• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 11,574 Views, 756 Comments

Dear Small Pony Book - Carapace

Princess Cadence and Prince-Captain Shining Armor have given Thorax a journal to document his days in the Crystal Empire so they can help him learn from his experiences. This can only go well.

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8. The Immortal Sisters Pt. 1

Dear Small Pony Book,

When we last left off, I had just finished telling you about our ride on that rickety train from my hosts’ home in the Crystal Empire to Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria. The very seat of power of the four princesses, the mightiest magic users in all the land.
Not to mention the very city that was once the target of the largest invading force of changelings the world had ever seen, of which I was among their number. This also fails to mention that I was directly involved with kidnapping Princess Cadence as a part of that.
With all that said, Small Pony Book, is there really any wonder that I found my throat tightening and my carapace itching each time those ancient, all-knowing eyes swept over my form? Or how I longed to shapeshift and hide myself behind Shining Armor or maybe slip out with Sunburst and our Overlady to play with her while the, ah, royals chatted? In fact, I did make a rather subtle attempt at such once we arrived in Canterlot Castle and had everything brought to the Royal Suite.

Oh, before I continue, that’s important. We’re all staying in one suite while we’re in Canterlot so we can attend to my hosts’ needs more easily. That way Sunburst and I aren’t sleeping in some little guest room on the far end of the corridor if Princess Cadence or Shining should require assistance with anything, or if somepony should attempt to steal little Flurry Heart.

With that said, my fangs are sharp and ready. We must be vigilant, Small Pony Book. The capital is safe now, but a changeling is always prepared. I do hope you’ll be agreeable to sharing this small room with Sunburst and I, though. He assures me that he doesn’t snore. If he does … well, I suppose I could always cocoon us to the ceiling.

But I digress. I should return back to my attempt at what I thought a most cunning escape. Flurry Heart, my dear Overlady, even provided me the perfect excuse.

The little filly waggled her hooves at my face from her perch atop the immaculate white shoulders of Princess Celestia. “Tora, come!” she called to me as though I were her puppy rather than her favorite changeling. “Tora, play! Tora faces ’n hide!”

Ah, faces and hide. Or, in laypony’s terms, she wished for me to take her on a “secret changeling mission” around the castle. Normally, this meant changing my form into something other than Crystal Hoof, with the blessing of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor so they could give the guards and staff fair warning that the strange new pony skulking around with a giggling princess on his back was me and not some foalnapper.

In Princess Celestia’s castle, however … that might be a bit of a problem. It might have to just be silly faces while here, without our secret missions. Unless Princess Cadence had similar authority here.

Unfortunately, Princess Celestia did not miss my Overlady’s cry. She turned to fix me with a bemused look, trapping me beneath the gaze of her ancient purple eyes as she smiled down upon me. Then she looked back to Flurry and asked, “You want Thorax, do you?” she crooned.

“Yes!” She squealed. “Tora fun, Aun’ Tia! Tora faces ’n hide, fun!”

“Why, I’m sure he is.” Chuckling as though she knew exactly what my Overlady wished, she turned to look at Princess Cadence and Princess Luna. “What say you, sister?”

Princess Luna smiled. Despite the genuine joy behind her eyes and the love for her family teasing my nose, I shuddered. Those stories of the Night Princess’s fall weren’t just pony tales. They were ours, too. “Sooth, if she says it so, I have little doubt.” Then her eyes flitted to me. “I can only wonder what such a delightful game could be. Pray tell, oh favored changeling, what does our grand-niece mean?”
I could have sworn that my heart skipped a beat, maybe even two. How was I to explain that I regularly made habit of absconding with my Overlady so we could skulk about the Crystal Palace? With Princess Cadence’s blessing, yes, but even I could think of a few of the many questions it might raise.

“I, uh,” I stammered, cursing my tongue for being so long and easy to trip over. “I shapeshift and make silly faces for her. It’s become part of our daily routine, and she frequently makes demand for more.”

“Ah, well that is a fine use of your natural gift,” the Night Princess replied, her smile contemplative and eyes gleaming with some sort of untold mischief. “But that is only half of her request. What is the other?”

At that point, I could do little more than to glance and offer a weak smile at Princess Cadence, praying to the First Mother that she took my hesitance as her cue to come to my rescue before I had one of my little—ah—moments where I was too changeling for ponies to understand.

Fortunately, my benevolent host was ready and happy to aid my attempted escape. “Flurry and Thorax go on little missions at home,” Princess Cadence answered in my stead. “It usually means we let him take another form so it seems like he’s sneaking around to take her to steal cookies or find Shining when he’s out inspecting the patrols.”

That answer made Princess Luna blink. “Does that not countermand your rule that he must remain in his chosen guise or natural form?”
“It does, yes. However—” here, my host paused to offer a smile in my direction. I could feel the warmth of her love and praise wrapping around me like a blanket, wafting to my nose like the scents of sweets in the kitchen. “—Shining and I trust Thorax not to abuse it, even if we let the guards know not to panic if they see Flurry on a new pony’s back for a couple hours. He never takes her farther than the training yard to see Shining and always has her back at the exact time he says.”

I will confess that my chest did swell, even in the presence of the Immortal Sisters. I am a good changeling and subject, Small Pony Book, so of course I have Flurry Heart back in her crib or in her mother’s embrace at the exact minute I promised each time we go on our missions. But hearing it from her lips, in front of her aunts, brought forth a feeling of honor and gratification the likes of which we changelings felt only when we succeeded in bringing home food bound in cocoons to our Queen and earned her favor.
Such moments were far and few between. But at the time, they were special. With Princess Cadence, Prince-Captain Shining Armor, and Sunburst, though …

There have been times where I received so much passive love I almost felt bloated.

I bring that up once more because, again, I felt the love of the two ancient princesses wrapping around me once more. I blinked a few times and licked my lips. Oh, how it tasted. A hundred lovers on Hearts and Hooves Day could only hope to produce so much affection and sweet nourishment for a lowly changeling such as I.*

Then I noticed the smile spreading across Princess Celestia’s face. There was something about it I recognized. Mischief, scheming. It was a changeling smile playing across the face of the legendary Sun Princess.

It was actually more changeling than any I’d seen on Queen Chrysalis.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and slime, only just noticing that my glands were secreting in overdrive. A natural response to fear, I’m afraid. My eyes flitted from the Sisters, to Princess Cadence, to my Overlady, then back to Princess Celestia again. I had to swallow once more. “Er,” I began, “I would be happy to entertain Flurry Heart with faces. We don’t have to, um, sneak around today. I wouldn’t want to make anypony uneasy.” I left off any reference to the invasion, but I could see the understanding flash across their faces.

Though that didn’t do anything to diminish Princess Celestia’s smile. “What an interesting little game you play. And what do you think, Flurry?” She turned to nuzzle my Overlady’s belly, which made her squeal and giggle under her grand-aunt’s assault. “Are Thorax’s games fun?”

Another mouthful of saliva and slime had to be swallowed down. There was something in her tone, hidden beneath that sweet, playful baby talk.

She was planning mischief. I, a changeling, surely delight in mischief myself, but I cannot fathom what such an ancient, learned mind might conjure.

It was time to make a quick escape.

I turned to bow to Princess Cadence and spoke, “If you don’t have plans with her, I would be happy to take Flurry for faces, Princess. If it pleases you.”

“Faces?” she asked, mischief that only fell just short of matching her aunt’s shining in her eyes like dancing flames. “But no sneaking?”
I froze. My eyes flitted between her and the Sisters again. “Er …”

“Tora, hide!” Flurry chipped in at a most inopportune moment. “Tora, hide sneak!”

“I quite agree, Flurry,” Princess Celestia said, fluffing her feathers. Her eyes locked with mine, only then did I realize that while Princess Cadence’s eyes shone with fire and Princess Luna’s with the light of the stars themselves, hers shone with the very light of the Sun she raised and set. With a merry fluff of her pristine white feathers, she approached. Her ethereal mane and tail trailed behind her like liquid rainbow. “I’m sure your faces are quite lovely, but this is a new castle for the pair of your to explore.”

I could do little but make a guileless squeak in the back of my throat before my mouth decided to work. “Th-That it is. I don’t quite know my way around.”

Her smile showed teeth. It was at that moment that I managed to piece together what she was thinking. Just as the words left her lips.
“Why don’t I give you and Flurry the grand tour?”

Of all the things I’d expected when Princess Cadence told me about this visit, sneaking around Canterlot Castle with the blessing of both Sisters was not among them.

Nor was having Princess Celestia herself invite me to do so with her as a guide. Well. Not that the guards had any idea it was us.
As it so turns out, Small Pony Book, the Sisters do so love their own brand of mischief. Little pranks here and there to keep things lively and fun around the castle, they told me as we waited for a pair of castle staffponies summoned by the chime of a bell. They were siblings, fraternal twins actually. One a tall stallion of dusty red coat and coffee brown mane with flecks of gold to match his eyes, the other a svelte mare who only came up to my chest and wore her golden mane in magnificent curls that flowed past her shoulders like a waterfall of honey to compliment her oak brown coat. Her green eyes shone with mirth when she caught me staring a bit too long and had to hasten to busy myself pretending to converse with a babbling Flurry.

Don’t look at me like that, Small Pony Book. She was quite fetching and smelled strongly of love. Anyone, changeling or pony, could be forgiven for letting their mind wander to fantasy. And, to be honest, changeling culture never forbade taking pony mates. Quite the opposite in fact. Free food and companionship. What wasn’t to like?**

“Thorax,” Princess Celestia said, “this is Redwood and Rowen Oak, two of my trusted staff ponies.” Turning to them, she smiled. “The two of you may take the next hour off, with the condition that you remain out of sight until I give word.”

The twins raised their brows in near changeling unison. Redwood pricked one ear up while laying the other flat. “Far be it from me to question you, Princess, but why such an odd request?”

“Ah. Funny you should ask. You see, my grand-niece has requested a little game of sorts from her favored changeling—” she gestured toward me with a little flick of her wing “—and I will be joining. For that, we’ll need you two to make yourselves discrete while we …” Princess Celestia trailed off as her horn flashed a brilliant gold. Her body was wrapped in a translucent veil, which fell away to reveal a perfect copy of Rowen Oak. With a cough, she continued in what I could only guess was an imitation of the young earth pony, “While we have a little fun, Red.”

Rowen Oak tittered. “Oh, my! Does that make me Princess Celestia for the time being?” she asked playfully, glancing at Redwood and myself in turn. “And just what does Princess Flurry want to sneak around for?”

Sensing those ancient eyes upon me again, I coughed. “Er, probably sweets. She, ah, likes it when I sneak around with her so we can steal some from the kitchens back home.”

“Cookie!” Flurry chimed from Princess Celestia’s back as if she sensed her cue. “Sneak cookie!”

“Yes. She likes sneaking cookies.” In the loosest possible interpretation of the word sneaking, of course.

“And why shouldn’t she? Sneaking treats is quite fun, if I do say so myself. It wins me a snack, and keeps my dear Raven on her hooves.” There was a familiar flash of mischief in the fake Rowen Oak’s eyes, she gestured toward me. “Aren’t you going to put on yours, Thorax?”
I almost jumped straight out of my carapace in my haste to acquiesce to her question. With little more than the slightest concentration of will and focus on Redwood’s form and a quick burst of changeling magic, green fire washed over polished carapace, headfins, fangs, and blue eyes to change it to match him down to the very way he carried himself—head high, shoulders squared, and short tail groomed to perfection.

The real Redwood brought a hoof to his lips. “My word, it’s like looking in a mirror,” he breathed.

High praise for a changeling, to be true. I ducked my head and mumbled my thanks.

Princess Celestia stepped forward, chuckling in her guise. “Yes, quite a splendid job my dear Thorax—or brother, for the time being,” she said, casting a quick wink and then a nod toward the door. “Shall we?”

“Y-Yes!” I hurried forward and opened the door for her. “After you?”

“My, such a gentlestallion,” she teased, pausing to nuzzle Flurry’s nose. “Now remember, dear, we’re sneaking. No calling me Auntie, remember?”

Of course Flurry knew. She was hardly a novice at the fine art of sneaking. Why, with a little more training, I could have her ready to hunt and pounce like a proper changeling. Well. Maybe not hunting. Pouncing, though, I’ve seen Princess Cadence do once or twice. Usually, Shining is the victim.

Flurry bobbed her little head and threw her hooves around her disguised “Auntie” with a happy squeal, her pink-white feathers fluffed and fluttered merrily.

Princess Celestia guided me down the corridor, staying close to the walls so we could slink about in the shadows and weave our way around the busy staff ponies and guard patrols. A couple of them did glance in our direction, but a quick change of posture—from hunched low to standing tall and trotting with purpose—was all it took to turn their curious gazes to smiles and polite nods or salutes, with one or two sparing a wave and waggle of the ears to Flurry, as we trotted by.

There was a part of me that felt I should speak up about this. Didn’t it concern her that we, two disguised characters, could practically walk wherever we wished with little effort while carrying such an important charge? Why, we could almost take her beyond the grounds if we were so inclined! At least the guards back home knew it was me carrying her along!

Unless, a little voice that sounded suspiciously like Shining Armor noted, they already knew from Princess Luna. Or perhaps the guards knew well enough that none of the princesses would ever approve of little Flurry being removed from the grounds by anypony but their parents, or at least with several guards escorting her through the city.

Subtle. I had to look at the guards in another light after this thought. For all I knew, their minds went through all of this at blinding speed, considering all prospects and relaying communications to fellow patrols so there was no such attempt made. Such a thing would speak highly to their dedication.

Not to mention how their princesses had ordered them to stay alert, but not move without cause.

So, in a way, we were sneaking. We were sneaking within a certain amount of wiggle room, where the slightest deviation from the norm might alert others to our little game.

I won’t lie, Small Pony Book, I was thrilled. I am a changeling through and through, the thrill of such sneaking and subterfuge is like the scent of fresh baked cake or cookies, or a deep drink of love from both of my generous hosts while they nuzzle one another.

It’s really good for me, is what I’m getting at. One day, I should like to enjoy a little more mischief. Like I did when I was in the hive.

Though, maybe this time something more fun for the ponies around me. I will have to consult with one who understands such endeavors. Maybe Spike might make a recommendation. I shall write him once we return to the Empire.

To the point though, I was impressed by just how quiet my Overlady stayed when we did manage to avoid the eye of other ponies. She would keep her head down, pressed against Princess Celestia’s back to hide in the flowing curls of her false mane, looking up only to check our progress every now and again.

“Tora, soon?” she whispered.

Unsure, I looked to Princess Celestia and tried to smile. “Uh …”

“Just around this corner,” the disguised princess murmured in reply, the corners of her mouth twitched upward for a fraction of a second. But enough of a tell for an observant changeling. Or pony, even. “A left at the corner, then through the double doors. If I know A la Carte, he’s got a jar stashed away for when Raven deems that I’ve adhered to my diet well enough—cheeky things. It’s as if they think I’m a little filly—me! Why, I’ve been governing since before their great-great-great-great grandparents even met one another! Honestly!”

I opted to adhere to my old standby for things I didn’t quite understand: smiling and nodding along at intervals to appear as if I had any idea as to what she was talking about.

A most vital tactic I’ve developed, Small Pony Book. It works wonders when one feels like they’re trying to work with cold slime. Not fun.
We rounded the corner and, as promised, we came to a large set of double doors. Princess Celestia led the way, pushing through with a tiny flick of magic and gesture for me to follow along.

Once inside, I got a chance to look around the famed kitchens of Canterlot Castle. You may laugh, Small Pony Book, but even we changelings salivated at the chance to plunder the stores of such delicious food. Aside from pony love, I mean.

My jaw dropped. It was furnished splendidly, much like the rest of the castle. Marble floors were perfectly clean, despite the hustle and bustle of kitchen staff moving about to prepare meals, pots and pans and a whole host of assorted utensils hung from racks, wall hooks, and dangling hook apparatuses (I’m not sure what they’re called) above the workstations.

The ponies were busy, but that didn’t stop them from conversing and laughing with one another, exchanging jokes and stories while they worked quickly, but with a sort of casual air as if they were doing little more than folding laundry.

At the center of it all was a stallion on the smaller side. He was svelte, wearing a burgundy cook’s uniform over his gray coat. His brown mane was lightened with age and slicked back beneath a sports hat. A deep blue glow wreathed his horn as he expertly manipulated several knives to slice through several different sorts of vegetables as his keen eyes glanced over a recipe book.

Princess Celestia sucked in a breath through her teeth. “Well,” she whispered, “this does complicate things.”

“How so?”
She nodded toward the stallion. “That’s A la Carte. Do you see the cabinet behind him?”

I hadn’t, but after a second look, I did indeed see the very cabinet of which she spoke. It was rather simple—surprisingly so, for such a large kitchen. It was made of wood and painted white, but definitely showed its age. There were patterns of the suns and moons carved into the woodwork around the top of the doors.

At my nod, she continued, “He’s always teaming up with Raven to make sure I don’t sneak any, as I’ve mentioned. Usually, I can since he’s not around it, but today …” Her eyes narrowed. “It seems that my dear Raven has informed him that my grand-niece is visiting, and that I might wish to indulge a bit more while she’s with us. But now …”

Flurry whined and prodded her shoulder. “Auntie!” she whispered, pouting rather adorable. “Cookie, where?”

Princess Celestia turned to nuzzle her cheek again. “Just a moment, dear, we’re almost there. And remember, we’re still sneaking!”
The little filly quickly covered her mouth and aimed an apologetic look at us. I almost let out a fond chitter, but managed to swallow the urge. Only just.

“Well,” I said out of the side of my mouth, “with respect, Your Highness, we are disguised. As long as we keep the act up, we should be just—”

“Redwood, Rowan Oak!” A la Carte called from his workstation. I snapped to attention and looked up to find him laying his knives down and smiling at us. Or, rather, he was smiling at the little filly perched on Princess Celestia’s back. He trotted over and stopped a step away. “I didn’t know you were bringing visitors! Is this Cady’s little filly?”

Princess Celestia took a half second to remember herself, but she covered it beautifully. “Yes, she is.” She turned to present Flurry to him. My Overlady took one look at the old stallion and shyly hid behind her wings. “Come now, little Princess,” she teased in Rowan’s voice, “A la Carte doesn’t bite unless he catches the princesses trying to sneak cakes between meals.”

“Oh, don’t tell her that!” He laughed. “She’ll never come down to visit when she’s here. And it’s not that I mind the Sisters having a snack, Rowan, you know that.” Fixing her with a wry look, he raised a brow. “It’s just that neither of them ever heard of the word moderation when it comes to their sweets. Quite unlike somepony’s mommy, eh?” Beaming at Flurry, he took off his hat and offered his hoof. “You’re mommy was always so well-behaved, and used to bring me little pictures she drew when she was a filly.”

That got Flurry to lower her wings and look up at him with her big blue eyes. She reached out hesitantly for his hoof, stopping just short to look to me.

Even in disguise, she always knew I could be trusted. I smiled, probably not how the real Redwood might, but I wanted to make sure she saw I was still there when she needed, and gave a little nod. “Go on,” I said in his voice. “A la Carte only gives to little fillies who shake his hoof.”

The hat smacked me across the chest. The stallion glared at me, but couldn’t hide a grin. “Don’t you tell her that! If Cady hears that, I’m gonna hear it from her!”

That seemed to do the trick. At long last, Flurry touched her hoof to his and smiled. “‘Lo, Car,” she mumbled, trying her very best to say his name.

A la Carte waggled his ears and laughed. “She already knows my name! I’d say that definitely deserves a cookie. Maybe two.” He turned to open the cabinet, missing the way Flurry’s eyes lit up and her wings flared out, ready to fly out of pure glee.

He had just become her new favorite stallion after Shining with that little move. Poor Sunburst would have to be less stringent with his rules if he wished to regain his spot on the list.

The chef floated a large ceramic pot, painted sky blue with fluffy cloud designs gracing the sides. He removed the top and floated four cookies out, one for Princess Celestia and myself, the other two for a now bouncing, babbling Flurry Heart.

Truly, Sunburst would have to work hard to earn her favor once more.

I accepted my snack with a nod of thanks and took a bite. The sugary sweet taste played upon my tongue, almost as sweet as love itself. So close, so delicious, I could have savored it and been happy.

Of course, I am but a changeling, Small Pony Book. I could not help but devour it with the ravenous hunger that plagues my race. Our bellies may fill, but it is only temporary unless we have strong love to feed upon. I have only known true fullness a select few times in my life.

All have been in the company of my benevolent hosts. Their love is just so … pure. And some of it is even directed toward me.

Apologies for the dampness on the corner of your page. I began to drool at the memory. Fortunately, there was no slime with it. In order to appease you, I would like to finish my tale. For you see, Small Pony Book, things were going so very well at that moment.

The three of us were happily nibbling on our treats, hoof-given to us by the very stallion we thought to be our greatest obstacle to our noble cause. All seemed to be coming up sunshine, daisies, and warm cocoon slime.

But then I noticed a little movement out of the corner of my eye where there shouldn’t have been, right along the false Rowan Oak’s sides—exactly where Princess Celestia’s wings should have been.

My treat suddenly tasted of ash. I watched in muted horror as her illusion faded in and out, revealing feathers twitching and fluffing with naked glee.

I turned slowly, hoping and praying to the First Mother that A la Carte was either dense or inattentive.

He was neither.

His eyes narrowed. A la Carte’s gaze flitted from the false Rowan Oak’s sides to her face. I saw his jaw set angrily, his neck muscles tense. “Drop that illusion spell,” he ground out, “right now.”

Princess Celestia froze. For a split second she tried to look at him as if he’d grown a second head, it was almost convincing. Almost.
“Carte?” she said hesitantly. “What are you—”

“Don’t try to play this off like my eyes aren’t working! I’ve been in these kitchens for twenty-three years, I know those feathers when I see them, Your Highness!

She flinched as if he’d struck her across the face, then hung her head. Without further argument, she let the illusion fall and in Rowan Oak’s place was Princess Celestia, in all her radiant glory. Or, at least, as radiant as one could look when they were being cowed by a stallion who only barely came up to her chest.

A la Carte’s eyes then fell upon me. “And I suppose you’re not really Redwood, are you?”

I shook my head. “I … this might be a bit jarring, but—”

“You’re the changeling who lives with Cady and Shining Armor, then,” he cut me off with a roll of his eyes. “The one we put in special orders to a couple griffon shops to get fish for. I’m well aware of who you are. Drop the disguise.”

Blinking, I did so in a flash of green fire. “M-My name is Thorax,” I found myself mumbling. “Why are you so … not surprised by this?”

“You mean aside from the fact that we were told in advance that we were going to have to learn to cook fish for a changeling and possibly see him feeding on a pony or two?” I nodded. “Because I’ve heard about you from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They say you’ve been helping to take care of this little one.” He paused to tilt his head toward Flurry.

“I do my best.”

“So I’ve heard.” He turned back to Princess Celestia and frowned. “You could have just asked, Princess. You know darn well I never gave a hoot about Raven getting snippy when it was you and Cady slipping treats.”

I chose that moment to insert myself between them. “Er, if I might, it wasn’t her idea exactly.” I pointed a chitinous hoof at my Overlady, who was still munching blissfully on her cookies. “It was Flurry’s.”

“You’re joking.”

“I’m not. She likes it when I change form and take her around the castle like we’re going to steal sweets or hide from Sunburst, her other foalsitter,” I quickly added. “It’s one of her favorite games. Princess Celestia offered to join us so we wouldn’t get lost.”

Raising a brow, he looked to the cowed princess. “That so?”

She nodded once.

A la Carte sighed through his nose and rolled his eyes again. Though this time, I saw the smallest of smiles tugging at his lips. And I swear I heard him mutter something about “this being just like when Cady and Twilight were here.”

He turned around and trotted back to his workstation, pausing to pat Flurry on the head. His horn flared to life so he could resume his work. After a moment, he said, “Raven won’t hear a word of this from me. But next time, feel free to drop the act when you’re all down here.” He glanced over his shoulder at us and raised his brows. “Diet and snippy mare or not, I’ll deal with Raven if she’s got a problem with me giving allowances for family time.”

I had seen Queen Chrysalis pounce on ponies, griffons, and diamond dogs before, always to sink her fangs into them and render them paralyzed so she could enjoy a meal. But she didn’t come close to the speed with which Princess Celestia closed the distance between herself and the chef when she seized him in an embrace that lifted him straight off the ground.

The love I smelled in the air was pure and so very enchanting. It was with great effort that I did not sidle over to the pair and feed passively.

Instead, I took my place at Flurry Heart’s side, earning a happy croon and a messy nuzzle as my reward.

All in all, our mission was a success. And, in the presence of two happy princesses, I could hardly say I was frightened anymore.

And then I realized that I still had to spend one on one time with Princess Luna.

Suddenly, I worry for what the evening holds. In both the real world and wherever my dreams may take me.

* "Lowly changeling" my cutie mark. Don't let Cady or I catch you saying that again, or I'll have you writing lines until you molt ... or whatever it is changelings do with their shells when they grow.

** ... Buddy, this is normally where I'd tease you silly and nudge you a few times to go ask the filly out, but she's a bit old for you as it is. Also, fair warning, Cady's going to see this eventually. So, instead of teasing, I'll just offer my sincerest condolences now and save the fun for the next time you show interest in a pony. Or a changeling, assuming you find one out of your old hive.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading through Thorax's journal! If you like what I'm doing, consider donating to my Patreon.