• Published 19th Dec 2016
  • 1,878 Views, 39 Comments

Equestrix Club - Skaltrox Defiance Knight

Twilight and her friends discover magical jewels buried in a small chest in the park, what they don't know is that they have awoken magic inside them they thought was a mere "fairy" tale.

  • ...

No Rarity you can't have them

The six friends: Twilight sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie were in the local park having a pleasant picnic. Twilight was trying to comprehend pinkie's jokes, Rarity and Fluttershy was engaged with light chatter while eating a variety of foods and Rainbow and Applejack were in a heated game of catch.

Aj and Rainbow were throwing the ball closely to the picnic blanket where the others were without knowing it, until Rarity couldn't ignore the constant Ball throwing over her head any longer. "Would you two play your little game some where it can't hit us?" she said trying to keep her cool.

Rainbow dash and Applejack were too focused on the ball to listen to rarity's request and continued to throw the ball over her head. Every time it did so, Rarity twitched and the others on the picnic blanket could tell she was going to burst soon.

After a slightly too high throw from Applejack the ball hurtles away from the group and falls behind a bush. "Aww dang it Aj, try to keep it lower next time!" Rainbow shouted over to Applejack

"My bad"Applejack replied back

"Now that you are not distracted by that ball you can listen to what I was trying to say before!" Rarity's voice raising at every word she said. "You two were getting very close to us, if I didn't notice it when I did one of us could of been hurt, be careful next time okay" Rarity practically scolded the two.

"Sorry rare, we'll try to keep it under control next time, right Applejack" Rainbow said purposely shouting the last part to Aj.

"Yep, we got it under control"Applejack replied

"Okay I'm going to get the ball" Rainbow spoke as she began to walk in the direction where the ball landed.

Twilight rose to her feet explaining why she should get it "O-Oh wait, I'll get it for you, I'm much closer to where it is right now, you would save time which means you will have roughly 3..."

"OK OK you can get it, I don't want to hear you talk egghead." Rainbow allowed Twilight to go while covering her ears

"Geez you don't have to be like that" Twilight said walking over to the bush where the ball landed.

As she walked through the bush she scouted where the ball might of landed, until she saw it resting up against an oddly placed stone.

She tried to ignore it but her curiosity got the best of her, she moved the ball and turned to the stone so she could study it. It was a typical greyish rock except it was very smooth and looked like it was carved as it was a perfect oval shape. Twilight looked closer at the oddly perfect stone just lying in the middle of the park, small but understandable writing was etched across the stone's surface. It said "Who ever finds this chest must understand the powers it posses are joined with the chosen ones."

'Chest? What chest?' Twilight thought to herself 'Maybe it's buried underneath the stone, yeah that must be it'

With that Twilight starts digging with her hands trying to find the aforementioned chest, it seemed to be useless until Twilight scraped against something wooden. Showing a face of excitement she continued to dig until she unearthed the chest enough to be pulled out. After several tugs, the chest is released from the ground for who knows how long. Twilight looked at the chest in her hands and smiled, it looked like your typical treasure chest mostly made of wood with metal supporting it, holding the chest together, what was missing though was that instead of a lock it only had a sliding latch that didn't seem to having any sort of locking mechanism at all. Twilight had to show this to her friends, she went to retrieve the ball and returned to the others holding the ball and the chest.

"So did you find the ball? Also what is that!?" Rainbow shouted

Twilight threw the ball back to Rainbow and went to sit back down placing the chest in front of her. "Guys come check this out, i think it might be some kind of treasure chest" Twilight asked her friends to come over, which they complied to.

"A treasure chest, ooohhh do you think it might be filled with gold or silver or gems or maybe even some very old but possibly still fine to eat sugary goods!" Pinkie pie bounced over asking Twilight with as much glee as Twilight was showing.

Everyone looked at Pinkie with a 'are you serious' look to which Pinkie simply said "What, it could happen."

Rarity known for not liking dirt was clearly disgusted at all the dirt on Twilight's hands and on the chest "Twilight darling, as much as I am happy to hear treasure could be in that chest, could you of at least gotten a shovel to dig it up" Rarity spoke to twilight trying to avoid looking at her dirty hands.

"It wasn't that deep Rarity, it was either dig with my hands or not dig it up at all"

Rarity just huffed and gave a gesture to Twilight to open it up. Twilight happily did so, she slid the latch to the right with a satisfying thunk and pushed the chest lid up, what she found made everyone gasp.

Inside were six beautiful gemstones neatly positioned in a circle laying on red fabric, each one was a different colour. They were Purple, white/clear, pale pink, orange, blue and bright pink. Everyone was in awe at the most likely valuable precious stones, Rarity more than the rest.

"I must have them, Twilight let me have them please, please, please~!" Rarity begged.

"I found it Rarity so I decide what to do with them, but since I'm not a jerk I'll let you have your pick of only one, that includes all of you" Twilight replied.

"Oh thank you Twilight, I might take that one that looks like it may be a diamond" Rarity thanked Twilight before plucking the stone out of the box.

"I might take this super cool bright pink one over here" Pinkie spoke as she butted in next to Rarity, claiming the stone.

"I-I might t-take t-that one over there...if you don't mind that Twilight" Fluttershy spoke up pointing to the pale pink one.

"Not at all Fluttershy, take it." Twilight replied back.

Fluttershy happily did so, next was rainbow dash to pick one. "I'm not really into those kinds of things but... I might take that awesome blue one" she stated "Who knows it might be worth a ton."

Twilight turned to Applejack who didn't seem to be pleased with it all. "What's wrong AJ?" she asked her farmer girl friend.

"What's wrong is that these gems aren't yours, they should be given over to a museum or something, not claimed as yours to cash in or used on a dress!" she shouted as she looked to Rainbow and Rarity clearly aware of their intentions.

"Come one AJ, how many times do you find a chest with most likely valuable gemstones in it? Tell me you don't want one even just a little? Rainbow told Applejack.

Applejack stood there trying to make sense of all this and if she should take one, eventually she gave up and asked Twilight if she could have the orange one.

"I knew you would change your mind eventually" Twilight spoke up once more.

'Yeah, yeah don't make a song and dance about it" she replied back.

Pinkie rose to her feet and she opened her mouth to speak when Rainbow dash covered her mouth before she could.

"Its an expression Pinkie" Rainbow stated to the crazy pink haired girl who could only muster a cute 'aww'

Twilight looked down at the chest once more, staring at the purple stone left in the box. "I-I guess I'll take this one then" she clutched the stone in her hand.

Suddenly a bright burst of light shot out from the stone bathing Twilight in it, this happened with everyone else too, light showering the girls completely. Twilight couldn't tell what was happening as it just happened in the blink of an eye, she tried to call to her friends but was only given silence except for the sound of the light all around her. Before she could say anything else her vision went completely white.