• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 6,250 Views, 181 Comments

Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined - ShadowBolt96

What begins as a trip to summer camp turns into the adventure of a lifetime for the CMC and their friends.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Village of Beginnings

“Are you sure they went this way?” Diamond Tiara asked Rumble.

“Pretty sure, hold on,” Rumble said before flying up to the top of a tree.

Shortly after the Digimon had recovered from the Flymon attack, Apple Bloom and the rest of the group set out to track down Babs Seed and Silver Spoon. By the time they made their way across the river however, the Flymon were long gone. All they had to go on was the general direction the Flymon went. After ten minutes of running, they found themselves at the edge of the jungle, at a large river leading out into the ocean.

Apple Bloom sat down, exhausted. She looked up to see Diamond Tiara trotting back and forth nearby. “Would ya stop doin’ that please?”

“I can’t help it,” Diamond Tiara replied. “I’m worried about Silver Spoon.”

Apple Bloom looked down. She would be lying if she told her that she wasn't as worried for Babs Seed, if not more so. If only I’d been payin’ more attention! she thought.

Armadillomon walked up to Apple Bloom’s side. “You’re not still blamin’ yourself are ya?”

Apple Bloom turned to Armadillomon. “Babs was just a few feet away from me. I could have warned her or pulled her outta the way!”

“Did you call in those bugs?” Scootaloo asked. “Did you ask them to fillynap our friends?”

Apple Bloom looked up at Scootaloo, eyes wide. “What? No!”

“Well then, it’s not your fault!”

“Yeah, but—”

“If you pulled Babs out of the way, then they would have taken you instead. If you kept chasing them, you might not have stopped in time, and then…” Scootaloo looked down. “We would have lost three of our friends instead of two.”

Scootaloo looked up, a small fire in her eyes. “So stop moping around over something that clearly isn’t your fault. We need you to buck up girl!”

Apple Bloom looked Scootaloo in the eye. “Yeah...you’re right. Just because I couldn’t stop them then doesn’t mean I can’t do somethin’ now.”

“So, are you with us?”


“Are you?”


“Are you?!”


Scootaloo smiled. “There’s the Apple Bloom we all know and love.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Thanks Scoots.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Diamond Tiara stood next to Sweetie Belle, Guilmon, and Palmon, watching Scootaloo give her pep talk. They were so absorbed in the moment that they almost didn’t notice Rumble landing beside them.

Sweetie Belle turned to him. “Did you see anything?”

“Well, I couldn’t find any sign of those bugs,” Rumble said. “But I think I found some sort of village.”

All eyes were on Rumble. “What?” Apple Bloom asked. She ran right up to Rumble. “Where? How far is it?”

“Wait a minute,” Diamond Tiara said, putting a hoof up. “What do you mean you 'think' you found a village?”

“Well…” Rumble started. “When I first saw it, it didn’t quite look like any town I’ve seen.”

“Well, what did it look like?” Apple Bloom inquired. “Was it a collection of huts? Was it big like Ponyville? Come on, tell us.”

“Honestly, it kinda looked like the buildings were made of…” Rumble trailed off, trying to find the right words. After a few moments he shrugged. “It looked like a bunch of building blocks.”

“...Say what?”

On a circular mountain overlooking a forest, two Digimon stood near the entrance to a cave. They appeared to be a hybrid of a feline and a rabbit. Their heads resembled that of a mountain lion, but they had long ears stretching outwards. They stood about two feet tall on their hind legs, and their fur bordered between a faded blue and light grey. Their forelegs each sported three black claws. The ends of their tails were wrapped in three small leather belts.

As they stared out into the forest below, one of them turned towards the other. “Hey,” he said.

The other one turned towards his friend. “Hmm?” he asked.

“You ever wonder why we’re here?”

“It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries, isn’t it?”

“That’s not what I meant! We are not having that conversation again!”

“Alright, sorry. Geez.”

“No, I meant why are we standing out here doing nothing? We could be back inside playing dice with the others.”

“Because, a couple of us have to be standin’ guard out here at all times. And right now, it’s our shift.”

“Stand guard? That would imply that there’s something to guard against. And let me tell ya something, there ain’t anything we should be worried about. Primary Village is miles away from here. And even if they knew where we were, the Digimon there are too weak to make it through the forest, never mind take us on.”

“Even so, if someone does have the guts to try and hit this place, I’d rather have someone out here who can sound the alarm. Plus, someone has to be here in case any new deliveries show up.” A distant buzzing brought an end to the conversation. The Digimon looked up to see a squadron of three Flymon approaching. “Speak of the devil…”

The other Digimon turned into the cave. “Hey, wake up! We’ve got another delivery!”

As the Flymon drew closer, four more of the feline-rabbit Digimon emerged from the cave. They lingered near the entrance, giving room for the massive insect Digimon to land. “Hello Gazimon,” one of the Flymon said. “Busy day today?”

“Hahaha...shut up,” one of the Gazimon guards replied. “So, what do you have today?”

“To be honest, I’m not quite sure. I’ve never seen these things before.” The Flymon squadron leader nodded to the other two. They dropped the two creatures they were carrying. They both had four legs and were around the same size. One of them was grey with a long silver mane tied in a ponytail. Her tail was also silver. She wore blue glasses and a turquoise pearl necklace. She was also scared out of her wits, which wasn’t a rare sight to the Gazimon.

The other one was bright brown and had two alternating shades of light and dark pink in her mane and tail, both of which were cut short. This one didn’t seem scared, but instead met the Gazimon’s curious gaze with a glare.

One of the Gazimon walked up to the gray creature. “What in Azulongmon’s name are you supposed to be?” he asked. The creature only shook; taking small, rapid breaths. Seeing as he wasn’t getting a response from her, he turned to the other one, getting close to her face. “What about you? Can you talk?”

The creature stared at him for a few moments before spitting directly into his eye. “Aww gross!” One of the Gazimon behind him said. “Your mouth was open!”

The Gazimon guard wiped the saliva from his face and glared at the creature, who had a smirk on her face. “Oh, you think you’re funny eh?” He turned towards his comrades, some of which were trying to stifle their own laughter. “Toss in these two with the others in Group Five.” He then turned to the Flymon. “And you three, buzz off!”

The Flymon leader stared at him for few moments. “Wow...first time I’ve ever heard that one,” he said, deadpan. “Come on guys, lets go.” And with that, the Flymon took off into the forest.

Two Gazimon flanked each of the creatures, each one grabbing a foreleg. They dragged them into the cave, the captives kicking and screaming.

As the shouting died out, the Gazimon looked out towards the forest. As he looked around, he spotted a small patch of red and white amongst the greenery. He brought a claw to his face, making sure it was clear of saliva, and focused on that spot again. There was nothing there. He let out a long sigh. “When’s the end of our shift?”

Apple Bloom and the rest of the group found themselves in an open field, heading towards a collection of structures. Following Rumble’s lead, the group left the jungle behind them in the hopes that this “village” that he saw would be able to help them. As they drew closer to their goal, they came across a railroad track. The track seemed to lead from somewhere in the forest out into the plains. What grabbed everypony’s attention however, was the railroad crossing right in front of them.

“Okay, who’s idea was this?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Who puts a railroad crossing out in the middle of nowhere?”

“Yeah, I thought these were installed in city streets,” Rumble said. “Why put one in a spot where there’s no traffic?”

The steady sound of bells ringing caused everyone to look up. The red lights on the signs flashed, and the yellow and black striped safety barriers were lowered. As the bells rang, everyone glanced up and down the track. “So...where’s the train?” Apple Bloom asked. A clanking sound made everyone look right, towards the forest. Apple Bloom put a hoof above her eyes, squinting into the forest. The steady clicky-clack sound grew in intensity, but no one could find its source.

The sound finally reached a crescendo, bringing with it a rumbling noise that often accompanied moving train cars. A small gust of wind followed in the vehicle’s wake, sending dandelion seeds and loose grass airborne. Despite all the indications that a train was crossing, one key factor seemed to be missing.

“Um...does anypony actually see the train?” Sweetie Belle asked. Everypony shook their heads. Sweetie Belle picked up a stone with her magic, and chucked it above the safety barrier. Sure enough, right after it sailed over the striped piece of wood, it ricocheted off of something with a loud CLANG, and came to rest beside her hoof.

For the next couple of minutes, everyone stood still as the invisible train ran it’s course. Eventually, the rumbling began to fade out, the safety barriers lifted, and the warning bells stopped chiming. Apple Bloom turned her head left, following the noises made by the transparent transport. Just before the sound faded out of existence, everyone heard a couple blows from a train whistle. Apple Bloom stared down the tracks. “Okay…”

“Yeah...that just happened,” Rumble said, crossing the railroad.

“Well, I don’t know about anypony else, but that was the last thing I expected to see today,” Scootaloo said.

“But we couldn’t see it Scootaloo,” Guilmon said. “How can you expect to see something that you can’t see?”

Scootaloo chuckled. “Fair point.”

As everyone crossed the railroad, the distant structures became more clear. Several large, colorful blocks were stacked to resemble buildings. Some of the blocks had pictures of animals, smiling faces, flowers, or numbers. Unfortunately, a wooden wall surrounding the village restricted their view to the higher portions of these structures.

“I’ll be honest Rumble,” Diamond Tiara started. “When you said that the village looked like a bunch of building blocks, I thought the humidity was getting to you. Now that I’m looking at it though…” she trailed off.

“Yeah, this kinda looks like something you would find in a baby’s room,” Sweetie Belle said, looking at the colorful towers. “Except, you know...it would be a whole lot smaller.” Her gaze drifted down to the wall obstructing their view of the rest of the village. Several logs were planted into the ground, the tops of each log sharpened to a point. A large wooden gate stood at the center of the wall, flanked by two wooden lookout towers.

Apple Bloom led the group towards the gate, spurred on by hope and determination. As soon as they got within a few feet of the gate however, a voice shouted “ROCK FIST!”. A large rock smashed itself into the ground in front of Apple Bloom, causing her to leap backwards with a yelp. She looked up at the lookout towers. “Hey! What gives?” she shouted.

A rock-like Digimon stepped into view from atop one of the lookout towers. “Consider that your one warning shot!” he said. Another one appeared in the second tower, and several more appeared along the wall.

As Apple Bloom backed up to the rest of the group, Rumble aimed his device’s analyzer at one of the rock Digimon.

Name: Gotsumon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Data
Rock Fist
Crazy Crusher

“What’s the matter?” one of the Gotsumon smirked. “Didn’t think we would be ready this time?”

“Hold on a minute,” Apple Bloom said. “We don’t want any trouble. We just—”

“What’s going on here?” another voice shouted. A small, four legged Digimon emerged from behind the Gotsumon in the right watchtower. He had a thick coat of red fur with dark blue flame-like accents. It’s nine tails resembled feathers, almost like a peacock.

“Caught a couple of wannabe trespassers here Elecmon.” The Gotsumon replied.

Scootaloo consulted her analyzer.

Name: Elecmon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Data
Super Thunder Strike
Lightning Knife

“Is that so?” Elecmon asked before shooting a glare at the ponies below. “Who are you? And what do you want?”

“M-my name’s Apple Bloom,” Apple Bloom said. “And we need help, ya see some of our friends were—”

“Stop!” The Gotsumon in the left tower shouted. “We already know why you’re here.”

“Ya do?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, and let me tell you something. We’re not falling for another sob story!”


“How many more were you planning on taking this time? Twenty, thirty? What do you want with them?”

“Wha-what are you talkin’ about?”

“Don’t you play stupid with me! Do I look dumber than a box of rocks?”

“Well—” Diamond Tiara started, but was interrupted by a light smack in her side. She looked to her right to see Scootaloo, rapidly shaking her head.

Throughout the exchange, Elecmon studied the collection of ponies and Digimon below with narrowed eyes. As he scanned them, gauging their reactions, his gaze lingered on the device on Apple Bloom’s foreleg. His eyes widened as he noticed similar devices on the other ponies.

“Alright, I’ve had enough of this!” the Gotsumon in the right tower declared. “You have five seconds to turn around, and start running back the way you came! Do me a favor though. When you get back to your masters, tell them to send someone a little more impressive next time.”

“Wait! You’ve got it all wrong!” Apple Bloom said as the Gotsumon along the wall took position. “Just-just listen to us for a second. Please!”

“Time’s up!” The Gotsumon reached behind their heads. “ROCK FI—”

“Wait!” Elecmon shouted. All of the Gotsumon stopped their attack, turning to Elecmon in confusion. “Hold on a minute.” He turned to Apple Bloom. “And you, stay right there!” And with that, he lept down from atop the tower, making his way toward the group.

As Elecmon got closer, Apple Bloom tried to slow the steady pounding in her chest. But knowing that a small army of Digimon were itching for an excuse to pummel them with rocks, this was easier said than done.

Elecmon stopped a few feet away from Apple Bloom, standing up on his hind legs. “You said you’re name was...Apple Bloom, right?” he asked. Apple Bloom nodded her head. Elecmon looked down to her foreleg. “May I ask where you got that?” Elecmon asked, pointing to the device on her.

Apple Bloom glanced at the device. “Uh...we found ‘em in an abandoned shack.”

“And you decided to just help yourselves to them?”

“Well, not exactly,” Apple Bloom answered. “We were just lookin’ at ‘em when they sorta...attached themselves to us.”

“They...attached themselves to you?” Elecmon asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. But it’s the truth.”

“Hmmm…” Elecmon looked to the Digimon that stood close to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. He looked to Guilmon, who seemed to be making an effort to avoid eye contact with Elecmon. He looked back to Apple Bloom. “And where are you from?”

“Well...we’re from Equestria. We’re from another world.”

“I see…” Elecmon looked at the group of ponies for a few more seconds before turning to the wall. “Gotsumon, open the gates!”

The Gotsumon on the right watchtower looked back at Elecmon with wide eyes. “Are...are you sure about this sir?” he asked. “Because last time a group of strangers came here, they—”

“I know!” Elecmon interrupted. “Please, open the gates.”

The Gotsumon looked from Elecmon to the group of ponies. “Alright,” he relented, before turning around and walking out of sight.

Elecmon turned back to the group. “Please, accept my apologies. Recent events have put everyone here a bit...on edge.” Looking back, he saw the uncertain looks of Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara. “Try to understand, we’re just trying to protect the village.”

“It’s alright,” Apple Bloom said, putting a hoof up.

A couple of clicks and a long creaking noise reminded Elecmon of the opening gate. “Please, follow me,” he said.

As everyone filed in through the gate, Scootaloo couldn’t help but eye the Gotsumon on the watchtowers. This did not go unnoticed, as one of them pointed two fingers at it’s eyes, then pointed to Scootaloo. She tore her gaze away from the guards, following her friends and taking in the sights of the village.

She could see that most of the buildings in the village were made of giant, felt children’s building blocks. They also passed by a couple of trees with toys hanging off them like fruit. The ground was a vibrant green with a plaid pattern. Looking down at her hooves, Scootaloo could feel them sink slightly into the ground. It felt like walking on a giant bed. She gave a small experimental jump, landing on all fours. Instead of landing though, she bounced off the ground, flailing her legs as she flew into the air and landed on her back.

Everypony looked back as Scootaloo dusted herself off. “Hey guys, check this out,” she said, taking a few steps back. She ran a few feet before bouncing off the ground, doing a frontflip, and landing on all four hooves right next to Sweetie Belle. “Nailed it!” she smirked.

Sweetie Belle looked down, doing a couple of bounces herself. “Cool, it’s like a trampoline,” she said with a smile.

Elecmon watched the energetic fillies, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. He led the group up a small hill overlooking a large open space. Most of the space was occupied by several small Digimon, running around and playing. However, everyone could also see several large eggs and cribs scattered around the village. “Welcome to Primary Village,” said Elecmon.

Everypony was silent as Elecmon led them down the hill. “This place looks like a giant nursery,” Sweetie Belle said as they passed by a few cradles.

“An astute observation little one,” Elecmon said. “You see, this is the place where all Digimon are born.”

“Really?” Sweetie Belle looked to a patch of eggs near the cradles. “So...Digimon come from eggs then?”

“Hold on,” Diamond Tiara said. “When you say all Digimon are born here, do you mean all the Digimon on this island?”

“No,” Elecmon replied. “I mean ALL Digimon. Whether they live here on File Island or across the sea, every Digimon comes from here.”

Everypony looked to Elecmon with gaping mouths and wide eyes. “No way,” Scootaloo whispered. “Really?”

“Mmmhmm,” Elecmon nodded. “It’s for that reason that many a Digimon often refer to this place as The Village of Beginnings.”

“Wow,” Rumble said. As he looked to the patch of eggs nearby, he noticed the one closest to him was wobbling back and forth. “Hey, I think this one’s hatching!”

The other ponies rushed over, crowding around Rumble. The Digimon lingered behind them, watching as a crack appeared on the egg’s shell. “Oh my gosh…” Sweetie Belle whispered, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

As the egg continued to shake and crack, small pieces of the shell began to fall off. Eventually a small, white slime creature burst from the top of the egg. The creature looked at everyone with it’s small black eyes, and smiled.

“Awww…” Apple Bloom gushed.

“I know,” Sweetie Belle said, her hooves to her cheeks. “It’s so cute.”

“It’s a Poyomon,” Palmon said with a smile. “Hey there little guy.”

Rumble glanced to Elecmon. “So, do you need help finding a crib for the little guy?”

“Hmm?” Elecmon looked at Rumble. “Oh, no thank you. That usually takes care of itself.”

“Wait, what?” Rumble asked. “What do you mean by—”

The egg burst into a small cloud of smoke, causing everyone to jump back. When the smoke cleared, the egg was gone. In its place was a crib identical to all the others in the village, a still smiling Poyomon resting inside.

As everyone stared with slack jaws, Scootaloo broke the silence. “Okay...that was kinda cool,” she said.

“Well, I’m glad you all got to witness that,” Elecmon said. “But if you all could please follow me.”

The group followed Elecmon to a large, two story cabin in the center of the village. He brought them to a playroom with several bean bag chairs, cushions, and toys laying around. “Come on in, make yourselves comfortable,” he said. While everyone moved some of the bean bag chairs into a semi-circle, Elecmon poked his head out into the hallway. “Bearmon! Bearmon are you in here?” he called out.

After a few moments, a Digimon with thick, black fur came around the corner. He stood on two big feet, and was only slightly taller than Elecmon on his hind legs. He had several blue leather belts wrapped around his paws, and one strapped diagonally across his body. He also wore a backwards baseball cap with two slits for his ears. The word “BEARS” was printed on the back of the hat. “Yeah, what is it Elecmon?” he replied in a slightly high-pitched voice.

“A Poyomon just hatched nearby,” Elecmon said, pointing to the front entrance. “Do you think you can get some milk for him?”

“Sure thing,” Bearmon nodded. He began to turn around to go back down the hall, but stopped when he noticed the occupants of the room. He stared at the ponies and Digimon as they sat down on the bean bag chairs and cushions.

Rumble turned to the doorway, seeing Bearmon standing there. “Um...hi,” he said, waving to him.

Bearmon gave a small smile and a weak wave before walking down the hall.

Rumble slowly lowered his foreleg. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

“No, not at all,” Elecmon said, walking towards the group. “Bearmon’s...a little shy around strangers.” He took a seat in front of the group. “Now then, I believe proper introductions are in order. I’m Elecmon, as you’ve probably guessed by now. I am the guardian and caretaker of Primary Village.”

“So, you take care of all those baby Digimon?” Sweetie Belle asked. “That must be a full time job.”

Elecmon laughed. “You have no idea. But I don’t handle it by myself all the time. A few Digimon like Bearmon volunteer to stay in the village and help run things.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Well, I’m Apple Bloom. And these are my friends Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Rumble.” she said, pointing to the respective ponies.

“A pleasure to meet all of you,” Elecmon smiled. “Now tell me, what brings you to Primary Village?”

Apple Bloom recounted the events on how they were trying to get to Infinity Mountain, how Babs Seed and Silver Spoon got abducted, and how they found their way to the village.

“I see…” Elecmon said, putting a paw to his chin. “And you’re certain that it was some Flymon who took them?”

Apple Bloom nodded.

“Giant bees with big purple wings and mouths filled with teeth…” Diamond Tiara shuddered. “Kind of hard to forget what that looks like.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Rumble spotted Bearmon peeking around the doorway, a baby bottle in his hand. Realizing he was spotted, Bearmon disappeared around the corner, the sound of a door opening and closing announcing his exit.

“Do you know anything about them?” Scootaloo asked.

Elecmon looked down. “Unfortunately, yes.” He walked over to a window looking out towards the village. “You see, about a month ago a group of Gazimon came here. They were tired, and one of them was hurt pretty bad. I invited them into the village, and patched up the wounded one as best I could. They told me that they were foraging in the forest when they got attacked by an angry Monochromon. I felt bad for them, and offered to let them stay the night.”

Elecmon tensed up, and began shaking. “The next morning, they were gone. And...several Digi-Eggs were missing.” As Elecmon continued to shake in anger, his fur began to bristle, and a few bolts of electricity jumped across his body. “How...how could I have been so stupid?! Monochromon are normally docile Digimon! If I had realized that sooner then maybe…”

Elecmon then remembered he wasn’t alone in the room, and to have a breakdown now would be ill-advised. Taking a moment to compose himself, he turned back to see everyone staring at him in silence. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m sworn to protect this village and all its inhabitants with my life. And to have this happen right under my nose—”

“It’s okay,” Sweetie Belle interrupted.

“Well, a few days later, another pack of Gazimon tried getting in using similar tactics,” Elecmon continued. “But I wasn’t taking any chances, so I told them to leave. When they tried to force their way in, I sent them packing. About a week later though, the village was attacked. A much larger pack of Gazimon tried to rush in and take as many Digimon as they could. I held most of them off, but then a swarm of Flymon came and started snatching them while I was distracted.”

“After that, I knew that I had to take extra precautions to protect the village,” Elecmon said. “Fortunately, a few Rookie level Digimon volunteered to stay after the attacks. And some friends of mine heard about what happened, and came all the way from their village in Fossil Valley, on the eastern side of the island.”

“Wow,” said Palmon. “They came all that way to help? Who are they?”

“The Gotsumon at the gate,” Elecmon said.

“Oh, the ones who almost clobbered us with rocks?” Diamond Tiara grumbled.

“Yes, they can be a bit...bullheaded at times. But they have hearts of gold underneath them.” Elecmon said, rubbing the back of his head. “Anyway, we worked to make this village more secure. They helped build the wall outside the village, and have managed to repel a couple of small attacks.”

“But, why are they takin’ baby Digimon?” Apple Bloom asked. “And for that matter, where are they takin’ them?”

Elecmon looked down. “I don’t have the faintest idea as to why. And as far as where they are, a couple Digimon are looking all over for them. I would like to send out more, but I don’t want to risk lowering our defenses too much. Not to mention most of the Digimon are too scared to leave.”

Elecmon let out a light chuckle. “Kind of funny considering how some Digimon would try to leave before they reached Rookie level.”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well, the Digimon who are born here usually stay until they digivolve to their Rookie forms.” Elecmon explained. “This way, they’re strong enough to make it on their own. But, some Digimon decide to leave the village while they’re still In-Training.”

“You mean they run away?” asked Apple Bloom. “Why would they do that?”

“I’m sure they have their reasons,” Elecmon replied. “But if you’re really curious you could just ask them. After all, two such Digimon are right here in the room.” Elecmon glanced towards Guilmon, who found the walls to be very interesting.

After studying the various painted clouds and rainbows on the playroom walls for several moments, Guilmon could still feel Elecmon’s piercing gaze. Guilmon turned to see Scootaloo at his side, who’s confused expression morphed into one of realization and disbelief. Steeling himself for the inevitable, Guilmon lifted his head to meet Elecmon’s disapproving gaze. Giving a sheepish smile, he gave Elecmon a small wave. “Hi Elecmon,” he said.

“Mmmhmm,” Elecmon nodded. “Thought it was you.”

“Guilmon…you ran away?” Scootaloo asked. Guilmon slowly nodded his head.

“Yep, he was still Gigimon when he disappeared one night,” Elecmon said. “Along with a certain Upamon.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. She looked to her side to find Armadillomon trying to curl up into his shell. “You too?” she asked.

Armadillomon looked up at Apple Bloom with a light chuckle. “Um...maybe?”

“But, why?” Apple Bloom asked. “Why would you wanna run away?”

“To be honest, it wasn’t one hundred percent intentional.”

“Say what?”

“Yeah, I was just followin’ Gigimon. I’ll admit I didn’t really know him that well. We played with each other a couple of times, but that was about it. Anyway, one night I woke up and found him wanderin’ to the outskirts of the village. I barely saw him when he left the village and went into the jungle, but I chased after him."

Armadillomon closed his eyes, chuckling to himself. "In hindsight, leaving the village for the first time in the dark probably wasn't the best idea. I searched for the better part of an hour...then I realized I had no idea where I was, or how to get back to the village.”

“So you didn’t wanna leave the village? You just ended up gettin’ lost lookin’ for a friend?”

“Well, I had been debatin’ on leavin’ for awhile, but could never really muster the nerve to do it. After losin’ Gigimon in the jungle though…”

Scootaloo turned to Guilmon. “But why did you leave?”

Guilmon sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I just needed to leave. I was never able to digivolve for a while, and...that scared me. I thought I would never be strong enough to see the world outside the village. So one night I decided I wouldn’t wait anymore, and I left.”

Scootaloo gave a small smile. Scared that you would never be like everyone else huh? That you would never find out what makes you different? she thought. She glanced down to her Cutie Mark. I've been there too...

“Well, regardless of the reasons, I’m glad to see you two are safe,” Elecmon said, before turning to the ponies and Palmon. “As for the rest of you, you’re welcome to stay as long as you need to. Of course, I’ll have to ask that you help take care of the Digimon here. In return, I’ll do whatever I can to help you find your friends.”

“Thank you so much Elecmon,” Sweetie Belle said, giving a small bow.

“We appreciate your hospitality,” Apple Bloom said. “But can I ask you somethin’?”

“Of course,” Elecmon nodded.

“Why did you let us into the village?” Apple Bloom asked. “You just finished tellin’ us how you were none too keen on lettin’ others in, given everything that happened.” Apple Bloom lifted her foreleg, showing her device. “And ya seemed pretty interested in these.”

Elecmon’s gaze drifted down to the device in question. “Yes, you’re right. Uh...do you mind if I see that for a second?”

Apple Bloom looked down at her foreleg. Ever since they first arrived in the Digital World, the thought of taking the thing off never crossed her mind. Upon closer inspection, the device’s strap was similar to that of a watch. She unbuckled the strap and hoofed it over to Elecmon, who took it gingerly.

“And your missing friends have these as well?” Elecmon asked, his gaze never leaving the device.

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom nodded.

Elecmon inspected the device. “Wow, it looks almost exactly like his…” he mumbled to himself.

Apple Bloom tilted her head. “What was that?”

Elecmon looked up. “Uh...nothing,” he shook his head, handing Apple Bloom the device back. “Do you...actually know what those are?”

Apple Bloom looked up as she strapped the device back on. “Not really.”

Diamond Tiara leaned forward. “Why? Do...do you know?”

All eyes were on Elecmon, who had a paw to his chin. Where to begin? he thought. He looked up to the group. “Well, you see—”

The sound of a door slamming open snapped Elecmon out of his lecture. “ELECMON!”

Elecmon ran to the doorway. “Bearmon, what’s wrong?” His eyes went wide. “Bring him in here!”

Bearmon came into the room, a red and white bird-like Digimon leaning on his shoulder. Diamond Tiara got up from her bean bag chair, allowing Bearmon to gently lower the Digimon onto it. As the exhausted Digimon tried to catch its breath, Diamond Tiara pulled up her analyzer.

Name: Hawkmon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Free, Data
Feather Strike
Beak Pecker

“Um...excuse me,” Diamond Tiara said. “Are you okay?”

Hawkmon looked up with a smile. “Oh, don’t worry about me dear,” he said, speaking with a pretentious accent, coming across as a gentlecolt. “I’m just...a bit winded...that’s all.”

“A bit winded?” Elecmon asked. “Forgive me Hawkmon, but you look like you barely managed to escape a twister. Where were you?”

Bearmon came in behind them, offering Hawkmon a glass of water. He took a few sips before handing it back to Beamon. “Thank you Bearmon,” he said, before turning to Elecmon. “Well, I was out looking for some more fruit like you asked me to. I was around the edge of the jungle when I spotted some Flymon carrying a couple of strange creatures.” He looked around at the ponies in the room. “Actually...they looked a bit like them.”

Apple Bloom rushed up to Hawkmon. “Did you see where they went? Where did they take them?!”

“Whoa there cowgirl,” Diamond Tiara said, putting a hoof in front of her. “Give him some air, alright?”

“Well, to answer your question, yes,” Hawkmon said in between breaths. “I followed them to Mt. Panorama. They dropped them off at a cave entrance on the southwestern side of the mountain. I suspect that’s where they’ve been taking the Digimon over the past few weeks.”

“Mt. Panorama?” Elecmon asked. “They’ve been right under our noses all this time?!”

“Wait, what’s this Mt. Panorama?” Scootaloo asked.

Elecmon walked over to a window. “You can barely see it from here. But it’s a circular mountain located near the base of Mt. Infinity.”

Scootaloo trotted over to where Elecmon was standing. Sure enough, she could see a mountain that looked like a couple of inner tubes stacked on top of each other to form a grass covered dome. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go get our friends back!” Scootaloo said.

“Um, Scootaloo,” Diamond Tiara said. “I don’t think Hawkmon can get very far like this. He needs some rest.”

“Why do we need Hawkmon?” Scootaloo asked.

“He’s the only one who knows where the cave is,” Apple Bloom replied.

Scootaloo opened her mouth to say something, but then realized Apple Bloom was right. She looked back to see Hawkmon trying to get up out of the bean bag chair.

“Nonsense,” Hawkmon said. “It’s not that far. I’m sure I can...GAH!” Hawkmon winced as he grabbed his right wing. “Okay...nevermind. I need to sit down for a little while.”

Sweetie Belle looked from Hawkmon to Mt. Panorama with uncertainty. “Do...do you really think we can rescue them?” she asked.

Palmon walked up behind her, gently putting an arm on her back. “Of course,” Palmon said. “It won’t be easy, but I’m sure the nine of us can pull it off.”

“M-make that ten.” Everyone turned around to see Bearmon, who barely said that above a whisper. Realizing he was in the spotlight, Bearmon grew a bit pale. Swallowing his anxiety, he stood up straight and put on a brave face. “I’m going with you!”

Elecmon looked at him, mouth agape. “Bearmon, are...are you sure?”

Bearmon nodded. “Those Digimon took my friend. I was too weak to do anything back then, but now...now I have a chance to do something about it.”

Elecmon looked from the group of ponies to Bearmon. He stared at Bearmon for a few moments before shrugging. “All right.”

“I’ve made up my mind Elecmon! Nothing you say is gonna stop—” Bearmon started before realizing what Elecmon said. His face softened into one of disbelief. “What?”

“You’re a Rookie level Digimon now Bearmon. You’re strong enough to decide for yourself. And if you think that helping these children is the best course of action, then you should listen to your heart.”

A smile etched itself onto Bearmon’s face. “Thank you.”

A quiet groan brought everyone’s focus back to Hawkmon, who was massaging his wing. Diamond Tiara trotted up to him. “It’s not strained or anything, is it?”

“No, just sore,” Hawkmon assured her. “I guess I was flying harder than I thought.”

“Maybe some ice will help?” Diamond Tiara offered.

“How about some chocolate milk?” Rumble asked.

Scootaloo turned to Rumble. “Chocolate milk? How’s that supposed to help him?”

“Sometimes when my brother comes home from working out, he pours himself a glass of chocolate milk,” Rumble explained. “He told me that it helps rebuild muscles after exercising.”

Bearmon put a finger to his chin. “I think we have the stuff to make some chocolate milk in the kitchen.”

Concern flashed across Elecmon’s face. “If you’re doing anything in the kitchen, then I need to supervise. I’m not having a repeat of the smoothie incident!” Bearmon rubbed the back of his head.

“You know what? A glass of chocolate milk sounds good right about now,” Sweetie Belle said. “Do you think I could have one too?”

“Sure,” Rumble said. “Anyone else?” Everyone in the room raised a hoof, hand, or paw. “Okay then, ten glasses of chocolate milk coming right up.”

As Elecmon lead Bearmon and Rumble to the kitchen, Rumble tapped Bearmon on the shoulder. “Um...thank you for offering to help us. You’re very brave.”

Bearmon blushed. “Oh...I’m not that brave. But you’re welcome.”

Rumble smiled and held up a hoof. “I’m Rumble, by the way.”

Bearmon smiled as he took his hoof and shook it. “I’m Bearmon.”

Meanwhile in the playroom, Sweetie Belle looked out the doorway. “You think they’ll need a bit more help? Maybe I can—”

“NO!” Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shouted, their eyes wide.

“Uh, I mean...I reckon they’ve got it under control,” Apple Bloom said, laughing sheepishly.

“Okay…” Sweetie Belle relented.

Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief before turning her gaze back towards the window. Felling a poke to her side, she looked down to see Armadillomon smiling up at her.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them back,” Armadillomon assured her.

“I know,” Apple Bloom sighed. “It’s just that...I can’t help but think about what my cousin’s probably goin’ through right now.”

“We’re talking about Babs Seed here,” Scootaloo said. “She’s a tough pony Apple Bloom. She can handle anything.”

Babs Seed and Silver Spoon were dragged through a dark cave, illuminated only by the flickering light of a few torches. As the Gazimon dragged them deeper into the mountain, they began to pass by a few cells built into the rock face. A railway stretched through the tunnel, a few carts with cages sitting on the tracks. Babs Seed tried to look behind her to see where they were going. Whenever she turned her head though, she could only see the Gazimon’s gray fur in her peripherals.

After what seemed like an eternity, their captors finally stopped. Babs Seed heard the jingling sound of keys, the clicking of a lock, and the protests of an old iron gate opening. The Gazimon unceremoniously tossed her into a large cell. As she made to get up, she spotted the form of Silver Spoon sailing through the air, landing on top of Babs and knocking the wind out of her. She looked over Silver Spoon to see two of the Gazimon standing near the cell door, the other two standing outside.

“Well, that takes care of that,” one of the Gazimon said, turning to one of his comrades. “Now, where were we? Oh yes, I believe I was about to kick your tail in liar’s dice.”

“Please, that last round was a fluke and you know it!” the other Gazimon replied before turning to walk out of the cell.

Before he could walk out though, his friend put a claw on his shoulder. “Wait, watch this,” he whispered. “Three...two...one…”

A small battle cry echoed throughout the cell as a small blue and white Digimon charged out of the darkness straight towards the Gazimon. When he got within a few feet of the Gazimon, he hopped into the air. The Gazimon, still maintaining eye contact with his friend, smirked and put a claw up, smacking the Digimon out of the air.

“What did I tell ya!” the Gazimon laughed. “You could set a watch to this one.” He walked over to the Digimon, picking him up by his head and looking him in the eye. “You’d think that after five times, you’d at least try something even remotely different.”

“Maybe I will,” the Digimon spat as he flailed his tiny arms and feet. His voice sounded like a young colt, with a slight lisp. “Just put me down and maybe I can show ya!”

The Gazimon rolled his eyes before shaking the Digimon a couple of times. “Let me ask you something. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?” he asked, looking deep into the small Digimon’s eyes. “Insanity is...when someone does the exact same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome each time. You see, what you’re doing every time we come down here is the perfect example. You think to yourself: ‘This time, this time I’m gonna get him!’, despite the fact that you never got me the last five times!”

Gazimon sighed. “But hey, as fun as this has been, their comes a point where it starts to get old. You have to face the facts: you’re not getting out of here. Especially if this is your best attempt at an escape. I know that may be hard for you, but if you take some time to actually think about your situation...you’re not even listening to me are you?”

The small Digimon stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry.

“Yep, waste of breath,” Gazimon sighed. He then dropped the Digimon and punted him to the two ponies, landing right next to Babs. With that the Gazimon walked out of the cell, locking the door behind them.

Babs Seed gently pushed Silver Spoon up and off of her. She looked over to the small blue Digimon laying face first into the ground. Glancing at the door to make sure the guards were gone, she quietly pulled up her device’s analyzer.

Name: DemiVeemon
Level: In-Training
Attribute: None
Pop Attack

Babs Seed gently picked up the Digimon. “Hey, you alright little guy?” she asked, brushing some dirt off his face.

DemiVeemon looked up at Babs with a smirk. “I’m alright. Those chumps can’t kick to save their life.”

Babs Seed chuckled. This little guy seems stubborn, but he’s definitely got spirit, she thought. A sniffle drew her attention back to Silver Spoon, who was staring at the cell door.

“Any minute now, I’m gonna wake up,” Silver Spoon whispered to herself. “I’m gonna wake up at the campsite. This is all a stress induced dream.”

Babs Seed trotted up to Silver Spoon, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, Silver Spoon?”

“I’m gonna wake up, I’m gonna wake up…”

Babs Seed got in front of her, putting her hooves on both her shoulders. “Hey, pull yourself together,” she said, gently shaking her.

Silver Spoon stopped her mumbling and stared at Babs. After a long silence, her bottom lip began to quiver. “I...I’m sorry,” she cried. She lunged into Babs’ chest and began sobbing. “I shouldn’t have ran! It’s my fault we’re in this mess!”

Babs Seed, taken aback by the display of emotions from the former bully, gently patted her back. “Hey, I was with everypony else and those creeps still got me. So while it was a bit stupid to run off like that, it ain’t your fault that I’m here too.” Silver Spoon looked up at Babs, tears streaming down her face. “We’ll get outta this, alright?”

Silver Spoon sniffed. “H-How?”

Babs looked down, wracking her brain for an answer. “Don’t bother,” a gruff voice said. Babs looked behind Silver Spoon to find the source. All along the edge of the large circular cell, several small Digimon stared at the new arrivals. All of them had their differences in shapes and colors. But they were all relatively the same size, and were all miserable. The one that spoke was a round, light blue Digimon with ear-like appendages. He glared at them with his narrow, red eyes before speaking again. “No one escapes this place.”

“Not with that kind of attitude, Pagumon!” DemiVeemon piped in.

Pagumon chuckled. “Oh, have I angered the escape artist? Why don’t you go back to your drawing board and concoct another brilliant plan? I know, maybe you can try running at them backwards next time. They’ll never see that coming!”

“Oh, go back to sleep!”

“You know what, maybe I will! Anything beats having to deal with you pests.” And with that, Pagumon hopped back into a corner of the cell before curling up and closing his eyes.

DemiVeemon looked up at the two fillies. “Come on, this way,” he said, before waddling off to another side of the cell. Babs Seed and Silver Spoon followed the little Digimon over to a small pile of straw. On top of it sat a small, cute Digimon with white fur and patches of green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its very large ears. To Silver Spoon, he looked like a cross between a small dog and a rabbit.

“Don’t mind Pagumon over there,” the white Digimon said. “He’s just a grump.”

“I could tell,” Babs Seed said, sitting down on the straw.

The white Digimon smiled. “Well, you’ve met DemiVeemon over here,” he said, gesturing to him. “I’m Terriermon.”

While the two Digimon were looking at Babs Seed, Silver Spoon booted up her device’s analyzer.

Name: Terriermon
Level: Rookie
Attribute: Vaccine, Data
Terrier Tornado
Bunny Blast

“I’m Babs Seed, and this is Silver Spoon,” Babs Seed said, gesturing for her to come closer.

Silver Spoon slowly trotted over to them and sat down. “H-hello,” she said with a sniffle.

“Nice to meet you two,” Terriermon said. “Though I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Silence hung over the group like a cloud for several moments. Silver Spoon glanced at the sleeping Pagumon on the far side of the cell, the other Digimon giving him plenty of space. “Is...is it true?” she whispered. “No one ever leaves this place?”

Terriermon looked to Silver Spoon. “Well, no one’s escaped this place...yet. But that’s probably because most of the Digimon here are too weak or scared to try.” He glanced to DemiVeemon. “And this one keeps getting the data kicked out of him whenever he tries to make a run for it.”

“Hey, I almost had him!” DemiVeemon said.

Terriermon gave him a flat look. “Yeah, charging in and screaming at the top of your lungs. Yep, you definitely had the drop on him.”

Terriermon turned back to Silver Spoon. “Although, I wouldn’t quite say no one leaves. Every so often, we see them cart off some of the Digimon further down the tunnels. I don’t know where they go, but we never see them again.”

Terriermon looked to Babs, who had barely suppressed a shiver. “Hey...Babs Seed?” he asked, causing Babs to straighten up. “Forgive me, but I heard you mention some friends earlier. Did they get taken here too?”

“No,” Babs shook her head, before leaning back in surprise. “Hey, wait a second. How did ya hear me from all the way over here?”

Terriermon chuckled. “I can’t help it, I’ve got these big ears,” he said, raising his ears for emphasis. “But more importantly, maybe they’re looking for you. If we’re lucky, they’ll find this place and can finally break us out.”

“But...what if they can’t find us?” Silver Spoon said. “What if they get caught too? What’s going to happen to us?” Tears started forming again in her eyes as she began to shake.

Terriermon walked up to Silver Spoon and put a paw on her foreleg. “Please don’t cry,” he whispered. “I’ll protect you. Everything will be okay.” Silver Spoon turned to look at him, and he gave a small smile. “Moumantai…” he whispered.

Moumantai… Silver Spoon thought to herself. For some reason, that put her mind at ease, at least a little bit. She looked to Babs Seed and DemiVeemon.

“We just gotta have faith that they’ll find us,” Babs Seed said. “Do you believe your best friend is gonna give up looking for you?”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “No, of course not.”

Babs Seed nodded with a small smile, “Then we gotta hold on until they do find us.”

Silver Spoon looked towards the door before laying her head down on her forelegs. “I hope you’re right,” she said. As she stared at the door, her eyelids began to grow heavy. “Please hurry…” she whispered as the fatigue from today’s events beckoned her to sleep.

Author's Note:

Here's a list of the Digimon not analyzed in this chapter:





Shout out to Aerodragon2 for helping to edit this.
If you awesome people are enjoying the story so far, please leave a like and a comment below. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thank you for being so patient, and I will see you next time! :rainbowdetermined2: