• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 7,748 Views, 46 Comments

Size Ursa Minor - XenoPony

One evening Starlight Glimmer pays her best friend Trixie a visit with one burning question in mind, but the conversation that follows is far from what she was expecting.

  • ...

Of Course That's What You Were Talking About.

If there was one thing Starlight Glimmer had to admit, it was that in the orange hue of twilight the world took on an eternal tranquillity that was unmatched at any other part of the day. The birds sung in the evening sky and crickets chirped in the grass as it swayed in the late summer breeze. Taking a breath of the sweet air, the lilac unicorn took a step out from the grand crystal doors of her castle home. Actually, come to mention it, having a castle as a place of residence was another thing she had to admit she'd never expected. The castle of the princess of friendship no less, and the very place to host this year's Grand Galloping Gala tomorrow at the request of princess Celestia herself.

That latter part caused a wave of uncertainty to pass over Starlight’s mind however. She'd been to parties before, even with those she'd once wronged and yet the idea of attending such a grand event still unsettled her. Not only did her mentor's recollection of past Galas, not to mention how her other friends told her they often went, put a negative stigma to the idea, but the thought of being in a room with so many other ponies terrified her. Not that; that was something she'd admit just yet.

Even so, it seemed the world was offering her a lifeline amidst the sea of chaos that had arisen in the wake of the Gala's preparation. So, while Twilight was busy making sure everything for the event was as perfect as it could be, and the rest of her friends were all busy doing their own part to help, Starlight had come outside in search of that saving grace. She found it just a small walk away from the castle, in the form of a wooden show wagon.

The sight of the quaint little thing was an image that ignited a light inside Starlight that no other ever could. Yet the reason why it did so was another thing she lacked the confidence to add to her list of confessions any time soon. Nevertheless, those thoughts did not stop her from approaching the wagon's door, and she swiftly raised a hoof to knock. In that moment before her hoof stuck the wood however, she paused.

Do I really want to do this? I mean, she's not going to be any more thrilled by this party then I am. Starlight thought to herself, eyes fixed on her outstretched forehoof as it hovered inches from the door.

What do you mean are you sure? Of course you are! Is there any other pony you'd rather accompany you to the Gala? Another part of her mind snapped, specifically the part that was most excited by the sight of the wagon to begin with.

At that, Starlight shook her head and, giving her mental conflict no more time to continue, she knocked on the door as fast as she could. Then she fell back as a barrage of doubts surged into her mind all at once.

"Yes, who is it?" Came a muffled voice from inside the wagon, the likes of which sounded only a little irritated by the interruption.

Starlight felt a shiver run down her spine, but before she could collect herself and call out the top half of the door swung open to reveal the head of a light blue coated unicorn mare.

"Oh it's just you Starlight." Trixie said in surprise as she glanced down at her closest friend. "Sorry for being so blunt, I thought you were just another pony coming to disturb my evening." She added, sounding only a little tired by the fact.

At that moment Starlight managed to batter her thoughts back into line enough to latch onto the topic spawned by her friend's words, and in a flustered rush she swiftly voiced her opinion upon it.

"Ponies have been here ruining your evening?" She asked abruptly.

Trixie gave a slight huff, waving a forehoof dismissively as her magical aura enveloped the bottom half of the door and pulled it open.

"Not really, just a force of habit every time I hear anypony knock at this time of night in Ponyville." She assured Starlight casually, then her nonchalant look morphed into a friendly smile. "Of course you aren't interrupting anything Starlight, please come in." She added, inviting Starlight inside with a hoof wave as she held open the door.

Starlight felt another cold shudder run through her tense muscles as she peered inside her friend's wagon.

Come on Starlight, it's only Trixie's home, you've been in here before. Her thoughts reassured her.

Yeah, but how many times have you been inside with the intention you have today, huh? That second part of her turbulent consciousness asked knowingly.

"Starlight, are you alright?"

The sound of Trixie's concerned voice was like a beacon calling Starlight back from the stormy sea that her thoughts had become, and she instinctively nodded.

"What? Yeah of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" She blurted suddenly, waving her forehoof dismissively as she gave a nervous little laugh.

Trixie cocked her head to the side curiously, but one shrug later she made no other mention of Starlight's suspicious behaviour as the nervous unicorn entered behind her and she shut the door with her magic. The moment the door slammed shut, Starlight froze again. The sound rang in her ears as her heart and lungs began to race inside her chest. Intent on distracting herself from the discomfort, she cast her eyes out over the wagon's interior like a net in desperate hopes of a profitable catch. The inside of Trixie's humble wagon was not that large however, and it offered little more than a small bedroom, seating area and an open supply closet overflowing with stage props and performance attire.

"So, can I get you anything Starlight?" Came the sound of Trixie's voice, and battling the bashfulness fighting to take hold of her expression Starlight turned back to the light blue mare.

"Urm… ." She stammered for words before the raging storm within her mind spat out a sentence, seemingly at random. "Just some water please."

Once again Trixie gave her a look that was more than a little inquisitive, not to mention slightly surprised.

"Only water?" She stated sharply, then her muzzle curled into a small smile. "Funny, I didn't take you for such a sensible mare Starlight." She added wryly.

At that, Starlight's body seized up once again and she felt her blood run as cold as ice.

What in Equestria did she mean by that? Oh, by Celestia surely she doesn't think I'm… .

"Whatever do you mean?" The question suddenly fled her mouth before her mind could fully formulate it, and as the rebellious words filled the air Starlight pressed her hoof over her loose lips.

Trixie bore a perplexed look for no more than moment before she let out a little laugh, then her horn flashed and she opened a small cabinet in the top corner of her small kitchen.

"I was talking about the drinks Starlight." She admitted as if Starlight should know, levitating out a bottle of cider and swilling it in her magic in emphasis of her words.

In that moment Starlight relaxed a little, a small squeak escaping her mouth seconds before another nervous laugh.

"Oh of course, you meant the drinks." She confessed, more to herself than anypony else.

"Well yeah, what else would I be talking about?" Trixie responded, before taking out two glasses and beginning to pour the alcoholic beverage. "So, you game?" She asked, motioning to the second glass with the cider bottle, and regardless of her feelings Starlight's racing emotions forced her to nod rapidly.

"Great, now we can be great and powerful drinking buddies too, take a seat I'll bring them over." Trixie responded happily, half laughing, half cheering as she did so.

No thought of disobeying Trixie's instructions, no matter how trivial or simple they seemed, crossed Starlight's mind as she immediately turned and took a seat on the wagon's only couch. From around the corner of a small table she could hear the light blue mare humming to herself happily. In that moment the only thing that Starlight was really after was a distraction, and this time she found it in the form of an open wardrobe that was crammed right beside the couch on which she sat. In the confined space of the wagon it wasn't hard to see why the furniture was so squished together, nor was it hard to see why a lot of the clothes inside were less than organised.

Well travelling around all the time is bound to make a small mess. Starlight mentally assumed as her attention was drawn to the clothes hanging out of the wardrobe.

Most of this things were simple variations on Trixie's blue cape, boasting different patterns to the yellow stars she usually wore. Others were versions of her hat, as well as some standard attire and saddlebags. Yet, as Starlight's longing for a distraction drove her to peer deeper into her friend's belongings she noticed something different. It was a dress, a faint blue gown of flowing, silver lace and gleaming sapphire sequins. From the miss matched glances of it Starlight attained, it looked positively magnificent, not to mention it bore a beauty that she assumed even Rarity would be jealous of.

Of course that's probably just my wild imagination. Starlight mentally assured herself, not wishing any form of disrespect to her fashionista friend.

Yeah, I bet it looks even more beautiful when a certain somepony's wearing it too, shame you'll probably not get a chance to see that if you fail to pull this off. Another part of her mind teased wryly, causing Starlight to blush slightly as she imagined Trixie wearing the thing.

At that, she realized just how it may look if Trixie came over to see her so bashful and looking through her wardrobe, and she swiftly averted her eyes. Yet as her eyes fled the sight of the beautiful dress, she noticed one thing upon the thing's label.

'Ursa's, Equestria's Finest Tailoring Boutique.'

At that brief glimpse of the finely crafted company logo, Starlight paused again. This time however, her thought process was halted, not by her secret longing to ask a certain show pony to be her plus one at the Gala, but by curiosity. She'd heard of this Ursa's before, during one of Rarity's random gossips about fashion if she recalled correctly. According to the alabaster mare, the place was one of Equestria's leading fashion producers, famed for making dresses inspired by stars and astronomy. Still, while Starlight was certain the company had nothing on her friend's business, she couldn't help but wonder what Trixie was doing with a dress made by such a refined establishment.

She's really that fancy, huh? Starlight wondered, once again imagining the sight of Trixie wearing the miraculous dress.

It was at the moment that the sound of hooves upon the wooden floor of the wagon met her ears and Starlight's head shot up sharply as Trixie came trotting over to the seat.

"There. I bought that one up near Trottingham. I was saving it for a special occasion, but now that we're friends I guess social occasions are just as fitting." Trixie said happily, levitating the glass of the fine Trottingham cider over to Starlight as she took a seat beside the reformed mare.

"Thanks." Starlight responded appreciatively, all while trying her best to keep the glamorous image of the mare sitting right next to her out of her mind.

Once again Trixie looked at her seemingly tense friend with a hint of confused concern, and after taking one small sip of her cider, she made an attempt to break the ice between them.

"So Starlight, how's it going on up at the castle? I bet you're all so busy preparing for the Gala and all that. Kinda strange that they moved it from Canterlot, but I suppose me of all ponies saying that a mobile event is strange would be hypocritical, huh?" She said, leaning back on the couch casually as she levitated her drink down to a small table at the couches' side.

Starlight took one glance at her laid back companion and swallowed tentatively, now was her chance to ask, she'd brought up the topic of the Gala and everything. It was now or never... .

"Actually Trixie that's what I... ." She began to say, but her weak words were overcome as Trixie obliviously began to speak again.

"You know, have I ever told you about the Ursa story?" She asked, and instantly Starlight's ideas all stopped in their tracks.

Wait.... . Oh Celestia she must mean the dress? Surly she doesn't know I was looking at it! Her thoughts screamed in panicked union.

Yet at the sudden revelation one idea stepped out from tangled web of Starlight's nervous mind, brushed itself off, then dared snidely… .

Go on, tell her you don't want to know all about that gorgeous dress, I dear you.

"No, I don't think you have told me that story before. I'd love to hear it." Starlight stammered abruptly, earning a pat on the head from that small part of her conscious as she chuckled weakly.

At that, Trixie sat up suddenly and took another sip of her beverage before letting out a small sigh.

"Well I guess it would have come up sooner or later." She said with a slightly shameful smile, the adorable look making Starlight begin to squirm.

"It all started here in Ponyville a few years back actually, although things were a little different back then." She began, and Starlight cocked her head.

There was an Ursa's here in Ponyville? Where, and why haven't I seen it? Not only that, but how hadn't Rarity mentioned it before, or competed with it for that matter. Those questions spun in Starlight's mind as she pondered the idea of such an esteemed fashion business besides Carrousel Boutique existing in Ponyville.

Her final verdict told her it was simply impossible, and yet she was not one to argue with Trixie at the moment either.

"There's an Ursa here in Ponyville, where?" She asked in blunt confusion, but Trixie merely laughed at her friend's perplexed words.

"Good one Starlight, but they got rid of it ages ago. I kinda ran off that night too." The light blue unicorn explained, and at those words Starlight glanced back down at the fine dress with a little more respect.

"Must have been some final, last edition thing if you got it the day they got rid of it then?" She said admirably, gingerly taking a sip of her own drink.

Trixie raised an eyebrow curiously at her friend's peculiar choice of words as she levitated her own drink to her mouth. Yet, as the cider seeped into her mouth and down her throat she thought little more of it.

"I suppose you could put it that way, I mean I hope it is the last time I see one that's for sure." She responded, shivering at the memory.

That visual tremor in her friend sent Starlight's mind reeling back again. Did Trixie have a phobia of a clothes store, or did she simply hate them or something?

Don't be stupid Starlight, why would she have a dress from somewhere she hates so much? Her thoughts asked reasonably.

"Really, what happened to make you say that?" She asked curiously, her only assumption leading her to believe that Trixie had gotten a poor deal at the store or something.

The look of shock that appeared on her friend's face at the question however, drove Starlight to assume it was a little more than that.

"Really, haven't you ever seen one of those things?" She exclaimed, setting her drink down as she looked at Starlight with a surprised expression.

The flusterd unicorn recoiled as she saw the look of fear in Trixie's eyes, and she winced as she tried to come up with any reasons why her friend was so afraid of a simple chain fashion stores. Then her turbulent mind demanded she say something to salvage the situation, and the first sentence it offered was what her voice desperately leapt upon.

"Well, I did see one in Stalliongrad once. It was kinda small, but still very fancy." She blurted, and Trixie gave a little snort of laughter as she magically ceased her drink again.

"Small, ha!" She huffed with amusement as she took another brief sip of her cider. "Trixie thinks they're anything but small."

Once again confusion gripped Starlight as she tried with all of her intellectual might to see where this conversation was heading. But in the end, she just had to admit to herself that her best friend seemed to have a random phobia of a very particular fashion line that she thought was anything but small.

Starlight, you know that makes no sense. Her mind muttered dryly, but right now alienating Trixie by saying as much was not on the top of Starlight's to-do list.

It was at that moment that the tension was broken by another small sigh from the light blue mare, and Trixie leaned forwards as she seemed to think back on what she were saying.

"To be honest, it's all my fault. I came here with a stupid story saying I'd defeat an Ursa in Hoofington. Buck lot of good it did me in the end though." She confessed.

Starlight took a sharp breath at that, her confusion doubling.

How did a pony defeat a fashion line, how did a pony like Trixie even fight one? Maybe that was it though, maybe it had done something to her when she'd defeated it?

Starlight's mind didn't even bother saying how stupid that idea sounded with any form of sarcastic remark. Yet, as she pondered the ludicrous idea further, the small part of her that had isolated itself from the more sensible parts or her consciousness only moments ago once again made itself known.

She's talking about the dress Starlight, she has to be. She defeated the dress, that must be how she says it was good fit or something. Remember you mess this up and you'll never be able to ask her to come to the Gala with you. It explained, justifying its strange theory by pinning it on the unique way Trixie often spoke about herself.

Trapped within the claws of her nervousness, Starlight needed little more reassurance from her thoughts in order to respond, and within seconds another set of abrupt words escaped her quivering mouth.

"Really, so I assumed it fit then?" She asked, a timid smile crossing her muzzle as she begged Celestia she hadn't just said something really stupid.

Trixie seemed all too lost in the slightly shameful memory to notice to much of Starlight's timid antics as she sighed again.

"I guess, I had most of the ponies around here convinced with it." She said simply, then blushed slightly. "I may have even convinced myself it fit more than once. Going from town to town repeating the same act will do that I suppose." She added with a hit of embarrassment.

At the sight of her friend's slightly embarrassed look, Starlight didn't quite know what to think. Clearly Trixie was ashamed of whatever had happened with her and the dress. Yet, as she recalled the magnificent attire she'd seen only a moment ago, Starlight could see nothing wrong with it.

Well clearly she takes care of it. It's a good looking dress so why wouldn't she? That rebellious part of her mind stated in an attempt to put the pieces of the conversation together.

"Wow, I'm surprised it didn't get worn out after so long." Starlight said, and once again Trixie's head and ears sank slightly.

"Oh believe me it did, I just kept going putting on the same thing again and again. Took Twilight to finally make me see how much of foal I was being, even if I’m still a little jealous of how she did it." She explained, and at the mention of Twilight, Starlight's own expression sank.

What did Twilight have to do with this? Then again, what if the dress had been a gift from her or something, and then they'd fallen out? That would explain why there was so much tension between them, enough for Trixie to enslaved the whole town at one point? It would also explain why she didn't like the dress.

What if Trixie had once liked Twilight? At that idea, Starlight's mind began to swim, and in an effort to collect herself she pressed her forehooves to her temples.

There see, there's your chance! Use this to get her to come with you. If it’s true she liked Twilight as more than friend before, just imagine how you could make her feel! That naively eager side of her mind cried out suddenly, but Starlight shook her head.

If Trixie and Twilight had been something in the past, then there was no way she'd ever do that to either of her friends. No matter how much she wanted Trixie to come with her to the Gala.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know." She admitted quickly, her head sinking slightly at the idea no matter how she thought about it.

Much to her surprise however, Trixie let out another laugh like snort, and once again she wove a forehoof to casually dismiss the matter.

"Don't be Starlight. Well, not unless you told Twilight." She said, looking back with a sly smile.

"No, that was all my fault again. I should have just kept my mouth shut about the Ursa from the beginning." She added, leaning back again as her small amount of shame returned. "I kinda invited my own... Well, shall we say discomfort when those two idiots dragged it back here." She elaborated, motioning back down at herself as she said the word back.

It was at that moment that Starlight cheeks began to burn, and her eyes dared not wander to where she suspected Trixie was motioning.

Oh Celestia surely she’s not talking about... Oh my she is...! Starlight's mind stuttered as her quivering gaze uncontrollably shot downwards, and landed briefly on Trixie's flank.

Wow, I can see now why you don't want to mess this up. That snide part of her consciousness admired, and instantly her eyes shifted back up to Trixie's face before the blue mare could notice the intrusion.

"Oh that sounds awful, I just hate it when things are uncomfortable." Starlight told her friend, masking her hot blush with a veil of sympathy.

"Ha, that's only the start. Worse part is that I thought it was an Ursa Major, but it turns out it was only an Ursa Minor!" Trixie exclaimed, levitating her glass of cider up in emphasis.

Starlight froze at that, half locked in the chilling grip of dread and half caught in the hot fluster of how much she adored the unicorn before her. The fact that Trixie could talk so casually about the proportions of her body was outstanding, not to mention the parts of her posterior that most mares would never even dare tell the truth about.

By Celestia, how in Equestria is that plot only a size Ursa Minor? That tenacious part of her mind observed smugly, forcing Starlight to apply the blunt force of her hoof to her temple in an effort to silence the irritatingly correct voice.

That motion drew a rather inquisitive glance from Trixie, and as the light blue mare glanced back, Starlight went as still as a statue, manufactured a smile with the nervous fragility of glass.

"Starlight are you sure you're alright, you've been acting rather odd ever since came in here?" Trixie finally asked, unable to hold back her concern any longer.

"What...? No, no, of course I'm perfectly fine I... I just didn't expect to be talking about stuff so personal so soon." Starlight stammered, moving her hooves to cover her furious blush.

"Oh don't worry about it Starlight, I certainly don't anymore." Trixie assured her friend, placing a hoof on her shoulder supportively, only for Starlight to shudder at her touch. "Don't listen to whatever anypony tells you about them either. No matter what they say, I think they're huge." She added with emphasis on the lattermost word.

Starlight sank back into a shivering cocoon of flustered embarrassment at those words, unable to think of anything other than how openly Trixie was talking about the size of her own flank. It was then that urge to glance downwards finally overcame her, and as she once again gazed upon Trixie's cutie mark, she let out a small squeak.

"I think they're... They're cute." She muttered suddenly, ripping her hungry eyes away from the smooth curves as Trixie's face contorted in confusion.

"Well I guess you could say that, I mean when they're not ripping down the town, I suppose they do kinda look like big, blue teddy bears." She said to herself as she sank back, and with a sharp buzz akin to static, Starlight’s mind finally broke.

"What! How in Equestria do they tear down a town or look like teddy bears!" She exclaimed suddenly, waving her hooves forwards in emphases.

Trixie moved back in alarm, taken completely off guard by Starlight's sudden outburst.

"Well you said they were cute not me, personally I think anything that crawls out of the Everfree forest is just awful, but that's just me." She responded, setting back and casually taking another sip of her cider.

"What! Trixie I thought you were talking about your butt, not the Everfree forest!" Starlight finally cried a loud, pent up nerves and confusion exploding forth as the mental dam shattered.

In the same instant Trixie's eyes went wide and she lurched forward, cider spitting from her muzzle in an exasperated fountain.

"What in Equestria! How did a conversation about the time my stupidity resulted in an Ursa Minor attacking Ponyville become one about my rear end?" She shouted, coughing on what was left of her cider.

"I thought you were talking about your dress, you know the one from the store called Ursa. You went on about how it fit, then how it was uncomfortable back there, then its size... I... ." It was at that moment, as the ridiculous words flooded forth, that Starlight realised exactly what she been thinking all this time, and her cheeks flared even redder.

Trixie fell back on the couch as her own cheeks turned to a vibrant shade of red, and it was clear the show mare was assessing just how ridiculous the situation had come to be. Then despite everything, she began to laugh. Starlight sank back like a shivering rabbit in the face of a hungry wolf at the sound, then she sprang up and looked to the door.

"Trixie I... I'm sorry, I'll just go." She stammered as she moved to flee, but in the same instant the laughing paused and Trixie called out.

"Wait what? Why would you be sorry, Trixie hasn't laughed like this in a very long time." She said through the gaps in her laughter.

Against all of her trembling body and embarrassed mind's orders, Starlight paused and glanced back as Trixie stood up and moved over to her.

"Really, you're not mad, or you know, embarrassed?" She asked, hoping that her friend's lack of such things wasn't some kind of cruel joke.

"Well maybe if there had been anypony else here then yeah, but we're friends remember. Besides, no pony has ever thought that away about Trixie before." She responded coyly, fluttering her eyebrows to the blushing mare at the latter part.

Starlight once again felt as stiff as a statue as Trixie moved up beside her with a knowing glare, then smiled confidently.

"So, I was right about that look." She cooed simply, and fighting the lump in her throat Starlight stammered for words.

"What look?" She murmured, almost like a timid filly who'd been caught stealing cookies.

"Oh you know, the one you've been wearing since the moment you came in here. You really should know how good I am at reading crowds Starlight." Trixie responded, then placed a hoof on Starlight’s chest as the lilac mare fought the urge to face-hoof for not considering that the show pony would know what to look for in somepony else's expression.

"So, Starlight Glimmer... ?" Trixie went on, rounding on Starlight until their eyes met. "Why don't you tell Trixie what you really came here for?" She added, her voice almost a sultry purr.

Starlight swallowed all of her doubts and fear as she shivered violently. Then finally she asked the question that had been burning within her since she'd received the two tickets to the Gala.

"Trixie, please will you be my plus one to the Gala tomorrow night?"

The words were both a confession of love to Starlight herself and a relief that she felt like she'd been waiting for most of her life. Trixie on the other hoof paused, and placed her other forehoof over Starlight’s shoulders, ushering a shudder from the nervous mare.

"You really think I'd say no to my best friend?" She asked, her somewhat sultry tone briefly replaced by that of a genuine friend,

Starlight smiled at that, then sighed as she shook head.

"No, and I never should have been afraid that you would." She reposed, that hope she'd once harboured blooming into pure joy within the warm light of her voice.

It was at that moment, that Trixie moved back and gave another wry smile.

"Of course if that's the case, then it still leaves us with tonight, together, in my home." She said knowingly, and this time it was Starlight's eyes that went wide. "So what do you say Starlight, you still game? I'll bet you have a few questions about my Ursa Major." Trixie teased, giggling as she brushed by the stuttering Starlight.

Yet, as Trixie's tail slid past her muzzle, Starlight took the silver fur in her mouth and tugged the unicorn back playfully. Then she adopted a wry smile of her own as Trixie glanced back suspiciously.

"It's an Ursa Minor Trixie, let's not get too carried away just yet." She said with the widest grin in the world.

Author's Note:

Well that was another ship I've never done before, and I can honestly say it's a very fun one to work with. Especially when the side of comedy is thrown in there.

Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 45 )

Aww, cute and funny as Hell. I'm not normally a fan of this pairing, as I just see them as friends, but you made them work well here!


This story is the perfect combination of adorable and ridiculous :heart:

I.. I can't stop laughing... I got to the part about the plot and... I just... *dies from laughter*

This story was very engaging very well told and very well written there NEEDS to be at least two sequels to it. Very well made and worth reading I loved every bit of it. :twilightsmile:

That was pretty adorable. Have a like!

7693267 Come on, clearly three sequels would be far better!

7693414 I thought trying to get three would sound a bit pushy so I toned it down to two but yes three does sound good as well.

Your story hit me halfway through, even though I was already gone on the cover page. Trix x Glimmie were always on my mind, but I never imagined such a warm story to be possible!

Though... just two? Is Celestia really trying to make fillies or something?

I think I have to go through a second time and reacquire my soul; poor thing must have flew into the sun. :raritystarry:

Yes, yes, fuel my StarTrix ship love...

What would happen if Starlight and Trixie each tell one side of the story of their unrelenting passion to the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike after getting caught?

Oh fine, I'll read it to figure out the play on words or whatever the description teases at.

This is an excellent ship: stout, seaworthy, with tall masts, and a full, flowing mainsail. May she ride above the waves, up and down, up and down, up and down, cresting each wave in earnest, time and again, her generous bow slicing the sky blue waters in twain, until she reaches the safe enclosure of port, and unloads her precious cargo.


the orange hue of twilight

TwiJack confirmed! :pinkiehappy: Now onto the story!

7695050 That comment made me want to go look for a YouTube bleach account and ask them to kill me. I had no trouble finding one because they are everywhere. The question is... should I do it? Is it really worth living on like this?

Hell no; bottoms up!

7695509 - Embrace the madness. It will be your downfall, but also your oeuvre.

I'll preface this by saying I'm not a huge fan of the "misunderstanding" story. Where the vast majority of the content is based on two people talking about two totally different things and getting confused/embarrassed/angry about something that literally two words of clarification on either party's side would fix.

That said, it was an interesting read. I like the stuttering, blushing version of Starlight, and the humble version of Trixie that goes right back to full stage confidence when she starts putting the moves on Starlight. Excellent characterization for such a short fic.

One thing I think you could work on is your little bit of Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, or in this case Lilac Unicorn. Remember, it's nice to break up referencing a character the same way over and over again, but if you just end up doing it with the same alternate descriptor, it's usually better to just stick with the character's name anyway. But there are plenty of ways to make a descriptive reference to Starlight: lilac unicorn, pinkish pony, Twilight's student, student of friendship, recently reformed mare; in the context of this fic you could have gone with the shy mare, the nervous pony, the conflicted pony, the smitten pony etc.

Just something to think about next time.

Again, I did enjoy the fic, thanks for writing it!

7695887 Thanks for the advice, it's always helpful and appreciated.:yay: Took it to heart and even made a few changes to the story.:twilightsmile:

I don't like it.

I LOVE IT :pinkiehappy:

7695050 innuendo stronk my friend.

Beautiful work!

"What! Trixie I thought you were talking about your butt, not the Everfree forest!" Starlight finally cried a loud, pent up nerves and confusion exploding forth as the mental dam shattered.

Hahahaha! Oh, this was a funny story! Well written, very funny, and just plain enjoyable.

7697850 Oh man, good thing they weren't talking about a volcano! That would have been even more awkward, but even funnier!

This was a wonderful story :twilightsmile: I really liked how you characterized both Starlight and Trixie :raritystarry: Very cute it was a wonderful one shot :twilightsmile: I would love to see a sequel to it or even a longer version of those two getting together. :twilightblush:

Classic trope of total miscommunication and I am loving every bit of it!!! :rainbowlaugh:

7698925 Yeah. That would have been so funny.

Not a bad story here overall. You did the ship well, and I like Trixie once she'd wised up to it.

The only criticism I might level at it is pacing. The audience, almost by default in cases like this, is in on the gag and waiting for the reveal at the end. Thus keeping things flowing quickly, and ideally with escalating jokes, is the best way to handle it. This suffered from a little too much introspection on Starlight's part I felt, which kept bogging down the forward progress.

It was good otherwise and a pleasant read overall. Hope for the best on your next piece.

Good stuff :pinkiesmile:

7697830 That line makes me think there should be a clop sequel to this.:raritywink:

7754719 That would be very entertaining. Now I want to see that!

7754958 I want to see that too!:yay:

7755032 I hope this guy writes one!

So, will there be a sequel?

7952151 Possibly, but it's not on the top of me to-do list right now, sorry.

I got a good laugh out of this story. Really good.

"What! Trixie I thought you were talking about your butt, not the Everfree forest!" Starlight finally cried a loud, pent up nerves and confusion exploding forth as the mental dam shattered.

There's something you we all hear everyday. Just yesterday, I was talking about why the sky is blue, and was asked "when you say 'sky', are you referring to your butt?"🤣

PS: That didn't really happen. I was being sarcastic.


"What! Trixie I thought you were talking about your butt, not the Everfree forest!" Starlight finally cried a loud, pent up nerves and confusion exploding forth as the mental dam shattered.

aaaaaand I absolutely lost it then... so funny.
The build up was a mix of "how is she not getting that its a actual URSA we are talking about" and LOLOLOL

Great story. Epic work. Not laughed that hard in a while.
Best Trixie/Starlight story Ive read thus far.

Ye gods, did I ever get a good laugh out of this. Ah, I needed that.

This was very entertaining! I liked it so much i drew something for it! https://bronybehindthedoor.deviantart.com/art/Size-Ursa-Minor-723877222

8650762 Awww, that's awesome:rainbowdetermined2:, thanks!:twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked it so much that picture is really funny and cute!:yay:

Loved this story! Well written and I can really get behind this pairing, good job! :twilightsmile:

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