• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 1,675 Views, 34 Comments

Deeper than she Knew - Amethyst_Dawn

Vapor Trail has been sticking to the sidelines in the Academy, and they want to know why.

  • ...

Deeper than she Knew

Vapor Trail stood to the side, cheering Sky Stinger on as he wowed the crowd with another dive. He swooped gracefully, pulling up a split second above the ground, and eventually skidding to a halt: sending dust flying in his wake.

This was the third Amateur Wonderbolts show they’d been a part of, and also the third time she’d declined to be anything more than the water pony. Sky kept trying to convince her to join in, saying that he missed flying with her, and wanted to try it without her holding anything back. Each time, she’d decline shyly: never explaining why.

The white Pegasus sighed in content as the crowd roared in applause and hoots for her friend, and felt her heart rise as the cocky smirk she knew so well donned his face. This was where Sky was at his best: in the spotlight, where he could stand out and make a difference, whereas her purpose…

Her purpose…

Most ponies weren’t sure if she had one, honestly.

With the show over, and the spectators dissipating, she filled Sky’s bottle with fresh icewater so that it would be ready for him when he came over. That way, at least something about their daily hangout would be worth his time.

She turned back, and froze as she saw Sky engaged in stern conversation with Fleetfoot, and pointing towards…

'Uh oh…’

She could hear the tones of their voices, but she couldn’t make out a single word. Vapor swallowed as Fleetfoot offered a firm nod to Sky, and a slight frown. Last time she saw that look, one of the recruits had to be docked. Oh, how she prayed they weren’t going to do that to him… or even her!

She felt her legs get shaky as the Flight Captain looked her way, and just stared. Her expression was unreadable, yet unnervingly firm: that same look a mother gives her foal when they’ve done something unneeded, yet she’s not sure if they’re in trouble or not.

Their eyes only made contact for a second, before Fleetfoot turned away, and headed back to the academy: shaking her head.

Snapping out of her trance, Vapor turned to give her friend his water bottle: only to find it gone from her hoof, and Sky was nowhere to be seen.


Vapor flicked the towel over the side of the stall, and turned on the shower with her wing. The warm water offered a soothing massage as it rhythmically pelted her back: relieving her joints of their stiffness, and allowing her to flex her wings and shoulders without fear of pulling a muscle. She let the steam flow in and out of her lungs, calming her nerves and mind.

After an hour-long session of the refreshing rinse, she dried herself off as best she could, and let the towel rest across her shoulders. As soon as she stepped out, however, she was stunned by the voice that called out to her:

“Vapor Trail!”

She’d know that disapproving tone anywhere. She turned towards the door, and sure enough: Fleetfoot was leaning against the entrance, hooves crossed over her chest as she glared at the newbie. Once eye contact was established, she dropped back onto all fours, and trotted over.

“What’s the problem, rookie?” She commanded, stepping up to Vapor, and poking her chest with a hoof. “You haven’t been in any of the shows, kid: you don’t work crowd control, you don’t give signals, and you don’t even go in the grand finales. What do you do? You hand out water, a position we usually hand to those we want benched. What’s. The. Deal?”

Vapor shrank back from her Captain as she shivered, avoiding eye contact. “I-I d-d-don’t have the talent to be in the show, Ma’am.” She stated nervously.

“That’s a load of bull, and you know it!” Fleetfoot barked again, backing the frightened mare into a corner. Once Vapor’s flank bumped the wall, Fleetfoot turned, and gestured to the doorway with a nod: signaling all other recruits and trainers to empty out. An order which they obeyed without a second glance, causing Vapor's heart to drop into her stomach. Just what was going on here?

Her CO turned back to her, only this time her expression softened.

"Look, kid, your little buck-buddy is worried about you. And frankly, so am I. You not only have the raw talent, but the practiced skill to be in the show. You're the best flyer in this class, and that type of skill will not be going to waste as a water pony as long as I'm captain, or you're transferred. Am. I. Clear?"

Vapor nodded in submission, but Fleetfoot wasn't satisfied yet: the filly looked like she had just been told her mother's spine was snapped, and not that she would finally be getting the recognition she deserved.

With a sigh, the Captain sat down, and lifted the cowering pony's head to look her in the eye. "You're going to be in the show tomorrow, and that's final, kid. But can I at least get an explanation for... whatever this is?"

Vapor took a shuddering breath, and nodded: holding her hoof up as a sign that she needed to relax herself. After a long pause, and several deep breaths: Vapor looked up, and spoke.

“If you don’t mind my saying, Ma’am: the majority of my life, from foalhood until a week ago, was spent helping somepony else get into the spotlight. My entire life. I've had no other reason to live, except that he could be seen, and I can be ignored.” She admitted, pawing sheepishly at the ground. “I’d rather give than receive, honestly. Even when it comes to living out my dream job here, I’d rather go unnoticed, so that he can get all the glory he deserves…

“I don’t expect you to understand, Ma’am. But, I’ve never kept anything for myself: money, advice, ideas, inspiration. It all went into others, even outside of him, while I just wanted to fade into their shadows. If the price of giving others- especially him -all the praise and adoration they deserve is dying in anonymity, than I have no quarrel with that.”

Vapor turned to the confused Fleetfoot, and gave a gentle smile. “Oh, don’t get me wrong: I love myself, but I love other ponies more. I am only one mare, with only one friend. Him? He has hundreds of admirers: and tons of friends. He is only one pony as well, but he has a broader reach than I ever will: his passion shining clearly through his charm, his wit, every move he makes… He’s the face that needs to be on the cover of every magazine and poster, encouraging ponies and recruits all over with witty phrases, even if I was the one who’d inspired them."

Fleetfoot, head swimming from trying to comprehend what was just said. She rubbed her forehead with a pained expression, and let out a noise that was somewhere between a unamused grunt, and a rueful chuckle:

"Heh, so let me get this straight: the best flyer in the entire academy is staying on the sidelines. Not because of anxiety or stage fright, but because she has an isolation complex, and her Wingpony makes her drool in more places than one?" She droned.

Vapor felt her face heat up. "Uhh... I guess you c-could generalize it up like that...?" She stammered nervously. "But, you're missing the point: I... well... look at my Cutie Mark."

Fleetfoot quirked a brow, yet tilted her head to get a good look. "It's... a star shooting out and up. Your point?"

Vapor shook her head. "That's what everypony thinks, look closer."

Skeptically, Fleetfoot focused, yet she couldn't find anything that changed her initial... wait...

"It's not growing, is it?" She asked, turning her attention back to the rookie's face.

Vapor shook her head, and lowered it. "It's receding into the background, Ma'am. My talent is building others up in obscurity, not boasting my own skills. If I even try to show myself off, I feel... dirty. Like I've stolen something that isn't even mine.

"He deserves the attention he gets. My destiny is to make sure he gets it. It's as simple as that." She added with finality.

Fleetfoot stepped back, and nodded. "I'll... have to put you in the show anyways, but that doesn't mean you'll be in the spotlight. We can figure out a way to let you do all that you're capable of, while still making him poster-boy. Does that go against your ass?"

Vapor looked down at the ground thoughtfully, before sighing with a slight smile. "I guess I should have just come to you in the beginning, huh?"

Fleetfoot chuckled, walking her to the doorway. "Would've saved you a lot of heartache, Rookie."

Author's Note:

Yeah, this is what happens when I'm hit with an idea at 3:00 AM, and it won't let me sleep until I finish writing. I edited the grammar to make it more presentable, but it's still almost precisely the same as the first draft.

So, here's a little nod to all those who are important, yet unseen. And like it that way.

As always, let me know what you think down below, and feel free to point out any mistakes.
Until Next Time, God Bless You!
~Amethyst Dawn.

Comments ( 29 )

What a confusing mare..... (Rubs bridge of my nose) I understand what she's trying to do and what she thinks her purpose is.... This need a follow-up to help explain more dynamics between her friend and herself.... Does he understand how she feels not towards him but in general..... And I think Fleetfoot's joke went over her head lol I think you made a adult joke ,Sir. :rainbowlaugh: still it was nice and to the point bravo:moustache:

I only saw one thing that stood out to me grammar wise... When she refers to her friend as ... Him?.... Is that a question or being asked questionably towards Fleetfoot? Thank you:moustache:


Haha good on you u beat me lol and here I thought I was making good time good show :moustache::twilightsmile:

Yeah, it's meant to be a little confusing. As far as a follow-up, I think I'll keep this as is.
And yeah, I had to try an adult joke at some point in my career. :moustache:

And as for your question, it's the latter. :twilightsmile:


Very well (twists moustache ) right on you Lad. Haha :moustache: other than that I had no issues right going and what a spectacular comeback :pinkiehappy:

It wasn't I was challenging myself and congratulating u on out doing me at my own challenge lol:twilightsmile:

No problem :twilightsmile: what are friends for? Lol

I guess you could say Vapor is happy senpai noticed her long ago.

I guess you could... :twilightsmile:

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :heart::twilightsmile:

That's was pretty good! 7/10!


cause her friend's an asshole

Maybe, but he cared enough about her getting the respect she deserves that she brought it to their Captain. :twilightsmile:

Not gonna lie, I completely forgot I had this on to my read list(sorry about that:facehoof:) *ahem* Anyways, onto my thoughts.

I love Vapor. Ever since I saw the ep, I've wanted to write a story with her but as life has it, busy, busy, busy(ugh, I hate myself). And you wrote her pretty well. Personally, Sky is a... ah, what's the word...? A rule 63 version of RD(Not sure if that makes sense or if that's the right metaphor...) and that's not exactly a good thing but that's just me. The fact she puts her friend far above herself is brave on its own terms and I love it. The only problem I noticed was the grammar but I'm not one to talk since I hardly hold a candle to good writers. That's and I need help just to have the stories done so... anyways, love the story so here's a like. Sorry it took me so long to read this.

It's no problem: I prefer a relaxed pace, myself.
Thanks for adding this to your favourites. :twilightsmile:

Also, need a hug? You sound like you need a hug.

7801827 A)Ah. Glad you didn't mind. B) What are you, Pinkie's brother? In all seriousness though, I'm alright. Just dealing with my own problems. Nothing worth noting. Running pretty late on Christmas stories(I have two. One of witch is dark themed and the other light). Anyways... I'll check out your other story soon(hopefully by tomorrow).

A) No problem.
B) Maybe... :trollestia:
In all seriousness, I'm glad you're ok. (And I have that exact same problem!) :pinkiegasp:
And don't be afraid to procrastinate reading a little longer in favor of getting some work done, I often do just that. :twilightsmile:

7801857 Problem? And that is what if u don't mind me asking.

Being behind on two Christmas stories: one light-themed, the other dark.
Not major, per se: but definitely nerve-wracking, I know. :twilightsmile:

I suppose a more appropriate word would've been 'Issue'? :twilightblush:

7801882 (oh?) Ah. For some reason, I presumed something bad. Then again, considering my luck, that's not an understatement. *ahem* in any event, I plan on posting my next story on the 21st. The 2ND one will be on Christmas Day. After that, I have no particular order but hopefully I can start getting my stories out once every week(maybe every two)

(Yeah: one's a comedy, the other a tragedy)
Okay, yeah, you need a hug. *Hugs* :heart:
Well, I hope that goes well for you! :twilightsmile:

7801922 It seems my story (Jealousy) got a good review. I credited you of course. So that person might be coming here to see your story. Still, thanks.

I feel bad for Fleetfoot. xD

Nice story though, you made me find another reason why Vapor did what she did!

Yeah, talking to ponies with a different perspective can be... frustrating. :rainbowlaugh:

And I'm always glad to offer a headcanon! :twilightsmile:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

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