• Published 5th Nov 2016
  • 786 Views, 64 Comments

Hindsight - Miss Appolonia

When crisis strikes Equestria, a young gentry unicorn's love is tested.

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The March

Night was falling as Brighteyes made his way through the narrow passages of Canterlot towards the meeting point. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna seemed to be able to perform their duties to the heavens even during the worst sort of situations.

Which was why the nobles, the gentry and citizens of Canterlot had organized a candle-lit march to the castle at short notice to show the princesses their sympathy and offer aid. How this aid was supposed to look nopony had mentioned. If it was of any magical nature, Brighteyes was not going to be of any help. He knew his spells, but he was nothing out of the ordinary, even if his family would have liked it otherwise.

Packed in a navy wool overcoat and equipped with a low grey top hat that matched the gradience of his legs, he moved behind the Treat siblings, who both were sporting cloak-like patterned shawls that they had wrapped around their bodies.

Tiffin seemed to have recovered from her earlier dejection, and she held a whispered conversation with her brother. Several small faint green spheres of light circled Tea’s horn to illuminate their way without disturbing anypony who had gone to bed already. From time to time, one or two danced ahead into the dark niches and corners that their path held, only to return to their orbit again.

Brighteyes had no intention of talking to any of them. Tiffin’s sudden raise in spirit annoyed him to no end, though he was not sure why. He had wanted to shut the door on her the entire time of their conversation before. He would not even have been here if there hadn’t been the mention of Fancy Pants’ involvement in this plan.

He owed the older stallion a lot. Ever since Fancy Pants had started commissioning monocles or bringing some for repair once in awhile, other members of the highest heights of high society were flocking into his store as well. Where Fancy Pants went, all of Canterlot went.

The burning frustration inside of him had not faded yet, and his thoughts kept circling around the secrecy that was only making things more difficult. You just weren’t worth anything nowadays if you weren’t part of some silly society that toasted to themselves all day and night.

He himself was in some gentlecolts’ club, but it was rare that he visited. He had a business to lead and a household to maintain after all. Something that he was perfectly capable of all by himself. He didn’t need to hire anypony for anything, thank you very much, Scramble Patch. Instead of letting out the angry snort that had been building up in his chest, he controlled himself and exhaled through his mouth in a slow and calming manner.

Occupied with his thoughts, he did not notice that the group had arrived at its destination, a small plaza not far from Canterlot Carousel. Tea and Tiffin had stopped, and Brighteyes, not paying full attention, bumped into both of them. After murmuring a short apology, he surveyed the others that had arrived before them. Fancy Pants, a few other famous ponies, acquaintances and relatives were in the crowd, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk to any of them. He buried his muzzle deep in his scarf and hoped nopony would come over.

Everypony was already holding burning candles, and Tea went off to get them some as well. Alone with Tiffin, he was not sure what to do. Was conversation necessary now that her brother had left? Or inappropriate? His etiquette lessons seemed to be erased out of his mind all of a sudden. But making somepony, especially a lady, feel unappreciated was always a social fauxpas.

Unlike his wife though, he was awful at small talk, and he did not know Tiffin enough for a substantial conversation. She was a cook and baker, she kept her dark mane in braided up-dos, she drank coffee instead of tea and… she had a brother named Tea Treat who was a unicorn. Very impressive, you twat, he thought to himself.

The decision was taken from him when Tiffin started to speak. “My dear big brother told me not to mention it to you, but he’s not the boss of me, so… Sorry about Patch.”

“Err… Thank you.” Brighteyes’ ears grew hot with shame. Tiffin was being considerate, and now he felt awful about his thoughts of slamming the door into her face earlier. About his desire for bloody vengeance against the culprits of the situation. About every angry thought against his wife and friend. What was wrong with him? None of this was an excuse to be rude or violent.

Determined to be civil and not let the conversation die, he collected himself and continued with the first thing that came to his mind. “So… Baking. Does it get hot in the kitchen when you…” Realizing what he was saying, and that some words meant multiple things, he stopped and stiffened.

Tiffin only blinked at him. Oh stars, this was worse than the time he had tried to flirt with Scramble Patch during their Canterlot Academy years. He had been the laughing stock of the locker row for a whole month. And he was a respectable adult now, not some stupid teenaged colt. His etiquette teacher would turn in his grave. If the old bat would have been dead, that was.

After what felt like an eternity, Tiffin started to giggle. “Haven’t heard this one in a while.” She let out a content sigh, at least Brighteyes hoped it was contentment, and stretched her front legs. “You’re funnier than I thought.”

“Yes. Funny. That I am.” He chuckled, a nervous chuckle if there was one. If he had said something like that during a lesson, his etiquette teacher Herr Knicke would have gotten out the ruler, the extra hard one, and then sent him home with an exquisitely worded letter of complaint to his parents.

Tiffin was about to reply, but her ears perked backwards and she turned her head to look over her shoulder.

“I must say, I have never thought of such a combination. Quite elaborate, Mister Treat.” Brighteyes’ ears too swiveled back to catch Fancy Pants’ voice before he bent his neck to look at the ponies that were approaching.

“Thank you, sir.” Tea Treat, holding three burning candles in his telekinesis, one of them in a candleholder, bowed his head to the older stallion as he talked. “Sir, this is my dear sister, Tiffin Treat. And I believe you already know Mister Brighteyes?”

“Yes, yes, thank you. Good evening, Miss Treat. How do you do?” Fancy Pants nodded to Tiffin, who answered with a friendly smile and a lax salute. Fancy Pants chuckled in turn. “A mare of few words, I take it?”

“A mare of deeds.” Tiffin smiled an innocent smile and batted her eyelashes.

Tea Treat, who was standing between the two, looked quite pale all of a sudden and levitated the candleholder nearer towards his sister, who would have to hold said object in her mouth conveniently enough.

Tiffin, noticing this, in turn only rolled her eyes.

Fancy Pants, who seemed to take all of this with humor, chuckled once more and addressed Brighteyes. “And young Master Brighteyes. So glad you could join us. It has been a while”, he greeted, pulling out a small monocle from a pocket of his smoking jacket and put it into its place in front of his left eye.

Brighteyes smiled. It had been a special commission, gold-filled frame with a gallery that, to his pride, was fitted to the millimeter and was as stable as it was ornamental. The lense, +3,00 diopters, he had ground and cut himself from special shatterproof mineral glass for a high refractive index that in turn allowed the vision aid to be as light and delicate as it was. It was also quite resistant to scratches, as Fancy Pants was often seen polishing his monocle as part of a gesture. Brighteyes did not rely on enchantments like other unicorn opticians, all it took was accuracy and solid skill.

“Indeed. I have to thank you again for your trust in my humble abilities, sir.” Brighteyes bowed his head and adjusted his hat and his glasses.

“Nonsense. I say, you are quite the meticulous fellow, just what we need in these times.”

Brighteyes, confused as to what Fancy Pants meant, hesitated with his answer. He was too afraid to ask, as he didn’t wish to look like an imbecile in front of his benefactor.

Before he could even reconsider, Fancy Pants spoke again. “Ah, we are almost complete as it seems. I say, we need to get going. One does not keep the grand old dame waiting, even if she doesn’t expect you.”

Brighteyes, even more confused and somewhat shocked that somepony in fact had called Princess Celestia ‘old’ in public, nodded, took one of the candles from Tea Treat’s green telekinetic field into his own light blue one and prepared himself for the parade to the castle.

The future Prince Gosling was really something else.

It hadn’t looked like their undertaking would pay off at first. Not the princesses, not the princes, but four other ponies had arrived at the castle gates to receive them. They were an interesting bunch, that was for sure. One, an earth pony that Brighteyes now knew was named Seville Orange, had snapped photos of their candlelit display and blinded those who dared to look in his direction with the flash of his camera. A quiet colossal draconic pegasus, Hush, and a loudmouthed red pegasus, Hotspur, both members of the night patrol, had flanked the stallion who was to be not only Princess Celestia’s husband, but by olden law Princess Luna’s as well.

Private Gosling was taller and more muscular than in most pictures that Brighteyes had seen in the papers. And he really did have a bright yellow rubber ducky for a cutie mark, how peculiar. But, the Canterlotians were right when they called him a pretty pony, and the Broncs pegasus had endeared himself to the crowd in only a few minutes.

He had also shocked them with the message that all this rabble, this sabotage of one wicked parvenu and his muckrakers had left Princess Celestia in a terrible state and even driven her to thoughts of abdication. Never in the whole wide world and the stars above had Brighteyes thought that the situation was so dire. The princess was the rock of the nation, the Sun Supreme, always calm, always collected, a literal shining example for the citizens of Canterlot.

This cursed day had turned everything topsy-turvy.

On top, the future prince proposed something quite peculiar to their representative Fancy Pants. He did not need fighters, not soldiers or battlemages, but administrators. Planners. Hard workers.


Participating, doing one’s part not by brawl and violence, but one’s wit and sense of order, it sounded almost too good to be true.

Brighteyes could feel all frustration, all anger fading from him, leaving only a feeling of grim determination. Somepony had wounded his princess, and now he had the chance to help. Planning, scheduling, arranging, that was what he did all day, it was easy. At last, somepony seemed to recognize the effort that went into carefully arranged timetables and business plans. And he worked long hours into the night and got up early the next day on a regular basis. This was not going to be a problem, not at all.

He had always dreamed of working for the crown. Everypony in Canterlot craved for a chance to be of use for the princesses. And, from a business point of view, being a purveyor to the court gave one an especial amount of prestige and publicity. But, Princess Celestia’s favourite telescope maker Starry Eyed had no intention of retiring, neither did Mister Rimway, Royal Warrant Holder for everything else refractive. The ancient earth pony had to be almost as old as the princess herself.

He felt his spirits rising as the group strutted their way through the castle gates. Somepony had even produced a flag, a white banner that prided itself with their future prince and commander’s cutie mark, the iconic rubber ducky.

Author's Note:

Ah, dialogue. My old bane.