• Published 18th Dec 2016
  • 805 Views, 26 Comments

War Pony - CreeperZone

The Great War between the three pony races, a war over food. A tale about starvation, racism and violence in a frozen over landscape that was formally the original pony civilization.

  • ...

The Princess, The Soldier and The Fool

The wholesome warmth of the new day's sun flickered onto Hopeful’s skin through the looming overcast of the clouds. He lay on his stomach, watching it from afar.

Hopeful pressed his tongue against his teeth, trying to concentrate on its movement through the sky. It wisped back and forth, its eerie and cold body floating aimlessly. The thing toyed with the winds, bashing them like it was playing.

Hopeful watched through his trusty binoculars, with which he had been studying this beast for a long time. The days that had passed were treacherous. Hopeful ran out of his rations long since his passage through the Hollowood Forest. He was forced to scavenge abandoned houses, barns, and towns. Once he had found the beast, however, he would not let anything stray him from his study. Even if that meant he didn't have enough food to last the night, or the week.

He had not heard another pony's voice since his escape, and with Wicker keeping him company in his dreams, he was left alone to his work. He dropped his binoculars for a brief moment, glancing at his journal. He sketched out a portrait of the beast’s head onto the page with a soggy, chewed pencil in his mouth.

Swiftly lifting his binoculars to try and recapture the beast in his sights, rapidly shifting back and forth, he searched the sky, eventually finding its wispy streak floating off toward the horizon.

“Can't ever slow down, can ya?” Hopeful lifted himself up, scooping all of his items into a bag. He wrapped up a thick plastic sheet that was being heated by a small oil fire to melt snow. Making sure he was thoroughly packed up, he awed upward at the heavens, staring down the small glimmer of light reaching the horizon.

Hopeful learned many things about the beast, including confirming it could control the weather, that it was indeed a living creature, and that it always remained in the vicinity to some form of pony life. He also formed many theories on how it feeds, how it acts or more importantly, how to kill it.

Jokingly he shouted out to it, “Wait up for me, cloudhead!”

He began galloping after The Beast.

Deep in Pegasus territory, in the heart of Pegassia, in the city of Koltzan, a young, tan-coated Pegasus, named Silk, lived as a recruit in the grand Pegasian Army. He was trained from birth in the art of war. Despite having a gentle, compassionate soul, he was relentlessness in battle. He had learned to let his heart sink, becoming fearless and unthinking during combat, feeling no remorse or empathy toward his target.

Of course, that was what all Pegasus soldiers were taught. He was no different. He was one of the many orphaned fillies and colts forced into the military, and like most of those fillies and colts, he was sick of it.

Every day, he would train. Every day, he would get up and strap on his armor and lift his spear from the weapon rack. It was identical to all the others, but that one was his. Well, until he lost track of it and began taking whichever one he saw first, as it really didn't matter.

Silk was about as social as a rock. The bans on speaking during training, eating, or past curfew didn't help with that either. He went nine years without learning a single other pony’s name, referring to his superiors by rank was the closest he got to it.

It was quite normal for these types of fighters to be blank flanks. Very few got their cutie marks in fighting, and the rest grew up into adults before dieing cutie mark-less. Which is why some may call Silk lucky, for when he was 12 years of age, while sleeping, a young Snowcrow found its way into his barracks in search for a few crumbs. It burrowed its way into Silk’s personal storage trunk, smelling a few leftovers he had not eaten from yesterday. Once he was awoken by its scattering feet and repetitive jabbing, he searched for the critter tunneling into his belongings, which consisted of nothing more than his uniform, some half-eaten rations, and a multi-purpose knife.

When he first found it, he was merely surprised. But after he gathered himself, he went down to pick it up and snap its neck. Although, once he grabbed a hold of it, it stared into his eyes, with innocence and fear. He could not kill such a little bird, its glossy white feathers were gentle to the touch. He stroked it along the neck, it then chirped back, hopping onto the side of his hoof and gripping on, its jabby feet sticking into his leg.

He realized that the bird was not safe. If it were to wake anypony else, it would surely be the end of its life. Without knowledge of how it entered though, he had to hide it, leaving it in his trunk. The lid managing to muffle its many sounds of pecking at crispy hay and pattering around in the darkness.

The next morning, Silk awoke to discover his haunch decorated with a new medal: that of birdseed being dropped to a white, feathered bird creature, and the Snowcrow from last night standing atop the steel beam arch currently supporting his pillow. It squawked to greet him as the sun rose, waking everypony in extreme annoyance...

It took a while for them all to get used to Silk's new pet and best friend being a part of the troop. Despite the arguments to kill it that came from most ponies that enjoyed sleeping, the bird was accepted by the Centurion as it was tied to Silk's new found talent, mercy.

Of course, the military used him to his full extent, putting him into the official citizen protection unit of Koltzan. Which simply meant they left him to deal with civilians opposed to actual fighting, to use him to calm ponies down and deal with all of the annoyances of civilians like crime and nosey Pegasi who asked too many questions.

The Snowcrow, Silk suitably naming her Mercy, slowly became a known symbol of Silk and his legion among the ponies of Koltzan. The legion itself being refereed to by the general public as the Snow Birds.

Mercy was trained to scout the land underneath them, watching for Earth Ponies. She also served as an alarm, calling out for the Snow Birds to a scene of a crime. Mercy was always happy to fetch small things for Silk that were out of his reach too, and he didn't mind when she would practice her singing early in the morning, waking him daily.

Silk and Mercy lived in as much harmony as a soldier could live in, their bond growing with their age and respect. He still didn't enjoy the military, but he had learned to look on the bright side, dulling the boredom of his work.

He didn't care anymore, and more importantly...

He was happy.

That was, at least, until today. The day his world would be shattered.

The day that would ruin his perfect balance of life.

The day he would meet his murderer.

“Mercy! Mercy get down here!” The elegant Snowcrow glided down from bathing in the glazing sun, landing on Silk's blood red, cloth shoulder-pad. Mercy dug her sharp claws into it, adding to the years of wear and tear.

She chirped joyfully to him. “I know it's a beautiful day, but we have work to do... And you know what happens to slackers.” Silk carried his spear across his shoulder with the feathers of his right wing, strolling down a cloudy path warmed by the sun to a pleasant radiance of heat.

Mercy tweeted uneagerly in reply, having her buzz spoiled.

“Exactly, and you don't want that happening to you now do you?” Silk turned his head towards her, his bright green eyes only amplified by the sun's rays.

Mercy nodded, then once he had turned his focus, pecked at his ear playfully.

“Why you little!” He shrugged her off from his shoulder, leaving her bobbing up and down in the air next to him. “Hey, get back here!” He laughed as he swooped his hooves around her.

She bolted upward, hovering above as she taunted him.

“Two can play that game!” He swung open his wings, dashing after the small critter.

But as he lept from the ground his attention was drawn towards himself. He wrapped his hooves around his stomach, floating to the ground from the ache. “Mercy, I'm sorry... I can't play right now... Still very weak... Not eating for a week will do that for ya...” He gathered his breath, head down to the clouds.

Mercy swiftly floated down in front of him, trying to chirp a tune to cheer him up.

He smiled and glanced upward. “Don't worry, girl, I'm alright... Should probably avoid too much activity for now.” He began a steady march again. “Food’s getting scarce again after that attack on Furford, but we'll get by. We always do.”

He stopped for a moment, taking some strong breaths. “Despite that, being hungry as shit still sucks.” Silk could feel his stomach tightening like a rope. Along with a frequent rumble that he had learned to ignore.

They kept trotting forward, further into the city. Reaching a small gathering near the center of the city. A raucous held the ponies watching in the circle around the scene. Silk sprinted up and lept atop the crowd, using his wings to descend into the drama.

He saw that the situation was being taken care of by two fellow Snow Birds. They were separating two outraged citizens from each other.

“Whats going on here, Century?” Silk walked toward the two of them.

“Attempted robbery, it seems.” One pegasus in gleaming metal armor held back a Pegasus from what looked like a bread basket. The pony he was holding back shouted out, “IT WAS NOT A ROBBERY, THAT BITCH HAD MY BREAD AND SHE REFUSED TO GIVE IT TO ME!”


Mercy trumpeted a beautiful melody, shutting everypony up. Silk then took a deep breath before giving a steady and hearty yell. “Everypony, please! We are civilized and we will resolve this as so. Firstly, that would require both of you to yield for the moment.”

The two ponies shoved off the Centuries and stood their ground, growling at and eyeing each other.

One of the Pegasian soldiers looked to Silk, “Thanks, Century. If you can deal with this then we'll take the evidence and return to base.” The two other soldiers nodded at each other and one grabbed the basket of fresh bread.

Silk drew back, stunned by confusion. “Take the evidence? That bread is what we are trying to find the rightful owner to! You can't just leave with it.”

The century said aloud, “We’re keeping it for safety until you find the rightful owner, then it will be returned.” The soldier began trotting by, as he slid across Silk he spoke in a whisper, “If you want a slice, you better fucking go with this.” He continued trotting by as if he had said nothing.

Silk threw an enraged stare over his shoulder at the two leaving, before realizing how hungry he actually was, subduing his thoughts.

He looked up to the civilians, both clearly outraged by the bread being taken away. “Alright, now let's get all of the facts why don't we?”


Silk sighed, hating the moral boundaries his job forced him to cross. “You heard the soldier, he will return the bread once a rightful owner is found.”

“I ain't buying into it, Shithead. You're probably going to use it to feed that stupid bird of yours,” the other pony blurted out.

Mercy, who had flown off his shoulder to take on crowd control duties and keep the spectators at bay by fanning air into them and chirping demandfully until they complied, wisped around back to Silk, her feelings having been hurt.

“Leave Mercy out of this!” Silk stomped towards them. “And I would like you two to stop whining and start complying if you ever want this matter resolved!”

“Fine! Let's get this over with.”

“Thank you, let's,” Silk replied, taking a out a quill and paper...

Silk slammed the door open, entering the barracks. “I could have used some help, you know...” He wandered in, exhausted. He landed, hanging on the edge of the table where the Centuries from before were gathered.

“Did you handle it?” One of them asked, lacking care or empathy.

He rested his face on the table. “YES, yes I did. It took two hours. Two hours of angry shouting. But I finally got the story straight,” he said, raising his head at the two and the basket in the middle, “and I have returned to give them their bread back... which I see isn't going to happen.”

The basket was empty.

One of the soldiers reached down to their bag from which they took out a small square, wrapped in cloth. Sliding it across the table to Silk, who unwrapped it with his teeth. A single slice of bread lay in the wrapping-cloth.

“Thanks...” he said, defeated as he grabbed the slice with a wing and began chewing on its flavorful, fluffy, fresh flour flesh.

After finishing it, he became curious. “What in the heavens is Commander Hurricane doing with all the food?” Silk sat down at the table.

“Feeding the military,” the one who gave him the bread replied.

We're the military.” Silk blatantly stared at him.

“No, we're the Civilian Military, a fancy title for police. As far as Hurricane is concerned, if you’re not fighting Earth Ponies, you’re not worth the resources.”

“A great deal for getting new recruits. Fight for Pegassia, get fed,” the other soldier added.

“What is she thinking? If Hurricane starves out our population, then the Earth Ponies win!” Silk shouted in rage.

“Hey! Calm your ass down if you want to keep it. You know they take slandering the Commander very seriously.”

“Yeah, especially when with the Lieutenants showing up any minute,” they warned Silk.

Silk folded his hooves on the table and rested his head in them. “What do the Lieutenants want with us?”

“Not us, the ponies out there... It's a recruitment drive.”

“Another? They had one just a few weeks ago,” Silk said, unimpressed.

“The war is not going as well as we'd like it... Or at least as well as Hurricane would like it.”

“Well, I'll go out with Mercy and try to get her to spot them coming.” Silk slumped out of his chair and whistled for Mercy, who has been patiently waiting outside. She bolted through the door as Silk opened it and sat on his shoulder.

“Here, girl. Have some.” Silk offered a small clump of bread he had saved to Mercy, who looked at him in shock.

“Don't look at me like that. I know it's wrong, but we all have to eat... That includes you,” Silk said in silent whispers.

She unenthusiastically pecked at it as he strolled through the door.

“Mercy can you do me a favor and fly up? There are some Lieutenants coming over, apparently.”

She tweeted at him and dashed upward, beginning a large arc around the city. A while passed before Mercy chirped down at Silk, seeing a battalion of Pegasi flying in unison far off in the east. She then flew down to await further orders.

Silk stroked her wings as she landed on his outstretched hoof. “Thanks, girl. I'll go greet them. You go make sure nothing else in the city is going to shit.”

Mercy lifted her right wing, giving an ironic, yet adorable salute before flying off.

Silk took a breath and spoke to himself, “Alright, Silk, make a good first impression. Lead them to the city forum and let them do their thing...” He spread both wings and flew.

Silk the Century, after sitting out in the middle of the city for many hours, couldn't wait to leave. He was too bored by the long and tiring recruitment process.

But then he heard something.

After hours of asking for ponies names, measuring their heights, strength and much more dull information about the ponies signing up, he began listening to what the Lieutenants were talking about. Back behind the Snow Birds, the Lieutenants set up a small table where they had lunch, which only enticed ponies to join, while also salting Silk’s wounds.

Mercy was only, well... a small mercy right now, only appearing every now-and-again to give him periodic reports and cheer him up. Sometimes he would whistle as loudly as he could and wait to hear her distant squawking back at him.

Silk sat at his makeshift desk out in the middle of the forum, filling in a recruitment form for a Pegasus named Wobble, or at least that is what he wrote down with the minuscule amount of attention he lent to Womble while filling out his application.

His ears were drawn to a conversation that two Lieutenants were having, they seemed to have parted from the others to speak in private, which put them standing off to the side, the side Silk was at. This put them barely into his earshot.

One of the Lieutenants, a charcoal black Pegasus with eyes of blue flame and a sharply-cut pale navy mane, Silk could recognize, and even by name. He was known as Midnight Eclipse, and every Pegasus knew Midnight Eclipse.

The pony he was speaking with on the other hoof, the crimson red, young warrior Lieutenant, was not known by Silk, and probably most other ponies. They spoke in whispers, while trying to act as if they were having a friendly bit of banter, but from what Silk could hear, it was anything but.

“Midnight, I know I promised you I would help... But tonight? Are you sure?”

Midnight shook his head lightly, “Tonight would be perfect, I can't leave while out there in the front lines. It's too guarded, too chaotic. I'd surely be shot by the Ants or caught by our own.” He spoke proudly, with strength.

The Lieutenant smiled awkwardly, “You're still going to have to cross the front line. Leaving here would just delay us.”

“That's the point. With the delay, they'd stop looking, assume we're dead. Then we can just grab some civilian clothing and go by land.”

“But the Ants!” The Lieutenant was reaching the brink of shouting he became so frustrated.

“They're idiots. They won't bat an eye at two travelers just going to the next town up, unlike our own army... You know how brutal we are to trespassers and rule breakers, even if they are Pegasi.” Midnight reflected on his past, many scarring memories to be relived...

“Fine, fine... But why are we having this conversation now? Why here? There are ponies everywhere!” His whispering grew in volume with every word, and he was right. Ponies casually walked by, some stopping to look at Midnight, but nopony dared to disturb him. They also were speaking only a few meters from the recruitment desks.

Midnight motioned his hoof downward to try and calm him down and get him to be quieter. “In base, it's harder to speak because the others will hear us. Out here, everypony is busy with their own duties. Even if somepony heard us, what could they do? My word is far more powerful and trustworthy than anypony's here... And who would ever believe that I of all ponies is planning to desert.”

Silk's jaw dropped at the mention of deserting. “Desert? Midnight Eclispe..?” he muttered under his breath.

“Umm... Sir?” Womble waved a hoof in front of Silk, failing to get his attention. Silk swirled around in his chair to lean closer to the two chatting.

“I hope she's worth it, Midnight...” the Lieutenant sighed.

“She is... I'd fly further than this world has air for that mare... And it seems that I'm going to have to...” Midnight looked into the heavens with a hopeful smile.

“I still will never understand your taste in mares, I'd fly that far just to get away from her, and not just because she would melt me with what she's packing.” The Lieutenant chuckled and Midnight brushed him off.

The two stood silently...

...and then Silk leaned too far and fell onto his face, his steel stool falling onto his side and making a crashing noise heard by all.

Midnight turned to look at Silk, then began stomping over with strictness in his eyes.

Silk's heart started to pound against his rib cage. His hooves wobbled and fell in an attempt to stand up, fearing that Midnight might have seen him listening into his conversation and is now going to have him executed.

Midnight towered over Silk, blocking out the sun in a stunning Eclipse... He then reached down with his hoof, picking up the stool and raising it in the air and inspecting it. “What kind of faulty stools are we making?!? These legs are weaker than those of an Ant!” He proved his point by lifting it with both wings and with ease he bent one of the legs up in a U shape.

Midnight lent a hoof to Silk, lifting him from the ground. “Somepony get this Century a new stool! We still have a lot of recruits to get processed” The line behind Womble went on with dozens of ponies, and so did all of the other lines at the several recruitment booths.

“Thank you, General.” Silk took his hoof and stood up prominently.

“You know my name, Century. You may call me by it.” Midnight looked down at him with seniority.

“Thank you, Eclipse.” Silk stared upward at him, he was much larger than any regular pony.

“That's better, now get back to work.” Midnight trotted back to his friend.

“Yes, sir...” Silk said aloud, even though Midnight had already left.

He muttered to himself, “Planning to desert...”

Silk stood like a statue, unblinking, unmoving, unfeeling, outside of the barracks, a grand cloud structure with steel accents that housed all of Koltzan's soldiers and military guests.

It was the dead of night, Mercy's song filled the entire city, a sugar-sweet melody that numbed the boredom of Silk as he stood for nightwatch. Silk wasn't meant to be on nightwatch tonight, either, but he greatly insisted and the Century did not waste his chance to get a good night's sleep.

He waited for the major portion of the night before he saw got what he wanted.

As the large steel door to the outside slid open, his head perked up, peeking to try and see whoever opened it. The mightily physiqued pony Midnight Eclipse and his friend from earlier strolled passed, paying no mind to Silk, they walked with purpose outward to the city.

“Sir!” Silk spoke authoritifically, trying to keep up the ''loyal soldier'' act until there was no turning back.

Midnight's attention jumped; he was not used to being stopped by a measly Century. “Me and my comrade here have urgent business to attend to. What is it, Century?” Midnight's friend stared at him, made uneasy by nerves.

“Would you allow me to know where you are going? To ensure your safety at these hours.” Silk still wasn't convinced Midnight would be deserting, he had to be sure before doing anything rash.

“We are off to... Speak with your Mayor. He said it's a matter of urgency. It cannot even wait until sunrise.” Midnight then shrugged it off and went to continue on his way, expecting that to be the end of things.

She said it's a matter of urgency,” Silk said aloud, perfectly calm.

“What did you say soldier?” Midnight turned his head.

“She. Our Mayor is a mare. I believe you meant to say that she said its a matter of urgency.” Silk thought that he could have been lieing, or a simple slip of the tongue.

Although this left Midnight quite annoyed. “Yes, soldier. She said it was a matter of urgency.” He walked up to face Silk. “But you should learn your place and not correct your superiors, especially on a slight bit of misspeaking. Do you understand, Century?”

“I am quite sorry, Eclipse. I shan't correct you again... would you like an escort to the Mayor's office?” Silk held back his cocky smile, the excitement was almost getting to him, and nothing exciting ever happened to him. Mercy on the other hoof wanted no part in this, averting her gaze from the beefy General Pegasus that could crush her easily.

Midnight, burning with frustration, replied. “I do not require an escort. Now get back to your guard post and STOP QUESTIONING ME.”

“Yes sir, I apologize,” Silk yielded.

Midnight turned and began trotting once again along side his Lieutenant friend. He thought Silk’s interruptions had come to an end once he had gotten a few dozen meters out, passing an intersection on the path he was walking, an intersection that lead around the barracks, to the front of the city.

This was when Silk saw the validation that Midnight did indeed tell a lie.

Silk shouted out, “The Mayor's office is the other way,” and he let out a cheeky smile.

Midnight twisted around, staring Silk down. “DID YOU JUST TRY AND CORRECT ME, CENTURY?” Midnight was grabbed by his friend, who was trying to restrain him as he attempted to gallop at Silk in anger. Eventually, he broke free and the mountain of a pony charged directly at an unblinking, unmoving, unfeeling Silk... And a more nervous Mercy, who began digging her claws deeper into the cloth of Silk's shoulderpad.

Midnight decelerated as he drew nearer, devolving from a charge into a stomp.

The moment he came into spear-range, Silk simply said, “I want to defect.”

Midnight halted to a stop in shock. “You what?”

“I want to defect, preferably with you.” Silk's gentle eyes along with an innocent tone discombobulated Midnight's thoughts.

“Not just with you, with your friend and Mercy as well.” Silk raised a hoof to stroke his pet softly, calming her down greatly.

“I-I...” Midnight felt stumped.

“Accept? You don't really have much of a choice.” Silk loved acting so unorthodox for a low-ranked soldier.

Midnight felt otherwise. “No choice? What are you going to do? Tell on us? Like your word will do anything before we are long gone.”

Silk whistled a command to Mercy, who bolted up into the air and out of sight as soon as she received it. “That is my Snowcrow. Her name is Mercy. She is currently standing outside of the elite guest room window, where all of your Lieutenant buddies are currently asleep. If you don't let me come with you, she will wake every single one of them and they will notice your disappearance and search for you, leaving you no time to even dig your way through the cloud before you are found. And good luck leaving again after that, because nopony will let you out of their sights. Then, in the morning, you will be sent right back to the battlefield where the surveillance is through the roof and you will never leave without being seen and executed as a coward... The rules will not be broken, and you know Hurricane wouldn't make an exception, even for you... Sir.”

Midnight crossed his eyebrows and looked down on himself, glaring at Silk occasionally with a powerful hatred.

Silk continued. “Or, you let me come with you, ensuring my safety, I whistle for Mercy to return and we leave Pegussia, going our separate ways after crossing the front line.”

Midnight sighed, chuckling to himself. “How long did it take for you to think of all that?”

“I had all night to practice, sir.” Silk returned his smile.

“Well if there's anything I know, it's a good soldier when I see one... So let me ask you boy, why are you leaving? I need to rejoin my fiancée across the border. My comrade over there is aiding me on my journey... But if you are going to travel with us, I'd like to know your motivation.”

“I don't belong here, sir. I see myself leading a charge. Not on a battlefield, but in society. I wish to escape the war and create a civilization of peace and respect between Pegasi. No need for war or crime. The perfect city.” Silk waved his hooves more wildly in the air as his vision grew clearer of his city.

This amused Midnight. “Seems you thought of everything but a name there.”



“I'm going to call it Cloudsdale.”

“So you will... Now get your bird back here.”

“Yes sir.” Silk whistled out, with only a few seconds before Mercy glided down to him and snuggled into his neck, brushing her feathers along his thin fur.

Midnight gestured to his friend, who was trying to make a tactical retreat, to come to him. “Now, Century, if you truly wish to defect, I would ask you to drop down to land first, to prove your sincerity,” Midnight said while having his head turned to The Lieutenant. He turned back to where Silk had been. “And let's make this as quick as possible...” He found an empty hole in the cloud and no Silk. Leaning over the edge, he could see a dive-bombing set of Pegassian armor drop to the earth before jolting his wings to the side and with a tight arc from straight down to across the horizon, he began floating.

“Well I'll be damned.” Midnight cracked a chuckle.

“What happened, Midnight?” His friend jumped over.

“We've gotten a little extra help... So let's not dilly dally.” Midnight folded his wings tight and dropped down the hole with a nose dive.

His friend, head jumping from side to side making sure the coast was clear, leaped after him.

“I can't believe that fucking worked!” Midnight couldn't hold back his laughter, resting in the snow to regain his breath. “How did they not notice our wings?!? I never knew Ants were so stupid!”

Silk began rolling in the snow, holding onto his stomach from the stitch he has gotten from laughing. “I was ready... I was ready to kill that blue one... I was this close to doing it! I swear!” He was wheezing from laughter.

“I thought we were goners when they found my spear! I don't even know how they believed the ''self defense against Pegasi'' excuse!” The Lieutenant braced himself against a large rock, head in hooves from laughter.

“If those were Peggusian soldiers, whoo-eee! We would have been stripped and executed right there!” Midnight added, getting back up. “Also, did you hear them? Once they let us go? 'Looks like you're all clear. Be safe out there. You never know where Pegasi could be!' I nearly burst out laughing in his face!”

“That made this whole terrible week worth it, I tell you...” Silk inhaled and exhaled deeply, his laughter ceasing to a wide grin. “I guess this is it though... Time to go our separate ways.” He lifted himself up from his back.

Midnight turned to him, a pleasant smile on his face. “I guess it is so... Thank you, Silk. We may not have made it here without you. I will make sure you are remembered as a great hero.”

“Thank you, sir... But before I leave, do you mind showing me on the map where we are?”

“Why, of course.” Midnight pulled a map out of his saddlebag with his left wing, then rolled it out on the snow. “We've just crossed this border...” He looked from side to side, they had arrived in a flat rocky plane, close to a large mountain only a few hundred meters off from them. “If we'd just go to Mount Ryse over there, then go straight east, I should be able to get to Mount Great Stable... As for you, if you just keep going north, you will eventually leave Ant Territory and get to the Zebras, If you go around them, you would arrive... Well, somewhere. No pony has ever been that far up. It might just be unoccupied land where you can build your city.”

“I like the sound of that. What do you think, Mercy?” Silk lifted his head to see the energetic bird whiz around happily and sing in agreeance.

“So, since we're going the same way for now, we could just split up at Ryse,” The Lieutenant suggested.

“I couldn't agree more. We'll make our farewells at Ryse. Let's get moving,” Midnight stated, both ponies following suit in his hoofsteps toward the mountain.

It was a short journey, only a few minutes before they found themselves at the hoof of the mountain, but not before bearing witness to a horrible scene.

An Earth Pony settlement it seemed, wooden and stone houses were built around and into the mountain. The craftsmanship was sloppy and makeshift, the houses tiny and riddled with holes and patchwork. A rudimentary attempt at keeping the snow out, indeed. But the horrifying part was that it was empty, a dead atmosphere in the most literal sense as they saw blood strung against the walls and snow. Fresh blood. Upon arrival, they were hit by a rancid stench that invoked sickness even in Midnight. They saw many bodies, Earth Ponies that were ripped apart, piece by piece. Scars of teeth gave way to exposed, half eaten organs.

“What the flying fuck?!? What monster could do such a thing?” Midnight exclaimed, counting the death toll on this seemingly endless path of gore as he strolled further to the mountain.

Silk had kept close to Midnight, feeling his skin crawl with each disembodied chunk of flesh he crossed. “I think we should leave, sir, before whatever got them gets us...”

“I couldn't agree more, Century.” Midnight took his spear and ran the blade across his side, cutting the Earth Pony disguise and letting his wings spring free. “We're not going to need these anymore.” He did the same for Silk, before the both of them flew up into the air. “Storm? Storm Count?” Midnight called out for his Lieutenant, who he spotted back a ways away peeking through the door of the first shack they came across. Midnight shouted for him. “STORM, WE GOT TO GO!”

This got his attention. “I'm coming! I just thought I heard somepony inside here... It's all clear, though...” He worked his wings out of his disguise, giving them a few good stretches, but before he could fly out to Midnight he jolted around, looking back through the open door. “AAGGHHH!”

Storm turned and galloped away, spreading his wings and soaring into the sky directly away from the shack. Midnight and Silk panicked and began soaring to him. Mercy was thrown off of Silk and she dashed after him. But all three of them stopped in horror as they saw the beast that busted through doorway.

It had the head of a lion, teeth that hung like jagged bill-hooks smeared with the flesh of the innocent. Its lush, red mane was only made brighter with splashes and gusts of blood. It had thunderous wings, scaly on the inside and rough leather on the outside. It resembled the wings of a bat, but unscalably larger. Each wing bore a large claw at the height of the wing. Its tail, made of a long chain of scaled spheres, leading to a dripping stinger at the end, was soaked in venom and blood.

Storm, a mighty warrior and master of flight, blasted away from the beast, but once it spread its wings, it was very clear there was no out-flying such a horror.

It reached Storm, who had flown almost to the clouds, with ease, shutting its mighty jaws onto his hind legs. The beast swung Storm side to side, ripping his stomach muscles, before tossing him to the dirt. The beast crashed down to the earth like a meteorite, rumbling the ground with its cratering landing. It pierced Storm in the chest with its stinger, hoisted him up and swallowed him whole before slowly edging its frothing mouth to glare at Midnight Silk and Mercy in the air.

“GET DOWN!” Midnight grabbed Silk by the chest and flew to the side of the mountain, a cliff edge with a small hovel built into the side, seemingly where a cave once would have been. He bust through the door with Silk in his hooves, Mercy swiftly keeping up with them. Once inside the home, Midnight shut the door and put his spear lengthways on the door handle, barring it.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK!” Midnight pranced around, “WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO NOW?”

Silk lifted himself from the smoothed stone floor, his back aching. “Why didn't we fly away?”

Midnight grew stressful and snapped at Silk. “FLY AWAY? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? DID YOU SEE HOW FAST THAT THING IS?”

From outside, another quake shook the world as the beast landed outside of their shelter. Silk grabbed a hold of Mercy and hugged her tight. Midnight panicked and ran behind a fallen table in the center of the room, whispering to himself, “Shit, shit... shit.”

Silk joined him behind the table, “We can't die like this! This... This can't be it! Can it?”

Midnight, frustrated and shaking answered, “Trust me, I will not die like this... I NEED to see my girl again. I NEED TO.”

The beast scraped its claws along the wooden door, taunting its prey.

“Well, what's your plan then?!?” Silk said in a worry.

Midnight dropped his head, his breathing slowly calming. “I need you to forgive me... and to try and survive as long as you can. Just don't let it get you before I can escape.”

Silk stared at him bewildered, “What do you mean? Midnight what's the plan?!?”

“I'm sorry, Century. I liked you a lot, but I need to see her again. I need to see my Princess... I need to...” Midnight's eyes swelled with tears as his wing unfolded and reached into his saddlebag.

Silk's eyes widened as he came to the realization of what Midnight's plan in fact was. “NO! DON'T! PLEASE!”

But it was too late, Midnight Eclipse had grabbed his knife and swung it into Silk’s unarmored side, the blade cutting into the bone of his wing, slicing it where it met Silk’s body. Silk’s left wing then fell to the ground, lifeless.

Silk cried out in pain, attempting to grapple onto Midnight as he stood up. Mercy flew up in a panic, then tried to lift Silk up by the mane, pulling it upward and helping him stand. Silk leaned over the table and watched as Midnight ran to the door. Lifting his spear, the door blew open from the wind. A sudden blizzard seemed to have started.

The beast on the other side sniffed. Following the scent of Silk's gushing blood, it pounced into the room.

Midnight then slipped by and shut the door behind him, leaving Silk trapped with the beast.

The beast charged at him, slamming its jaws into the table, crumbling it into splinters as Silk jumped away. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he ran around the stunned beast to the door.

Silk slammed against the doorway, but it did not give way. Midnight had barred it from the other side. Silk screamed out, “YOU BASTARD! YOU FUCKING TRAITOR! YOU COWARD!” while slamming his hooves against the door.

Mercy wisped around the beast, drawing its attention, who was playing with its prey. The monster took its time, walking step by step towards the panicking bird.

Silk kept smashing the door, eventually busting a small hole in the frame, but he could only fit his hoof threw. “MERCY!” He called out, summoning the bird to his side with terror on her face.

The beast turned and began stepping towards the both of them.

“MERCY, GO.” He left the hole open for his friend, who shook her head.

“THIS IS NOT AN ARGUMENT MERCY, YOU'RE GOING!” He forcefully grabbed her, kissing her on the forehead before throwing her threw the tiny exit. Mercy looked back through the hole at Silk, who had his crying eye pressed against it.

“I love you,” he said, before the beast grabbed him by the tail, flinging him back into the room with a shattering sound of wood and bone.

Mercy wanted to peek in so badly... but instead, followed her last command she would ever receive.

She flew away.

Hopeful found himself laying on his stomach once more, watching The Beast. It had been a lengthy while since Hopeful had a break, or a meal. But he thought of himself as incredible lucky tonight as he was watching The Beast entering a cave, and with the lethargic flying it showed lately, Hopeful assumed that it was going to sleep.

He observed as it majestically glided into a small cave at the top of Mount Great Stable. He began his journey immediately, not just because there was an old bunker in the mountain where he potentially could find food, but he was excited to be finally try and slay The Beast.

But slaying was difficult on an empty stomach, so Hopeful set his priorities to eat first.

As he reached the mountain, he searched for an entrance, which he found in the form of a rusty metal hatch with worn out text reading, ''Stable 3, '' printed along the side. He entered with great hope in his eyes. Even if he found one preserved meal, that would make him the happiest stallion in Great Bridleton.

His stomach churned and twisted as he trotted down the steps, closing the hatch behind him with a excruciating squeal.

He explored the bunker. Even though the large amount of dust and lack of lighting made it difficult, he went on by his lantern, finding hundreds of rows of unused, dusty beds, supply closets and even recreation centers before stumbling into a cafeteria.

He actually cried at the sight of chocolate pudding.

The kitchen still contained loosely scattered rationed food, along with some horribly rotten muck. Hopeful filled up his bags with anything he could find with an expiration date less than a year off and left happily.

As he strolled back through the bunker, he heard an unusual squeal. He began running to the entrance, rifle drawn.

His galloping steps echoed through the chambers, as he turned the final corner he saw a pony shouting out.

“Midnight! Midnight? Was that you? Are you there?”

Hopeful then appeared, seeing a white-coated Unicorn standing at the bottom of the staircase, lighting the place with her horn. Hopeful yelled as he saw her, “YOU THERE, UNICORN, ARE YOU A SOLDIER?”

Hopeful, though holding a lantern, was mostly in the shadows, leading to the Unicorns confusion. She answered in a panic as his rifle was illuminated from the darkness. “Please do not shoot! I beg you!”

Hopeful marched closer, nearly within touching distance. “SOLDIER OR CIVILIAN!?”

“Civilian! Civilian!” The unicorn fell back, stumbling onto the stairs.

Hopeful sighed, letting his rifle drop. “Thank you.”

“Y-y, you're not going to shoot me?” She sat in shock.

“No, now get up and go get yourself some food. Down the corridor, take a right then your third left... You are looking for something to eat right?” Hopeful had pity for her, seeing her fear.

She stood up, shaken. “I-I... I'm not here for food.”

“There's also beds if you're looking for a place to rest. It is sunset already... But watch out, it's pretty dusty, so you might wanna get a gas mask or something if you plan on staying the night.”

“Why are you being so kind? Your an-”

“An Earth Pony helping a Unicorn. Don't worry. I'm up to speed.”

“But why? Earth Ponies hate us!”

“This one doesn't.” Hopeful looked to the ground. “Not anymore.”

“Well thank you... Earth Pony... Sir... But I'm not here for shelter either. I am waiting for somepony.” The Unicorn gathered herself up, staying a cautious step away from Hopeful at all times.

“Who ya waiting for?” Hopeful walked by her, reaching the stairs before turning and awaiting an answer.

“My husband... fiancée, actually. We said we would meet here, on this date... ” The Unicorn smiled with hope.

“Separated by the war..? At least you have hope to see them again. My wife died a few months prior to the beginning of this pointless war... Good luck to you.” Hopeful went to to move out, paying no mind to the Unicorn, he couldn’t care less right now, not while he had more important matters to address.

The Unicorn took a step toward him. “Good luck to you too, sir.”

“AURORA!?!” A powerful voice came down from the newly opened hatch. The Unicorn jolted up and shoved Hopeful to the side, standing on the steps and looking outward. “MIDNIGHT!?!”

Hopeful stumbled back as he saw a pony at the speed of light run down the ongoing flight of stairs. The two ponies hugged, both beginning to cry. “I can't believe it's actually you! It's really, really you!” Aurora said to Midnight.

“I wouldn’t let anything stop me from getting to you, baby. I love you...” Midnight stretched out his wings, wrapping them around the Unicorn and squeezed her in a large wing-hug.

Hopeful lay on his back, stunned, gaped at the two of them.

Eventually Midnight opened his eyes, spotting Hopeful he flinched. “Baby, who is that..?”

“YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH...” Hopeful shouted out, despite his lack of hatred towards Pegasi and Unicorns, he still could not believe his eyes. This, this was unheard of.