• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
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Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!



The Galactic Empire has invaded Equestria. But rather than spreading fear and oppressing the populace, it seems the evil Empire is only trying to spread... love. While they may not exactly be the friendliest bunch, some ponies soon embrace the newcomers while they visit their kingdom. Despite their claims that they only wish to share a message of friendship and understanding, some remain suspicious that the usually-malevolent group may have ulterior motives.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends(most of them, anyway) are among those who are not so quick to trust the Empire. Unfortunately, they're in the minority, and proving that the Empire is up to their usual tricks may be more difficult than they anticipate. For the freedom of their world, the Mane Six must fight the most devastating weapon the Empire has ever deployed: cuteness.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 43 )

Somehow any Empire is evil. But British Empire cannot be evil(for Great Britain's aristocracy which means for everybody) so why not to make an Empire - good?
Well, even if the Empire is good somebody will think it's bad(works with any government, really) and will check it.
Interesting idea.

P.S. I wonder, is the Empire bad here?

7827608 We'll have to wait and see. But organizations, even people have both the potential for great good and great evil. Often times, both organizations and people commit both good and evil, even at the same time. When the bad starts to outweigh the good, that's when an organization starts to become evil itself. But who is to judge? How do you way things that cannot be seen on a scale?

Society will judge them by the weight of their impact, only to be known over time. Myself, I try not to judge unless I really have to.

I can see Imperial propaganda making use of this;

"Rebellion Bombs Soap Factory! The Rebel Alliance seeks to deny primitive societies the benefits of improved health brought by the Empire, as they bomb a factory producing soap for local consumption! Hundred are killed in the attack by a squadron of dreaded Y-Wing Terror Bombers! Several brave Fighter pilots attempted to thwart the bombers but were mercilessly fired upon without warning and shot down! Local ruler Princess Celestia promises to purge these evil Rebels from her peaceful world with the gracious assistance of the Empire's elite Stormtrooper Corps!"

Kind of harsh. The Empire sets up a base in a remote, unused part of Equestria and begins taking mysterious but not overtly hostile actions. Equestria doesn't directly have contact with the Empire, but they do know the Rebel Alliance, who tells Equestria that the Empire is evil.

So does Equestria initiate first contact and demand the Empire leave at once or else, as they have every right to?

No, they just sneak a bomb on the base to murder everyone by surprise.

7828315 Indeed, attacking a building like that without evidence that anything illegal was taking place? That's not right at all. No probable cause, not even a search warrant, how could they do such a thing?

How indeed...

7828333 Ohhoho, sneaky author is up to something sneaky!

Sn... snuggle? Bart not snuggle no one. Snuggle... boom like?

Now we're cooking with gas! As someone who has a drawer full of useless decorative soaps given to him by relatives, I stand by the rebels/Equestrian's decision to murder the crap out of any and all employees/puppies needed to bring their tyrannical factory to a close.

Bruhhhhhhhhhhhh, Celestia is in some serious shit.

7834374 have you lost your bucking mind you crazy bastered

Are we supposed to not be rooting for the Empire? Because I can't wait to see some ponies enlist, and then appear in their adorable widdle white armor.

On the other hand, that ice cream is probably made of puppy.

7894817 You're not supposed to be sure who to root for. You're supposed to feel like the main characters, Twilight and Grex, both who feel like something is wrong with the situation and are really creeped out by the usually evil Empire spreading love and happiness. Look at the cover art picture. Imagine it's a real stormtrooper in front of you right now, cuddling a kitten while weapons are clipped to his side. That's how you're supposed to be feeling.

You're supposed to wonder what's in that ice cream. And what the deal with the soap is.

7895053 I am conflicted, just like Grex. And obviously I am suspicious of the ice cream, though I think if there was some kind of weird chemical in the soap Twilight would have found it.

I'm also wondering how the rest of Equestria views the Empire. I mean, in Canterlot they probably love it, because important members of the Empire all talk like they are a member of the Canterlot Elite. :trollestia:

Oh, and you're one of the best experts on Star Wars I know, Barro: Do you know if during the original trilogy, the Storm Troopers were aging clones left over from the clone wars, or if they were all like Finn at that point? I've always figured it was the former, as it explains their terrible aim (which improved significantly in Force Awakens and then dropped back down in Rogue One). On the other hand, if the latter is true, it would mean when the Doritos Locos Bold Rebellion blew up the first death star, they killed like a million orphans.

7895227 We're going to see more of that soon. To answer your question, you have to keep in mind there's pretty much two explanations for everything(at least) because of Disney's canon and the Legends canon. In Legends, there were stormtroopers that were the original clones right up unto the Battle of Endor fighting in the legendary 501st. Disney's new canon, I'm not entirely sure but I think they might be mixed clones/volunteers/conscripts. I think in Rebels they mention how all the clones were retired, so maybe they phased them all out.

7895270 Cool. I wonder if the old storm troopers were "phased out," or if they really did get to retire. I'm imagining some backwater planet full of bedroom communities, with lots of classrooms where half the kids look like brother and sister because they're all Jango Fett the Third.

Probably best not to tell the Pegasi recruits what you did to wampas on Hoth to survive, there are probably talking wampas somewhere in Equestria.

"I don't know," Reena admitted. "But I know it's a trick. This is just a new tactic for them, another way for them to deceive the population while they plan something else that will take advantage of them. That's all they ever do."
"What if they're not actually doing that here? What if they actually do some good around the galaxy, do we really oppose that?"

It's not actually impossible. I don't know whether Equestrian magic and the Force are the same thing in this crossover-verse (they have been in pretty much every other one I've read), but Equestria's magic makes it both a valuable ally and a dangerous threat.
If a really smart Imperial Governor (not the usual idiot in a cape but like Thrawn or something) was put in charge of Equestria, he might see the value in just keeping Equestria happy and content over the long term. That stops most Equestrians from joining the rebellion, and exceptionally valuable ponies (your Sunset Shimmers or Starlight Glimmers or Maud Pies) can be individually recruited and taken off-world to serve as tactical assets for the Empire. That would be worth a lot of free ice cream and lack of tax-collecting.

Still, I'll reserve judgement until the tox report for the ice cream the Doritos Locos Bold Squadron ate comes back.

Looks like Imperial cannoneers were learning in the same school as Imperial stormtroopers.

MSNBC? Does that stand for Multi System News Broadcasting Corporation?

7991324 National Broadcasting Corporation. They also broadcast other shows along with news, other programs. As a news network however, they're incredibly liberally biased and are guilty of mic and feed cutting during the previous election, along with CNN submitting stories to the Clinton campaign before airing them. Like most major news networks in the United States and around the world today, they are corrupt, they have their own agenda and they are ruthlessly enforcing it.

Fox News is almost the same thing but is conservatively-biased and they have done much to improve their credibility in recent years. CNN and MSNBC on the other hand are getting progressively worse. The least-biased and least-corrupt news source right now is ABC, which is also voted as trustworthy compared to the others. It could always change, though so you have to be alert. Never believe any source 100%, always question things rationally.

7991595 You didn't answer my question.

7991719 I finished it for you. Multi System National Broadcasting Corporation

Whatever drugs are in the soap and ice cream, looks like they are affecting the troopers as well.

Also, Palpetine's 16 methods are just variations on force hold, aren't they?

What a great ending. Someone pick up the phone because I f@ckin' called it!

The Empire really being nice after all is a clever play. I admit I was wrong about the soap, I was sure there was some kind of sedative in there to make everyone peaceful. I like the twist of a rebel rebel, makes the two sides seem more nuanced. One thing I'm confused on though: Cadance. Is she loyal to the Empire, or to Equestria, or who was she working with this whole time?

Anyway, fun story, thanks a lot for it.

Awesome. Although.....

Pinkie nodded. "I have much to teach you, my young padawan."

You've doomed us all...

8000540 So happy you enjoyed it! Thank you very much for reading! She was being influenced by the Crystal Empire soap just like the other princesses. Reknaw was using it on all of them and the pony population to get them to continue fighting each other. The sequel is already in production!

8000863 Ahh, thanks for the clarification!

8000863 For a while there, I thought Cadance had just been reading The Empire Did Nothing Wrong

Good to see Flim and Flam are as clever as ever!

8005260 Glad you enjoyed it, my friend. Thought it would be nice to elaborate exactly what the deal was with the Doritos and Mountain Dew. Flim and Flam's evil plan is just now beginning to take shape.


Flim and Flam's evil plan is just now beginning to take shape.

They cut lucrative sponsorship deals with both sides of a war and, depending on how fourth wall you want to get, arguably product placement as well. They've already hit it out of the park when it comes to evil plans! You know, in your universe, I wonder if Flim and Flam were adopted by Griffons or something, they seem like they would really fit in.

Really, really good. She couldn't help but take another bite. "This is really good."

"Oh, I don't just hate Dinkleberg," Timmy's dad said in his usual delightful manner. "As a matter of fact, I hate lots of things. Like traffic, Dinkleberg, weeds, Dinkleberg, property taxes, Dinkleberg, paying homeowner's insurance, Dinkleberg and my next-door neighbors. THE DINKLEBERGS!" he stood and shouted.

"DINKLEBERG! Errr, I mean, Bold-ten is standing by."

Comment posted by Admiral_Gravleos deleted Jun 20th, 2017

I thought Cadance was more of a Star Trek than Star Wars fan, but maybe that's only in the Dan-verse.

She's a fan of both. Secretly, these are unofficial prequels to the Dan Vers-verse. That's why he appeared in the library briefly and why Twilight's a unicorn still.

Also, in case you missed it, gave this story a direct sequel if you're interested. Didn't know if you saw or not, just letting you know if you're interested. It's not The Blockade Runner but another one entirely.

8264616 I did miss it, and I'm not sure how. Thanks for the update.

"She's right," Sonders added. "Alderaan, Kashyyk, Blockbuster- the Empire's committed a lot of crimes and the list keeps getting longer."

Is this story on crack or something?

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