• Published 27th Dec 2016
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The Dark Defender: False History - Lord King Cocoon

What will Twilight do when she learns that the history of Celestia and Luna was a lie? What will Celestia do when Twilight learns the truth? What will Luna do when she learns that she is not truly who she believes she is?

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01 - The Mysterious Documents

~History is written by the winners, but history is also written by sinners.
Though what is known is in the light, there are parts of history kept out of sight.
Nobody questions the ruler of the sun. But that’s because the moon isn’t that fun.
But there are documents that one will find, and change their preconceptions of what she had in mind.
The history of the princesses are beyond what you’d dream. Because Luna is not as she may seem.
This is an untold tale brought to light. A tale about the truth of the princesses of day and night.~

The Dark Defender: False History

Twilight Sparkle had chosen to leave Ponyville for a few days. She had gone to Las Pegasus to see what their libraries had. Lately, things have been a bit boring. The last major attack on Ponyville and Equestria itself was over five years ago. And there haven’t been any friendship problems lately to deal with either. So out of boredom, she chose to travel.

When Twilight arrived at the Las Pegasus library, something didn’t feel right about the Librarian. It wasn’t a bad feeling. Just off. And there was something familiar about the librarian that Twilight couldn’t put her hoof on. He was an older pegasus stallion with a muted purple coat, maroon mane and tail, and piercing red eyes.

“Hello, dear traveler. Princess Twilight Sparkle if I’m not mistaken, am I right?” the librarian greeted, his voice holding a hidden wisdom that came with age, “May I ask what brings you here?”

“Oh, well, I had some time to spare and wanted to see what other libraries had to offer,” Twilight said, avoiding revealing that she’s just bored, “I’ve already read all the books in my library and wanted to see something new.”

“In other words, you were bored and wanted something to occupy yourself,” the librarian said bluntly.

“Wait, how did-”

“Your words betray your intent,” the librarian said, cutting Twilight off, “First allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Solanales. As for how I knew your intent, you mentioned reading every book in your library. So either you have a small library, or you have a photographic memory and can take in allot of information in a small amount of time. Or perhaps the Hayscartes’ method.”

“You know about the Hayscartes’ method too?!” Twilight exclaimed, “I find it a great way of studying.”

“It is. I also find it a great way of immersing yourself in a work of fiction,” Solanales agreed, “But as I was saying, you also mentioned that you have time to spare and wanted to see what other libraries have to offer. I deduced that because you take in information quickly, the fact that you’ve read all the books at your library, and the fact that you have time to spare, that you are in fact bored. The fact that your mind can take in information as quickly as it does also implies that the information can pass through just as quickly. Being able to take in information that quickly means that you can be bored just as quickly. And with time to spare and no extra books, and seeing as there have been no immediate threats to Equestria that you needed to take care of, that’s how I deduced that you are bored.”

Twilight just stood there, her mouth agape. This random pony that she just met was able to so easily deduce that the reason for her visit was boredom.

“I’m older than I look, and have had time to learn certain tells about other ponies that can in fact say allot about them,” Solanales said, breaking the silence as he went to get a few books from the shelves, “So what did you have in mind? It seems that you like to use your mind to make your own deductions. So perhaps some mystery novels? Maybe some Sherclop Pones? Or perhaps you’d like something along the lines of a comedy, like the Scootertrix series. Or perhaps something more sci-fi, like Adventures in Time and Space. Or perhaps…” There was a glint in the librarian’s eye as he realized the best reading material for the purple mare. He then went into the back room and came back out with an old tome and some old scrolls, “You’re the type that likes to learn and educate yourself. I have historical documents that you may not be aware of.”

“I know all about the history of Equestria,” Twilight stated, “What good is learning something new about history if there’s nothing new for me to learn?”

“Because what I have will change your view of the history of Equestria, as well as things you may not know about the princesses,” Solanales said, his tone becoming more ominous, “The fact is that the history you may know is not what it seems. I trust this knowledge to you, because you have a desire for knowledge. I will entrust these documents to you if you so desire. Just know that you may not think of the princesses the same way after reading these documents.”

“Is that a warning or a threat?” Twilight asked suspiciously, “And why would Princess Celestia hide information like this from me?”

“Most likely because she’s afraid of what you’d think of her,” Solanales said.

Twilight was apprehensive about how the demeanor of this librarian changed. However, her curiosity about what the documents had to say was the stronger force in her mind. Taking the documents with her, as well as the other books that were offered to her, the librarian watched as Twilight left the library. After a few moments, the library then turned away with an almost sinister smirk, “What will you do when your own protege learns the truth about you and Luna?” he asked before vanishing into thin air.

Starlight Glimmer and Spike were taking care of the castle while Twilight was gone. But off of the side of the castle, they had built a new public library in the years after the original Golden Oaks library was destroyed in Twilight’s battle with Tirek. The library may have been at the edge of town. But Ponyville was small enough so that you were within walking distance from anywhere in town.

Though Ponyville already had a school run by Cheerilee, Twilight also opened up her library as a place to teach as well. But unlike Ponyville Elementary, it’s not required learning. It’s mainly a place to help little colts and fillies learn their skills. Eventually, the Cutie Mark Crusaders chose to use it as their base of operations to help blank flanks find out what their special talent is, and help others relearn what their cutie marks meant.

“Yeah, Twilight’s out of town for a few days. She wanted to travel to see what books she can add to the library that she doesn’t already have,” Sweetie Belle said to a visitor who wanted to see Twilight.

“In other words, she got bored,” Scootaloo said bluntly.

“While yer here, would ya like ta leave a message fer Twilight fer when she gets back?” Apple Bloom asked.

The trio had grown more mature since they were fillies. Apple Bloom became more muscular thanks to her work on the farm. Her mane and tail were tied at the ends similar to Applejack’s, but generally looked the same. And with Rarity’s help, she converted her old bow into a scarf that she always wore.

Sweetie Belle also appeared much the same. Though with older age came a much more attractive mare. Perhaps she was inspired by her sister in that sense. The key difference is that Sweetie Belle’s beauty was more on the seductive side, which would often get her the wrong kind of attention. She was hired as a part time model with Photo Finish. Her contract said that if she was given every other week off to be with friends and family, and that Photo Finish would use her image to promote Rarity’s fashion business, she would do whatever she’s told without question.

As for Scootaloo, she let her mane and tail grow out. However, her lifestyle took an impact. For starters, her wings never fully developed. So she couldn’t get a job that requires pegasi to fly. Without a job, she couldn’t pay rent. She currently staying with Apple Bloom until she can get back on her hooves. At first, Scootaloo refused the offer, her pride getting in the way. But Apple Bloom’s stubbornness counteracted her pride, changing it from an offer to a demand. But while Scootaloo was at her low point, she did…things…that she was so ashamed of, she couldn’t bring herself to tell her closest friends. However, it was a secret that she couldn’t hide forever. But that’s another story.

“Well, maybe you can help me find a book,” an orange unicorn filly said. It was Pumpkin Cake. Pumpkin was very intelligent for her age and loved learning, which made her one of Twilight’s favorites, “I wanted to find a medical book so I could learn more about my brother’s condition.”

“You mean his congenital analgesia?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah, that.”

“Well, Ah don’t know if there’re any books ‘bout yer brother’s congenal…congeninal…algnesia…yer brother’s condition. But Ah’m sure there’s somethin’ here talkin’ ‘bout it,” Apple Bloom said, having trouble saying the name of the condition, “Ah think there’re some medical books over here.”

As Apple Bloom went over to a section of the library, Spike, who had been listening in, came in and gave Pumpkin a book, “Apple Bloom isn’t that great at organizing,” Spike said, “She means well. But I doubt she’ll find any medical books in the historical fiction section.”

The mention of Apple Bloom’s organization skills gained a chuckle from Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. After taking the book, Pumpkin thanked Spike and headed back home.

“Shouldn’t you two go get Apple Bloom and tell her it’s taken care of?” Spike asked.

“She’ll figure it out,” Scootaloo said, “Eventually.”

As Apple Bloom was searching through the books, there was one that caught her attention. It didn’t look any different than the other books, so there was no reason for it to stick out. But for some reason, it seemed to draw her attention to it.

As she began to reach towards the book, she thought she heard a voice. This distraction caused her to return back to reality, realizing that she was never reaching towards the book…and that the book wasn’t even there in the first place. She also realized she was in the wrong section, though she had forgotten what she was looking for for some reason. She walked back to the entrance to the library where the others were.

“Did any of you hear a voice?” Apple Bloom asked. The others just shook their heads. Thinking it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, Apple Bloom motioned to Scootaloo to head back to Sweet Apple Acres.

After the two had left, Sweetie Belle turned to Spike, “Is Apple Bloom feeling okay?” She asked in confusion, “It’s like she didn’t even notice Pumpkin wasn’t here.”

“It’s like she didn’t even remember Pumpkin was here in the first place,” Spike added, “I know that Apple Bloom isn’t known for her memory. But she’s never just blatantly forgot something like that. And why’d she just leave like that without any explanation?”

“I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle said, “And did you see the look in her eyes? It was almost as if she wasn’t all there or something.”

“Maybe she’s being overworked,” Spike suggested, “After all, she has been taking on more responsibilities at the farm ever since Granny Smith died. And with her also taking Scootaloo in, that probably adds more to her workload.”

“I’d look into it. But I have to start my week of work tomorrow, and I have to get my stuff ready,” Sweetie Belle said, “But can you tell Twilight that I said hi?”

“Sure thing, Sweetie Belle.”

At Canterlot castle, princess Luna was standing on her balcony, a troubled expression on her face. She was focused on something, but what it was is unsure. Noticing this behavior, princess Celestia went to check on her sister. This behavior had been going on for several days now.

“Is something wrong, Luna?” Celestia asked as she walked up to her sister.

“To be honest, I don’t know,” Luna said, “For the past few days, I’ve been sensing something.”

“What is it that you’ve been sensing?”

“That’s the thing. I don’t know. I don’t even know how I’m sensing what I am. It’s as if I just know there’s something out there. Something that feels…familiar. Yet at the same time, it feels foreign,” As Luna spoke, her expression seemed to become more and more distressed. Not from negativity, but from confusion. What she was sensing was like trying to remember a dream, knowing you had the dream, yet not being able to remember the dream.

“Something familiar yet not. Sensing an energy that isn’t there…No, it couldn’t be,” Celestia thought out loud, “I’ve got to look into something.” With that said, Celestia excused herself, seeming rather distracted.

“What will your subjects think of you when they learn the truth?”

Author's Note:

The name ‘Solanales’ is in fact the higher classification of a plant. Credits to whoever can figure out what plant it is.

Congenital Analgesia is in fact a real condition, also know as “Congenital Insensitivity to Pain”. As the name suggests, it’s the inability to feel pain. I gave Pound Cake this condition to explain why he’s always being destructive.

This is intended to be a reboot of my original “The Dark Defender” and “Project Cyba” series, taking place 5 years after the Season 6 finale.