• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 11,557 Views, 602 Comments

Yugioh EQG - Banshee531

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

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Turn 21, Battle in the Dragon Sanctuary pt1

Flash sat in his waiting room looking over everything he had been through in just this one day.

In his first match he'd faced the seemingly unstoppable advance of technology when he'd Duelled against Gizmo and his ever evolving Technobot.

In his second match the bonds between Flash and his monster had been seriously tested, when he faced Lyra and her mind controlling Maiden of the Enchanted Harp.

And of course his last Duel, where he had faced the seemingly unbeatable stratagy of Tidal Wave and his Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin. He had managed to win by pulling off a Fusion Summon.

But now even after everything he had faced, he felt like this would be toughest Duel of the whole tournament.


"Spike" Flash called seeing Spike enter the foyer. He and the girls rushed towards him.

"Hey guys" Spike said, as they drew closer.

"Spike" Twilight said, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm competing in the Micro Tournament" Spike answered.

"Yeah we got that" Rainbow said.

"But why are you in the Micro Tournament?" Rarity asked.

"Well" Spike said looking down at his feet.

"Well?" Flash asked.

Spike looked up into Flash's eyes, before his face turned from shy to serious. "I entered to face you."

Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this. Why would Spike want to face Flash in the tournament? he could have just challenged him to a Duel.

"Spike" Twilight said to her little brother, "what's this really about?"

They soon found themselves sitting around the table they had had lunch at, as Spike explained himself. "The reason I entered this tournament was because I wanted to prove myself as a Duellist."

"Prove yourself?" Applejack asked.

"Think about it" Spike said, "my oldest brother is a Pro-Duellist and Twilight's shown her own skills multiple times. Then there's me. I'm not like them, I'm not even really part of their family."

"SPIKE" Twilight almost yelled.

"It's true Twilight" Spike said, "I'm not."

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"Spike is adopted" Twilight explained, "my parents took him in as a baby after he was abandoned at an orphanage. A family friend runs it and called them, asking if they could take him and they did."

"That exactly the reason I'm trying to prove myself" Spike said, "to make them forget about my family."


Spike entered his classroom on the first day of the school year.

"Hey look" he heard a kid say, "I think that's Shining Armor's little brother."

"THE Shining Armor?" a girl squealed.

"Don't get to excited" another kid said, "he's not even his real brother. He's just some nobody Shining's family took in."

<Time Skip>

Spike was in the park looking over his deck when he heard some kids not to far off say

"I heard Shining Armor's little sister just won the under fifteens micro tournament."

"Maybe Duelling skills are genetic?" a boy said.

"Guess that means that Spike kid is a lost cause."

"Yeah" another said, "no way he can hold up against those two. He's not even their real brother."

Spike frowned hearing this and got up to leave the park.


"No matter what everyone compared me to them" Spike explained. "I wanted more then anything to show people I was just as good as them, then one day."


Spike was walking through the park on his way home, until he bumped into someone.

"What do we have here?" he looked up to see a teen with red skin, orange hair and wore a dark red hoodie. "A little baby not watching where he's going."

"Sorry" Spike said.

"Whatever" the guy said.

"This kid's got a lot of nerve pumping into the Great Garble" one of Garble's lackeys said.

"Maybe we should teach him some respect" another one said, cracking his knuckles.

"Now now boys" Garble said, "we're all gents here. We'll show him why he should respect me." He pointed at Spike, "you Duel?"

"Yeah" Spike answered.

"Good" Garble replied, "then lets Duel."

"I don't really want to" Spike said.

"You sound like you got a choice kid" Garble said, "now get out your Duel Disk."

Spike couldn't see any other option but to Duel. He got out his Duel Disk and placed it on his arm, hoping he could find a way to beat him.

<Ten minutes later>

Spike let out a scream as his last monster was destroyed and he was sent flying back.

Garble: 4000 (Winner)
Spike: 0

As Spike pulled himself up Garble walked over and stood above him. "Looks like you lost loser." he told him

"You were an idiot to challenge the Great Garble." one of the teens said.

"I didn't challenge him," Spike said, "you guys made me."

"Whatever," Garble said "you lost so hand over your deck."

"I didn't agree to that." Spike said.

"Well too bad." Garble said as he grabbed him by his purple jacket and lifted him up. "Weaklings don't get a say." He grabbed Spike's left arm, and pulled off a purple device, before throwing him to the floor.

"Knock it off!" They all turned to see Flash walk out of the treeline. "Just because you’re bigger that doesn't give you right to pick on someone."

"Here he was. A guy I didn't even know stepping up to defend me, putting his own deck on the line to help me because I wasn't strong enough to defend myself."

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash said, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

"Even when the odds were against him he managed to pull off an amazing victory. And then."

"Flash beat you?" Spike asked his sister as they eat dinner.

"Yeah" Twilight said, "and the funny thing is it was only his second Duel in years."

"Really?" Spike asked.

"I was surprised to" Twilight replied, "but it's true."

"Wow" Spike said sitting back.

"And it only got more amazing. Again and again he showed his skills beating Duellists I always thought I wouldn't stand a chance against, and even saving my sister's life. I knew that if I was ever going to improve as a Duellist, I needed to set a goal.


"And you were that goal Flash" Spike said.

"Me?" Flash asked.

"Of coarse" Spike replied, "I've had years more training and practise, but in the short time since you've started Duelling again you somehow soared ahead of me in skill. I wanted to beat you at your best and knew this tournament was my best chance for that."

"So you secretly entered in the hopes of facing him" Twilight finished.

"Yeah" Spike replied. "I knew he'd make it to the finals so all I had to do was keep winning."

"That seems like an awful lot a trouble just to Duel Flash" Applejack said.

"You could have just asked him to Duel" Scootaloo said.

"But then he would have just seen it as a friendly game" Spike explained. "like I said I wanted to Duel him at his best, and he always Duels best when he absolutely needs to win."

"So that's it" Flash said, "this tournaments the only way for me to enter the Celestic Cup. I need to win no matter what."

"So you'll Duel me at full force" Spike finished. "I know it's probably a little selfish of me to stand in the way of your chances to enter the Celestic Cup, but this is the only way I feel I can prove myself."

"Oh Spike" Rarity said her hand over her heart.

Flash took a deep breath and thought this over, before smiling and standing out of his chair to hold a hand out to his opponent. "Spike" Flash said "I have zero intention in losing, but if I do I'll be glad it's to you."

Spike smiled and took his head to shake.


When Flash had entered this tournament he never expected to go through the things he had. And now that his final opponent was none other then Spike, he knew his time at the Shooting Star Micro Tournament was something he'd never forget.

The Door opened showing his guard waiting for him. With one large breath Flash stood up and walked out.

Meanwhile Spike was sitting in his own waiting room looking through his deck.

"Relax" Spike said to himself, "this is what you've been waiting for. You know Flash's Duel stratagy better then anybody, and your prepared to beat it." He pulled a card from his extra deck and nodded, "your just what I need to defeat him."

The door opened and the guard ordered him out. He reset his deck and left the room

Cold and Sunset waited for the finals to begin.

"So after all you put him through" Sunset said, "your final opponent for him is a fourteen year old."

"The boy Spike has a personal history and connection with Flash Sentry" Cold explained. "He sees him as a role model to one day overcome."

"I see" Sunset said smiling, "nicely done. Your using his own personal connection as a way to push Flash yet again. Let's see if he can overcome it, or will it be to much?"

The audience cheered as the finals were about to begin. Everyone had taken their seats in the main stadium, which was twice the size of the other two arenas and could hold everyone who had been watching the A and B blocks and more so.

Gizmo, Lyra, Bon Bon and Tidal all sat next to each other, ready to cheer for the Duellist who had beaten them.

Meanwhile the girls took their seats as they waited patiently for the Duel to begin, one which would pit two of their closest friends against one another.

Twilight was very nervous for the Duel's outcome, and it was noticed. "You okay Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her.

"I'm just a little confused" Twilight replied.

"Can't decide who to root for er?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah" she said, "I want Flash to win because of everything he's had to go through to get here. But Spike is my brother and hearing him earlier, has made me want him to win and prove his skills just as much."

"No matter what we can't do anything but watch," Rarity said. "This Duel will decide itself how those two do."

"I know" Twilight said, "but it's still hard."

The screens in the stadium switched on showing the Celestic Sisters.


Celestia: It sure has been an eventful day here at the Shooting Star Micro Tournament.

Luna: It has, and with the biggest event about to start I think we're in for a treat.

Celestia: Indeed. It's time to welcome our Block Champions onto the stage.

Luna: First the winner of the B Block. He may be young but he's fierce, it's Spike.

Spike walked out onto the field, waving to the crowd.

"Good luck Spikey Wikey" Rarity cheered.

"No matter what happens we're proud of you" Rainbow said.

"That's right" Twilight said, having finally come to a decision to cheer for them both.

Celestia: And next we have the winner of the A Block. The Pendulum Power House, Flash Sentry.

Flash walked out to meet Spike in the centre of the arena. "This is it Spike" he said, "no turning back, no holding back." He pulled out his Duel Disk and fixed it to his arm.

"It's time I show you just how strong I've gotten Flash" Spike said, fixing his own Duel Disk to his arm.

Both: It's time to see the Duel Field these two will Duel on.

They both pressed the button on the remote and in that second the floor glowed as it formed the Duel Field.


In the blink of an eye the boys found themselves in a mysterious, brightly lite cavern. It had giant stone formations and pillars, all covered in many different plants. It had many cliffs and waterfalls, all flowing into small ponds and streams leading to a giant lake in the centre of the cavern.

Both: The Dragon Sanctuary

"That sounds about right" Flash said, having expected something like this.

"Awesome" Spike said, obviously loving the location of their Duel. "This place is perfect for me."

Celestia: With nothing else to say let's get this Duel going. In three

Luna: TWO.

Audience: ONE.


Flash: 4000
Spike: 4000


"I'll take the first move" Spike said drawing, "and I summon Ember Dragon in ATK mode" a mid sized red lizard appeared. it wore yellow armour around its hands and feet, along with metallic instruments around its chest and back that spurted out fire into the shape of wings. (A1200/D1100/L3) "I'll end my turn with a face down."

"Then it's my draw" Flash said, looking at his hand. Nothing in his hand could set up a good Pendulum Scale, so he'd need to wait for later. "I summon Magna Fighter Deck Striker, in ATK mode" the steam punk with the metal gauntlet appeared. (A1300/D500/L3) "Attack" Deck Striker flew at Ember Dragon and raised his metal fist, before slamming it down into the monster destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Spike: 3900

Sparks from the dragons fire hit the ground and caused two small fires to appear, with eyes and a mouth on each. (A0/D0/L1)

"What the?" Flash asked.

"When Ember Dragon is destroyed" Spike explained, "he leaves behind two Ember Tokens."

"I end my turn with two face downs" Flash said.

"My draw and I activate my face down" Spike said, as his face down flipped up to reveal a Spell. "Stoke the Fire, it lets me sacrifice my Ember Tokens in exchange for a pair of level four or below Fire monsters from my deck." The two fireballs transformed into a pair of flaming tornadoes, which then burst revealing two new monsters. "Introducing."

The first was a serpent like creature, with a pair of Pterodactyl like wings and large fangs coming from his mouth. "Lava Fang Dragon." (A1400/D1300/L4)

The second was a humanoid lizard wearing red armour over its black body with only its head being visible. "Armoured Wyvern." (A1500/D1200/L4)

Celestia: Impressive. He used his monsters destruction as a means to summon a pair of stronger monsters.

Luna: That's the way Spike started in his earlier Duels, if the rest of this one goes like them then Flash is in trouble.

"Now I sacrifice Lava Fang Dragon to summon Iron Tail Dragon," in a burst of fire the winged serpent was replaced by a red dragon with orange blades on its arms and tail end. (A2100/D1400/L6) "I attack Deck Striker with Armoured Wyvern" the armoured dragon flew towards the steam punk, its razor sharp claws at the ready.

Flash and Deck Striker spun around and legged it, in search of an Action Card. Flash spotted one on a nearby cliff face. "Give me a boost" he said as he leaped on to the wall and the jumped back at his monster, who used its metal fist and great strength to spring board Flash upwards just as Armoured Wyvern caught him. Flash grabbed the Action Card and placed it in his Duel Disk, "I activate the Action Spell Miracle." Armoured Wyvern slashed Deck Striker but he remained standing.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 3900

"That Action Spell saved my monster and halved the damage I took" Flash explained.

"Then I'll attack with Iron Tail Dragon" Spike said as he jumped on his monster, as it flew towards Deck Striker.

"I activate my Trap Brittle Shield. This Trap lets an ATK position monster switch to DEF mode if its offensive power, is more then its defence." Deck Striker kneeled down as he was struck by the dragons scythe like tail. "Next I activate the Trap Starburst Draw. This lets me draw one card for each level point my destroyed monster had, meaning I get three." he drew three cards.

"I end my turn" Spike said.

"It's been a pretty close match so far" Rainbow said.

"It's only just beginning" Twilight said.

"It's my draw" Flash said smiling at what his draw had given him. "I'm using scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum and scale seven Glow Craft Magna Fox, to set the Pendulum Scale" the pillars of light appeared besides him as him monster rose up. "Now I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled three through six." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Sky high, Brass Wing Magna Hawk. (A1400/D800/L4)

"On guard, Magna Fighter Gladio. (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

Luna: so that's the fabled Pendulum Summon.

Celestia: Yes. That technique is responsible for Flash's multiple victories leading up to the finals.

"Magna Hawks ability" Flash said. "Since he was special summoned three cards from your hand are shuffled back into your deck, and replaced by the same amount." Flash selected the cards and Spike shuffled them in and drew three new ones. "Now Magna Wolf's ability activates, and increase his power by three hundred for each card returned to the deck. (A2100/D1100/L3) "And finally Lucidum's Pendulum ability increases every Pendulum Monster's ATK by five hundred, so Gladio now gets a boost." (A2600/D2200/L6/P4)

"That's a whole lot of power" Scootaloo said.

"And it's all heading for Spike" Rarity said in concern.

"I attack Armoured Wyvern with Magna Wolf" Flash said, as his wolf pounced on the dragon destroying it.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 3300

"Next Gladio attacks Iron Tail" the warrior charged at the dragon, swinging his massive sword straight through it. Spike had leaped off his dragon onto a nearby cliff as it was destroyed.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 2800

"And finally Magna Hawk will attack you directly" Flash ordered as his mechanic bird, who swooped towards Spike.

In that moment Spike grabbed an Action Card off the ground. "I activate Endurance of the Weak, which lets me banish a level three monster and reduce the damage I take by its ATK points." He removed Ember Dragon as Magna Hawk's attack struck.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 2600

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Spike smiled seeing what he had gotten. "Pendulum Summoning. It allows the user to summon multiple monsters and overwhelm their opponent. Against that style of Duelling anyone would have a hard time winning."

"Thanks Spike" Flash replied with a smile.

"However" Spike continued, "I have just the card to stop your Pendulum Summon."

"What?" Flash asked his smile fading.

"I play Monster Reborn, to revive Iron Tail Dragon" Spike's large dragon reappeared on the field. "And next I'll summon the Tuner Monster Fireheart Dracokid," A small red dragon appeared on the field besides Iron Tail. (A1000/D800/L2)

"A Tuner Monster" Flash and the girls realised what Spike had planned.

Luna: here it comes.

"Now I tune level two Fireheart Dracokid with level six Iron Tail Dragon." The small dragon flew into the air and transformed into two balls of fire, which carved a pair of burning rings which Iron Tail Dragon flew into. "Cast your flames across this battle field, and burn everything that is weak to ashes" Spike said as his monsters burst in an explosion of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

A new humanoid dragon erupted out of the fire, standing at around nine meters tall. It was mainly dark red in colour with blue running down its neck, stomach and tail. It had long spikes coming out of its shoulders, hips, wrists, knees and wings. A long horn extended out of its snout and in its claws it carried a very long but slightly curved sword, which quickly set ablaze. "DRAGONIC BLAZEMASTER." (A3000/D2000/L8)

Everyone was in terror at the new monster. It looked so monstrous and threatening.

As Spike leapt onto its shoulder, he looked down at Flash and his monsters. "Hope your ready?" he said, "because my Dragonic Blazemaster is going to burn your field to nothing."

Author's Note:

What'd you guys think of Spike now. Dragonic Blazemaster will be putting Flash's deck through it's paces next Turn, so stay tuned.

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