• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 4th


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.

Comments ( 55 )

That was deliciously wicked. I salute you sir/madam!

*captip* You're welcome :twilightsmile:

it is glorious to see a sequel to one of my favorite stories in this genre :pinkiecrazy:

Loved it loved it loved it! I cannot wait for the next installment! :raritystarry:

Glad you both enjoyed it, thanks for your interest!

Also, FYI to readers - I moved the content disclaimer to the bottom of the description, because this story just made it into the feature box and it looks cleaner that way. My first featured story, yay :pinkiegasp:

I loved has always :raritywink:. A great early Christmas present :pinkiehappy: . I love how Dusk Incest Storys has been popping out more frequently recently :raritystarry: .

Wow~ That was nice and steamy~!!! :pinkiehappy: (no pun intended for the tub-sex scene :pinkiegasp: )

Kudos, WishyWish. I cannot wait for the next installment of Gleam or Shine :pinkiesmile:

Gotta say, for some reason, I thought the food play did not go well with the dubcon there at the breakfast table. Not exactly sure why. Though, I do tend to think adding "toys" in to the mix with dub-con takes it just that little bit further into full on force. Not that there's anything wrong with those kinds of fics, just don't think that was what you were going for.

That's just my opinion, though. Totally loving the rest of it!

Can't wait for the next installment!

YES PLEASE :raritystarry:

We love you Wishy. Keep doing what you're doing. :3

I gotta say, you've definitely got a way with painting a picture with words. Certainly caught my attention, and that's saying something considering how picky I can be with what I read and enjoy. Looking forward to future installments.

*Wing hugs his subbywife* :P Awesome story Wish! Fantastic story as usual. And congrats on the feature page! :D


Liked, faved, and followed :heart:

Forgive me if I missed anypony :twilightsheepish:

Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading! I guess I need to do a third one :pinkiehappy:

No worries, I see what you're saying. The 'dubious' in 'dubious consent' applies, as there's a thin line between that and non-consent. I'm often hesitant about writing foodplay but I thought I'd give it a whirl this time. Bagel cockring and all that :rainbowlaugh:

Aw gee thanks, that's really nice to know! :yay:

But of course, hubbypony :raritywink:

I've read dubious consent stories before, but something about this one... I don't know. The changing relationship between them just makes me uncomfortable--the way sibling affection and Gleaming's dreams pushed aside to make room for more lust, maybe? It's really well written, but I'm afraid I can't give it a thumbs up.

No worries. I can see where you're coming from on that.

The intention, at least, was that being a guard isn't actually what Gleaming wants. She's just being pushed into it to the point that she's trying to make herself believe that's what she wants, and her brother, who knows her so well, is trying to get her to accept that it's okay to be the...lusty thing she wants to be. But then, I was going for that in part one too, but the general consensus was that it was dubcon, which I added in as a tag after I saw people's points. Initially I didn't even see that aspect in the story...so...might be author interpretation issues there! This time I purposefully went for dubcon :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for giving it a look :twilightsmile:

“But you didn’t mean no. You don’t even know yourself, Sis. But I do. You’ve spent way too long talking yourself out of what you really want out of life, in the name of responsibilty.”

That's some high-level gaslighting right there. Like wow.

In both of these, I can't help but view Dusk as Lesson Zero levels of crazy. He's ticking all of the insanity boxes.

It might have been because I skimmed it, but there didn't seem to be any indication that Dleaming actually wants to have sex with Dusk, it all seems to just be him taking advantage of her being in heat and having less inhibitions. To me it feels just the same as if Gleaming were to be drunk and Dusk keeps convincing her it's a good idea. Maybe if there was something more earlier along the lines of Gleaming doubting that she wanted to be a guard, it'd feel different, but all of the dream sequences reinforce the fact that she truly wants to be an unstoppable force of nature on a battlefield rather than her brother's sex pet

So my question is how long until Part III?

Mm, it might be a little while. I wasn't actually planning to do a part 3, but hey, if folks are enjoying it, why not, right? I need to get my commission pile under control before I put out another significant personal work. Plus the Custodian series has been begging for a sequel for awhile now, and I haven't put out a chapter of Pinkamena or Quantum Vault in far too long :/

Her desires are in there. They're a bit veiled, though - Dusk is also somewhat more attentive of them in part one, since by part two they've both already been around the block once. Some of it comes out in her desire to obey him even in situations where she could just as easily give him a serious 'no', like the bagel or the entry to the shower.

Admittedly it's sometimes hard to describe the submissive that wants you to take from them and break them down, rather than them simply giving themselves to you. Clearly he was encouraging her and trying to get her to think a certain way, though.

Thank you all for the reads :twilightsmile:

I personally think her dreams had a lot to do with that. Actually dreaming about things is a common writing technique for showing someone's innermost desires. And considering that all her dreams and fantasies over this duology were about her being a warrior...

Sure, lust was there too, but whenever it was it was juxtaposed next to her victory or mention of her martial prowess.

I see what you're saying there, and that's a good point. Her dreams did eventually bleed into dreaming about him over time (the intention was for her fantasies to 'awaken' as her desires did), but they did seem to snap out of that between the two stories rather than continuing on. Perhaps if there's a part 3, her dreams should start off about dear brother :twilightsheepish:


But it doesn't read as if she wants him to do it. It reads like he manipulated her into doing it. She doesn't have a way out, if she so desired, and that's what's alarming.

Moved the discussion over to part one, since we seem to be touching on the same points simultaneously in two different places, and there's more elaboration over there.

We definitively need a part III... At least. Like: how do their parents react?
Will she actually get pregnant? And so forth... Sooooo i reaaaaallly hope you'll create another part.

Well...if the last sentence of this story is any indication, they will have some explaining to do in part three.

Unless mom and dad are cool with it :rainbowlaugh:

7798797 or join sparkle family incest is a favorite of mine

Nod to Derptape for noticing that the word 'tomb' was used in this story in lieu of the word 'tome'. Nopony's perfect!

To me eye there was no dubcon, it came off as convencing Gleaming, not coercing her. While Dusk did his reasearch, and picked the most opportune timing for Gleaming to go along with him, at no point did I spot more than token resistance to the ideas on her part. Indeed a few times she took slight initiative. Add in the point in the second story where she made out with the mirror, while imagining her brother. This presents itself as much more than Dusk 'taking advantage' of her heat. There is also much more to the action in the subtext that supports this having been an desired development by both partys.

That's...pretty much right about where I was about the whole thing, yes :twilightsheepish:

I thought it was all rather tame, really, but you know, different strokes and different ways of looking at things, and that's the spice of it :twilightsmile:


I definitely noticed how she never says or thinks anything coherent, and every time she tries to, he overrules her. Paragraph after paragraph, comparing his lines to hers...

It's a hot story. Mostly. But every interaction reads as a very one-sided relationship with him on top all the time. So far, he's getting everything he wants, and she gets only what he gives her. It doesn't read like a mutually-respectful sub-dom relationship.


Right? I think that's what I was more trying to get at. There's lack of mutual respect.


Ho ho ho ho.
101% on naught-o-meter.
You will get coal this christmas.

and the purple face of a stallion, looking down at her with a certain bemused inquisitiveness curling about one raised eyebrow.

I have a feeling that you wanted to say "amused" not "confused" here?

Yep, prolly did mean that. I use 'bemuse' often and thus it is indeed easy to confuse with 'amuse'. I have a tendency to misspell words as other words, and thus the spell checkers don't pick them up :p

Clearly, 'Coal' must be what Dusk and Gleaming call their other long-lost sister.

Damn, that was certainly an intensely arousing read.

It would be great seeing where their relationship goes from here, especially with how adamant Dusk seems about knocking his "little" sister up. The idea of him breeding her each and every day, multiple times a day, until her belly finally begins to swell is definitely one of the hottest takes on this particular ship that I've ever seen penned. Additionally, that he intentionally called out to their parents so that they could be found in such a compromising situation is probably the ballsiest move in the history of preposterously ballsy moves. The only way he could conceivably top that is by telling them, as soon as they walk in and find the two of them in the tub together, "We're doing it in your bed next. Go fix the sheets for us and put on some smooth jazz, alright?"

Kudos and congrats, WishyWish, you've made me feel incredibly dirty and for that I must thank you. If someone's gonna write some gratuitous incest, then they might as well do what you did here and write it with as little remorse as possible.

10 out of 10, bookmarked for later use whenever I feel like my left hand needs some good exercise.

Remorse? I honestly thought this story was on the tame side! I'm not sure I should write truly without remorse - I can only imagine the response! :rainbowlaugh:

Glad you liked it, and thanks for favoring the story with your time and encouragement. Do enjoy future applications!

That poor bagel! :fluttershbad:

Now that, was some very very well written material.
It was an absolute pleasure to enjoy that high quality writing.
My thanks to the author! This is brilliantly written!
I could only find errors in here if I was a better writer than you, which I am not.
You are the kind of writer that makes one fave seem too little

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

Saved this read for a night that I could properly enjoy it.
Oh yes, this will be right at home in my "Read Repeatedly" section.
Eagerly looking forward to more.

Not a bad couple of stories, but I'm not sure why you didn't just include this story as a second chapter to the first.

Time between releases. Initially I wasn't sure I was going to do a sequel, and since part 1 was already marked as complete, I was kinda like ehhhhh let's just make it new.

Glad you liked them :twilightsmile:

Wow. That was phenomenal. Sub/dom relationships are great, incest is great, and I absolutely loved the change of heart Gleaming had all the way through both stories. Very tasteful, thank you!

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