glad we're finally here, it feels good to stretch."

"Yeah! And I can't wait to find a-SQUIRREL!"

Watching Spike dart off, Twilight smiled and shook her head, glad that the small dog was going to have fun. Since he'd been gifted with the ability to speak human over a year ago at the Friendship Games, she'd been working on his vocabulary and now he was much more articulate. Although even with an increase of intelligence, his instincts and mentality was still very much that of a dog. The sirens would exit their car, Adagio and Sonata stretching while Aria popped the trunk to start unloading their things. Tino, Bobby, Sandy and Poppy would all pile out of the van as well, the boys grabbing bags off the top of the van while Sandy and Poppy took in their surroundings.

"This reminds me of the camp I was sent to. Of course it was all focused on theater and the arts."


Giving the older woman a smile to show she was only joking, Poppy walked over to Jackie, grinning as she slapped the guitarist on the exact spot on her back where it would be aching most. Jackie jumped, spine straightening as she gave a yelp and a swear before shooting a scowl at the mechanic.

"So how'd you enjoy the ride Jacks? Feel great?"

"Hardy-har, bite me."

About a second later, Sunset had moved in and gave a gentle nip to Jackie's ear, eliciting an adorable squeak from the guitarist.

"You know that's my job... and I'll give you more later if you insist."

"A shame, I got beat to the punch."

After sticking her tongue out at the grinning Adagio, Sunset was smiling again, a bit more used to the siren's fliratious and teasing manner. Besides, it was very satisfying for Sunset to know she could still make her girlfriend blush and react adorably like this. Before long, two people would come up the driveway to meet them, a woman with long mulberry colored hair that was a darker, richer shade of red than Poppy's and a guy that looked a little younger than her with short, green hair. Sunset approached and held out her hand, shaking first the woman's and then the guy's.

"Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. You must be Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce?"

"Yes indeedy! Here, let Timber and I help you with your bags!"

The woman was definitely perky although Sunset couldn't help but feel that it was a little forced. Not to say that Gloriosa wasn't perky or willing to help, but it was just added on a bit too thick for her tastes. As the all got their things, it didn't go unnoticed by her that Timber was shooting Twilight a flirtatious smile, to which the bespectacled young woman gave a hesitant smile in turn. As they headed to the campground to the tents provided, Gloriosa and Timber gave a short history of the camp and the amenities available if they chose to partake. The mess hall would be stocked with enough food for the week that their large group would be staying and a warning about the nearby rock quarry being dangerous. Once that was finished, they had arrived at the tents and Gloriosa motioned to them as she spoke.

"Well here we are! Usually we randomly put campers together in the tents, but I'll leave it up to all of you to sort out your sleeping arrangements! If there's anything you need at all, just let me and Timber know!"

For his part, Timber had been helping to carry most of Twilight's things. Not an easy feat even for a fit guy like Timber but he was obviously trying to show off by making it seem like it was nothing.

"For sure. I think one of the neat things you'll find about the tents is that they're named and styled a bit after gemstones. Like the sapphire tent over here."

"Oh, I thought it might have been a sapphire. It can be a little hard to tell since sometimes they can be pink, purple, yellow..."

"Well yeah, I knew that. But you know they're mostly blue, it's why they're named after the Latin word sapphirus. Which means-"

"Blue, I know."

"Right... anyways if you need anything, just let me know. I can even get some things set up like the rock climbing wall or a hike."

"Got it."

Giving one last smile and a thumbs up, Timber followed after his sister, leaving Twilight feeling awkward while Poppy and Aria simultaneously voiced the thought that was doubtlessly on everyone's mind.


It would be a couple minutes later that the group was assaulted by a high pitched cheer as a pink blur rushed into the tent area and almost bowled Sunset over.

"SUNNNYYYYYY! It's super duper to see you again!"

"Pinkie-! Air!"

Pulling away with a sheepish smile, it was Jackie's turn to be enveloped in a back breaking hug before Pinkie went off to greet each of the others in turn, with exceptional exuberance with Sonata as the two energetic girls jumped up and down. While they chatted about all the fun things they would do, the others came into view, but the smile on Sunset's face fell some as her eyes fell on three certain young girls that looked nervous. She hadn't seen Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo since the Anon-A-Miss incident and while the girls had warned her that they would be coming along, Sunset still felt a little niggle in her chest upon seeing them. Jackie seemed to pick up on this since she lightly bumped her shoulder against Sunset's to get her attention.

"You gonna be okay?"

"... yeah."

"You sure? Cause me, Tino and Poppy can throw 'em in the van and find somewhere to dump them."

Although a tempting thought, Sunset sighed and shook her head.

"They already tried to find someone else to watch after them. There's no friends or family available. Besides, it's been awhile since they've all been together."

With Sweetie Belle living in Manehattan and Applebloom having had more chores added to her list, it was hard for the three to hang out like they used to. It was a sticking point in this whole thing, but Sunset was doing her best to just let it go so she could study and enjoy her time here.

"Alright... but fifteen year-olds or not, they're still on my shit list."

Jackie looked at the trio and once they were all looking at her, the guitarist made the silent motion that let them know she was watching them. This of course made Sunset chuckle softly before turning her attention back to the group, the chatter dying down as it came time to decide sleeping arrangements. Poppy would take the lead with the matter.

"Well, it looks like there's enough for all of us, but we can't avoid doubling up for the most part. So anyone got any preferences for who they want to bunk with?"

Immediately Sonata and Pinkie Pie raised their hands as the pink haired young woman cried out.

"Us! We'll share a tent!"

"Dibs on the green gem one!"

Before anyone could say anything, the two had gathered their begs and were already off to stake their claim. Next would be Adagio, who, as expected, strolled on over to Jackie... and kept on going over to Sunset, leaving the couple surprised as Adagio slid an arm around the red head's shoulders and whispering seductively into her ear.

"I think the ruby tent would be perfect for us. Powerful, full of energy.... passionate."

"Nope! That's ours!"

After snapping out the state of shock she was in, Jackie had moved in, grabbing her girlfriend and a bag before they moved off to the ruby tent, leaving Adagio to chuckle before turning her gaze to the others, the look in her eyes sending a shiver up the spines of almost all remaining. Aria however, rolled her eyes before tapping Rainbow Dash on the shoulder to get the athletes attention.

"You and me?"

"Er yeah, sure."

And thus they were off to the Amethyst tent. Next Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would be given their own tent to share. Then Tino and Bobby were given their own, then Sandy and Rarity, Twilight would be quick to pair up with Fluttershy after Adagio's gaze turned to her, leaving Poppy, Applejack and Adagio. While Adagio simply smirked and eyed the two up, she surprised everyone yet again by heading over to stand by the mechanic, indicating that she would share a tent with her. Poppy just took to ignoring Adagio's antics as she gathered her bags to take to their tent. Of course being ignored only seemed to make the siren more determined than ever as she followed after the tattooed woman, making her move once they were inside, slipping her arms around Poppy's shoulders and causing the other to tense.

"Why so serious, Poppy? Aren't you excited to be sharing a tent with me?"

She pushed up closer, her chest to Poppy's back and smirked when she felt the slightest hint of a shiver.

"Cold? Well, perhaps I could help. They do say sharing body heat is recommended after all..."

Setting the bags down, Poppy turned to face Adagio, but instead of a scowl there was instead a smirk on her face and a look in her eye that made piqued Adagio's interest.

"That invitation sounds quite tempting."

Stepping forward, she was pushing Adagio back, the siren going with it since she was interested in seeing where this was going. However she was unprepared for the back of her legs hitting the bed and falling back as Poppy moved in, leaning over Adagio with a hand against the bed to brace her. They both stared down at each other, eyes locked as the two sized each other up, neither backing down. Then Poppy leaned in closer, her breath tickling Adagio's ear and causing the fluffy siren to shiver softly.

"But if I want to do anything. It'll be on my terms. So be careful how much you play with me."

The siren actually felt disappointed as Poppy pulled back, that intriguing look in her eyes gone as she went back to neutral and went to unpack her bags. Adagio sat up, a slight pout on her face as she crossed one leg over the other.

"We'll see about that Poppet..."

Next door in the Aquamarine tent, Fluttershy was unpacking when she stood straight up, a shiver running down her spine as she looked over to where the Topaz tent was next door to them. It took her a moment but when Twilight noticed the look on Fluttershy's face, she grew concerned.

"What's wrong, Fluttershy?"

"W-Well, um... Treehugger has been teaching me how to feel auras. And um... next door with Poppy and Adagio..."

".... is it bad?"

"W-Well... n-not in like a bad way, just um... it's more like two strong auras are clashing."


After they both glanced once more to the side where the Topaz tent would be before going back to work, feeling uneasy and sort of wishing they weren't right next door where.... well, who knew what was going to happen this week.

Author's Note:

I thought about whether to bring the sirens along. And after thinking about it, I thought why the hell not? XD

But yes, the summer vacation starts! What lies ahead of the group? Stay tuned to find out!