• Published 30th Oct 2016
  • 1,187 Views, 2 Comments

To Guard and Protect - RulerOfIce

A royal guard is assigned for Princess Twilight. She is not happy about it, but she will soon learn just what a royal guard is.

  • ...

To Guard and Protect

It was downpouring in Ponyville. No pony was outside. Except for the rain hitting on the ground and on the roofs of buildings, everything seemed quiet. Inside Princess Twilight's castle, all was quiet. The alicorn princess was inside her room looking outside, looking very sad. She was wearing her crown. She lowered her head.

There was knock on the door.

”Come in.” Twilight said just loud enough. The door opened and Spike came in. ”Did you bring it, Spike?”

”I did.” Spike said, showing a file to Twilight.

Twilight used her magic to take the file and levitated it in front of her. ”Thank you, Spike. That's all.”

Spike didn't move, though. He looked at Twilight sadly. ”Twilight...”

”That's all, Spike.” Twilight interrupted. ”You can leave now.”

Spike stood there for a moment before leaving the room, but not before glancing at Twilight, obviously worried, seeing her looking at the file. He closed the door.

Twilight kept on looking at the file for a while, levitating it all the time. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she slowly opened the file and began reading what was inside it.

- - -

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining for all the ponies that were outside doing their business. Everything was peaceful. Even inside Twilight's castle.

”Twilight!” Spike called out. ”Princess Celestia sent you a letter!”

Not even two seconds had passed before there was a flash and Twilight was standing next to Spike.

”Really?” Twilight asked. She took the letter with her magic, unfurled it and began reading it.

”My dear Twilight. You have been a princess for quite some time now and I believe it is time for you to have your own guard. I know you're still not that comfortable been treated like a princess and while you do have your friends to look after you, been a princess can make you a target for those who wish to hurt you or harass you and your friends can't always be there for you to protect you from these threats. It is for this reason that I'm going to send a guard to your castle. Only one, mind you. I would like you to get used to having a guard around and then perhaps have more guards around should you wish for it. The guard will arrive tomorrow morning. I look forward to hearing how things will go. Princess Celestia.”

Twilight read the letter a second time, making sure she had read it correctly.

”Woah… a guard?” Spike asked. ”Here?”

”It would seem so.” Twilight said. ”But I don't need a guard. I've lived happily like this. Nothing bad has happened to me.”

”Except for Tirek coming after you and then there was that one time with your crown getting stolen and then there was that...” Spike said.

”Okay, okay. I get it, Spike.” Twilight interrupted. ”So there have been a few occasions. None of them really give a reason to give me a guard.”

”Maybe not, Twilight.” Spike said. ”But you have to admit that you're famous. You already were quite famous by been the Princess' protégé. You're a princess now and more famous than before.” Spike rubbed his head. ”I'm actually surprised nopony has tried to do those things Princess Celestia said.”

Twilight looked at Spike. ”That's because they probably feared they would get punished. They probably still do. Still… I don't see the point of this. I know I'm a princess and, like Celestia, Luna and Cadence, I should have guards, but really, it's okay. I have never needed guards.”

”Well whether you like it or not, Princess Celestia is sending a guard here.” Spike said.

Twilight sighed. ”Well, I better accept it and see where this will go.”

- - -

The next morning was just as sunny as the last one. Twilight and Spike were eating breakfast inside the castle.

”So what kind of guard do you think Princess Celestia is sending?” Spike asked.

Twilight looked at Spike. ”Probably the same kind like every other guard. Stoic and dutiful.”

”In other words, a boring guard?” Spike asked.

”Yes. Speaking of which, the guard should arrive here any moment now. We should get ready, Spike.”

After cleaning the table, the two went outside and waited at the bottom of the stairs. Twilight looked up at the sky.

Spike noticed this. ”Are you expecting the guard to arrive in a chariot?”

”Just checking.” Twilight said. ”I know it's unlikely, though.” She stretched her wings and legs. ”Ah… maybe I should ask Rainbow to race me. My wings feel a bit sore.”

”You haven't flown that much lately, Twilight.” Spike said, looking at the wings. ”Didn't Rainbow say you should be flying every now and then?”

”She did. I just forgot to do it after all the research I've done.”

”You and your researches. Honestly, Twilight, I'm surprised you aren't spending your time in a small room researching every single possible thing all the time.”

”Very funny, Spike. I'm not that obsessed.”

Spike gave her deadpan look. ”Do you really believe that, Twilight?”

Twilight snorted. ”Yes.”

Spike sighed and looked around, trying to find the guard. ”It's too bad the others couldn't come to greet the guard too.”

”You know they are busy.” Twilight said. ”Even Pinkie Pie is busy filling up a huge order with the Cakes and Fluttershy is taking care of her animals. At least we will have a… peaceful introduction.”

”I don't know, Twilight.” Spike grinned as he then noticed something. ”Hey! Is that him?”

Twilight looked towards the town and saw a blue unicorn stallion in golden guard armor approaching them. ”Just in time too.”

When the guard was near enough, he bowed. ”Princess Twilight. I'm Sergeant Lance Shield and I'm reporting for duty.”

”Arise, Lance Shield, and be at ease.” Twilight said in the way that would have made any royal proud and the guard stood up. ”So you are the guard Celestia sent to me.”

The guard nodded. ”I'm to guard you with my life and help you wherever you need me to.”

It took every will for Twilight not to roll her eyes. ”You are my first guard and, for the moment, the only guard in my castle. Your job here will be easy enough. For now, Spike will show to your room. When you have settled in, you can familiarize yourself with the castle. Spike will be with you all the time, though I should mention that we may not be familiar with all the rooms in the castle. After that, report to me in the throne room.”

The guard saluted. ”Yes, Your Highness!”

Twilight turned to look at Spike, who nodded. ”Alright. I will meet you both at the throne room then. Both Spike and I will also answer any possible questions you may have.” Twilight was about leave when she stopped. ”Oh! Before I forget: if you happen to meet a pink pony mare, that would be Pinkie Pie. If she does anything strange, don't question it. It will be much easier for you that way.”

The guard nodded. ”Understood, Your Highness.”

”Good.” Twilight said. ”You're dismissed, Lance Shield.”

- - -

It didn't take long for Spike to show Lance Shield his room and for him to settle in. The room was pretty small compared to other rooms in the castle, but Lance didn't complain. The room did have all the basic furniture like a bed, a couch and a table. Even the tour was done faster than expected.

Much to Twilight's surprise, Spike and Lance came into the throne room.

”Well that was fast.” Twilight said. ”I didn't expect you two for another half an hour.”

”Apparently we could skip the accomodations hall.” Spike said. ”The rooms were pretty much the same.”

”Oh.” Twilight said. ”We have to change that somehow. Maybe I should ask Rarity to come here and look at them.” She looked at Lance. ”But that can wait. I've been trying to think up assignments for you, Lance.”

Lance had been standing in attention the whole time and he waited for Twilight to continue.

- - -

Twilight didn't know what to expect from having a royal guard follow her almost everywhere, quietly. The assignments she had tried to think up weren't really different at all from what other royal guards usually had and Twilight knew it. It didn't change her own schedule, though.

”Alright, that's enough reading.” Twilight said.

Spike sighed. ”Twilight, I swear the number of books you read keep increasing every time.”

”Maybe it's because the books are not as thick as some other books I've read.” Twilight said. ”Anyway, it's about time I visited Rarity.”

”Can I come?” Spike asked. ”I've done my chores.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. ”Sure, Spike.”

As they left the throne room, Lance followed them quietly. Twilight didn't even need to look back to make sure. She had seen enough guards to know that when been a protégé of Celestia.

She sighed. ”So how long have you been a royal guard, Lance?”

”Almost two years, Your Highness.” he answered stoically.

”Really?” Twilight said. ”Do you like been a royal guard?”

”I do, Your Highness.” he simply said.

”Like every other guard.” Twilight thought in her mind.

- - -

Rarity was working on a dress, humming a tune, when she heard the front door open, followed by the doorbell.

”Welcome to Carousel Boutique!” she said without turning around. ”I will be there in a moment.”

”It's me, Rarity.” Twilight said.

This time Rarity turned her head and saw Twilight and Spike. ”Ah, Twilight. Is it already the time of your visit?”

Twilight nodded.

”Oh dear. I lost the track of time while working on this dress for a client of mine.”

”It's okay, Rarity.” Twilight said. ”I know you've been busy lately.”

”That does not mean I should ignore my friends.” Rarity said and was about to say more when she noticed Lance Shield. ”Oh! And who is this royal guard?”

”Sergeant Lance Shield, ma'am.” Lance said.

”Princess Celestia assigned him to me to be my guard.” Twilight said.

Rarity was smiling. ”Oh! You finally got a royal guard, Twilight! That is wonderful.”

”I guess so.” Twilight said and then looked at Lance. ”This will take a while, Lance. You may go outside and wait for me.”

Lance didn't move.

Twilight rolled her eyes. ”Go outside and wait for me, Lance. And do not stop possible customers from coming in.”

”Yes, Your Highness!” Lance said and he went outside.

Twilight rubbed her forehead. ”This is going to require some getting used to.”

”I cannot imagine why, Twilight.” Rarity said. ”It isn't like it's your first time commanding the guards.”

”That was only because Princess Celestia and Princess Luna weren't around, Rarity. I was the only one that could give orders.”

”So?” Rarity said. ”You handled it perfectly and gave the necessary orders. But let us not discuss that, dear Twilight. Let us have some tea and talk about something else.”

Twilight nodded and they both went to the kitchen with Spike, who had just silently watched Rarity the whole time, silently following them.

- - -

It was getting dark outside as Twilight came out of the boutique. Lance had stood outside next to the door all the time.

”Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight said. ”I had a good time.”

”Think nothing of it, darling.” Rarity said. ”I do enjoy these visits. I do have to finish the last of my orders, however.”

”Of course. I'll leave you to it then. See you later, Rarity.”

”See you later, Twilight.” Rarity said as she used her magic to levitate Spike, still looking like he was enchanted, from inside the boutique and put him onto Twilight's back.

As Twilight left, Lance began to follow her.

”Your Highness! I should mention that it might start raining soon.” Lance said.

”Huh?” Twilight wondered and then looked up.

There were indeed dark clouds gathering in the sky and the pegasi were moving more clouds into the mix. Twilight looked around a bit and sure enough she saw a certain cyan colored pegasus in the sky.

”Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled, catching Rainbow's attention. ”Why are you making a storm? The weather was supposed to be sunny all day.”

Rainbow descended in front of Twilight. ”Last minute change, Twilight. Apparently the sunny days have lasted a bit too long. Don't worry. It's not a big storm or anything, Twilight.” She looked at Lance. ”Who's the new guy?”

”Rainbow Dash, meet Sergeant Lance Shield, my… temporary royal guard.” Twilight said.

”A royal guard, huh?” Rainbow said. ”I was wondering when you would get one. You've been a princess for quite some time, after all. I mean I know you can take care of yourself, but...”

”I know what you mean, Rainbow.” Twilight said. ”This wasn't my choice, anyway. It was Princess Celestia's decision.”

”Oh, I see. That makes more sense.” Rainbow said and then looked up. ”I better head back to work. You two should be home within two hours. See you!” And with that she flew back up.

Twilight sighed. ”I still have few things to do.” She looked at her checklist. ”If everything goes well, we should be back home before the storm starts.”

”I hope so, Twilight.” Spike said as he looked up. ”I don't want to be outside when it does.”

Somewhere nearby a bush was moving.

- - -

”There!” Twilight said as she crossed an item from her checklist. ”Only one more to go. Getting samples for my experiment.”

”Ugh!” Spike said. ”What could possibly require so many samples? I would rather be back home and rest.”

”Well you have worked hard today, Spike.” Twilight said. ”You can go back home. I’ll be fine.”

”Great! Thanks, Twilight.” And with that Spike left. Twilight could swear he was running faster than usual.

”Now then, the samples.” Twilight looked at her list. ”Ah! These will be easy to get. Let’s go, Lance.”

As she began to move, her guard right behind her, dark clouds had gathered above them. Thunder roared as darkness began stir and split in the sky. A shadow was moving and the wind started to pick up.

- - -

In Canterlot, Princess Luna was looking outside, seeing a storm forming in the distance, her expression showing worry. She looked up at the darkening sky.

”A storm as black as moonless night.” Luna said. ”It feels uncomfortable, ominous.”

There was knock on the door.

”Enter!” Luna yelled.

The door opened and Princess Celestia walked in, smiling. ”The day court is finally over, Luna.” She rubbed her own neck. ”I swear the nobles are as stubborn as the minotaurs of old. So many requests I’ve heard before and declined and they keep coming back.” She finally looked at Luna and noticed she was looking outside.

”Are you listening to me, Luna?” Celestia asked.

”I am, sister.” Luna said without turning around. ”Nobles are giving you a headache again.”

Celestia went to her and looked outside, her smile waning. ”Is something wrong, Luna?”

Luna looked at Celestia. ”I do not know, sister. Everything seems to be fine and yet something is terribly wrong. What is it called again? A hunch?”

”A hunch?” Celestia wondered as she looked at the storm. ”What do you think is going to happen?”

”Not going to, sister.” Luna said. ”Is happening. It feels like invisible shadows are moving with an intent. Is it a malevolent intent I do not know.”

Celestia was about to say something when a royal guard ran inside.

”Your Highness!” the guard said. ”I have a report I believe you would want to see.” He held up a parchment with his magic.

Celestia took it with her own magic and read it. Her expression turned horrified.

”What is it, sister?” Luna asked as she looked at Celestia.

Celestia looked at the royal guard. ”Is this report accurate, Lieutenant?”

”Yes, Your Highness.” The guard said. ”We checked it. It’s accurate.”

Celestia’s expression was serious. ”Time is of the essence. Gather a pegasus team along with a medical team right away, Lieutenant!”

The guard saluted. ”Right away, Your Highness!” and he left.

”What has happened, sister?” Luna asked again.

”It seems your hunch was correct, Luna.” Celestia said as she looked at Luna, her expression a mix of seriousness and worry.

- - -

Twilight was busy collecting samples in an open area near Ponyville. Lance looked up at the sky.

”We should head back, Your Highness.” Lance said. ”The rain will start very soon.”

”Hm?” Twilight wondered as she put another sample inside her saddlebags and looked up. ”Oh gosh, you’re right. Let’s go back to Ponyville.”

They turned around and began to walk back home. Twilight could already feel drops of water falling down on her as she turned her head and looked at Lance.

”So… do you have a family?” Twilight asked. ”Besides your parents, I mean.”

”I have a wife and a filly, Your Highness.” Lance answered.

”Oh?” Twilight said. She knew there were some guards who had a family waiting for them at home. She had often wondered if the guards behaved the same way towards their families as towards their princess. ”Are they doing well?”

”They are...” suddenly Lance’s ears perked up and he stopped and looked around.

”They are what, Lance?” Twilight asked, not noticing the alarmed expression on Lance’s face, as she kept walking forward.

Lance kept looking around, not answering Twilight. ”I swear I heard something” he thought.

Twilight turned her head and looked at Lance. ”Lance?”

It was right then Lance noticed a small glint of light and went wide eyed.


Before Twilight could do anything, she felt immense pain.

- - -

Rainbow Dash yawned as she put a storm cloud in place. ”There. All done.” She looked around. ”Ahead of schedule too. Oh yeah! Time to go and have a good nap.”

Before she could move an inch, Rainbow heard a loud crackling sound, making her turn her head. What she saw was a pillar of light.

”What the…?” Rainbow said as she kept looking at the pillar of light.

- - -

Twilight was barely conscious. She heard shouting and quick, heavy hoofsteps. She saw a blurry figure looking at her, then turning around. More shouting. She slowly closed her eyes.

Lance was looking at one direction. The direction where the beam had come from.

”In the name of the royal guards, show yourself!” Lance yelled, holding his spear, ready to act.

From a bush rose a dark figure, wearing a robe of midnight hue that covered the figure’s face. But there was one crucial detail that Lance noticed. The figure had a horn. The attacker was a unicorn pony.

”You are under arrest for attempt of regicide!” Lance yelled, his voice very firm and commanding.

The pony slowly walked towards Lance and Twilight.

”That’s close enough!” Lance yelled. ”Lie down on your side and look at me at all times.”

The pony stopped, but didn’t do anything else.

”NOW!” Lance commanded.

The wind had picked up and rain began to pour from the sky. Lance didn’t move or take his eyes off of the pony. Yet the pony wasn’t doing anything but stand there.

”Unless...” Lance suddenly went wide eyed as he realized what the pony was doing.

Sure enough, the pony fired a large dark purple beam at them from the horn. Lance quickly conjured up a round shield with his own magic in front of him and Twilight, barely managing to block the beam. The power behind continous beam, however, was strong and Lance was getting pushed back, his hooves leaving deep tracks on the ground. Lance was struggling to keep the shield up.

Twilight had also felt the beam hitting the shield and her eyes opened up, seeing Lance holding the shield up. She tried to stand up, but cried out, feeling pain all over her body, including her horn.

”Princess Twilight, you have to flee!” Lance yelled, having heard Twilight.

”I… I can’t...” Twilight said, her voice barely audible to Lance. ”I can’t stand up.” She tried casting her magic, but another pain shot through her head. ”AGH! … My magic...”

Lance was sweating. ”Celestia help us… I can’t keep my shield up.”


Out of the corner of his eye, Lance saw Rainbow approaching and landing near them.

”Miss Dash!” Lance immediately yelled. ”Get Princess Twilight out of here now!”

Rainbow looked at Twilight quickly and then back at Lance. ”What about…?”

”I will be fine!” Lance yelled. ”Get her out of here NOW!”

Twilight went wide eyed once she realized what Lance was going to do.

- - -

Celestia and Luna were flying nearby along with a team of pegasus royal guards.

”I hope we’re not too late.” Celestia said.

Luna was scanning the ground. ”This storm is not helping. Why was this even made?”

It was then Luna saw a terrifying scene. ”Over there, Celestia!”

Celestia looked where Luna was looking and paled at the sight. ”Oh no...”

- - -

Rainbow quickly picked up Twilight and began to fly away.

”NO!” Twilight yelled. ”Stop, Rainbow! We have to save him! LET ME GO!!”

Lance looked at the assailant, his expression full of determination, before closing his eyes. ”I’m sorry.”

Time slowed down for Twilight as she saw the shield crumbling and breaking. A flash of light filled her vision and then everything went white.

- - -

Twilight looked at the file she was levitating with her magic, tears falling down her face. It was the file of Lance Shield. She kept rereading the file, tears falling down on it. On it, next to Lance's picture were the three big red colored letters that caused Twilight to stop every time. KIA. She knew what that meant and it only made her cry more. How she wished things hadn't gone as they had.

”I'm so sorry.” Twilight said quietly. ”I'm so sorry, Lance.”

When the dust had settled, everyone at the site wished the dust would have lasted forever. Pieces of armor were scattered all over, damaged and broken, and in the center was the body of Lance Shield. The explosion had damaged him almost beyond recognition. Princess Celestia, who had seen everything right before Rainbow had picked up Twilight, had ordered her medics to immediately go and help Lance, but it was all too clear to her, to her medics and everypony else that Lance was already gone. Celestia and Luna had come too late.

Twilight had been devastated. She couldn't take her eyes off of what she was seeing. She was ignoring the pain her horn and her wounds were making her feel. Princess Luna had been next to her all the time, trying to comfort Twilight, but Luna's voice was muted to Twilight. The world had gone silent.

It had been four days since then. Twilight had been escorted back to her castle, Celestia and Luna surrounding her along with the guards Celestia had brought with her. After that, Celestia and Luna went back to Canterlot, trusting Spike to take care of Twilight. Not long after that, Twilight's friends came to check on her. They in turn had been in shock after hearing exactly what had happened. Rainbow in particular was sad.

None of them could comfort Twilight. Only be there for her.

Twilight heard the door open and Spike came in.

”It's time, Twilight.” Spike said sadly.

”… Thank you, Spike.” Twilight managed to say before putting the file away and leaving the room.

It was time for a funeral.

- - -

The rain had stopped, but the mood was anything but joy and happy. Many ponies were gathered around at the Canterlot cemetery including Twilight, Celestia and several royal guards. Even Shining Armor, former captain of the royal guard and Twilight's big brother, was there. There had been almost nothing but silence the entire time, the priest's voice been the only one to break it.

Twilight wasn't really listening, her gaze focusing on the coffin that was in front of her. Tears were falling down on her cheeks. Celestia was right next to her, noticing Twilight's tears. She herself wasn't shedding tears, but her expression was sad. She put her wing onto Twilight, trying to comfort her. Twilight just looked at Celestia for a while with her teary eyes before looking back at the coffin.

The priest's voice had gone silent and the coffin had started to descent. All of the royal guards hit the ground once with the stick end of their spears in perfect sync. And then once more.

”Mommy, what are they doing to daddy?”

It was right then and there that Twilight truly wished she was anywhere but there. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a mare with grey coat and white mane and a very young filly with white coat and grey mane. Lance Shield's wife and daughter. The mare was crying almost uncontrollably while hugging the filly. The sight made Twilight feel like her heart had broken.

And the royal guards hit the ground with the stick end of their spears once more.

”Mommy, make them stop, please!” the filly begged, crying.

That was it. Twilight didn't care what others thought of her, she had to leave. She suddenly turned around and galloped away as fast as she could, not seeing a very worried Celestia looking at her leaving.

And the royal guards hit the ground with the stick end of their spears once more.

”I'm so sorry, Lance.” was all Twilight managed to say as she continued galloping away.

And for the last time, the royal guards hit the ground with the stick end of their spears.

- - -

The halls of Twilight's castle were filled with the sound of a crying mare. Spike stood in front of Twilight's room. He wanted so much to just go there and be there for her, but he knew Twilight needed to be left alone for the time been. The door was locked too. She had just galloped inside the castle, crying, and had gone straight into her room and locked the door. Spike sighed and went into the throne room. He went towards one of the shelves and took out a parchment, a quill and began writing.

”I hope you will read this as soon as it arrives.”

- - -

Outside Twilight's castle, five mares were standing side by side, looking at the castle sadly.

”It has been a few hours now.” Rarity said. ”Shouldn't we go and be there for her?”

”She must be feeling so horrible.” Fluttershy said. ”I can't imagine the pain she is feeling”

”Ah have an inkling and believe me, Ah would like nothing more than to go and comfort her.” Applejack said.

”Why won't you?” Pinkie Pie said, her mane almost straight. ”I say we should go and give her a big hug.”

Applejack didn't answer. Instead she looked at Rainbow Dash. ”You okay there, Dash? You've been quiet for quite a while now.”

”Huh?” Rainbow said, looking at Applejack with half-open eyes. ”Yeah, I'm fine.”

”… No, you're not.” Applejack said.

Rainbow looked at her for a while. ”I should have been able to do something.”

”Stop right there, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said sharply. ”You are not to blame yourself for what happened. You did what you could. What anypony could in that situation.”

”I agree with Rarity.” Fluttershy said. ”I'm sure you did everything you could, Rainbow. If you had gone back, you would have been seriously injured or worse.”

Rainbow sighed. ”At least I could then say I tried.”

”Nopony blames you for it.” Applejack said. ”You said it yourself. The guard told ya’ll to grab Twilight and flee. It was either that or nothin’.”

Rainbow didn't say anything.

”I see you are all just as worried about Twilight.”

All five ponies turned their heads and their eyes went wide.

- - -

Twilight was curled up on her bed. Her eyes were red from all the crying. She was looking at her crown, which was on her nightstand. Her room was dark, the only light coming from outside.

”It should have been me.” Twilight muttered. ”Why couldn't it have been me? Because I'm a princess? Because I wear this… stupid crown?”

If she wasn't so exhausted right then, she would have used her magic to throw the crown out the window with such a rage that the crown would have disappeared forever. Instead she sobbed.

”Heavy lies the head that wears the crown.”

Twilight's ears perked up and she slowly turned her head, seeing Celestia at the doorway. For a moment neither of them said anything.

”I thought I locked the door.” Twilight said.

”You did, Twilight.” Celestia said. ”I apologize for intruding, but we need to talk.”

Twilight looked back at her own crown. ”This is not a good time, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia lowered her head, looking sad, and sighed. ”My dear Twilight, I ask that you would listen to what I have to say. What we have to say.”

”What do you mean 'we'?” Twilight said, turning her head and looking at the doorway again, this time seeing Luna, Shining Armor and two royal guards coming into the room.

”Hi, Twily.” Shining said, his expression sad.

”Shouldn't you be with Cadence?” Twilight asked, her expression not changing at all.

”She's taking care of things back in Canterlot.” Shining said. ”Listen, Twilight. I… I know what you're going through.”

”How can you?” Twilight asked. ”You didn't lose anypony during your time as the captain of the royal guards.”

Shining Armor slowly nodded. ”True, I didn't. But that doesn't mean I haven't lost friends during my time in the royal guards.”

Twilight didn't say anything. Instead she looked away.

”I believe I mentioned my mission to the Everfree Forest once?” Shining said. ” One of my early days missions. I was a private. The creatures were behaving wilder than usual and six royal guards were sent to investigate and, possibly, deal with it.”

Shining sighed. ”What I didn't mention is that the mission turned ugly. We were unprepared for how aggressive the creatures were. We survived, though, but needed to evacuate. We were near the edge of Everfree Forest when we were suddenly ambushed by manticores. … Not all of us survived, Twilight. One manticore managed to strike the head of its tail into one of my teammates. A pegasus lieutenant with wife and two newborn foals. It was my first time seeing somepony perish and it was that event that made me determined. Determined to not let anypony else die during my watch. I would protect them all no matter what.”

Shining walked closer to Twilight. ”But the truth is, Twily, that no matter how good I become, how determined I am, there will come a time when I will lose another pony like that. And it frightens me. I can't protect everypony all the time. I trained Lance Shield. I saw him getting commendations. I was there during his promotions. He was a good guard, well worth his rank. So I know, Twily. I know how you feel. I will be here for you should you need me."

Shining turned around and walked away. He nodded to the two royal guards who in turn nodded back and both approached Twilight. Neither of them saluted.

”Your Highness.” One of the guards said. ”My name is Spearhead, lieutenant of the royal guards. I became a royal guard because most stallions in my family have been royal guards. I was trained and graduated. I have a wife and a colt who attends school. I like been a royal guard. I feel honored.”

”My name is Crimson Arrow, Your Highness.” the other guard, Crimson Arrow, said. ”Corporal of the royal guards. It has always been my dream to become a royal guard. There's no greater honor. I have one adopted filly I take care of alone. She currently attends kindergarden.”

Twilight looked at both of the guards silently.

”You should know, Your Highness, what it entails to be a royal guard.” Spearhead said. ”We all, including Captain Armor, took a vow. A vow to guard and protect the princesses and the citizens of Equestria from any threat with our very lives. That vow also includes my family. That is our first and foremost duty as royal guards.”

”We take that vow seriously.” Crimson Arrow said. ”We are all trained so we can carry out our duty. We are all prepared to protect anypony we can with our lives. We know what can happen. Lance Shield knew it and did just that. His duty to guard and protect you from any threat. It was not your fault, Your Highness.”

They both saluted then turned around and walked away.

”When we formed the royal guard we knew what it meant for them.” Celestia said as she began to walk to the other side of Twilight's bed. ”So many ponies wanted to become royal guards despite what it required from them. The vow they took is still the same they take to this day. That immortal vow.”

”It was not long before we both witnessed the extend of how dedicated the royal guards of the time were and how far they were willing to go just to protect us.” Luna said as she approached Twilight. ”You have read about the wars Equestria has had. Do you really think nopony perished during those wars?”

”We… watched as our guards fought our enemies along with the soldiers and protected everypony.” Celestia said. ”Of course they weren't alone. We were there too, helping wherever we could.”

”It is how we witnessed the courage of our guards.” Luna said. ”And the aftermath of all those battles. We have lost countless guards, Twilight. Not to mention ponies we were supposed to protect.”

”And I can't even begin to count the times I've been a target of assassinations. I've lost more guards to assassins than I want to remember and believe me, Twilight, all those times still hurt.” Celestia said. ”They are part of the reason why I wanted you to have a guard, Twilight. As a princess you would become a target for those like the pony you encountered. I feared something would eventually happen to you. I never thought that it would happen so soon.”

”We can honor their sacrifice by remembering them.” Luna said. ”Honor Lance Shield's memory, Twilight. He is not the first nor will he be the last guard to sacrifice his life to fulfill his duty.” she lowered her head near Twilight's head. ”We once felt the same way you are feeling now. It will never get any easier, knowing ponies are giving their lives when protecting you. But know that it is their choice, Twilight. Their choice to become royal guards. Their choice to guard and protect and do their duty.”

Luna began to walk away, but Celestia stayed still. ”Forgive me, my dear Twilight. I didn't want you to suffer the same thing we did. Please, forgive me.”

Twilight looked at Celestia silently. Celestia sighed and began walking away, nodding to the others. Luna, Shining Armor and the two guards were beginning to leave the room when they all heard a sudden sound of movement and when they looked, they saw a very startled Celestia… and Twilight hugging her, sobbing.

Slowly Celestia wrapped her forehooves around Twilight as she felt tears touching her coat and sat down. Luna lowered her head and silently motioned others to leave the room. As she herself left the room she saw Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy standing next to the doorway, looking sad and worried.

Luna closed the door and looked at the five ponies. ”In time… Twilight will be as fine as she can be just like we were. Be there for her. Help her through this tough time.”

The five ponies silently nodded.

Luna began to walk outside. ”Heavy lies the head that wears the crown, but you do not carry that burden alone, Twilight Sparkle. You and your friends have protected Equestria from several threats already. You may not think so, but you and your friends are like royal guards. You guard and protect the harmony of this land in your own way.”

As she reached outside, she began to fly around Twilight’s castle, stopping at the very top and looking at the descending sun.

A tear appeared in one of her eyes and began to run down her cheek. ”I pray… oh, Holy Mother, how I pray… that none of your lives will end like those of the royal guards of the past.”


Author's Note:

Okay... two things to get out of the way:
1. I suck at writing an action scene. I always try to write them so that they don't seem too short or that they have only one solution. I also tend to get stuck for a long time with them.

2. I know there are some things in the story that are not given proper closure. This is intentional.

Keep these in mind when writing a comment and I hope you enjoyed my 2nd completed MLP fanfic.

Comments ( 2 )

I dident sign the permission slip for this feels trip.:fluttercry:

Rest in peace guardspony your oath is fulfilled. Sergeant Lance Shield. EOW:3/10/17

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