• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
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C ag lonsa od ag el...


Button Mash's life was torn asunder on a fateful night when his mother and his home were taken away from him by a group of thieves. After that horrible event, the poor child could hear a voice calling to him from a mysterious golden puzzle set hidden among his belongings, urging him to complete it. Upon completion of the puzzle, his whole world flips once again.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 50 )

Great story can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you very much! I do have another chapter at the ready, but I have no idea when I should post it. In the meantime, however, I offer that you check out some of my other stories. You might find something else fun to read while you wait.

Button: Ah! My arm! My gaming career is ruined!

Yami Button: I’d think I would know when Button was in pain.

Button: I’m in so much pain!

Yami Button: I can feel everything he feels. We’re soul mates.

Button: I can feel my soul wasting away!

Yami Button: We’re closer than the most intimate of lovers.

Button: I want a divorce!


To be fair, though, this is season 0 style “yami” (or, Atem, as this story will refer to him as), so... yeah, expect him being sadistic, highly judgemental, and sassy as hell.

I remember watching season 0. Yeah Atem is like evil in their.

Reads description
Ok how much is writen....
8.5k words? dam thats a big one off.....
INCOMPLETE? wow this is gonna be a ride

Yeah... you’ll see what I mean when the next chapter is posted.

Evil is a bit strong, but he is VERY extreme in his punishments, which I intend to reflect in my story... in fact the first two “victims” in this first chapter will be mentioned in the next chapter and... the state they are left in isn’t very nice...

A one off? *laughs in evil spirit*

Oh, this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more (... I mean, I only have one other chapter done, but I’ve many others planned)

I'm just curious. Are we going to see the Mane 6 or is this the future version. Because I want to see the Mane 6 reactions when they see Atem.

We may see one or two of them. Next chapter will have Twilight be a character, but she is not an integral part to the story at large at the moment. That may change as the story goes on. Sadly, she will not see Atem... I haven’t decided whether or not any of them will even meet Atem, actually.

I would argue that at some point at least Twilight should meet Atem. Since their different approaches to problem solving would put them at odds, which would create some interesting discussions and can reveal more of Atem’s motivations.

I would also argue that Luna is an easy fit due to her ability to dream walk, would make it rather easy to make a scene like when Shadi tried to invade the millennium puzzle, though with a slight change in tone.

The question would then be which one to do first. Either A. Luna notices the different dreamscape, investigates, plays a shadow game and gets kicked, which would have her enlist Twilight for help. Or B. Twilight begins to noticed odd things with Button and finds Atem, maybe talks a bit to him, but can’t get a lot of him, making her ask Luna for help.

Though I would recommend doing a couple “game of the week” styled chapters first before starting any of these two options. Though that is just how I would imagine it going.

Well, to start off with the last statement, I was actually going for a “games of the week” set up for the time being. This is styled after “Season 0”, after all.

Second, it’s going to be difficult for Twilight to keep tabs on Button or Atem right now, since something happens next chapter. I won’t say what, but you’ll see for yourself. Luna, however... I was planning on having the princesses interact with them in the future in one way or another, but a Dream encounter might work well, so imma just pocket that for later.

Comment posted by Ptlacour deleted Oct 23rd, 2019

You are welcome. I would recommend four to five chapters, post introduction arc, before we get a visit from Luna. Maybe a combination of original characters and show characters (Flim, Flam and spoiled Rich are great examples, especially if you want Diamond Tiara to play a role in the story). Also you are allowed to be a lot tougher with the penalty games on OCs.

Oh, dude, my dude... don’t worry about how long i’m going to take before I get to Luna, nor what I plan along the way in terms of canon characters and OCs. Just enjoy the ride, and please, tell me what you think of what’s already been posted.

Good start. I do always enjoy the season zero Atem. Though I do have a small fear that the story might be bogged down with the mystery of the kidnappers. I think in these kind of stories I prefer the characters bouncing against each other in a slice of life sense. Though even if that were to happen I would mostly likely still read, Atem in a 11 years old body is damn entertaining.

12, actually. Going on 13. Still should be interesting, none-the-less.

Also, try not to worry too much about how I do character interactions UNTIL i’ve actually started doing further interactions. Preemptive worries just bog the enjoyment down, ya know?

Sorry that is a bad habit of mine.

s’alright. Hope you stick around and enjoy the future chapters when they release...

in the meantime, how about checking out some of my other stories. You might find something interesting.

damn dude. I'm still trying to write a decent story .how are you so good at writing dude

Practice. I’ve done quite a few bad stories before I started getting good ones.

Also, it helps having and editor that’s willing to bust your balls a bit in telling you if something is garbage and needs changing/needs fixing.

how long have you been writing .i started about a few months ago

Oh jeez, when did I start writing?

I guess, I started actually writing a little bit over twelve years ago.

I’ve been a fan of many things, and have done quite a few fanfictions over the years, including a PPG story, a JTHM story, a few MLAATR stories, a South Park Story, a Halo story, and the stories you see here in my profile. It takes a lot of attempts, false starts, outright failures, and a few personal successes to get one out that you like. (My current personal favorite and completed work is “Elements Change the Dark Hearts”, which has its own history). This isn’t even counting up all of the hours I used to spend as a teenager on game sites RPing with other fans to make collective stories of weirdos going on nightmarish adventures.

I’m only as “good” as I am because I kept at it and never stopped trying, and always kept an open mind on my writing skill (never assumed it was perfect, and welcomed criticism)

Inspirational and motivational

Eh, I’m just some asshole doing something he finds fun and rewarding, and takes it seriously enough to work at it, ya know? Anyone can do it given the time and patience.

same can be said about the hardest things and the highest paying jobs

Same can be said for anything... well, mostly everything. Sometimes, a little talent is involved, but even then, talent alone can only take you so far.

with practice comes skill with time well spent

All in all, keep at it man. Keep writing stories, especially if you’re interested enough to see them through, and don’t worry about how they turn out. If they don’t come out well, use them as a learning experience to improve and fix what you didn’t do quite right the previous time around.

yeah . published a few. learnt my lesson hard

Just keep at it and learnin’ man.

thats all we can do

Great story, can't wait to see the next story.

I am working on Chapter 3, though I have no clue when I’ll finish it. Please, stay tuned, though.

Very well written, can’t wait 𝓕𝓸𝓻 more

Thank you very much. Can’t wait to getting around to writing more!

it's been 3 weeks .how far is chapter 3 .please not i'm not rushing you .just curious

Slowly, as with all my other projects. Thank you for keeping interested in the story and baring with me thus far.

-A kid. I’m very aware of the fact, but the problem you’re not seeing is that the only other path we take is to hunt him down and confront him directly. We are NOT ready, and we have NO insurance if we fail. Besides, when is it EVER a good idea to confront the final boss in a game you’re just starting to play?


Only if you’re a speedrunner. And to become that, you have to learn the game inside and outside anyway, which means playing the game hundreds of times... which means you still need to prepare.

So, sorry, but joke denied *pulls lever, trap door opens up, and you fall into the darkness below*

All kidding aside, I hope you’ve enjoyed the story thus far.

Great story! Can't wait to see the next story! So are we really going to see yami bakura. If so will he keep his name or will it be different?

No Yami Bakura, sorry. While this is a crossover of YGO, and it heavily lifts from Season 0, it does not include the majority of the cast of the series (including Bakura, all of Yugi’s friends and foes, and even Yugi himself, since Button replaced him). Atem is more or less the only character from the series that’s included so far.

And, the main villain of this story is going to be very different to what YGO presented. I’ve given a couple hints as to who it is in this chapter...

I do hope you stay tuned.

When the next chapter coming, just curious???

Well, I’ve been writing a bit lately, but truth be told, I haven’t worked on the next chapter for this story yet. I don’t entirely know when I’ll be jumping back in, mostly because I haven’t decided on the game for Atem to play this time.

I hope the story will be back. Because you made an amazing story, hopefully someday it will come back.

I will... eventually. I've always been a bit on the slow side when it comes to projects, especially side projects.

In the meantime while you wait, why don't you check out some of my other stories? There might be something there you might like to tide you over until the next chapter update.

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