• Member Since 1st Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 18th


Comments ( 46 )

Ahhhhhh jease I new what I was getting into but I read it anyways.......Why do these things exist (being rhetorical jsut need to dump a little.) Overall nice idea but not my cup o tea.....far from it so sorry mate downvote

This will be most glorious entertainment.

Please continue!

Hopefully once you fully flesh out the plot it gets better. As of now, its just odd

"You haven't told him yet?" She replied solemnly. A quick nod was all she got as a response as Luna opened the door.
"Ugh, another one? I hate those things!" Luna grumbled as she wiped off her hoof, a red streak appearing on the white marble floor.


this seems interesting whens the next chapter out?

I wasnt expecting anyone to ask that, I guess I can have another chapter out on Thursday? Assuming I get the next chapter of another story out first.
Yeah, seems do-able:pinkiehappy:

i want more please

7731934 Agreed! The premise is really interesting and their interactions are both too cute and hilarious to not want more of it!



I really like this story. I don't see many like it on the site and it definitely has my interest. Keep up the spectacular work and I definitely hope to see more.

"Ugh, another one? I hate those things!" Luna grumbled as she wiped off her hoof, a red streak appearing on the white marble floor.

Damnit, I wanted to read this whole, but now I am dazed right at the start by this. You have got my maximal attention! I will love this story! ^^

Get out of my head. I've been trying to think of a way to write something like this. You are possim grade for actually making this a real thing. Can't wait to read more.

This is great. I look forward to seeing where it goes.

If it wasn't for the fact that we already knew each other, I'm positive I would have fun away by now.

As fun as that sounds, I think that's a typo.

moving on...

BAH! CLIFFHANGER?! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Make more!

Thanks for the catch, I fixed the typo.
As for more of this story, as the people have demanded, it will be getting more love from me

7801658 I hope it will arrive soon, with more Cadance :-D

is the next one going to come up soon?

Plz more when is there going to be more?

I loved this story. It is surprisingly well done. Its sad that it hasn't been updated in months. I would be willing to bounce ideas off the Author, should the Author be stuck.

The Monk

Be said he has chapters written and he waits until he posts them. Because he is busy.

Holy crap I forgot about that, I'll be updating this soon:pinkiesad2:

7982282 oh wow
My favorite story and you forget about it.

Sue me, I've had a lot going on.. :pinkiesick:
Anyway, It'll be up in a few

Nice thank you for continuing to wright this story great job by the way and are u going to start the story about the Op Lil girl in equestria

Y'know, Nero is pretty chill about seeing his fellow humans smeared across the floor. And the genocide spells. I realize that it's kinda par for the course, but goddammit man! You're allowed to freak the fuck out a little.

Great update.

Minor typo though.

. She raised mu up and gently rolled me off her hoof

The Monk

Im sorry, I just can't let this slide.

Celestia answered quickly, as she passed out small Blue balls to each of the guards

So what your saying, is that Celestia basically gave all the guards blue balls.

: )

The Monk

Im afraid I dont understand your question, could you elaborate?

You have no Idea how many times I told myself "I can't put that in the story..."
But my soul said "You can't take that back, its too funny":pinkiehappy:

Very nice! I hope that when he gets to meet Mane6, I hope that Applejack will keep hating the humans even after she figured out they are smart :3

Survial Can Be Harder

Nero, if your awake then move towards me.

I'll cast it on the three of us, so we can all talk relatively normal.

Your going to continue dating?

Before I knew what he was.

missing endquote

I vowed to talk to and treat then

"No!" She perked up immediately, and gently shook her head.

I notice that you said gently, but I am still impressed by his ability to remain on her snout during any head movement at all.

I already have a heard enough time being around you adorable ponies as it is, I don't need you to make it worse!"

Jeeze, calm down mare! Yes, your just like your sister. Now please, for the love of all that is manly, don't cry in front of me.. You'll make me cry as well.

And you can be sure, that I won't trade you in for another human. Your mine!

These are Enchanted with an modified Telepathy spell

Perhaps the mutations a different depending on instinct, or even so much as genetics.

hell, they might have been crushed on the way in the bathroom for all I know.

People, and ponies, tend to avoid the front of their hair to avoid getting soap in there eyes, especially if you've got a lot of hair.

tons of Pink flash and fur that bel0nged to this adorable pony.

Sorry to say, but your definitely Pink, But I can definitely talk.

A stallions voice echoed in both of there heads, causing the Two mares to look down in shock.

In a flash of Pink,

Pink is an adjective, not a proper noun. You should not be capitalizing every instance of it.

You said, that he told you to say that?

she could clearly feel that invisible line linking the Two of them.

You should really proofread your work before you publish it. This is embarrassing.

But I do those things on purpose.. I feel that capitalizing a colour makes them stick out more, so people really imagine the colour as they read. I know its not grammatically correct, but you're also the first of all my readers to point it out. So kudos to you

These sort of things tend to jump out at me. As long as there's a reason for it beyond sheer ignorance.

I really wished they weren't that tiny. I sometimes don't see what's so grand about stories like this(or people that might get turn on by this). At least make them indestructible dang it! :twilightangry2:

8028384 It makes them literally nothing. That's what is interesting. Just specks among the godlike ponies. They have all the power, killing them without even noticing.

It is strange how the ponies turn exact 180 on humans when they find out they are smart. Some ponies, like Applejack, shouldn't, so we can keep things interesting :D

Someone plz tell me this story's not dead I've grown to enjoy this to much

Not dead, more 'Hiatus' I guess would be the word for it. I have a chapter in the works, but.. I've been distracted. Sorry

Please, is the hiatus over? :)

He also said earlier (as all of the chapter are the same day) he's basically ran out of freak-outs today.

You still working on this story? I really do enjoy this.

Will you continue? I'd pay you for each new chapter :)

I cant believe they kill humans just cuz they think they are bugs

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