• Published 11th Nov 2016
  • 748 Views, 20 Comments

Equestria Stark - Krieg cormac

Celestia and Luna are sent to the North by their father to be the wards of Eddard Stark.

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Chapter 2

“Come on Celly. It's almost time to leave.” Luna said walking into her room. They were both sad their time has. Celestia then thought back to the week leading up to this faithful day.

The following day that they arrived back to their castle was a hectic day. Their mother began to scream at their father. He didn't tell her his plan so she was furious. It was a scary affair for the two young fillies. They had never seen their mother raise her voice that loud or even seen her that angry before. She calmed down after an hour or so, but she was still fuming and refused to talk to their Father for the next couple of days, but he managed to convince her that this will be more beneficial in the long run.

The days following were even busier. Father had sent their clothing in advance that day. He sends dresses and hoof coverings. Celestia and Luna spent the entire day visiting the nearby village getting all the cakes and donuts that they love. Luna had to drag Celestia home which was hard for a filly her size and age since Celestia doubled in size due to all the cakes that she gobbled down. They had to get several guards to pick her up. One of them even passed out once they arrived at the castle.

Normally their parents would ground them for this, but they let this one pass. Though they made her promise that she wouldn't do it again. They also promised her that there would be a baker coming with them. It seemed that their parents would let do anything, but let them stay.

The day before they left was a somber one. Celestia spent her day walking the halls and going to their garden. She wanted to get every detail she could get before she left. Luna spent the day playing with her friends and exploring every nook and cranny of the castle. They spent dinner in silence. Not even their parents spoke a word. Solar mostly because he didn't want his wife to change her mind about their decision.

Now the day to leave has come. They will only see their parents every couple of months and a decade before they could return to their home. Celestia and Luna then walk out into the courtyard. Standing in the middle was their father. There was a baker, and a cook among others that will be coming with them. This trip will be slightly longer. They would be flying in chariots and those are slower than their father.

“You girls ready to go.” Solar asked. He had a smile on his muzzle. He motions them to board one of the larger chariots. He then boards after they got on. It was when they lifted off when Solar realized they didn't answer him.

Several hours later

The trip was bit longer than expected. The chariots were noticeably slower as they carried cargo and need to switch the fliers every couple of miles so as not to crash into the snow. The baker also fell over several times and the pegasi had to catch the pudgy earth pony from going splat. He was a direct descendant of Chancellor Puddinghead though their family's political influence has gone down considerably. They are now reduced to baking goodies for the richer and more influential aristocrats such their family. This particular one was the black sheep of the family, so he volunteered to go so he wouldn't have to deal with his family.

Now they could see Wintertide come closer and closer by the second. Its form was being more and more distinguishably. Never in their life will they forget how the castle looked like. Their moment has come. As they got closer, the forms of those below could be seen. The ponies were lining up into blocks.

Soon they began to descend. They landed with a loud thud. Lord Eddard was already there. All in attendance bowed. Just like before.

“Welcome again your highnesses. I hope you will enjoy your time at Wintertide,” The lord said politely. Turning to their father. “How long will you be staying your grace.”

“I'll leave on the morrow with most of the guards. 10 guards along with a couple other ponies including the baker will stay here for the duration of my daughter stay here. They shall be paid from the Royal Treasury so don't worry about having to pay them. I hope you don’t mind my dear old friend.”

“Of course your Grace. We have plenty of room for them here.” Eddard replied. He never called Solar by his name right out in public in front of this many ponies. If there were only a handful maybe, but not with this many ponies. Solar knew that he would never change that aspect about him.

“Ok. Come on girls let's go see your new room.” Solar said motioning Eddard to lead the way. Eddard leads the group with two of his guards following behind him. One on each side of him. They each have a stoic face not showing any emotion.

Celestia and Luna follow him with their father in the middle of them. Both of them didn't bother to look around as they did the last time that they were there. There would be plenty of time to do that.

Soon they came upon a hallway with several doors. Lord Eddard lead them to the end of the hallway and turned to look at them. “These are your rooms your highnesses.”

Celestia and Luna look at each other then at Eddard. “Thank you.” Celestia said while Luna simply mumbled thanks under her breathe. Eddard nods in return and he turns to look at Solar.

“Anything else your Grace?” Eddard asked looking at the king.

Solar rubs his chin with his hoof thinking. “No that's it.” Solar smiles and he looks at his daughters. “Go on and check out your rooms.” Solar said. “Im sure you two will love them.” Solar kept smiling despite the grumpy faces Luna and Celestia had on their muzzle. They each walked into leaving the door open.

Eddard looks behind Solar and sees the struggling ponies that have to carry their Princesses belongings. Each of the Princesses had a large box filled with their clothing and a smaller yet still quite large box for whatever else they wanted. Solar looks at the direction and lets out a laugh watching the ponies carrying the boxes strength give out as they finally reach the top. The lead pony, a earth pony, forces himself to the two leaders panting. “Which room my lord, My Grace?” The pony asked wanting to finish this quickly. Eddard then points to each of the room doors saying their new occupants respectively.

“Its getting late your Grace. Would you like for a guard to take you to your room?” Eddard asked Solar.

“Hmmm is it the same room as usual?” Solar replied rubbing his chin. Eddard nodded in return. “Im sure i can find my way old friend. Sleep well.” Solar smiled and he walked off to his room. Eddard turned and he went to his own room. He undressed himself and he laid on his bed. He smiled softly in his sleep. ‘Oh how I miss you so my beloved Catelyn.’ He drifted off into dreamland.

Author's Note:

I hope everyone enjoys this long overdue story update. Feel free to pm me if you have questions or if you want to talk and check out my other stories.

Comments ( 7 )

as Mole from Atlantis once said...SHE LIVES!!!!!!!!

Also, i take it Solar has a crush on Catelyn. Let's hope he's not anything like Littlefinger, cause im got a very bad vibe the moment he had 'my beloved Catelyn'.

Catelyn aint here :P

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