• Published 16th Jan 2017
  • 5,525 Views, 227 Comments

Bards of the Badlands - Amber Spark

With her new friend off in Trottingham and the Princess in Griffinstone, Sunset finds herself bored and lonely for the first time. However, Moon Dancer and the Princess already have a plan in place in the form of a perky blue unicorn named Minuette.

  • ...

The Bards

The dusty stone of the Fortress of the Shadowed Sun surrounded them like a tomb. Scratching noises came from the walls. Every so often, the floor beneath their hooves would rumble as Dogs charged through a hallway below them or tunneled beneath the ancient structure.

Garnet coughed as a spray of dirt filled her face.

“Shh!” Nightblossom hissed. “You’ll give away our position!”

Garnet waved an apology at the batpony and continued her long crawl through the narrow passage.

“I really wish we had a warrior or a paladin with us,” Wind muttered. “This is going to be brutal.”

As they rounded a bend, a new sound echoed through the battered fortress. It was a song, but in a language Garnet had never heard before. However, she recognized one voice in the strangely discordant harmony: Snow’s svelte tones. The sorceress had to admit that for a villain, she could certainly sing… even if the song was sending shivers of ice down her spine.

“What are they doing down there?” Garnet whispered up to Nightblossom, who was currently leading the crawl through the tight passage.

“Nothing wholesome, to be sure,” Forest muttered from their rear. “The Light of the Sun has not fallen upon these stones in many years. I can feel it trying to leech away my will. It is unnatural.”

Finally, the tight passage let out on a large dusty balcony level. It looked like nopony had been here for years if not decades. Dust coated everything, but they were in luck. Nightblossom’s quick and brutal interrogation of a hapless guard shortly after entering the Fortress had told them what they needed to know.

They all crept out of the passage before they approached the weathered railing of the Chamber of Echoes within the Fortress of the Shadowed Sun. It was massive, six stories tall ringed with balconies similar to this one. A few enchanted crystals hung from the ceiling, coating the chamber with a sickly green light. Other crystals protruded from pillars scattered throughout the pit, alternating between glowing green and blood red shards. But at the bottom was their real prize.

Exactly fifty ponies in the traditional garb of the Bards Guild were all standing in a strange trance-like state, wavering left and right as they stared at a pulsing red and black crystalline orb hovering ten feet above the ground. Their mouths were open and they were indeed singing, but now that she was in the same room, the sound filled Garnet with dread and despair. She wanted to shrivel up in a corner somewhere and weep forever at that awful sound, but she forced herself to look deeper and find their true enemy: the creature they knew as Snow.

She caught a glimpse of a white mane beneath the orb and realized the unicorn must be standing directly below it. She chanted guttural syllables in a language Garnet didn’t understand, but it had the tone of a great spell. And if her lore knowledge was correct—and it usually was—then she knew what sort of spell was being cast.

“Well, this looks bad,” Wind muttered.

“You think?” Nightblossom growled.

“By the Sun’s Light, what are they doing?”

“Summoning spell,” Garnet said with gritted teeth. “A powerful one.”

“Why would they need bards for a summoning spell?” Wind asked.

“Look at the crystals around the room.” Garnet pointed. “Those weren’t grown here. They were moved here. I think Snow is attempting to unleash something horrible upon this world.”

“Well, don’t let me stop you from being overdramatic, but what might that be?” Nightblossom said with a roll of her eyes.

“The Umbrum.”

Forest sucked in a breath. Nightblossom paled. But Wind looked confused.

“Never heard of them,” Wind said.

“Legend says that they were once ponies, cursed by Harmony itself for their greed and wickedness to become creatures of nightmare and shadow.” Garnet grimaced. “They once lived far to the north in the frozen wastes beyond Icehoof Dale. Before the defeat of their empire, they consumed the land, feeding off of the emotions of everypony they could grasp until their victims were filled with nothing but despair or apathy. Then they fed off of that and it made them even stronger.”

That’s why they want the bards,” Nightblossom whispered. “If they can corrupt the bards of the land into telling tales of despair and pain…”

“...They would create a new feeding ground.” Wind nodded. “They’d unleash more of their kind. If their power grows unchecked, they will swarm the land and devour… everything.”

“Such abominations cannot be suffered to exist,” Forest declared. “We must not allow them to complete the ritual.”

“They wouldn’t be in the middle of it, if somepony hadn’t required a full rest,” Nightblossom said with a pointed look at Garnet.

“Now that you see what we face, would you rather I be at my weakest?” Garnet snapped back. “Be happy that Fate smiled upon us—for once—and restored my power after fighting those guards.”

“Nay, the Sun smiled upon you,” Forest said with a gentle touch of her hoof. “Even Fate must sway to the pleas of the righteous in times of great need.”

“How long until they finish, you think?” Nightblossom asked.

“Maybe… twenty minutes?” Garnet replied “I’m guessing here.”

“I would like to mention we are five stories up. Does this not seem to be a problem?” Forest asked.

“Not when you have two winged ponies with you.” Nightblossom grinned. “What do we need to do to disrupt the ritual?”

“The orb,” Garnet pointed. “It must be shattered. And Snow must be captured alive.”

“Why alive?” Nightblossom protested. “She can’t do us any harm if she’s dead.”

“Because Umbrum are creatures of shadow. They can possess somepony but once in a body, they cannot leave it until the host either dies or… certain unpleasant rituals are done.”

“You think Snow’s got an Umbrum in her?” Nightblossom asked, tapping her chin with a hoof.

“It’s possible,” Garnet replied. “I’d rather not risk it escaping and deciding to take one of us.”

“Though the Sun’s Light protects me,” Forest declared. “I would not see it free to cause more pain. I am so sworn. We must contain Snow at all costs.”

“Okay!” Nightblossom said with a ready grin. “Here’s the plan. Garnet, with Forest’s support, will match wits with Snow. Wind and I will destroy that orb thing.”

“What of the Dogs?” Forest asked. “Snow has a veritable army of them.”

Wind shook her head. “Dogs are easily susceptible to sonic vibrations. If you think their song is bad for us, it would be like having one’s head in an angry wild thunderstorm for a Dog. As long as they’re chanting, we only have to worry about Snow.”

“And if she can control the bards?” Garnet asked. “I don’t know how deep her power goes.”

“Then we improvise,” Nightblossom said as she flicked out her hoof-batons. “After all, what could possibly go wrong?”

“You did not just say that,” Sunset declared.

Lemon Hearts's eyes practically danced with laughter. “Oh, yes I did! Somepony’s got to say it before the big final battle.”

Just then, the hourglass in the room turned over once more as the chimes of midnight sounded out over the slumbering city outside. Sunset stared at the hourglass in shock.

“Have we been playing that long?”

Minuette grinned. “Time flies when you’re having fun! Though if you are too tired, we could call it here and continue—”

“No way!” Lemon Hearts cried. “We’re doing this! Right now! Come on, Minuette. Let’s get this party started!”

“Somepony’s chomping at the bit,” Twinkleshine muttered to Sunset.

Sunset grinned. “I don’t blame her. I want to see how this turns out.”

Twinkleshine nodded as Minuette’s smile grew ever wider.

“On second thought…” Sunset began.

“It’s already too late.” Twinkleshine sighed.

Wind Speaker had Garnet in her hooves as she leapt off the balcony in time with the batpony who held Forest Whisper. They both circled the room a few times, checking their angles before the two fliers looked at one another and nodded in unison. Garnet managed not to scream as they plummeted toward the ground.

“Now!” Wind cried and Garnet found herself in freefall for a few seconds before landing roughly just past the steps of the stone dais where Snow was standing with her eyes closed, floating in a black cloud of eldritch magic. On the opposite side, Nightblossom gently deposited Forest before she flew up and crashed against the orb, causing the entire thing to shudder and shake. A pair of explosive arrows erupted from Wind’s battle-saddle, piecing the crystal of the sphere and detonating, sending chunks of smoking glass flying across the room.

Snow’s eyes opened. They were blood-red and dark magic billowed from them like smoke in a tomb. A wicked smile curled her muzzle.

“Ah, so the brave heroes arrive to defeat me at the eleventh hour? And here I thought you would be too late. I would have been most disappointed. It’s so much more fun to watch a hero fail at the last moment, no?”

“I wouldn’t know!” Garnet shouted. “I’ve never watched another hero fail!”

Before Garnet could protect herself, a tendril of black smoke curled around her neck. Garnet shuddered as a spell pulsed through the magical construct even as she was lifted into the air. She felt the spell strike against her mental barriers and the world swam. The power coursing through her held an ancient fear enchantment.

“Oh, but that isn’t quite true, is it, little witch?” Snow cooed. “You have done many horrible things in your life. Heroes have often failed… to stop a monster like you.”

A blast of pure sunlight erupted from Forest’s horns and ripped the tendril in half, dropping Garnet to the ground.

“She is no monster!” Forest cried. “You and those you seek to unleash are!”

“She has done everything she can to stop your mad plot, Snow!” shouted the pegasus as two more arrows blew chunks out of the sphere.

“And while maybe there were those who called her that in the past,” Nightblossom bellowed. “We know better!”

Garnet grinned, feeling her heart lift and the wild magic within her flare.

“Now, as Nightblossom said earlier,” the sorceress said as Eoana appeared beside her. “Let’s dance.”

Sunset’s hourglass must be wrong, because there was no way it was past two o’clock in the morning. Then again, the boss fight had taken forever. They had been doing great until Snow had empowered ten of the bards with Umbrum she had hidden in the blood red crystal shards. Then things just went crazy.

Plus there was the damn hydra. Minuette had grinned like a lunatic when that thing had ripped through a wall.

Still, the bards had been freed and the party was now escorting them back to the border of the Badlands as dawn peeked over the horizon. Minuette had promised their journey would be uneventful, despite the fact that their true enemy had escaped.

“I still can’t believe you let her get away!” Lemon Hearts whined through another yawn. “We had her right where we wanted her!”

Twinkleshine shook her head as she slowly shuffled toward the door. “It was either that or let Wind Speaker die beneath the crumbling orb. Forest will not leave anypony to die, Lemon Hearts. You know that.”

“Pffft… oh well, just means we get a new nemesis. I’m sure she’ll show up again… at the worst possible time.” She shot a glare at Minuette, who just grinned in response.

“Who knows what may lay in wait for you next time!” Minuette declared in her most dramatic voice, which earned her a round of giggles from the exhausted girls.

“Hey… um…” Lemon Hearts suddenly turned red for the first time that night. “Speaking of next time… why don’t we do it at my place? Maybe next Friday? I think Lyra might be available. And didn’t you say Gaffer would be free next week?”

“Sounds good to me,” Minuette answered with a nod.

“As long as it doesn’t go until two in the morning again, I’m fine with that.” Twinkleshine let out a jaw-popping yawn.

Sunset just stared at the hourglass, her head down.

“Sunset?” Lemon Hearts said quietly. “What about you?”

“What about me?” she said.

“Well… is Garnet going to join us?”

Sunset’s head shot up and she stared at Lemon Hearts. “You… you actually want me there?”

Lemon Hearts frowned. “Look, I’m not saying that you’re my best friend or anything. But I have to admit, tonight was fun. And… well… if you’re really trying to make things better, I have to be willing to give you a chance. Anyway, since that whole ‘Minuette-laughter-plague’ thing… I’ve felt better.”

“Told you!” Minuette chirped.

Lemon Hearts shot her a glare, but there was no real annoyance in it. “Yeah, fine. I was holding onto stuff I shouldn’t. I guess you’re not the only one who needs lessons on what being a friend means. So, you coming or what?”

“Uh… sure?” Sunset replied, stifling yet another yawn. “What time?”

“No more all-day sessions. So… umm… Eight. Sharp. And you need to bring the snacks!”

“I think I can do that.”

“Well… good!” Lemon Hearts declared. “Glad that’s settled. Because Nightblossom still has a few bones to pick with Garnet about that whole fire thing. And she’s not going to go easy on you!”

Twinkleshine shoved her friend in the side. “Come on, you. Let’s go home. Our parents will probably kill us for being out so late… again.”

“It’s okay. Don’t sorceresses have a reincarnation spell? And you can use ‘Spare the Dying’ or something.”

“Har, har.”

“Goodnight girls!” Minuette called as the two ponies headed for the door.

“Goodnight!” they chimed, waving one more time at both Minuette and Sunset. With a final smile, they headed out the front door.

“Need any help?” Sunset asked.

Minuette shook her head as she folded the map into her saddlebags. “Nope! Just about got it.”

“So what’s your deal, Minuette?” Sunset asked as she leaned against the hourglass. “I still don’t get you.”

Minuette grinned, walked over and tapped the hourglass. “‘Right time, right place,’ remember?”

“And why Ogres and Oubliettes?”

“Besides Moon Dancer suggesting it? Maybe because I saw you six months ago when you had your head buried in Lost Empire of the Crystal Princess and I happened to sneak a peek over your shoulder at your character sheet. I’ve been playing with this idea ever since.”

Sunset stared. “You’re kidding.”

Minuette grinned. “Nope.”

“You little brat.”

Minuette’s grin turned into a giggle.

“I still don’t get you,” Sunset repeated.

“Sunset…” Minuette’s smile never faded. “I’m actually pretty simple. I like it when ponies get along. I like it when my friends smile. More than anything, I like it when my friends laugh. And when you girls finally started laughing with me… It just felt right. I was waiting for just that moment.”

“And you had to wait until we were screaming at each other?”

“Sometimes, ponies need to yell a little to be heard over the voices inside of them. More than anything, that’s the time when the ponies need to laugh and smile, so they get out of their head and back into the world.”

Something in the way Minuette said that sent chills down Sunset’s spine.

She couldn’t possibly know… could she?

Don’t be ridiculous, the familiar voice scoffed. Nopony can read minds.

However, the way Minuette’s smile combined with a little twinkle in her eye made Sunset doubt that little assurance.

“Anyway, I need to head home,” Minuette said as she shrugged on her saddlebags. “Mom and Dad know that I’m on a special assignment from the Princess though, so I don’t think I’ll get in trouble. And don’t worry, I told Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts’s parents too.”

“Hey, let me see that letter.”

Minuette smirked and levitated the scroll out. “Oh, now you want to see it?”

Sunset made a grab for it with her magic, but a yawn knocked off her aim. Minuette laughed and tossed it at her. Sunset fumbled it for a moment and then unrolled the scroll.

Dear Minuette,

I know Moon Dancer already informed you of our arrangement, but in case Sunset decides to press the matter, I thought it prudent that you have something to show her.

As I will be indisposed this week for a diplomatic summit in the Dragon Lands, you are under royal orders to make sure Sunset Shimmer has some fun in whatever manner you deem fit for the week. Moon Dancer has assured me of your qualifications and I have little doubt that you will be up to the challenge.

Thank you for your help.

Yours Truly,

Princess Celestia

“I so called it,” Sunset said with a tired little laugh. “I knew they were conspiring against me.”

“But for a good cause!”

“Yeah…” Sunset grinned a silly little grin. “Yeah, I think so. So, I guess I’ll see you next Friday, then.”

“What do you mean next Friday?” Minuette cocked her head.

Sunset blinked. “What?”

“I’m under royal orders to make sure you have fun for the entire week, Sunny,” Minuette said with a giant smile.

“Oh no, you can’t be serious!” Sunset cried.

“Yep!” Minuette’s smile was geographically impossible. “I’ll see you tomorrow around lunchtime. I’m thinking of taking you out for doughnuts.”

“You don’t need to keep me company all week!”

“Sorry, Sunny, but the last thing I want to do is disobey a royal order. What kind of loyal subject of Equestria would I be if I did something like that?”

“One that values other ponies’ privacy?”

Minuette laughed. “Silly Sunny. That’s just no fun.”

Sunset hung her head, knowing she was beaten through and through. She walked Minuette to the door, and opened it.

“See you tomorrow, I guess,” Sunset said with a sigh. “But if you show up before noon, I reserve the right to practice my sunfire spell on you!”

“Yowza, you do like your sleep, Sunny.”

“Well, considering the last time I went for a few weeks without a good night’s sleep… yeah, I’ve come to appreciate it.”

“Well, I’ll do my best. Goodnight, Sunny.”

“Goodnight, Minuette.”

Minuette had reached the sidewalk and Sunset was just closing the door when the blue unicorn called out to her.

“Oh and by the way?”


“You stopped twitching when I call you Sunny.”

With that, Minuette cheerfully trotted out of sight, leaving Sunset to stare after her with her mouth hanging open.


Author's Note:

Theme for Bards of the Badlands:

And so ends Book Two of The Wavelengths Timeline! You cannot believe how happy I am that this day is here. Finally, Bards of the Badlands has been told. This story has been in the works since the middle of October 2016 and its journey from then to the final chapter's date has been a long and difficult one. If you want to know all about that particular bit of history (and a bit more behind phoenixes, Harmony and maybe some plans for the future), you can check out my Retrospective in my blog.

Don't worry, Sunset's journey is far from over. At present, the next short story starring Philomena and Sunset is in the second-level of editing stages. After that, the Wavelengths Editing Team will be tackling the novella of How Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative, a fun comedy/mystery which recounts just how Sunset and her friends first met Coloratura and Coco Pommel. Not only that, but you may see some more familiar faces in this story... more than you may expect, in fact.

You've probably read The Cloudsdale Report by now. So, you know that things are different in Wavelengths, but the ponies we know are still there... they're just leading very different lives. Whether those new lives are good or bad... well, that's something for you to guess... and me to know. :pinkiehappy:

As usual, you owe Ebon Quill, Little Tinker, Beltorn and Painted Heart huge for this story. Especially Ebon. He probably put almost as much work into this story as I did... just in a very different way. And while things didn't quite turn out as expected... I think the final result is pretty damn good.

Until next time, this has been Novel Idea! I'll see you all in the next story!

If you come across any errors, please let me know by PM!

Comments ( 69 )

The first cutie mark you used is for the wrong perspective.

Yay, happy to see another story finished. I doubt their RP will play such a large role in any other story, but I hope to still see occasional references to how their campaign is going. I wonder how accurate the sourcebooks are compared to the actual legends. Considering how... eventful the next decade will be, these RP campaigns won't seem so fantastical anymore.

Delightful stuff. A fantastic conclusion to both stories, with Minuette espousing a personal philosophy that may be very useful in the future. Thank you for this.

7945373 This story and I have been locked in mortal combat for far too long... ./fixed. (Thanks!)

A good ending. :twilightsmile: Not much else I can think to say.

I've been having mixed feelings when I read this story. I like it, it is very good... But at the same time some parts of it make my blood boil, yet I am pretty sure if I try to... Elaborate, let's go with elaborate, a little more about the parts I am not liking I will be the bad guy. It happened before. I will try to stay quiet and enjoy your future works.

There is nothing wrong with a discussion. And to be clear, there are no bad guys in discussions, as long as each party manages to remain civil and attentive

7945594 *sigh* Well it didn't happened here, but once I said that I didn't like the way Celestia did things. I don't doubt she had the best intentions in her mind, but... I really don't like it. I hate puppet masters that in the end are the good guys and screw how the protagonist felt 'cause they had to learn or do something that way for the greater good schtik.

Yes I am aware that Sunset needed (and still needs) to learn a lot about friendship and other core values, not mention she have to expand her circle of friends and work harder to be better pony.

Yet Minuette stroke a bit insensitive and very pushy to me many times as this story was progressing, how can someone not just go mad at her? Or how can she be like that all the time?

Not to mention that the recourring theme of ponies "ploting against"/trolling Sunset or just pushing her buttons because it's funny it's getting really annoying! Especially because it doesn't seem that she will ever get back at them.

And a part of me still is very angry at this AU version of Celestia since "The Alchemy of Chemistry"'s third chapter, in which she sayed that didn't have to give Sunset awnsers. To this I still don't get why she can't simply tell the truth and/or the awnsers. Seriously, if people and ponies showed a bit more of trust and just said everything instead of making they go through a hell of a lesson, things wouldn't need to be so complicated.

And yes, I know the whole: "Them they will learn nothing". But it is too much to ask for Princess Sun Butt being less cript about everything!


*sigh* Well it didn't happened here, but once I said that I didn't like the way Celestia did things. I don't doubt she had the best intentions in her mind, but... I really don't like it. I hate puppet masters that in the end are the good guys and screw how the protagonist felt 'cause they had to learn or do something that way for the greater good schtik.
Yes I am aware that Sunset needed (and still needs) to learn a lot about friendship and other core values, not mention she have to expand her circle of friends and work harder to be better pony.

Think of it like this - Celestia has been a ruler for a millennium. She has seen ponies come and go, she raised many of them as apprentices, She has seen how they react to "truth" being given to them instead of realized on their own. A ruler's plight (like a military commander) they have to consider ponies (people) through colder logic, because acting emotional and "honest" only leads to further suffering for everyone involved. "Need to know basis" comes from this actual experience. Should police tell a journalist about a pending raid on a criminal hideout? Of course, not. Same here.

There is no explicit puppeteering - all that was done in this fic is create an opportunity for Sunset to experience fun with other ponies of her age. Minuette added one more thing - experiencing forgiveness for both the offended side and the offender and thus achieving an important personal resolution for both of them.

Yet Minuette stroke a bit insensitive and very pushy to me many times as this story was progressing, how can someone not just go mad at her? Or how can she be like that all the time?

Minuette is only really pushy initially - after all she has to be in order to break through Sunset's typical anti-social barriers. Have you never been pushed by parents or friends to do something you are initially reluctant but proves to be fun and good for everyone? This is pretty much the same situation. Check out chapter 3 - Minuette manages to break through to Sunset, and even talks Sunset down and out of after-panic attack stress. Minuette actually cares for Sunset and does a decent job out of it.

And a part of me still is very angry at this AU version of Celestia since "The Alchemy of Chemistry"'s third chapter, in which she sayed that didn't have to give Sunset awnsers. To this I still don't get why she can't simply tell the truth and/or the awnsers. Seriously, if people and ponies showed a bit more of trust and just said everything instead of making they go through a hell of a lesson, things wouldn't need to be so complicated.

Well, think about this a bit. Who is Celestia to Sunset? What is Celestia's goal at this stage? What is her goal for Sunset? What big event will happen in several years in Equestria? Check out Cloudsdale report for hints on that, but still, how does mlp:fim start? What is the implication of that for this Sunset, hmm? We know of Sunset's damning behavior prior to Alchemy. Slate's scheme and Lemon Heart's hate are the result of that behavior. Celestia only by good luck managed to pull Sunset out of that downward spiral. Of course Celestia would be wary of trusting Sunset with personally sensitive info and one which only fuel her ambition at that.

And really, You compare Slate's scheme and MD, Celestia and MInuette on the same scale of scheming? A grand slander attack with implied treason against the crown and magical abuse (magical abuse would be extra-damning as magic users hold significant personal power and by using apparent anti-thesis of harmony at that would be even worse) against children (foals) that would result in exile if not a death sentence (whatever it's equivalent in Equestria) for Sunset and an innocent party of table-top gaming?

Not much I can say other than excellent job on the conclusion of THIS PARTICULAR story. Again, love how the successful completion of the gaming campaign coincided with Sunset and Lemon developing (presently) a grudging respect for each other. And, yeah, the "final battle highlights" were also pretty darn good. And I wouldn't be surprised if some of the tactics they learned and used in this game end up coming in handy in some way if and when they end up fighting Sombra FOR REAL years down the road .

I'll definitely be looking forward to more stories in this universe, but am quite willing to be patient.

7945862 *Sigh* I should've stayed quiet.

Yes, Minuette cares about Sunset. I know that, I saw her breaking through Sunset's anti-social barriers too. I liked how things turned in the end. But I still don't like when people are too pushy, it's almost like it doesn't matter to them what you are feeling or what you want to do. *sigh* I had very bad experiences with that. Please, do not press the matter.

And I give up. Celestia lived over a thousands years, she knows fucking everything, screw it up if ponies will have hard times because of her lessons/trollings because they are wrong! There are no way Celestia could be wrong about something! I keep forgeting that! She knows how to deal with everyone and everything! Heck even when she breaks Twilight's heart at Season 2 finale, she was right. I give up. I give up. I give up. She will never be wrong. And I am wrong to not like how she does things. I will shut up now.

*sigh* Sorry. I am just tired that no matter what, people always find ways to just point to me that Celestia is never freaking wrong and she is probably the best pony alive!

Minuette is toothpaste-Pinkie.

Absolutely amazing story! Rich lore building, reveal and confirmation of the Wavelengths timeline Element of laughter, and a fun blend of emotion and comedy.

That being said my inner dnd fan was crying that i didn't get a full transcript of the Barrs of the Badlands final fight against the Umbrum snowball, kudos to you for incorperating the Shadow Ponies from the comics btw. Is that foreSHADOWing about the future threat that the Wavelengths elements shall have to face? Nyyk nyuk nyuk.

Anyway great job once again and thank you for the great read!

That's not what he said, pal. If that's what you heard, reread what he actually said. There's a world of difference between being a (slightly) benevolent Chessmaster and being without flaw.

No one is saying what Celestia is doing is right, all that's being said is her rationale is understandable. Omelets, eggs, and that.

7948440 I am sorry. Some... things happened yesterday and I wasn't feeling okay. I know it isn't an excuse, but I wasn't on my right state of mind. I am better now.

7945862 I am sorry for my last comment. Yesterday I wasn't feeling okay. I was very depressed by some stuff that happened. I apologize.

That's not really fair of you, don't you think?
I never actually said that Celestia is perfect or doesn't make mistakes. After all, she herself admits to making a mistake with Sunset: by showing her the portal mirror early. And counting on Slate like that too. Celestia has done many mistakes during her life. However my intent was to point out that Celestia is a character herself not a fixture or a literary device. She has her own goals and motivations. Also it is important to remember that this Celestia is not the Celestia from the series. Wavelength is an AU after all, there are Important differences and Celestia is one of them.

I can't comment about Minuette further if you yourself say that it a painful experience.
Anyway, i am open to discussion, but i have little interest in boxing by comments

7948468 Once again, I am sorry. My previous comment was uncalled for. Stuff happened, I got depressed and I am aware that it isn't an excuse, nor it justify my behavior. I am sorry.

Apology accepted. I bid you good luck and hope your situation improves.

7948609 It already did, thank you. College stuff can be a bit depressive and whenever I am depressed I do things that I am not really proud off.

The sorceress had to admit that for a villain, she could certainly sing… even if the song was sending shivers of ice down her spine.

Snow... ice... are they singing the Wendigos back? Or something?

Nightblossom’s quick and brutal interrogation of a hapless guard shortly after entering the Fortress had told them what they needed to know.

"I'll never talk!"
"Not even for a... Pony Snack?"
"I--I--No! I won't!"
"How about two Pony Snacks?"
"N-No---Not even for two!"
"How about three--"
"Wind! Can we please just start breaking his legs, now!?"
*Sigh* "Sure, go ahead."
"WAITWAITWAIT! I suddenly feel like having Pony Snacks!!"

A few enchanted crystals hung from the ceiling, coating the chamber with a sickly green light.

Shoot it. I wish to see it crash to the ground and shatter. Also Detect Magic

Other crystals protruded from pillars scattered throughout the pit, alternating between glowing green and blood red shards.

Detect Magic

Exactly fifty ponies in the traditional garb of the Bards Guild were all standing in a strange trance-like state, wavering left and right as they stared at a pulsing red and black crystalline orb hovering ten feet above the ground.

Detect Mag--
Oh. I guess that is pretty clearly magic.
I have this thing about using my cantrips. A lot. Especially detect magic. Soon as we get into a dungeon, almost literally everything gets detect magiced. This sorcerer is not about to fall into a stupid magic trap or miss some choice loot because he didn't use his cantrips enough.

“Well, don’t let me stop you from being overdramatic, but what might that be?” Nightblossom said with a roll of her eyes.
“The Umbrum.”

Alt. lines:
Yog Sothoth
Obelisk, The Tormentor
Adam Sandler

“I would like to mention we are five stories up. Does this not seem to be a problem?” Forest asked.

Wait, those bards aren't actually bad guys...

“It’s possible,” Garnet replied. “I’d rather not risk it escaping and deciding to take one of us.”

Heh. You watch Konosuba? S2 E5. If only the party had an incredibly strong-willed masochist.

“You did not just say that,” Sunset declared.
Lemon Hearts's eyes practically danced with laughter. “Oh, yes I did! Somepony’s got to say it before the big final battle.”

As long as you are aware of it while saying it, it's fine.

“Ah, so the brave heroes arrive to defeat me at the eleventh hour? And here I thought you would be too late. I would have been most disappointed. It’s so much more fun to watch a hero fail at the last moment, no?”
“I wouldn’t know!” Garnet shouted. “I’ve never watched another hero fail!”

Banter needs some work, there, Sunny. "I completely agree. Crushing a villain's plans just before they succeed is so very satisfying."

“Oh, but that isn’t quite true, is it, little witch?” Snow cooed. “You have done many horrible things in your life. Heroes have often failed… to stop a monster like you.”

Well, yeah, but, y'know. I didn't want to brag. Bragging is rule number one of being evil. I'm trying to be a good guy now.

“It’s okay. Don’t sorceresses have a reincarnation spell? And you can use ‘Spare the Dying’ or something.”

Sure, reincarnate all you want. As long as you don't mind being a bugbear, goblin, kobold, or troglodyte.

“I’m under royal orders to make sure you have fun for the entire week, Sunny,” Minuette said with a giant smile.
“Oh no, you can’t be serious!” Sunset cried.
“Yep!” Minuette’s smile was geographically impossible. “I’ll see you tomorrow around lunchtime. I’m thinking of taking you out for doughnuts.”

...Alright. One more day.
I look forward to hearing you say that tomorrow too!

“Sorry, Sunny, but the last thing I want to do is disobey a royal order. What kind of loyal subject of Equestria would I be if I did something like that?”

Technically you have already fulfilled your obligations to the letter of the... letter.

“One that values other ponies’ privacy?”

Silly Sunny, that would preclude me from reading ponies' minds whenever I felt like it.
...Just so you know, Minny, mind spells are illegal.

“You stopped twitching when I call you Sunny.”
With that, Minuette cheerfully trotted out of sight, leaving Sunset to stare after her with her mouth hanging open.

Heh. Poor Sunny. At least she didn't subtly(?) acclimate you to being called "Shims" or, god forbid "Shimmy"

So. That was a thing.

I liked it.

Still want to take Minny and hang her by her tail somewhere outside for a day or so. But since Sunny did actually do some bad things, she is morally at the mercy of Celestia, and Minny is just Celestia's agent, so I guess it's not really right to take out anything on her. Off to the Retrospective!

This was nice and fluffy.

Still, I wouldn't gamble on Minuette's survival through an entire week, or on Sunset's sanity going through it unscathed.

Oh Celestia, I love happy stories like this. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Friendship really is magic. :twilightsmile:

“I really wish we had a warrior or a paladin with us,” Wind muttered. “This is going to be brutal.”

Boy, I've been there, let me tell you... I was part of an all-mages campaign. We elected to never ever do it again. That is the only time I've participated in a TPK. I will never go adventuring without a meatshield again. :pinkiesick:

“Be happy that Fate smiled upon us—for once—and restored my power after fighting those guards.”

"Fate" has an hourglass cutie mark. :ajsmug:

“After all, what could possibly go wrong?”

Most of the Dungeon Masters I have met would take that as a challenge.

Sunset’s hourglass must be wrong, because there was no way it was past two o’clock in the morning.

I bet Luna has found, upon her return (in the main universe, of course), that many more exciting and happy things take place under her Moon. She'll never have to worry about the night being shunned again. :twilightsmile:

Minuette’s smile was geographically impossible.

What a coincidence! So is mine. :pinkiehappy:

GAH! A whole month without me replying to your comments?! That's just rude! :twilightoops:

7945440 I had fun with these characters. Maybe they'll make a return engagement with a couple new players... :raritywink:

I wonder how accurate the sourcebooks are compared to the actual legends.

I don't hear any innocent whistling? Why do you ask? :scootangel:

7945462 :pinkiehappy: (Just replace Pinkie there with Minuette)

7945566 Still, you said something. Leaving a comment is always good. It means you enjoyed it enough to take time to write a few words! :twilightsmile:

7946423 Well, how the hell do you think Pinkie's teeth survive all that sugar?

7947572 There may or may not be more lore-building than you realize in here. :rainbowkiss:

My inner dnd fan was crying that I didn't get a full transcript of the Bards of the Badlands final fight against the Umbrum snowball

This was one of those times where I felt it was better to let the reader imagine how things went down. We get enough detail to get a general idea (like how freakin' long it took)... but probably what you're imagining is cooler than anything I could have written.

As for the Umbrum... well, my view on comics is that every single one of them is canon until directly contradicted by the show. :twilightsmile:


"I'll never talk!"
"Not even for a... Pony Snack?"
"I--I--No! I won't!"
"How about two Pony Snacks?"
"N-No---Not even for two!"
"How about three--"
"Wind! Can we please just start breaking his legs, now!?"
*Sigh* "Sure, go ahead."
"WAITWAITWAIT! I suddenly feel like having Pony Snacks!!"

Canon accepted. :eeyup:

Detect Mag--
Oh. I guess that is pretty clearly magic.

Ya think?

“The Umbrum.”
Alt. lines:
Yog Sothoth
Obelisk, The Tormentor
Adam Sandler

I would never be so cruel as to inflict the last one on anypony. I'm fairly sure that qualifies as a war crime under the Gentlemare Conventions.

“You did not just say that,” Sunset declared.
Lemon Hearts's eyes practically danced with laughter. “Oh, yes I did! Somepony’s got to say it before the big final battle.”
As long as you are aware of it while saying it, it's fine.

Says you.

Well, yeah, but, y'know. I didn't want to brag. Bragging is rule number one of being evil. I'm trying to be a good guy now.

I remember there being another magical unicorn with an issue like this...

“Yep!” Minuette’s smile was geographically impossible. “I’ll see you tomorrow around lunchtime. I’m thinking of taking you out for doughnuts.”
...Alright. One more day.
I look forward to hearing you say that tomorrow too!

Doughtnuts: the true weakness of all pones.

“Sorry, Sunny, but the last thing I want to do is disobey a royal order. What kind of loyal subject of Equestria would I be if I did something like that?”
Technically you have already fulfilled your obligations to the letter of the... letter.


With that, Minuette cheerfully trotted out of sight, leaving Sunset to stare after her with her mouth hanging open.
Heh. Poor Sunny. At least she didn't subtly(?) acclimate you to being called "Shims" or, god forbid "Shimmy"

I freely admit that this is probably my favorite comic drop in this entire story.

Still want to take Minny and hang her by her tail somewhere outside for a day or so.

You know she's find a way to make a game of it. :twilightsmile:


Still, I wouldn't gamble on Minuette's survival through an entire week, or on Sunset's sanity going through it unscathed.


Oh Celestia, I love happy stories like this. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Friendship really is magic. :twilightsmile:

"Fate" has an hourglass cutie mark. :ajsmug:

I call your :ajsmug: and raise you :ajsmug: :pinkiehappy: :ajsmug:

Most of the Dungeon Masters I have met would take that as a challenge.

:rainbowderp: ...there are those who won't?

I bet Luna has found, upon her return (in the main universe, of course), that many more exciting and happy things take place under her Moon. She'll never have to worry about the night being shunned again. :twilightsmile:
Read Roll for Initiative for one version of how that goes down. :pinkiehappy:

Minuette’s smile was geographically impossible.
What a coincidence! So is mine. :pinkiehappy:

This pleases Minuette.

Just like I most certainly don't have half a dozen playlists for when I want to write about pastel cartoon ponies beating the manure out of each other. :moustache:

Found it in the transcripts:
Q: Join me, Riker. A good game needs rules and planning. Wasn't it your own Hartley who said, nothing reveals humanity so well as the games it plays? Almost right. Actually, you reveal yourselves best in how you play.
So apparently it was someone named Hartley.


You know she's find a way to make a game of it.

It would still make me feel better.

Comment posted by EbonQuill deleted Apr 11th, 2017

That was very enjoyable. I got caught up in the story an couldn't stop to comment on every chapter. I may pm you on a co. mment I am writing on one chapter.tho

8023571 Huh. Of course I've seen that episode multiple times. I know I wasn't thinking of this when I wrote it... but who knows where the original idea came from? :pinkiecrazy:

8093112 It's too bad you couldn't comment on every chapter! I'm intensely curious to hear your reaction, especially considering how you're the first reader who's said they've started with Little Truths. I really want to know your opinion on Sunset after the events of Bards.

However, I do tend to get caught up in stories and don't want to stop to leave comments, so I completely understand. :raritywink:

8104900 I still have chapter 2 comments in edit mode. Maybe I will.:raritywink:

I seriously have the impression that Minuette is taking lessons from Pinkie Pie in how to make ponies smile. It's certainly not surprising they would get along with eachother and Pinkie's Pinkie Sense might help her meet Minuette.

I'm going through this so slowly... intentionally so. I keep checking to make sure I haven't missed anything, as I started with Snowbound after it popped up on my feed for whatever reason back around Christmas. Taking it for a good little Christmas read, I opened and read it without taking in the synopsis. It was a good read, upvoted it and looked it over without comment (I'm a bit verbose so I prefer not to even start a comment when reading on my phone). Once I got around to looking at the synopsis and realizing this AU had a lot more to offer, well...

So I'm taking it slow, and trying not to run out of material here before the next installment is out. I'll not hold time against you since I've been telling myself to contribute something to this site in written form (the little help to Mono aside) for over a year now and it has yet to materialize. Still... this is truly wonderful work and I look forward to more to come... especially with the little twist involving the Starlight/Twilight appearance in this iteration's future...

I think what impresses me most is the way this just draws you in. I confess, despite (or perhaps because of) being a DnD buff, I wasn't too eager to read an O&O framing device type story... especially when I realized that the friend Sunny (hah) JUST made isn't even in it. It wasn't as if I wasn't going to read it, I just wasn't sure what I was looking forward to in it beyond a continuation of the series. Now my concern (and that's not quite the right word) is that the Element Bearers in this go round might not have a balance of the three tribes. We've been introduced to many really great unicorns here.

I'll admit that Lemon was starting to grate a bit, but under the circumstances I could sort of get it. More to the point, she's finally showing some generosity of spirit in letting Sunset have a chance. While her angry antics were a bit much, she still was never required to do that and it speaks well of her that she's willing to try. Minuette was amazing, but laughter often is. I don't know that I've seen such a nearly literal application of 'kill her with kindness' as the example of this work. Sunset very nearly had an aneurysm trying to figure that mare out, and I can't really blame her. As to Twinkleshine... well, the quiet ones usually take the longest to figure out, but she played a great middle ground and was a fine source of honest assessment between Lemon's dark take and Minuette's nearly overbearing enthusiasm.

The game itself... well it certainly did serve as a lovely framing device for the real story we were after while being surprisingly engaging on its own. I'm not sure about throwing in a Bat Pony just to take shots, and I honestly don't know where deer even exist in the MLP continuity, but the meta humor and shout outs surrounding the O&O stuff were great touches and well executed additions to this work. I have to disagree (albeit regrettably) with Minuette about more players... there does exist a point of diminishing returns where the game just gets too bogged down. This also used to happen at higher levels in 3.0, so much math, though 5.0 seems to keep a better pace in my experience. I wouldn't mind seeing a side story to this of that next session involving Shiny and Twi. That said, it'd be a bit odd since in the later story Sunset barely remembers Twilight (which has struck me as odd given how often her name gets mentioned) to the point of being a bit dumbstruck at her appearance (one will avoid saying smitten).

...This is what I mean by verbose... sheesh. Welp, that more or less sums up my feelings on this one. If not, this does: highly positive, desiring more to come, big upvote and thanks.


I seriously have the impression that Minuette is taking lessons from Pinkie Pie in how to make ponies smile. It's certainly not surprising they would get along with eachother and Pinkie's Pinkie Sense might help her meet Minuette.

Pinkie's fate lies down a different road...

Interesting that you ended up starting with Snowbound, especially since that's the latest (chronological) story set in Wavelengths! And trust me, I love verbose comments. They give me a joy unlike any other!

As for the twist... well, I could say something. But I won't. :trollestia:

I wasn't too eager to read an O&O framing device type story

Huh. Interesting. I wonder if that would explain the less-than-stellar reception this story has gotten, especially since it's one of my favorites. :rainbowhuh:

Lemon Hearts's attitude is actually understated if anything, especially considering the Wavelengths Prequel by Ebon Quill, Little Truths.

Minuette was amazing, but laughter often is. I don't know that I've seen such a nearly literal application of 'kill her with kindness' as the example of this work. Sunset very nearly had an aneurysm trying to figure that mare out, and I can't really blame her.

Minuette is a pure joy to write. Just wait until Twilight gets to spend a little more time with her.

It's funny that you mention Twinkleshine. It wasn't until I finally got to that scene where I felt I finally knew what I was doing with this story. I struggled with this for so long... but somehow, she just landed. I also love the idea of a pony who really doesn't have these huge ambitions to change the world... she wants a simple life. It's not something we hear often.

I'm not sure about throwing in a Bat Pony just to take shots, and I honestly don't know where deer even exist in the MLP continuity

Batponies weren't there to take shots... well... okay, fine. That's not true. But those shots were directed at Sethisto, the head of EqD, who has a bizarre obsession with cute batpony OCs. :rainbowlaugh: As far as Deer, if you go with the comics (and Faust's original vision for the show), they are a sentient as ponies. They should be considering cows are, for pete's sake.

I have to disagree (albeit regrettably) with Minuette about more players...

This was more a setup to take a crack at "Dungeons and Discord" and the idea that Spike and Big Mac had been playing O&O, just the two of them with Spike as DM. :moustache:

That said, it'd be a bit odd since in the later story Sunset barely remembers Twilight (which has struck me as odd given how often her name gets mentioned) to the point of being a bit dumbstruck at her appearance (one will avoid saying smitten).
Don't worry, there's a reason for this. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I wrote Applications first and these stories later! :pinkiecrazy:

...This is what I mean by verbose... sheesh. Welp, that more or less sums up my feelings on this one. If not, this does: highly positive, desiring more to come, big upvote and thanks.

I loved every word of it! Thank you so much for such detail!

...Yeah, I started with Snowbound because I was in a weird mood that day and didn't fully read the synopsis. Specifically, I ignored the 'more' tag which pointed out Snowbound's place in a larger continuity. It didn't take long to figure out I was missing a ton of backstory, but you've been correct in saying these can stand alone just fine so I finished it before going digging. It was a little spoilery in that respect, but not enough to mar the journey for me.

Huh. Interesting. I wonder if that would explain the less-than-stellar reception this story has gotten, especially since it's one of my favorites.

I dunno, I'd say 145 to 2 is a pretty strong endorsement... it just doesn't have the number of votes of the others. This also has nearly as many comments as votes; those who took the time were inspired to talk about it (granting that many comments are responses and such, still). Maybe it was the part about saving bards. I mean, they're spoony; no one gets invested. Beyond that I couldn't say but I do know that while such a fic is a fun exercise for an author, it can play more like filler for a reader. For you, it's a chance to write a crossover type of story in a non crossover setting. You also get to include a whole set of references and meta gags that will be a lot of fun for both you and anyone who gets them (yo). But at the same time it can LOOK like a distraction from what we're really here for: Sunny's character growth and her relationships with other ponies. Of course, the O&O played right into that better than I expected it to, but at surface glance, and again with Moon Dancer absent despite the two just becoming friends... well, that might be a couple reasons why this has fewer upvotes than average. Still, those who took the time were clearly rewarded for doing so.

I haven't read that prequel... after getting the gist here I'm not sure I'm eager to take that trip down memory lane to see Sunny at her worst. No offense to the author of that tale and I'm sure it has its positive reception with good reason, but I'm not ready to seek out that negativity. Speaking of... yeah in Minuette's shoes I wouldn't have held my cool with Lemon for quite so long. 'Okay, I get it... ponies living in other cities get it! You hate her. Because you hate her she isn't allowed to change and cannot be given the chance to. I GET IT. But why are you here, betraying Moon Dancer, me, and oh, right, PRINCESS BUCKING CELESTIA, with this attitude? Is it your plan to drive Celestia's personal student even deeper into whatever evil you think she's still about by antagonizing her? What are you here for? ...I blame myself. I should have known this wasn't going to be okay for you. I put you in this situation and I'm sorry. But that said... you should go. You're not helping anything here; you're making everyone around you uncomfortable at best, miserable at worst. I'm DMing this game and I have to police these kinds of situations. You're out; go home and I'll talk to you later.' Hell, I got expelled from our gaming sessions, and haven't played in over a year, for far less. Forget Sunset a moment, LEMON is very lucky to have such tolerant friends. In such situations, reasons matter less than actions. You can only disrupt harmony so much before you and your reasons get booted to go spend alone time with one another.

As to Twinkleshine, I was reminded of a character from the manga Negima. Weird story, but the character in question here is a cook. She's a fantastic cook, but she's not 'special' like all the mages and such in the story. She has the full respect of one of the story's most powerful (and least nice) characters because she knows exactly what she wants out of life and is going for it, even if it's not some grand, world changing dream. I think most of the Elements fall into that. Twilight is so eager to serve Celestia that we don't really know how adventurous she is of her own accord. It's plausible she'd be just as happy a librarian and researcher as national hero. Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie? They'll clearly step up when needed, but none of them are aiming to be Royal Guard captain or whatnot. Not really the grand ambitious types, and there's not a thing wrong with that. You're right, it doesn't get highlighted enough.

To end on an odd note, I don't mind deer (or batponies, no strong opinion there either way), I just literally didn't know any lore for them. I haven't read any of the comics. There are a couple I want to read, I just keep not getting around to it.

Now that I've clearly my throat, to paraphrase Eddings... Okay if I respond again it won't be this long.

Little Truths is brilliant. Terrifying. Utterly terrifying. But brilliant. However, the Sunset you will find there is definitely not the Sunset you met in Alchemy. Things have happened between the two to change her perspective.

Minuette's shoes I wouldn't have held my cool with Lemon for quite so long. 

Oh, there's a reason she's so patient with her. :pinkiehappy:

The funny thing is... the person who started from Little Truths? He wanted it to go on longer, actually. :rainbowderp:

To end on an odd note, I don't mind deer (or batponies, no strong opinion there either way), I just literally didn't know any lore for them. I haven't read any of the comics. There are a couple I want to read, I just keep not getting around to it.

Honestly, my obsession with deer in MLP started with It's a Dangerous Business Going Outside Your Door, which was then developed tenfold by my own exploration of them in Diamonds. If you want the comics, you'll want to go with the two-comic arc "Revenge of the Everfree."

Then why was the line like this: "Remember when Lemon Hearts got his head stuck in a beaker?"

The word His means male.

Yes, I am aware the English pronoun 'his' normally refers to a male.

However, if you take a look at the transcript for the episode...

Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] It's our old science lab! I have so many great memories of this place!
Minuette: [giggles] Remember when Lemon Hearts got her head stuck in that beaker?
Twinkleshineand Minuette: [giggling]

So Marewinter and Icehoof Dale, no mention of Boulder's Gate though? :(


Considering how I actually didn't play any of them until recently, I think I did fairly well! :duck:


Glad i decided to give the origins arc a go (tried before but ugh hated sunset in chapter 1 of alchemy honestly, good work on that btw ).

Being a giant celestia fa* i of course did the aplications arc and the snowfight one when they came out, heh. :twilightblush: i feel like i enjoy anythig celestia related as long as it isnt just some trollfic hah.

Well, Sunset isn't supposed to be exactly likable in the first chapter of Alchemy. She's got a bit of growing to do. And don't worry, Trollfic ain't my style. Heck, I don't even think I could write one.

Glad you're enjoying the journey!

Now im wondering if Twilight gets to use the guest bedroom in the apartment considering who it (apartment) belonged to.

I imagine this is close to how she would look.


You'll have to wait and see. :moustache:

Minuette knows how to get the last laugh. Also, Icehoof Dale. You're better than that, Novel. :twilightangry2:

Minuette's quip is still my favorite ending line of any of my stories to date. And considering how I actually never played D&D before this, nah... I'm not.

Cool. This is what I get for trying to get a rise outta people. I just doughn't know what went wrong...:derpytongue2:

Oh, man, this was such a fun story! I have waited for far too long to read these, but I've finally found the time and inclination to start--and I'm so glad I did!

So am I! I'm glad you're enjoying the ride! :twilightsmile:

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