• Published 3rd Dec 2016
  • 8,477 Views, 1,070 Comments

The Alternate Adventures of the Power Ponies - DisneyFanatic23

The adventures of the Mane 6 as the Power Ponies as they defend Maretropolis from dastardly evil-doers, including the Mane-iac, the Equalizer, the Phoenix, and the God of Chaos himself.

  • ...

Don't Cry After Sunset: Part 3

WARNING: As you can see, I've added the "Sex" tag.

"I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it."

- Mae West

Twilight was in her study when a knock came at her door.

"Come in," she said, looking up from the book on Ancient Anugypt she'd been reading.

"Um, Twilight?" Spike said, opening the door a crack. "There's, uh, some pony here to see you."

Taking a deep breath, Twilight stood up from her seat and straightened her purple pantsuit. "Let her in, Spike."

Nervously, he opened the door further and in stepped an all too familiar mare dressed in a white pantsuit.

"Very fancy place you've got here," Sunset Shimmer said, looking around. "I always said you'd be living in a penthouse one day."

"Leave us, Spike," Twilight said.

"A-Are you sure?" the dragon stammered.

She nodded. "There are some sapphires in the kitchen for you."

He didn't squeal in delight as he slowly shut the door on them.

"By the tone of your voice," Sunset said, her joyful expression turning serious, "I'm guessing this isn't a friendly social call."

"Sadly, no," Twilight said. "I need your magical consultation on a…project."

Sunset smirked. "For Sparkle Labs, I presume."

"Yes," Twilight said quickly. "But it is very top secret, and any information I divulge here cannot leave this room."

Using her hoof, Sunset made a zipping motion across her lips. After a quick glance around, Twilight placed her hoof on her old friend's shoulder and brought her close.

"Did you bring the book I asked you for?"

With a nod, Sunset gestured to her red saddlebag. "The feds confiscated my books upon my arrest, but luckily they didn't find the one I'd hidden under the floorboards of our dorm room, locked in a safe which could only be opened by my magic."

Twilight glanced down at the bag. "How did you get it back?"

She shrugged. "Called in a favor from one of our old professors."

Her eyes lingered on the bag before Twilight shook her head. "We should be talking someplace more private."

Sunset appeared confused, which was rare for her. "What's more private than here?"

After glancing around once more, Twilight tilted her head towards the bookcase and walked over to it. Sunset watched in bewilderment as Twilight took down a picture of her and Spike, used her magic to make a security panel appear and then went through all her peculiar security scans.

Sunset came up to the bookcase just in time to see Twilight pull out a book titled Don't Cry After Sunset.

"I'm flattered," Sunset said bluntly as the bookcase opened up. "Though I must say, the saliva scan was kind of overkill."

"Few ponies know this room exists," Twilight said, taking Sunset's hoof to lead her in. "Spike knows about it, but I've never brought him inside."

As the bookcase closed behind them, Sunset's eyes widened as she took in the sight of Twilight's private study.

"This is…this is…" Sunset stammered. "Incredible!" She rushed to the cauldron in the middle of the room. "Our old cauldron!" She ran to the bookshelves. "Our crystal ball! That dragon's claw we, err, borrowed from our old biology lab!"

Reaching her hoof up, she ran it along the spines of the books. "Necromancy, Raising the Dead for Dummies, you kept them all! Wait. Does that mean…? Yes!"

Her horn glowed green and levitated a book from the shelf. "Forbidden Spells: A Reference Guide!"

She opened the book to the title page with the message from S.S. written upon it. She looked up at Twilight as tears started forming in her eyes.

"You really haven't forgotten, have you?"

Twilight gave a small smile as she used her magic to close the book and put it back on the shelf. "As much as I'd like to reminisce about the past, we must discuss…"

"Is that what I think it is?"

Turning around, Twilight saw that Sunset's attention was on a necklace kept inside a glass dome on the shelf. The necklace was shaped like a dark gray alicorn, with a red jewel in the middle.

"The Alicorn Amulet," Sunset said in awe, reaching up to touch the glass. "Wherever did you get this?"

"The Masked Matter-Horn," Twilight said quickly, gently lowering Sunset's hoof with her own. "After she got it back from the Great and Powerful Trixie, she insisted that it be kept somewhere safe, and you know how Sparkle Labs is famed for its tight security."

"I certainly do," Sunset said with a smirk. "You know it's funny. I really thought you would've left all this dark magic business behind, after my arrest."

"Believe me, I tried," Twilight said, gazing at the shelves of spell books. "But…the information can be useful for good instead of evil."

"That's what I told the police! But they didn't believe me!"

"Anyway," Twilight said, taking a deep breath, "I know you're trying to turn over a new leaf, and this might get you in trouble with your parole officer, but I needed to ask you about a spell we came across in our junior year that you were very interested in and…"

"Which one?" Sunset asked without hesitance.

A little surprised at her eagerness, Twilight replied, "The Phoenix Charm."

Grinning, Sunset levitated an old thick book out of her bag and placed it on a lectern in the corner of the room.

"I was hoping you'd ask." Using her magic, she flipped through the pages. "I saw that viral video of the museum thief last night, and recognized the spell instantly. Did you see it? To think, some pony with magic strong enough to perfect the Phoenix Charm!" Her eyes became dreamy. "Oh, if I had been there to see it in person!"

"Yes, well," Twilight said, clearing her throat, "this thief concerns me. The items she stole are invaluable in terms of power, and they cannot be sold as they are too recognizable. Not to mention she deliberately removed the jewels from those cuffs."

"So if she's not after power or money, what do you figure she's after?"

Twilight shrugged. "The thrill of the steal, I suppose. So far she's outwitted highly advanced security measures without leaving so much as a clue. And since Sparkle Labs has one of the most top notch security systems in Maretropolis…"

"You figure she's going to strike there next."

Twilight nodded. "We have to figure out everything we can about this thief, be ready if she does show up."

"Ooh, I love a good mystery!" Sunset turned to her friend. "It'll be like when we took down that egg-smuggling ring!"

With a snort, Twilight said, "Only this time, we won't get a dragon out of it."

"Who knows? When we're through, we could get an actual phoenix for a pet!"

They both chuckled as Sunset stopped at a bookmarked page.

"Here it is," she said, placing her hoof on the page. "The Phoenix Charm." She shook her head. "Remember when we were teens, and this spell baffled us so much?"

Twilight snickered. "Your mental gears were turning so much, steam was coming out of your ears!"

"Hey, don't forget that night you stayed up reading this page over and over, running on ten cups of coffee!" Sunset scoffed. "Gosh you were crazy when you were obsessed with something!"

"Err, yeah," Twilight said with a blush. "But we're older and smarter now, so maybe, if we put our heads together, we can figure out how the Phoenix managed to pull this off." She rubbed her foreleg awkwardly. "That is, if you're up for the challenge."

"You kidding?" Sunset said, placing her hoof on her hip. "Since when have you known me to turn down a challenge?" She winked at her friend. "It'll be like old times."

"Yeah," Twilight said, running her hoof along the open page. "Like old times."

The bowl of sapphires was sitting there on the kitchen counter, but Spike didn't feel hungry. The idea of Sunset Shimmer, the mare he'd been warned about all his life, being in his home was making him nauseated. Although it was good that Twilight was trying to make amends with her old friend, he couldn't help but worry about his guardian associating with a formerly incarcerated dark wizard

He almost decided on eating a sapphire when his cellphone rang. When he read the caller ID, he cocked his eyebrow in bewilderment.

Picking up the phone, he said, "Hey Applejack. Something wrong?"

"Wrong?" Applejack said on the other line. "Nothing's wrong. I thought I'd just…say hello to a colleague."

This confused him even more. All the Power Ponies' had exchanged numbers in case their commlinks ever went offline, but he didn't expect any of them to call on a personal matter, much less Mistress Mare-velous. He didn't take her for the sociable type.

He heard a sigh on the other end. "Actually, something is wrong. Not hero-wise. Actually, it has to do with our case, but…" She sighed again. "You've known Twilight much longer than any of us. Has she always been…secretive?"

Even though she couldn't see him, Spike shrugged. "Pretty much. I mean I probably know more of her secrets than anybody, but when she's facing personal stuff or something, she kind of…shuts down, closes every pony off, even me."

"I've noticed," Applejack said in a blunt tone. "I mean you know I know about her, uh, 'dark interests,' and I get why she can't really talk about that so openly, but…what's the deal with her and that Sunset Shimmer?"

Spike blinked a few times. "Oh. Right. You saw her at the reunion."

"I've tried askin' her about it, but every time I do, she quickly changes the subject."

"Yup," he said, grabbing a sapphire from the bowl. "That's Twilight for you."

"I understand if it's too painful for her to talk about, but we're her teammates, Spike. She's always talkin' about how we should work as a team and trust each other. We already trust each other with our secret identities, why can't she trust us about her personal life?"

With a sigh, Spike bit into his gem. "She doesn't want ponies to think she's vulnerable." After chewing a little, he swallowed. "After all, she's supposed to be the most powerful pony in Maretropolis, both as the queen of the business world and the heroic guardian of justice. She thinks if she shows the slightest bit of weakness, no pony will take her seriously."

"Guess I can understand that. Ever since my parents…well, ya know, I…"

"Put up a wall?" Spike said, placing the gem on the counter.

There was a pause. "It's that obvious, huh?"

"Maybe a little."

That got him a chuckle. "But she shouldn't have to feel that way with us."

"Us more than anyone, because we know that she is more than just one mighty mare. She's two."

"She should at least talk to me. I mean I feel she should. After all, she showed me her secret cave of darkness."

Spike giggled.

"Which is why I know she and this Sunset Shimmer were very close. She said she made a mistake that cost her a friend, and one of them books has the initials 'S.S.' in it."

"Well, for starters, you should know I've never met Sunset Shimmer until today. At least, she's met me but I don't remember. From what Twilight told me, not only did they go to Celestia's school together, but they were roommates at Canterlot University. They were both studious, except Sunset was a bit more outgoing, always trying to coax Twilight out of her shell.

"In fact, they were walking back from a late night party when they came across a gang smuggling dragon eggs."

"Dragon eggs?" Applejack said, sounding intrigued.

"Yup," Spike said, proudly pointing to himself. "Guess who was in one of the eggs?"

"So…you never knew your real parents?"

"Nope," he said, as if the fact didn't bother him. "I mostly stayed at Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle's house while Twilight was at college, but she and Sunset would come by often. Twilight says Sunset was like a second mother to me. Which might explain why she was so excited to see me when she came in."

"Came in? You mean Sunset's over there now?"

"Yeah. Twilight said she needed to talk to her about something."

"Where are they now?"

"I left them in the study."

"Her study, study, or her private study?"

"Well, uh…the study, study, I think."

There was another pause. "Spike, exactly how close were Twilight and Sunset?"

He leaned back on the counter. "Twilight says Sunset was more than just her friend. They were practically inseparable. They ate lunch together, walked to class together, did their homework together; even if they were in separate classes."

"And…they worked on dark magic together."

Biting his lip, Spike replied with a hesitant, "Y-Yes."

"And…Sunset was sent to jail for it, but Twilight wasn't."

The dragon scratched his spines absentmindedly. "Err…y-yeah I…guess that's what…"

"Ya really think it's smart to leave them alone together, Spike?"

Worry welled up in him. "You think Sunset's going to turn Twilight to the dark side?"

"Dark magic aside, should two ponies that inseparable really be left alone?!"

At a loss, he said, "What do you mean?"

There was a thump, which he assumed to be a face-hoof. "I keep forgettin' you're only ten."

"But it's as you said," Twilight told Sunset. "The spell is brilliant in theory, but impossible in practice."

"Not necessarily," Sunset said, tapping her temple. "Sure, burning oneself to a crisp for the sake of healing oneself may not be the most logical move, but if it works for phoenixes, why not other beings?"

Rubbing her chin, Twilight said, "I remember you talking about combining the Phoenix Charm with a fireproofing spell."

"Yes, I considered it at one point. But the point of the spell is to burn your injured body so it can transform into a completely healed one. If you fireproof yourself, the flames won't heal you."

"Then I suppose the spell wouldn't work on dragons, huh?"

"Did you see the video of the thief performing the spell?"

Twilight gave an exhausted sigh. "Hundreds of times."

"Think, then," Sunset said, leaning on the lectern. "What did you notice about the spell, other than the flames?"

Taking a deep breath, she decided to go over the video step by step. "First, the thief's horn illuminated, then flames emitted from the tip of the horn, spread all over her body and went down to her hooves."

Sunset smirked. "Played it in slow-mo, I see."

Twilight started pacing. "When the flames diminished, she had completely disappeared. A second later, there was a sudden burst of flames several feet away and…"

She stopped in her tracks. "Several feet away." Her head shot up. "Several feet away." She clapped her hooves in triumph. "Several feet away, oh my gosh, she teleported!"

"There it is," Sunset said, pointing at her.

"It makes sense!" Twilight exclaimed, walking back to Sunset. "When you teleport, you're already breaking your body apart until billions of atoms and sending them from one place to another, so to expose yourself to the phoenix-like flames at the same time…"

"…would induce the healing effect…"

"…without inflicting any physical pain…"

"…because when you're in a teleporting state…"

"…you're already broken up…"

"…and by the time you get from Point A to Point B…"

"…your body is fully restored!" they finished together.

A few seconds after they said this, Twilight realized that she was grasping Sunset firmly by the shoulders. Sunset glanced down at Twilight's hooves, a light blush coming to her cheeks. Also blushing, Twilight released her and took a step back.

"I've missed this," Sunset said softly.

Twilight placed her hooves on the open book and tried to turn her attention back to it. "Me too. With all that's going on at work, it's hard to find someone to talk to about these things." She hung her head. "It's…not as easy as it sounds, being who I am. I feel like I'm always pretending for some pony."

She heard Sunset take a step closer. "You never have to pretend with me."

With a small smile, Twilight said, "Yeah. We were quite the team, weren't we? There hardly was a problem we couldn't solve."

Glancing down at the book, Sunset said, "That's not…all I've missed."

Twilight stiffened as she felt Sunset's hoof slither over hers. She watched as the golden hoof massaged her lavender one gently.

"Remember that night?" Sunset asked. "The night we finally perfected the Flight Spell?"

Twilight looked up to meet her gaze. Sunset's pupils were so dilated, the green irises of her eyes were nothing but two thin slivers.

"We were so excited, jumping up and down our dorm room," Sunset said, her hoof snaking up Twilight's foreleg. "Your wings, flapping wildly about."

Her hoof stopped at Twilight's shoulder, her other hoof settling on the other shoulder.

"You swung me around in your strong forelegs," Sunset whispered, moving closer to her, "and…in the heat of the moment…I did the unthinkable."

Twilight couldn't move. She even forgot how to breathe. All she could think about was how close Sunset was to her now. So close, her abdomen was moving against hers. It froze her more than any paralysis spell.

Just like their last night together.

"Do you ever think about that night?" Sunset asked, her hoof hooking around Twilight's neck.

Twilight finally opened her mouth. When she spoke, her voice was devoid of breath.


Sunset leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "I do. Every night."

Snapping back to reality, Twilight took a step back. "Sunset, I…sorry, but…this really isn't the time. Nor place."

"Why not?" Sunset said, stepping forward. "We're alone. No one can disturb us. Not to mention…"

Not watching where she was going, Twilight backed into the cauldron and nearly toppled it over. After she had levitated it back into place, Sunset slammed her hooves on either side of Twilight, gripping the edge of the cauldron. Twilight trembled upon seeing the fires of desire within her fillyhood friend's eyes.

"…it's been ten years," Sunset whispered. "Memories of our first, and last, night together were all that kept me sane in that prison cell." She made contact with Twilight's hoof again and slid hers up her friend's foreleg. "That, and…"

Her lips came so fast, Twilight couldn't stop her. Her eyes wide open, Twilight stared at Sunset as she kissed her firmly, but tenderly.

They were just as warm as the billionaire remembered.

When Sunset pulled away, she kept her eyes closed as she whispered, "Let me help you forget about your troubles, Twilie." Her horn glowed as she moved her hoof to Twilight's chest. "In here, you don't have to pretend. When we're together," in one swift motion, her clothes fell to her hooves, "neither of us has to pretend."

As Twilight stared at Sunset's naked body, her memories of their one night together came flooding back. As she felt Sunset's hoof slide under the front of her blouse, and the other reach down to her flank, Twilight, for the moment, forget about everything else. The stress of running a multi-billion-bit company, the stress of leading an elite team of superheroes, the stress of tracking down a master thief, Flash. All of it seemed to fall away.

To think she had spent all this time worrying about seeing her old friend again, when her old friend was acting like nothing bad had passed between them. In fact, she was picking up where they had, quite literally, left off.

Sunset, the pony she'd confided in for so long. The only one who could match her intelligence. The friend who wouldn't fail her, even when Twilight had failed her.

Decidedly, Twilight closed her eyes and said, "I've missed you, Sunset."

Pulling her naked friend fully against her body, Twilight pressed her lips against hers. Laughing in her throat, Sunset pushed herself against Twilight, causing them both to fall into the cauldron.

"So…what you're suggesting is," Spike said, still talking to Applejack on the phone, "Twilight and Sunset may have been…more than just friends?"

Applejack appeared to hesitate on the other end. "It's…possible."

"So," Spike said, scratching his temple, "they were like…sister soulmates or something?"

There was a groan. "This is really a conversation you should be havin' with Twilight."

Twilight didn't know which was more exhilarating, the feel of the body rubbing against hers or the hot water lapping against her skin. She and Sunset were entangled in the cauldron, which the latter had filled with bubbling water, courtesy of her magic.

"Admit it," Sunset said, nuzzling her neck. "Admit that you've missed this."

Twilight gasped as Sunset grabbed her flank. "M-Maybe…a little?"

"See?" she said, running her tongue along Twilight's neck. "You don't need that stupid policecolt. He didn't appreciate you the way I do."

The mention of Flash snapped Twilight back to her senses. She looked down at the mare wrapped around her body. What was she doing?

"S-Sunset," Twilight stammered, attempting to push her away. "We really…we shouldn't be…I'm with Flash!"

Sunset scoffed. "Don't give me that." She tightened her grip on her. "The asshole dumped you after forcefully kissing you. Talk about needy!"

Twilight's eyes widened as she pushed hard against Sunset, placing her at foreleg's length. "How did you know he kissed me?"

Sunset blinked. "It was…in the news?"

The billionaire shook her head. "I never told any pony about that. Not even Spike."

Sunset's mouth opened, but no sound came out. She glanced around anxiously, as if trying to find an excuse. Twilight watched her with growing suspicion.

"C-Come on, Twilight," Sunset said, forcing a laugh. "You know how good I am at deducing these things! I even knew which sandwich you'd eat at the reunion!"

"But how could you have known about the kiss unless you were…?"

A sick feeling welled up in Twilight's stomach as she started to realize the dangerous situation she was in.

"Get out," she said firmly.

"Twilie?" Sunset said.

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight started climbing out of the cauldron. "Get out. Now."

"B-B-But," Sunset said, swimming to the cauldron's edge, "we were just having a moment!"

Growling in fury, Twilight used her magic to levitate the naked mare out of the cauldron and open the passage door. She then magically tossed Sunset's clothes and saddlebag into her hooves.

"Twilie, let's be reasonable…" Sunset started to say.

"Get out!" Twilight shouted. "Before I call my bodyguard!"

Not wanting to enrage her any further, Sunset ran out of the study. When she threw open the door, Spike was standing there. He opened his mouth as the naked mare ran past him, carrying a bundle of clothes. Now, it wasn't unusual for ponies to be running around naked, but seeing as Sunset had arrived with clothes on, the question of why she would take them off made Spike scratch his head.

He stepped into the study and saw that the passage door was open. As he peered inside, he found Twilight using her magic to angrily pull her clothes back on.

"Um…Twilight?" he asked.

She spun around, a deep red blush on her cheeks.

"What's going…?"

"Get out!" she snapped.

Holding up his hands, Spike backed away from the passageway and out of the study. Sighing heavily, Twilight stepped out of the passage, closed the door, and collapsed into an easy chair. She put a hoof to her aching head.

A knock came at the door, making her groan. When she gave no answer, the door opened and Bon-Bon peered in.

"Miss Sparkle?" the driver said.

"What is it?" Twilight mumbled, not turning to look at her.

The unicorn felt something drop into her lap. Opening her eyes, she saw a file bearing the word CLASSIFIED stamped in big red letters.

"It's not my department," Bon-Bon said, folding a hoof behind her back, "but I was able to pull a few strings."

Twilight took the file in her hooves. "Thank you, Bon-Bon. You can expect a bonus on your next paycheck."

"Thank you, ma'am," Bon-Bon said, bowing slightly before taking her leave.

"Say hello to Lyra for me," Twilight called just as the door was closed.

She opened the folder to find a personnel record for Canterlot Maximum Security Prison. The form contained four hoof prints, some physical details of the prisoner, and a mugshot. The name on the file was Shimmer, Sunset.

Turning the page, Twilight found a page from a yellow legal pad with some notes scribbled onto it. From a psychologist, Twilight assumed. Sunset's name was at the top of the page. Twilight read the words "easily distracted," "excellent memory," "possible superiority complex," "peculiar obsession with brain puzzles," and "has tendency to change the subject, especially concerning friend Twilight Sparkle."

As Twilight squinted at the page, a thumb drive fell out of the folder. She picked it up with her magic and saw Sunset Shimmer's name on the label.

"What happened to you, Sunset?" she murmured.

Hours later, Twilight was sitting at her desk with her laptop open in front of her. The thumb drive had contained hours of audio recordings of Sunset's sessions with the prison psychologist, Dr. Bliss.

"Let's talk about your former roommate," said a mare's voice belonging to the doctor, "Twilight Sparkle."

There was a groan belonging to Sunset Shimmer. "Why do you keep bringing her up?!"

"She was your best friend, wasn't she? And the mare you used forbidden magic on."

"Yeah, I did it," Sunset said in a disgruntled tone. "We've established that, haven't we?"

"You just seem angry every time we bring her up."

"I'm not angry!"

"Alright. You're not angry. Still, you've been in here for a few years, and you've yet to receive a visit from her."

"Did the miller's daughter want the annoying little dwarf to visit? Can't the straw remain straw?"

There was a sigh from the doctor. "Keep spouting riddles like this, and they might place you in a more…appropriate institution."

"If you mean the nut house, be my guest. I hear the rooms are a lot cushier."

Twilight felt herself growing sicker as she continued listening to Sunset's ramblings. Another hour passed until she got to the very last recording.

"I'm really impressed with your progress, Sunset," Dr. Bliss said. "The warden claims you're a model prisoner."

"What can I say?" Sunset said in a calm voice. "After ten years, this place has grown on me."

"Are you nervous about your parole hearing?"

"Should I be?"

"Well, you're doing so well, you might be granted early release. Do you believe you're ready to re-enter society?"

"Well, I'm definitely not the same pony I was ten years ago. I realize I've been going about this all wrong, and that I should take a different approach."

"To life?"

"You could say that. You could even say that I've been…reborn."

There was a knock at the door and Twilight paused the recording. "Come in."

Spike opened the door a crack. "You, uh, still in a bad mood?"

Twilight shook her head and gestured for him to approach.

"A letter came in just now," he said, holding up an envelope. "No return address, but…"

Twilight looked at the envelope and her eyes widened. On it, written in fancy cursive were the words The Masked Matter-Horn. With a gulp, Twilight took the envelope with her magic, opened it and read the typewritten message inside. Spike watched as his guardian's face grew pale.

"W-What's it say?" Spike stammered.

Twilight lowered the letter, wearing a look of determination. "Leave the room, Spike, but wait at the door."

He knew better than to argue and obeyed her command. Once the door was closed, Twilight clicked on the webcam icon on her computer and waited for the video window to open. The moment she saw her face onscreen, she pressed the record button.

Ten minutes later, the study doors burst open, making Spike jump back from them. Twilight had summoned her wings and Matter-Horn attire. She used her magic to adjust her goggles as she stormed past the dragon.

"Twilight?" Spike said, running after her. "What's wrong?"

"Spike," the Matter-Horn said, turning to him. "I need you to listen very carefully." She levitated a thumb drive into view and placed it in his claw. "If I'm not back in an hour, gather up the team and show them the video on here."

He looked up at her worriedly. "What are you talking about? Where are you going?"

Using her magic to open a window, she replied, "To catch a crook," and flew out.

The Masked Matter-Horn paced back and forth on the roof of an old apartment building standing at a street corner. She levitated the letter in front of her face, reading its contents for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Maybe I was wrong," she muttered.

Deep inside, she hoped she was wrong. But the evidence was clear. There was no other explanation. She kept searching in her head for one, but none came.

But if she was wrong, then perhaps the thief wouldn't show up.

"Figured it out then, did you?" said an all too familiar voice.

The Matter-Horn shut her eyes in disappointment. She didn't need to turn around to see who it was.

"The phoenix," she said. "The phoenix is the creature that keeps coming back, that rises up from the ashes."

"And who, Matter-Horn," the voice said, taking a step closer behind her, "is the Phoenix?"

The hero took a deep breath and repeated the message that had brought her here. "Come alone to the place where our names meet."

She opened her eyes, which were glassed over with oncoming tears. "On the corner of Twilight Avenue…"

She turned around, facing the Phoenix. "…and Sunset Boulevard."

The Phoenix grinned in triumph as she powered her horn. "Very good, Twilie."

The Matter-Horn didn't even bother to block or dodge her attack.

Author's Note:

Not really much of a surprise, I realize. Many of you saw this coming. You can expect at least one more chapter of this arc.

I got the name Dr. Bliss from the "Hey, Arnold!" episode "Helga On the Couch."

There seems to be a glitch with the italics on this sight. I think I fixed all the instances in here, but let me know if there are any italic words smushed together.