• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 17,197 Views, 968 Comments

Over the Edge and Over Again - Perpetual Motion

Having failed to reach the Davy Jones' Locker, how will Captain Hector Barbossa cope with the perils of Equestria instead?

  • ...

He's a Pirate

Over the Edge and Over Again: Chapter 9
He's a Pirate

“Get up!”

Having grown tired of banging on the basement door, Twilight had finally forced herself to move downstairs to wake the pirate herself. It didn’t help; even shouting from a few inches away failed to wake him. Although Twilight had more than a hunch that he was simply ignoring her.

“I said up! The princess will be here soon.”

It was already past eleven, and while the purple mare and her scaly friend had been up since eight preparing for the royal visit, she had put off fetching Barbossa. It was unlikely he would have made himself useful anyway. Pulling the quilt over his head, and proving Twilight’s suspicions correct, the unicorn lost her patience.

“Fine. Be that way.”

Turning around, Twilight bucked the mattress hard with her hind legs, flipping it over. Catapulting the captain onto the hard, oak floor, he had no time to react before his former bed landed on top of him, sheets and all.

“Bloody, stupid horses...”

Fighting his way out of the sheets and covers, Barbossa got to his knees and rubbed his eyes with the palm. Blinking and letting out a loud, gruff yawn, he climbed to his feet and stretched his back. Twilight grimaced at the sound of his popping bones. He did it far more often than he needed to.

“As I was saying, the princess will be here soon. You need to get ready.”

Letting loose another yawn, the captain tediously sighed and looked down at the unicorn. He grated his teeth together, and looked down from over his nose.

“And what would ye have me do? Put on me best clothes?”

“I don’t know. You've left it too late to wash yourself....you could comb your mane or something?”

Barbossa’s eye twitched. Trust a woman to give that kind of answer...

“For humans, it be called hair, and I don’t comb mine.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” she said as she shook her head, “Fine. Just get your flank upstairs.”

Grumbling under his breath, he kicked aside the old mattress and walked towards the stairs. He would have to explain what his body parts were called eventually; it annoyed him to no end when they kept saying he had claws or talons. It was somewhat funny at first, but manes and flippers? Surely there were some animals that had hands and feet?

“Aye, fine. But buck the bed while I'm in it again, and I swear to God I'll be shovin' those rusty springs somewhere your muzzle can't reach!” he said, clenching his fist together and slamming the wall in front of the purple mare's face.

Stammering and unable to properly respond, Twilight nervously nodded her head and hurriedly made her way upstairs, followed moments later by Barbossa himself.

Coming into the library, he arrived to see not just Twilight and the dragon, but also Fluttershy and Applejack as well. Ducking under the small door, he raised a hand to the pegasus, somewhat confused as to what to do. She was stood on her own, apparently reading a book, while the others were huddled in a small group doing something else.

Fluttershy just looked at him for a few second before nervously smiling and going off to stand with her friends.

“Are the others not comin’?”

He didn’t really care, but seeing as no one liked him, asking how their friends were keeping would surely help raise his standing. The farmer just eyed him before answering.

“They’re off pickin’ up Rainbow from hospital.”

Or maybe it would just remind them of what he did. Staring back at Applejack, Barbossa turned away from the small group and took a gander over the bookshelves. If they weren’t willing to talk, he couldn’t be bothered trying.

Looking over the colourful selection of books present, there weren’t many that caught his attention. He’d never been one for literature, but like any proper man, he had learned to read from a young age.

Anyone could be part of a crew, but only those intelligent enough could lead one. Then again, he didn’t learn to read for the sole reason of becoming a captain; back in the early days, it was more a way of opening connections. If a captain was stupid enough to not have an ability to read, he would want a first mate that could.

Either way, he had the capacity to choose something to read, and as he had nothing better to do, he might as well find something to humour himself, at least until the pony princess got here. Pulling out a book with water droplets emblazoned on the spine, he held it in his hand and looked down at the cover.

“‘Darin’ Doo and the Trident of the Seaponies’?”

Flipping it over to the description, he surmised that seaponies were likely this world’s equivalent of mermaids. None to bothered about the adventures of the eponymous Daring Doo, he put the book back and searched for something less fictional to read. Although depending on the subject, anything he read here could be considered fictional. The beings stood not five feet from him were considered fictional.

Moving across the room, he found a whole selection of books covering a vast amount of subjects, from gardening to topics surrounding science. Barbossa couldn’t understand much about the latter topics, but there were also many books on the creatures that roamed this world. Picking a dark green one out from the shelf, he turned it over and read the cover.

“‘Tooth and Claw’.”

It was an educational book, filled with information on beasts and creatures that were known for their attacking power and instincts. It was basically the same book he had stolen from the cottage, albeit one with less fluffy creatures and more ferocious ones.

Taking an interest, the pirate sat down on a large, green couch and began reading. While he recognized the names of some creatures, they were few and far between. It appeared that most of the creatures he feared either didn’t exist here, or, if they did exist, he guessed they weren’t considered a threat. The horses could talk, so it was no stretch of the imagination to think that other animals could do the same.

“Miss Sparkle!” he yelled over to the purple pony, “Do ye have talkin’ lions here?”

“Erm…” she sighed nervously, “Yes, we do, but only in certain parts of Zebrica.”

Her friends readied to ask their questions, but the captain spoke up first. He held the book the in the air.

“And talkin’ tigers too?”


Scratching his beard, Barbossa dropped the book he was reading on the chair before restarting his search of the bookshelves.

“Would…would you like a book about them. Tigers and lions, I mean? The book you had was more suited for wild animals, and there isn't really anything you'd want in that section.”

Barbossa nodding in response, Twilight went over to the appropriate shelves and fetched one book on Tigraniese culture, and another on Zebrican Leeu tribes. Levitating them into his hands, Twilight gave him a quick smile and watched as he sat down on the same chair he had got up from, before moving back to her friends.

“How does he know about tigers and lions?” Spike asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Maybe he has them where he comes from too? There’s still a lot I wanted to ask him, but I think he got bored with my questions.”

“His world sounds pretty dangerous,” he noted, “He said it was full of zombies and other scary stuff.”

“Zombies?” Applejack scoffed,”Like the brain eatin’ kind? They don't really exist Spike.”

“Not in our world, but they apparently do in his. He also said that unicorns and pegasi were only legends and stories where he comes from.”

“Any earth ponies?”

Good to know Applejack had her priorities straight.

“Yes, but they don’t talk. Or do anything apparently. I’m going to ask him more after the princess has gone; his world just sounds so different to ours.”

“Well, Ah’d rather not go there any time soon, what with all the zombies and lions running around and whatnot. It's startin' ta sound kinda evil in m-”

Hearing the clearing of a throat, Applejack turned around to see the pirate standing over her with his forelegs crossed and his leaning down towards her. Looking him in the eye, she turned her head towards Twilight, before nervously laughing back at Barbossa.

“But it...uh, sure sounds mighty fine for a pirate,” she managed to stammer before retreating back behind her friends.

“Ye seem te think that I like havin’ dangerous creatures roamin' around.”

“Well...don't ya? Ye'd be used to it and all.”

“Oh, sure. Reanimated corpses under the servitude of yer enemies and creatures that hunt ye down and eat ye down te the bones.”

He smiled and widened his eyes.

“Aye, it’s a blast.”

“Your world doesn’t sound very nice,” Fluttershy squeaked from next to Applejack.

“Aye, but what of yours?”


“Yer hydras, dragons and manticores. How are they any better than the krakens and creatures I have te fear?”

Fluttershy looked to her friends for assistance, shaking and hiding behind her mane. Twilight had no real idea in how to respond, but could see he had some form of point.

“But our world sounds more peaceful than yours, so surely we deal with our threats better than your world does?”

The pirate laughed at her, grasping a part of his forehead with his fingers, but instead of continuing their argument, he walked back to the couch.

“Or maybe, yer petty little world ignores yer own problems better than mine does. That'd surely explain ye livin' not a mile from an infested forest.”

Sitting down, he picked up the book on lions and continued reading, rendering the conversation finished. Applejack turned back Twilight after she was sure he wasn't coming back.

“He ain’t very nice to talk to, is he?”

“I know, but I think he’ll open up once he gets some evidence we can actually get him home.”

“And can we?” Applejack whispered, pushing herself close to Twilight's ear.

“I think so. There must be a spell for it somewhere.”

The sudden sound of hooves clattering to the ground and thudding on the dirt brought Twilight away from her friends, and after a brief spell of leering out the window, she hurried outside. Seeing she had left the building, Spike followed in earnest, pushing the door to the side and leaving it ajar as he left.

Realising both his land lords had left the library, Barbossa closed the book and tossed it on top of the other one he had been reading, along with the book on tigers. Whistling to the two mares left in the room, he looked to Fluttershy, gesturing with a hand towards the door.

“I-it’s the princess.”

Nodding with a sigh, the captain got to his feet, pushing his way away from the couch. It would be best to get this over with sooner rather than later.

After waiting for a few minutes with no arrival from the royal visitor, Barbossa rubbed his face before making his way over the window. He peered outside only to hear the creak of the library's front door.

Rather than seeing Twilight or Spike walk in, he instead saw who he assumed was their princess. Unlike the stockier build all the other ponies he had seen thus far had, she was far more slender, and taller to match. She was almost as tall as the captain himself, and if anything, she looked much more like what he imagined a unicorn or pegasus would.

Once she had come inside, it became obvious that the princess sported both a horn and a set of wings, but something else caught his eye. Her mane, unlike any of the others he'd seen, flowed effortlessly in the air and seemed more like a light show than any sort of hair. Her coat was impressive too; a regal and unblemished white, but coupled with the rest of her features, it just seemed more grand than Rarity's white coat did.

Seeing an easy chance at redemption, Barbossa swiftly removed his hat before kneeling on to his right knee. Holding his hat to his chest, he also bowed his head to the visitor, hoping the act would seem more respectful than it actually was.

"It be an absolute honour, yer royal majesty," he said as he closed his eyes, "Captain Hector Barbossa, at yer service."

The princess didn't reply, instead opting to silently look over him, moving around him in a slow, steady circle. As he continued to kneel there, Celestia continued to watch over him, rotating her head and focusing her gaze as she scrutinised every aspect of him. Curiously opening his eyes and twisting his head to his side, he watched as the white mare stared back at him, still not speaking a word.

As she moved back to his front, now towering over him thanks to his kneeling stance, she cleared her throat before finally addressing him.

“I have been told about you, Captain Barbossa. Is what my student told me true?”

Rather proud that she’d addressed him by title rather than name, he smiled before he replied, raising his head to face the white coated pony.

“That be dependin' on what she's been tellin' ye.”

“That you are from another world. That you landed in our kingdom and are unable to make your way back to your own. Is that true, captain?”

“Aye, every word, I can assure ye.”

“And what about me hearing that you not only assaulted Twilight, and bullied one of her closest friends, but sent another of them to hospital? Is that true too, or has my faithful student been feeding me lies?”

Smile fading, he looked back down towards the floor before replying. She spoke in a calm voice, but unlike her pure appearance, her tone depicted anger and frustration more than anything else. But he could hardly deny her; she'd likely already chose who she was more willing to believe, and he was sure as hell it wasn't him.

“...there may be...some truth te the matter, aye.”

“And are you sorry for what you did?”

He took no hesitation before responding to her. He hardly the choice to say anything else, given his current situation.


Twilight and the others stood and stared. They were surprised; they didn’t know if it was through fear or respect, but the princess certainly had some form of sway over him. Celestia continued to look down at him from where she stood, showing little or no emotion on her face.

“And do you intend to repent for what you did?”

He let the wind escape his lungs and his eyes widen. Surely Twilight wasn't lying when she said the death penalty didn't exist?

“In…in what manner of speakin’ are we talkin'?”

“Can the rest of you leave me with him? Please, we won’t be long,” she spoke politely, and calmly; differently to how she was addressing him.

Turning his head to the side, he could see the other ponies nodding and silently walking out of the library. Twilight hesitated, staring at her princess before briefly looking towards the pirate.

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine, Twilight. And so will he.”

Less worried about his fate, the pirate let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t know what to expect from the monarch, but royal pony didn’t seem like the kind to go back on her word. Hearing the front door close for the final time, and realising he was the only being apart from the princess present, he once again dared to look up at her. She was smiling this time.

“I know you’re not sorry for what you did. I’m old, captain; I’ve seen many liars in my time, and you are not as good at it as you think you are.”

Bugger. Perhaps she wasn't as naïve as the rest of the ponies were.

“But I’m surely regretful of me actions at least, princess.”

He may not have been sorry for sending Rainbow to hospital, seeing as the harlot deserved it, but he regretted doing it. The same could be said for Twilight; he wouldn't have had to go through many of the hardships he'd went through if he'd acted cordially towards them.

“Be that as it may, I want you to at least make amends for your actions. If you agree, I will have no problem with helping you. And you can stand now; I'm sure you don't enjoy bowing to a alien dignitary.”

Nodding, he sighed as pushed his way from the floor, cracking as his knees before he finally stood at full height. Kneeling on a wooden floor wasn't the most comfortable way to feign your allegiance, but she'd apparently seen through that as well. Dusting his jacket off, and replacing his hat to his head, he continued with their previous line of conversation.

“And if I don't, I suppose ye'll be keepin' me here fer the rest o' me days? Seems awful black hearted.”

“The way I see it, you want a way home. I’m willing to help find that if you repay for the crimes you committed. It’s a perfectly reasonable offer, Captain Barbossa.”

“And if I did decide te take yer offer, what would ye have me doin'? Labour?”

He couldn't honestly think of much else. If you were caught for any crime, you were executed or thrown in a prison. If you were on of the lucky one, you were put to work.

“If that is what you deem fit; I want you to decide, and if Twilight and her friends deem your acts of kindness suitable, I will have no choice but to agree with them.”

The captain rubbed his temples, rather unsure of how to take his punishment, or lack thereof. The lack of death, torture or even an actual punishment was not something that bothered him, but rather, it was the way she talked so casually. She didn’t sound demanding, nor did she attempt to raise her voice. By all accounts she should be seething at him.

“So…I’m te decide how to recover me reputation, and if Miss Sparkle deems it suitable, ye’ll send me back? And nothin’ else besides that?”

“Basically, yes. On the other hoof, if you cause me or my subjects any more grief, I will be forced to keep you under lock and key until a way home for you is found. The first choice gives you freedom, while the other imprisonment. I’m sure I know which option you prefer.”

She definitely wasn’t as naïve as he’d thought. Her demeanour still troubled him though. She was being too...nice. Too approachable.

“Yer bein' too tolerant. Why? Under normal circumstances I'm guessin' ye'd have me punished and be done wi' me.”

The princess kept herself silent. After Barbossa readied to further voice his opinion, she smiled back at him.

“I sense good in you, Captain Barbossa. You bury it deep, and hesitate to acknowledge it, but it’s there.”

The pirate begged to differ, but if this was his chance at freedom, he was more than willing to humour her. But he did like to think of himself as a fair man. Not the fairest, not by any means, but fair none the less.

“And my full title is Princess Celestia, in case Twilight hadn't told you.”

Still caught up on her calling him a good man, he blinked before nodding his head, hoping he had caught everything she had said.

“If ye say so, Princess Celestia. Maybe I'll decide te tell ye mine before I leave.”

“Twilight also told me of your dietary requirement. I am sorry, but you will struggle to find edible meat here. Our society is herbivorous one.”

“I'm sure I saw chickens durin' me vi-“

“And I’m sure anypony you come across will object to you stealing their pets and eating them. You’ll have to find some other source of food for the time being.”

Realising he had little to say in the matter, he scratched his beard and let out a tired sigh. As much as he loved meat, there were thankfully other foods he enjoyed. At least he knew he wouldn’t be thrown in jail, and if all he had to do was get the ponies’ approval, there was little he had to complain about.

“However, if you are willing to wait an extra day or even two, and providing that you act within my guidelines, I am sure I could acquire some meat for you.”

Somewhat excited at the thought of getting some meat, and for free too, he casually nodded to the princess before pulling his fingers through his beard.

“Yes, fine. I’ll make do. For now.”

“I do believe we have a deal then, captain.”

“Would ye be willin' te shake on it?”

He held out his hand towards the pony. He liked to think shaking on a deal made it more of a mutual agreement than a one sided one, or at least to the point where he could legitimately chastise and...dispose of the opposing party if they failed to keep it. He doubted the princess would break the deal, nor did he have any doubts that he'd likely lose in a battle without a weapon, but he liked the ritual all the same.

Staring at his hand for a few moments, Celestia smiled before placing her hoof in his grasp. He shook it three times before releasing her from his grasp.

“You are a strange creature, Captain Barbossa.”

“Yer point, princess?”

As much as he wanted to talk back or call her out on her own traits, he'd made a decent deal, and he wasn't going to go ruining it after barely a minute by insulting the stronger party.
“No point. I simply meant you're very interesting, despite your drawbacks, and I do hope you will come to think the same about us in due time. But I do believe our little talk is over.”

Walking back over to the front door, the royal equine opened it with her hoof before ushering the others inside. The ponies quickly complied, with Twilight being the first to eagerly jump back into the library.

“Are you okay princess?”

“Yes Twilight, I’m fine. Captain Barbossa and I have an understanding.”


The pirate gruffly nodded to Twilight while shrugging his shoulders.

“Aye. It appears so.”

“So you’re not gonna send anypony else to hospital?”

Looking towards the new voice, Barbossa saw Rainbow, now wheelchair bound, being wheeled in to the library by a hovering Fluttershy. Her right foreleg was wrapped in a large, white cast, which was itself resting on an armrest.

The princess looked down towards her before glaring back at the pirate, seemingly angry despite not losing her calm composure. After continuing to stare at him, she walked to the door and addressed all present.

“If he wants to keep his freedom until we find him a route home, then I highly doubt he will be causing any more trouble. Although, he does know what will happen should he displease anypony, isn't that right?”

She gave the pirate a knowing smile. Replying with a mocking salute and a a growl, he jumped down onto the chair he had occupied earlier. Cracking his fingers, he picked up the book on lions and returned to reading it, flipping a page soon after sitting down.

The princess took one last look at him before pulling herself away long enough to walk up to Twilight, who was rolling her eyes at the pirate.

“Twilight, as per your request, he will stay here. I’d rather he didn’t, but seeing as he seems more willing than I first thought to follow my instructions, I will leave him in your care. I would like to talk with you alone for a moment though.”

“O-oh, okay...”

In what the pirate suspected was deliberate action, Princess Celestia left with her student, leaving him alone with everybody else. Feeling that he was supposed to talk to them, he forcefully tossed the book he wanted to read back on to the spot he had picked it up from.

“So,” he said as he clapped his hands and rubbed them together, “it be good te see ye again Rainbow. I’m dreadfully sorry for our little brawl in the forest. I’m hopin’ ye can see it yer ‘eart te forgive a poor, lost pirate?”

Rainbow jumped and hopped around in her chair, shifting and nudging it until it finally faced Barbossa.

“You really think I’m gonna believe that?”

Barbossa shrugged.

“Not really, but it were well worth a shot. I will at least be on pleasant grounds durin’ me stay, and I’m hopin’ fer yer own sake ye do the same.”

“But if you do anything else, the princess will lock you up! She even said so herself. We all heard her.”

“Aye, but she’s anythin’ but stupid, I’ll give her that much. If ye push me te wringin' in yer little blue neck, I‘m certain ye’ll be just as guilty of the results as I will.”

Slowly and awkwardly wheeling her chair back, Rainbow waited until she was far enough away from the captain before grumbling and turning to the rest of her friends, but not before Rarity moved forward to approach Barbossa herself.

“And why are you going to be on pleasant grounds? Are you acting all nice to get on the princess' good side?”

“It appals me te think ye look upon me so lowly, Miss Rarity. If I stay within’ her laws, she’ll repay me with the right te not be imprisoned. Where I come from, that be a rather fine state of affairs.”

Celestia had saw through his act from the start anyway; there was no point in even trying to lie to her. Pity too; it would have made everything easier, although he didn't know exactly what he could have lied about, given all the witnesses were apparently well known to her.

“And what are her rules?”

“Acts of charity under me own choosin’. If I repay for what I did, and ye deem the acts acceptable, I stay free. If I decide te wound ye, I'll be thrown in the pony prison.”

Pulling an apple out of his pocket, he took a large, hearty bite out if it with an audible crunch. Lifting it away to reveal a large missing chunk, he licked his lips as the juice ran from his chin down to the tip of his beard.

“In essence, me little ponies, I’ll be stayin’ on your good side.”

- - - -

Celestia wandered through the gardens of her castle. It had been hours since she had left Ponyville, but her mind still pondered and worried over the recent events of the day. Luna walked along at her side, equally as unsure as to whether they were right to think what they did. It wasn't long before they reached their destination. The sun princess had been there often enough to know where it was.

“Is this another one of your games?”

The creature didn't answer back, keeping the same frozen expression carved across its face that it always had. Regardless, the two sisters continued to glare at it, as if it would somehow cause the statue to answer their question.

“You really think it is him, Tia? He is encased in stone, frozen; beyond our reach.”

“Yes, but are we beyond his? Discord has powers beyond comprehension, and something from beyond our way of thinking has once again arrived in our land. What is to say they are unrelated?”

“What is to say they are? Even Discord himself maintained that the creature from all those years ago was not of his choosing.”

“But that doesn't mean he didn't summon him in the first place; it simply means he had no choice in what arrived.”

“And what of this new visitor? Is it kind?”

“I believe him to be corrupted and fuelled by desire. He is a liar, a thief, and prone to acts of violence. However, he is not a completely evil soul. He is fair in his judgements and even agreed to compromise his diet to suit our vegetarian customs. He accepted my offer too.”

“Then what is to say he will act on his desires? Is he like the Moonlight's Torment?”

“No. Captain Hector Barbossa seems more like a tainted soul than a blackened one. And he does indeed want a way home, just as Twilight said. The last one never wanted to leave. I often wish it had.”

“We shall send the new alien home then. Doesn't that solve our problem?”

“We will first need to find him a way home. Spells may well exist, but they will need to be found, and that will take time. I set Hector Barbossa his task to keep him occupied while he waits for that time to end; I don't want him indulging in his darker tendencies”

“You are lucky he is staying with Twilight Sparkle then.”

“I am also lucky she was so insistent that he’d stay. I had intended to ask, but after seeing how eager she was, I didn't even need to in the end.”

“Then all we need to do now is search for a spell and let time tell it's tale.”

“Sadly. Hopefully this time the bell will chime with a less chaotic toll.”