• Member Since 4th Jan, 2015
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Pithy Statement


Comments ( 43 )

And here we go again! This is a monthly commission through patreon to write... Dash in the tender care of Thunderlane.

There will be more to come, and I hope everypony enjoys this interesting new look at "Rainbow Dash as a pet."

So is Thunderlane using psychological tactics to slowly make Rainbow Dash into his pet fully?

7766881 Well, it started off with him leaning on her loyalty and how sorry she was, but he is working toward what he wants.

7766956 so in other words, he guilt trips her, and then decide to slowly turn her into what he desire.

7767018 Pretty much. Yup.

Consensual? Doesn't seem leik it, I don't know xd

7767054 Just to point out, she does have a safe word, and as I am almost done with the next chapter draft I can tell you she does use it. Rainbow Dash is—for all the persuading Thunderlane is doing—getting into this.

I always love Thunderlane shipping with RD or Twilight. Adding the pet play to just add to the fun.

still good so far.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have encouraged you to do this stupid race.

that ?

I'll even give you a safe word to use, in the great Rainbow Dash can't take it."


Her loyalty has trapped her! Thunder knows this and is playing it for all it's worth.:rainbowderp:

"Stripes, do you know what 'Heel' means? Be honest, I won't punish honestly."


and suddenly realized it was because she was leaning so hard into Fluttershy's rubbing of her hear that she threatened to topple over.

'ear' or 'there' not sure, either works?
Something tells me he wasn't really going to clip her primaries (used to do that with our chooks when we had them in my youth.) it was a test to see if she'd bark, he knew she would. Wasn't sure how I felt from chapter 1, locking your pet in a basement? (hope she was in reach of at least a chamber pot?) But this chapter seems to have cleared my anxieties for her. Stripes likes her role-play more than she expected.

Fluttershy, do you have ulterior motive for wanting to wash Stripes?:yay:

7768447 Thanks, got all the fixes for both chapters. The commissioner decided they wanted more, and had paid not only for the second chapter, but a third. That will be coming over the next few days, I have a particular SciTwi and her study buddy to finish before then. :twilightsmile:

im going to give a guess by the end of this story-- she'll be all his.

7768845 I don't think Dash could ever completely give in. But there will be events that bind them a little closer.

still good

Ask Thunder: Tell me, bro, what got you into all of this?

7784151 Thanks. Fixed the blurb up. And I bet Dash never thought she would enjoy it, either! :rainbowwild:

OK slightly confused, was Flutters doing that to herself?

Corruption complete, Rainbow Dash is now Stripes....

You know I feel like Thunderlane should earn this. Achievement unlock: Pet owner-making a mare wanting to be your pet.

This is a rather interesting concept. Especially how Fluttershy and seemingly everyone else is completely okay with this glorious form of debauchery! :rainbowkiss:

7786610 Added a line to clarify. Yes, she was trying to get the experience without having anypony around to see her. It was working quite well for the mare, actually.

"There, next time I will just take you out to the bull with me. The funny thing is, they are almost always ready for a cow." Thunderlane gave the sporty plot a good smack. "Next."

Well, now THAT I want to read! I sincerely hope there will be such a chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Rainbow stared at the glass. She shook her head and looked up at Thunder. "Bark bark bucking bark. If you are going to make me wear any of that, I want yours."

My favorite line together with the afore mentioned! It is truly delightful to see our dear Dashie become a cum addicted slut pet! :rainbowkiss:

7787635 The sequel will be starting soon. :rainbowderp:

Now you've gone and done it, Thunderlane. :rainbowlaugh:

And a sequel already? Wooooooo! :pinkiehappy:

"Hey Dash, move it!" When she didn't move immediately he dropped his voice. "Next time, I won't take samples, I will tie you up out the back with a sign saying, 'free use for all stallions.' "

Also something I would love to read! Not to mention the bull part that was mentioned last chapter. You know, I'm really hoping for a sequel here right now! :rainbowkiss:

As a side note, it was interesting to see that our nerdy little librarian Princess isn't used to such debauchery! Funny that she is the only one in town that is 'normal' like that. I can imagine that this reaction of hers might lead to promising events if a sequel is written! :yay:

Edit: Just saw the comment that there will be a sequel. I'm glad I follow you, Damaged, so I will immediately be informed when it's up! :pinkiesmile:

That pregnancy bit came out of left field.

Why am I even surprised anymore. These stories always end with one of them having children.

I don't fault you or anything, as this was a commission.

After skimming through parts of it, I felt like I had to read the whole thing out of sheer curiosity, yet it didn't do anything for me.
Heck, this is probably the first M-rated story that I've read on the entire site that I didn't enjoy to any degrees.
I think it's mainly because, while there was some light mind breaking, there was no traditional hypnosis or mind control.
That, and the fact that the whole thing felt kind of rushed.

While I'm pretty sure Softy's Kindness isn't as rushed, since it's got more chapters already, I'm not sure if I actually want to read it yet.

8047640 You will note: this story was never intended to have any mind-control or hypnosis. These were commissioned stories, and as such I had a specific path for them to take and a time for them to get there.

8047645 Yes, I realize that.
And I acknowledge that, as a result, the fact that it doesn't do much for me is a result of the fact that I just don't have the right fetishes to enjoy it.

8047647 Fair enough.

8047647 Oh, I am planning to do another hypnosis story soon. Will likely be 1-2 chapters, and the hypnosis will be self-inflicted.

Another story that will have a little mind control in it (not written by me), is How Twilight Sparkle Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baddies. Written by a friend.

You should jump on our Discord and chat, save all these comments. :scootangel:

8047653 I can't wait for it. Though I'm more curious as to how the hypnosis will be self-inflicted than I am on who it is.
I probably will end up checking that other story out soon.

You should jump on our Discord and chat, save all these comments.

I might just do that at some point.


Aww, I wanna pet Stripes. She’s so cute.

Ick. This rubs me the wrong way.

11831799 'K. You are hereby awarded a pass that exempts you from having to read further.

K. I'm allowed to share my opinion on a fellow author's published fanfiction. Writing a SubDash fic myself currently, RD seems extremely OOC and bends to Thunderlane 'Just Because'.

11832497 Well, I tend to respond to most comments in one way or another, and since you're not on my Discord server, I replied here.

How did you expect me to react to "I don't like this story" (paraphrased)? Should I have tried to argue that you should read it anyway?

And, as for OOCness, eh. It's what the commissioner asked for, so that's what I delivered. I worked it to be as manageable as I could, but ultimately her willingness to sub to someone was kinda a given. You'll note that Thunderlane even gave her the chance to back out if she wasn't interested, and she gave it a try anyway. I admit there was a bit of RACK going on in one bit, but for the most part that was inexperience on their part.

If you expected me to rush to change the story, eight years after writing it, and possibly annoy the commissioner in the process—you've sorely misjudged me.

Nah. You can reply however you want. But an indignant 'K' just because I didn't like the story seemed quite standoffish. Didn't judge squat. I simply posted my opinion of how this story was finalized and I wasn't a fan.

You're wasting your time with a rebuttal. The one who commissioned this story must've liked it, but I found Dash to be too one-dimensional and the premise lackluster.

Good day.

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