• Published 12th Nov 2016
  • 1,501 Views, 6 Comments

Shut Up And Dance - Gpizano

The end of the school year is fast approaching for Sunset Shimmer and it's been quite a ride to get there. But as senior prom rounds the corner, will it be the best night ever or a complete wash?

  • ...

Took The Floor and She Said

After Spring Break and all the drama that had brought, Sunset Shimmer had settled back into her new routine. Wake up, go to school, go to her part time job, hang out with her girlfriend, practice with the band... it was a nice, simple routine that didn't throw her any curve balls. At this point she could basically put it on cruise control after the finals, then good bye Los Pegasus High School and hello University of Los Pegasus (if her application was accepted but really she wasn't sweating it).

At least that was the plan. Until she was thrown a curve ball at lunch by her friend Catwalk.

"You seriously forgot that senior prom was next week?!"

The red head's eyes were slightly wide, mouth still full of the garden salad served every day at the school (for vegetarians and vegans like her), as she stared back at the other girl. Since transferring to Los Pegasus High School right after winter break, she'd somehow managed to make friends with the three people sitting with her at the table.

Catwalk was a petite girl and on top of her perfect size for modeling, she had clear, light blue-green skin, long, wavy, chestnut brown hair and striking light pink eyes. Much like Rarity, she liked to keep up with what was going on in the fashion world but more stuck to the current west coast trends rather than set any herself. They'd met during math class and had hit it off fairly well, enough that Cat had introduced her to the other two sitting with them.

"Calm down Cat, we've all been busy, s'not like we've constantly had this on our minds."

This had come from the boy sitting to Catwalk's right who was named Food Truck very tall and had decent muscle to him, looking more as if he'd be cut out to pursue a career in basketball instead of dreaming to own his own food truck after high school. His short cut hair was an avacado green while his skin was a reddish orange, and his eyes were dark blue.

"Please, how can Cat calm down when this'll be her last hurrah?"

That had come from the girl to Shimmer's left, Free Runner, who was about just as fit as Rainbow Dash, minus having a near constant cocky attitude. She was lean and pure muscle, with shoulder length, rust red hair with lighter blue stripes through it, dark purple skin and light blue eyes. Free Runner was currently picking at the mystery meat on her plate, not looking terribly interested in the subject of prom now that it seemed Catwalk was ready to put way too much stock into how important the event was. Of course Cat crossed her arms and huffed at the blaise reactions of Truck and Free but turned her attention back to Sunset.

"Can I take comfort in knowing your mindset isn't the same as these heathens, Sunset?"

"Well... I can't say I'm thinking of going, no."

Smiling sheepishly as Cat gaped at her, the red head was quick to follow up with an explanation.

"It's not that it wouldn't be fun to hang out, but I don't have a dress for prom. Not to mention I wouldn't want to go unless I had my girlfriend with me so..."

While Catwalk looked utterly disappointed, Free Runner looked a tad confused and voiced the question on her mind.

"Why wouldn't you girlfriend go? She sounds like she'd be cool for anything."

Grimacing at this, Sunset's mind immediately flashed to all of the times that Jackie had denounced high school, which naturally would lead to the conclusion that the guitarist would not at all be interested in coming back, even if it was for just one night. Still, it might of been nice, seeing Jackie dress up and dancing together.

"I'm home!"

The call carried through the small apartment as Sunset closed the door behind her, making sure the security chain was in place before taking off her backpack and tossing it onto the empty chair. Seeing neither Jackie or Bobby in the living room, she headed back to the bedroom and saw her girlfriend at the beat up old desk in the corner, headphones on and plugged into the CD player as she tapped her pencil against the desk, focusing on a sheet of paper before her. A mischievous grin came to Sunset's face as she carefully tip-toed over, getting just behind the blue haired guitarist before suddenly slapping her hands down on Jackie's shoulders.

As expected, the guitarist jumped a good inch or so in her seat before whirling around before relaxing when she saw it was her girlfriend.

"Jesus Sunshine!"

Taking her headphone off, the woman pouted softly while Sunset simply giggled. But all was made well with a small, quick kiss.

"Hey, working on a new song?"

"Yeah, figured the Pony Breakers could use some fresh music, not much is coming to me though. How was school?"

"Oh you know, the usual. Pop quiz in calculus, another 'free period' in P.E., the usual in chemistry."

Moving over to sit on the bed they shared, Jackie groaned softly as she leaned back, balancing the chair on the back of it's legs.

"Every time I hear you talk about 'pop quizzes' or 'calculus' I swear I get like, whatever the high school equivalent is of PTSD. Not that I ever came close to calculus, fucking Algebra was already slapping me around. Thank god you're gonna graduate soon."

"Oh yeah, because as I pursue my Biochemistry degree you won't hear me use scientific terms and theories that you never knew existed."

The guitarist of course groaned at the tease, setting her chair back on all four legs as Sunset simply chuckled. Although Cat's words about the prom did come to mind and she was silent for a moment.

"... you know, the senior prom is coming up."


The flippant response immediately squashed her next question, instead directing her to another.

"Well, I was just curious. Did you ever go to yours?"

"Nope. Didn't want to bother with it."

"Well. Why?"

This earned Sunset a puzzled look from Jackie, the woman wondering why her girlfriend was asking such a question but seeming to not notice the nervous tells coming from the red head.

"Well, I finally got clean a couple months before, I had a hell of a lot to work to make up and after I did that I was wiped. And besides that prom wasn't for people like me. It was for those girly girls and bros that wanted to dance, maybe get a stupid crown and get lucky. I mean come on, when you get down to it, prom's pretty stupid and it's just a way for stupid, preppy people to waste their time."

".... yeah. I'm uh, gonna go make myself a snack."

At this point Jackie had become competent enough to at least catch the tone that suggested her girlfriend was upset. However Sunset was out of the room before she could even ask, leaving the guitarist to just shrug her shoulders and get back to working on her song.

Meanwhile, Sunset was in the kitchen, assembly a cucumber and radish sandwich, in a bit of a huff as she shut the fridge door and set all the ingredients down on the counter. What did she really expect? She knew how Jackie felt about high school, why would her views on prom be any different? Even if they were totally wrong and non-preppy people like herself could go there and have a good time. Really, what was wrong with dancing and having one last hurrah before going to college? Not that it was necessary but...

Sunset paused, halfway slicing up a radish as she leaned against the counter, sulking slightly.

It would be nice if Jackie was open to the idea and they could go. Sunset hadn't even been at Los Pegasus High School for six months, everything was still unfamiliar to her and to share at least one high school experience together with Jackie... well, it would of been nice.

A knocking caught attention, the red head leaving her sandwich unfinished for the moment as she headed for the door and peered through the peep hole to see a delivery man on the other side. Cautiously opening the door with the security chain still intact, the man gave a grunt before looking at his clip board.

"Sunset Shimmer?"


"Package for you."

After undoing the security chain and opening the door wider, she signed for it and took the package, watching the delivery man leave before closing the door. Once all was secure again, Sunset sat on the couch and curiously opened the package. Her eyes widened upon seeing the contents and a note left inside soon revealed the sender. She fished her cell phone out of her pocket and quickly dialed Rarity.

"Hello? Sunset?"

"Rarity! You sent me a dress?"

"Ooo! It finally arrived?! Yes! Oh I am so glad that it arrived on time! Your prom hasn't started yet, correct?"

"Well, no, but why did you send me a prom dress?"

"Well darling, I remember how we all used to talk about going to our senior prom together and well, I made up sketches before that ghastly Anon-A-Miss business. And after spring break, well... I know all of us can't be together for senior prom, but I thought that perhaps, in a way, it would be a nice gesture. A way to show we're still with you despite the distance I suppose. Although if you already have something picked out, I understand!"

"No, no it's great, Rarity."

At that moment Sunset felt so touched by the gesture. She wasn't going to cry but there was a big smile on her face now.

"Excellent! Oh, I'm sorry I hadn't send anything for Jackie. But um, I figured any dress I might send, no matter how fabulous, would not quite be to her tastes."

"Y-Yeah, pretty much."

Cursing softly at the hesitation in her voice, Sunset knew Rarity could tell something was off. And was proven right not one second later.

"Is everything alright, darling?"

"Yeah! Totally. Anyway I gotta' go, thanks again for the dress Rarity, I love it. Talk to you later!"

Quickly hanging up before the fashionista could fire off any more questions, Sunset looked back down to the dress. It was lovely, certainly some of Rarity's best work. With it's reds, oranges and pinks, all the colors seamlessly blended together, like a sunset captured on fabric. The red head bit her lip a moment before she finally came to decision.

Jackie or no Jackie, she wanted to go to prom.

A week would pass since then, Sunset had told Jackie that she wanted to go to prom and the guitarist was perfectly okay with that. Then she dangled a casual invitation to come along but Jackie still wasn't into the idea and Sunset certainly wasn't going to force the issue. From there it was a matter of going through the motions, Sunset feeling excited as the days to the senior prom ticked down, but also still feeling disappointed that Jackie had not changed her mind about going.

The night of the prom, the drive over was fairly quiet, Jackie focusing on driving and Sunset gazing out the window. Really the only thing making sound was the old Honda Civic but the noise was so common the two could basically drown it out. When they pulled up, the front of the high school was decked out, greeting the students who either pulled up (some actually got limos) and others just walking up to the front doors with their dates or friends. Jackie grimaced at the sight, more so because she recognized the guy standing out front was her old gym teacher. Tearing her gaze away from him, Jackie shot her girlfriend a small smile.

"So, I'll pick you up when this is over. Unless you call and want to come home early. You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay Jackie."

"Cause you know, we could still get out of here, grab some pizza and ice cream. And you don't have to go, I know I didn't-"

With a huff, Sunset leaned over and kissed Jackie on the lips. Very briefly. Then pulled back and gave a half-hearted smile to the other.

"Jackie, Rarity went through a lot of work for this dress and I know the girls will want pictures. And I want to go. I'll see you later, okay?"

Pulling away, she got out of the car and headed towards the front door where Catwalk, Food Truck, Free Runner and their dates (well, Free Runner chose to go solo and cause some mischief), were waiting for her. Catwalk frowned seeing her alone before glancing around Sunset towards the Honda Civic, where Jackie still sat watching them. As they all chatted and headed to the doorway, Catwalk stayed back and sneaked off towards the car. When she was to the driver's side, she rapped on the window, gaining Jackie's attention. While confused, she did vaguely remember Catwalk as one of Sunset's friends and rolled down the window.


"You thoughtless dolt!"

The petite girl seemed to have the strength of ten men! Or at the very least one strong man, as she grabbed Jackie by the front of her t-shirt and pulled the yelping guitarist towards her so that they were better eye to eye.

"How could you not go with your girlfriend! Sunset really wanted you to go with her!"


Blinking in confusion, Catwalk released her hold on Jackie's shirt, allowing the guitarist to collapse against the car seat and catch her breath.

"You. know?"

"Yeah. Look, me and Sunshine might've only been together since Spring Break but I'd be a fucking shitty girlfriend if I didn't realize we'd gone through this sort of song and dance before."

Motioning for Cat to step back, Jackie got out of the car and headed around to the trunk to pull something out.

"I mean, she asked if I wanted to go and I said 'no' at first and she said it was cool. But like, I thought about it and picked up on things. She wouldn't push me to do something I despise after that, she's nice like that you know?"

"Well, great, but how does that solve the problem of her not having you as a date for the prom?"

"I had to make sure Tino could get me one of those cheap tuxes first... oh and can you help me get past security? The gym teacher knows me since I used to sell him pot when I was in school."

Stepping into the gymnasium, Jackie had to say... not a damn fucking thing changed. There was still that dent in the wall from when that one douchebag decided to test the football team's helmets. There was still that strange smell that hit you when you came in, with a layer of bleach and cleaning fluid desperately trying to mask it. There was the guy that would sell her pot over there and over there was the girl that wanted to be 'cool' and had brought beer stashed in the trunk of her car. Oh and that couple was going to make a baby by the end of the night. She'd give the guy a cigar as a congratulatory prize if she had one.

So if she had to bottom line it, then yes, this place was as shitty as she remembered it being. Oh god there was her music teacher over there, Miss old as tits 'rock and roll won't make money'.

Holding her hand up to help hide her face, Jackie and her cheap forty dollar, basic black and white tux moved to blend in with the crowd. She'd forgone the tie because damned if she could tie a knot because Tino couldn't get one with a damn clip on. Not that the lack of a tie was a problem, Cat had provided a wonderful distraction in telling the gym teacher she saw some kids smoking pot over yonder. That and not having a tie went with her beat up chuck taylors since renting or buying a pair of nicer shoes would of been out of her budget.

It wasn't long before she spotted her girlfriend, sitting at one of the tables and chatting with an athletic girl with red and blue hair, Cat and Cat's date. She was smiling but she didn't seem to be having a lot of fun yet. Just as she was heading over, however, she saw a couple guys going over to the table, eying up her girlfriend and Free Runner. Seeing that Sunset really wasn't into the one guy's game, especially after he draped an arm around her shoulders, Jackie marched on over to the table.

"Hey! Hands off my girlfriend jackass!"

All six at the table were surprised, none more so than Sunset as she watched her girlfriend reach over and push the guy's arm off her shoulder. Of course the guy didn't much care for this, standing up as he faced Jackie.

"And who the hell are you?"

"What? You deaf? I'm her girlfriend so step off!"

"Why don't you fucking chill out cunt!"

Ready to fire back, Jackie and those around her were taken by surprise when Sunset stood up and slapped the guy right across the face. Hard enough that he actually stumbled back, holding his cheek and looking like a deer in the headlights as he was pinned down by Sunset's glare.

"Don't you ever talk to my girlfriend that way again! Come on Jackie."

Putting up no resistance as Sunset took her arm, Jackie stuck her tongue out to the guy who had gotten slapped and grinned when Cat and Free Runner gave her a 'thumbs up'. Granted that seemed a bit premature since Sunset had yet to say anything to her. Not a good sign?

"Look, Sunshine, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I mean, yeah I kinda didn't want to go at first, but then I had to make sure I could get a tux and-"

The guitarist's rambling was cut short as suddenly Sunset turned around, grabbed her by her jacket and pulled her in for a kiss. Another surprise but this one definitely good as Jackie shut her eyes and enjoyed it. When they finally broke it off, Shimmer was smiling to Jackie just as the next song started up.

"Jacks. Just shut up and dance with me."

After a long night of dancing, pictures, and getting some booze from the girl that brought the beer, all in all it wasn't a bad night. Granted Jackie still hated high school but she loved Sunset, that made it all worthwhile. Plus Sunset seemed to have liked the surprise.

The two had gone out back to the football field and the bleachers, Jackie with a beer in hand, reclining, while Sunset snuggled against her, wrapped up in the guitarist's jacket as they stared up at the sky. Not a lot of stars could be seen in the city, but it was still nice to just lie there together.

"So you really used to come out here to ditch classes?"

"Oh yeah, at first. Kinda just came out to smoke pot and stuff, sneak off campus before I just started cutting all together."


A stretch of comfortable silence, Sunset staring up at the sky while Jackie took a sip of beer before speaking again.

"You know I'm kind of dumb, right?"

Glancing up at Jackie, Sunset's puzzled look made the guitarist elaborate.

"You should've told me how important this whole prom biz' was to you. I would've sucked it up and gone."

"You would've been miserable..."

"... well, yeah. Kinda."

The red head snuggled closer to Jackie, sighing softly.

"I know we went over this when we got together. But... you're still too nice Jackie. It's what I love about you but it still worries me. I just don't want to start pressuring you into doing whatever I want and that's how things become between us."

There was a pause, Jackie taking the moment to finish off her can of beer before chucking it away, the can clattering on it's way down the bleachers.

"Sunshine. You gotta' snap out of that bullshit."

The bluntness of the statement earned Jackie a deadpan stare, to which the blue haired woman simply grinned in turn.

"Look, I can understand what you mean, and I appreciate it. But I trust you. You're not some gold digger or manipulator. Definitely not the former cause I got shit in the bank account. But the point is, I don't want you hesitating if you really want something like me coming to prom with you. Yeah I hate high school, but I love you more. You know that?"

After a moment, a smile came over Sunset's face and she gave a nod.

"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. Now how about we get the hell out of here? We got a nice, soft bed back at home to get to."

Rolling her eyes, Sunset was still smiling as Jackie stood, the guitarist helping her up before they got off the bleachers and headed to the front of the school, one arm around the other as they headed to the car.

Author's Note:

... I blame Walk The Moon okay? XD

I already had all these one shots in mind and I had it all planned and then I hear this song and this thought comes to mind. JUST SHUT UP AND DANCE PEOPLE. XD

Comments ( 6 )

Nice story! :twilightsmile:

7716712 Thank ya', there's going to be an anthology of more but nyeh, cute stuff. XD

Nice and fluffy. Nice to see these two evolving as a couple with every story.

7717416 Thanks, I try. XD

Very nice, personally i like the way it tugs your heartstrings just enough to get that "aww" smile :heart:

Thanks dude, glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

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