• Published 11th Dec 2016
  • 1,815 Views, 16 Comments

Shh... - Holocron

Shining Armor lays dying, but he must confess something to be beloved wife.

  • ...

My one...regret...

Author's Note:

This was done as part of my 1k challenge. For those who don't know, my 1k challenge is to write a good story at exactly 1,000 words. Enjoy!

The Crystal Empire all held an air of sorrow. Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire lay dying; a strange illness has afflicted him and physicians claim he will pass within the day. All the Empire mourned him, nopony more than his loving wife, Princess Cadance. Walking through the crystal halls, her face was red with tears. Everypony, servant and visitor, moved away from the grieving monarch; their silence expressing a sorrowful remark to the Princess. Cadance knew they meant well, but the grievance of her subjects would not halt Armor's affliction. She had to be there with him, Cadance had to speak with her love...if only for one more time.

Reaching the chamber, Cadance was met by two crystal guards. Each guard was large and threatening; their crystalized bodies were tense, ready for any action; the source of Armor's illness was a complete mystery, so all the guard assumed a possible assassination and kept the castle on high alert. The guards met eyes with Cadance's, but unlike the rest of the castle, the guards remained stoic and seemed to silently refuse Cadance's entrance.

"Guards, move aside." Cadance ordered, but the guards remained silent and upright. A small speck of anger sparked in Cadance's eye. "Guards! Move! Aside!"

"I'm sorry Princess." One of the guards finally spoke up. His voice still stoic and dutiful. "We cannot allow you to come in harms way."

"I don't care!" Cadance protested, taking another step towards the door, but only met by the guards' spears crossing the door.

"Please Princess." The other guard replied. "We cannot let whatever afflicted Shining Armor to also afflict you. We will take whatever punishment we deserve when we know you are safe."

"If you do not move this instant..." Cadance's horn ignited a deep pink and her eyes almost glowed with rage. "...you won't have to worry about a later punishment!"

As the guards stared death in the glowing horn, the door behind them opened. Moving their spears aside, the guards allowed the pony through, Seeing it was one of the physicians, called from Canterlot, who was looking after Armor, Cadance canceled her spell and looked the pony over. The physician was a chestnut unicorn with a long, white mane and tail. For the first few moments, Cadance only stared into the pony's crystal white eyes, trying to see any indication of hope for Armor's future. But within the physician's gaze, Cadance was met only with regret. He didn't need to speak to tell Cadance the sad truth. But Cadance still had to try; she had no other hope.

"How is he?" Cadance asked.

"He is stable...for now..." The physician replied, trying to look past Cadance, but choose to keep his eyes at hers. "We have identified that whatever illness Shining Armor has is not contagious and is unique enough to be considered an isolated case." A small bit of joy glimmered into Cadance's eyes as the physician gave his response. Taking a deep breath, the pony continued. "I was on my way to find you anyway Princess. Armor does not have much long and he has made it clear he wishes to speak with you before he passes."

"Then out of my way!" Cadance snapped, bursting her way into the room.

The chamber in which Armor lay dying was similar to that of any other royal bed chamber in the castle. But all furniture, save the bed, was removed and replaced by various devices and monitoring equipment. In the center of the chamber, a massive, circular bed rested, with a small number of other physicians; with Armor himself resting quietly on the bed. Whatever has afflicted Armor was certainly nothing the physicians have ever seen. His white body was paler than snow, with his mane only becoming whiter with each passing moment. His eyes seemed almost blank, as if void of all life. But what was the most shocking, was his body was covered in numerous black sores of various sizes. Some sores were dripping with a red puss, while others simply appeared as black pimples or even open wounds.

"Thank you everypony." Cadance said, getting the attention of the ponies in the room. "But can you all please leave us? I want to be alone with Armor."

The physicians nodded and slowly departed the room. Taking cautious steps towards Armor, Cadance gulped her last ounces of courage. As if by the power of their love, Armor tilted his head towards the approaching Cadance. It was clear his vision was beyond faded, but he could still tell that his wife was there. The feeling of Cadance besides him brought some manner of joy to the dying stallion; he even managed to bring a weakened smile to his face.

"Cadance." Armor muttered. "I'm happy I can be with you...one more time." Cadance simply teared up as Armor continued, knowing this would be his last words to his love. "There is something I have to confess." Cadance tilted her head as Armor spoke, his voice becoming weaker. "I was unfaithful...I cheated on you on our wedding night with a servant mare, and have spent our marriage sleeping with so many mares...including Princess Celestia...and Princess Luna...I'm so very, very sorry..."

"Oh Armor..." Cadance said, leaning in to whisper into her husband's ear. "I already know..." Armor's eyes widened as Cadance spoke her final words to him. "...that's why I killed you..." A trail of tears ran down Armor's cheek as he let out his final breath. "I love you."

Comments ( 15 )

Well, I would say challenge succeeded, but you do realise that the coverart is one heck of a spoiler, right? Sure, I was expecting Chrysalis in the end, but it still defused some of the tension. :applejackunsure:

Also, if possible, will there be a follow-up? I'm really curious to see the reaction of the other princesses, especially Celestia's.

Truth to be told, I kept wondering why there was no mention of the Princesses being anywhere around Shining to help him out, but I can guess who was responsible for that... but again, I'm curious what the perpetrator will do now.

All in all, pretty good story, and curious for a possible follow-up. :twilightsmile:

It is a good bet to think who kept the other Princesses away, one aspect of the challenge is to try and make the story as compelling as possible with how limited I make the words. And I chose the cover image because it has the best "I just killed you" face Cadance can give. I am aware of possible spoilers but felt it was worth the risk to draw reader attention.
As for a follow-up, I'm not too sure and will see how this story goes over.

Just Replace Canada with Cadence, and that's my reaction.


I didn't expext that... Lol

But what was the most shocking, was his body was covered in numerous black sores of various sizes.

I was thinking... maybe Black Death?

And then the ending happened.

Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait! What the f!@& ?!

:pinkiegasp: Oh my...

That ending hit me like a smack in the face. To be honest, I kind of needed a smack in the face.

This is an old marriage joke.


at least 7 out of 10 times, covers on this site are either generic, custom made, or have absolutelly nothing to do with the plot. I'd think this story is safe enough

Geez, that was like a slap in the face.

Eh, just a slap on the wrist.

You get a like for subverting my expectations. Nice job.

My one...regret...

"...is that I had...boneitis."

(Sorry, had to.)

It would be hilarious if twilight found out

Wow... just wow...

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