• Member Since 16th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


˙pəʇɐɹɹəʌo s! ʎͻuəʇs!suoϽ


A mysterious group of beings collectively known as the Covenant arrive on Equestria with an offer to let them join their alliance. But do they really have a choice in the matter? And what will it mean for everyone if they do?

(All non-MLP characters belong to Microsoft)

Note to readers: Due to popular demand, "Close Call" has been rewritten. This note will be removed after the next chapter is up.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 44 )

Appears to be a good one...

But holy crap, such violence pushed onto such *cough* frail creatures. o-O


I like it so far :yay:

i wonder where the humans will play in this, since the prophet is still alive its before Halo 3 so im guessing this will be a series of stories depicting the time Equestria is with the covenant till the humans liberate them or the ponies liberate themselves.

though everything does seem rushed but its not bad rushed just going by fast

You have caught my interest.:pinkiehappy:

Things are going quickly.

A halo crossover that isnt Haylo: a New Shit?


this story is a bit rushed, in future chapters can you perhaps slow it down a tad? the story has good potential but take your time.
Hopefully we will get to see humans or maybe the awesomeness of Master Chief or the Arbiter?
or the flood perhaps? will the ponies discover halo and meet 343 Guilty spark? (sorry for a bit of the rambling, im just a huge halo fan and have been since the 1st day of halo CE)

45319 I wanted to get past this part so I could get to the real story, so I guess I did get a little impatient. As for your other comment, there are many prophets. Truth, Mercy, and Regret are just the highest-ranked ones. But yes, this is before Halo 3. Notice the date at the beginning. The Halo shooter games (as of this post) all take place in the year 2552. Every segment of this story will start with a date.

>>Jphyper 9 years wow so im guessing the ponies are going to be forced to fight the humans though i kinda have the feeling that once the ponies realize the truth about the covenant they're going to join the humans but years of training and propaganda warping there minds is probably going to change the way they think about humans the covenant are probably going to fill they're head full of lies and warped truth about how the humans are inferior and non-believers and harsh beasts something like that I only played the 1st halo game and never read any of the books so most history im going to trust you get right so i await patiently for more chapters :pinkiehappy:

...I don't think I can imagine Celestia's horn just being cut off like that. And I would have expected her to at least be weary in front of aliens, and thus jump back before blasting all of them with her magicky powers :facehoof: :pinkiecrazy:

Either way, can't wait for more! :rainbowkiss:


um please say this story is going to be updated this story so far has sooo much potential.

I've been working on it little by little each day. I could say I haven't updated because of real life concerns, computer trouble, and recent lack of Internet access, but while these are all true, the biggest reason I haven't had enough material for an update yet is because I have the attention span of a goldfish. Thinking about things is great fun, but my thoughts move so quickly that actually writing them down in detail is a real chore.

What are the equines roll in the covenant?
elite:attack force
hurrogok:replacement engineers
brutes:rangers (halo1, halo2)replacement attack force (halo 3)
jackels:snipers/support 2
skermishers:elite snipers
then again. the only thing i could think of is game changers. advantage of using their natural powers that other species couldnt.
just like spartans?

1643520 Well, just like in their own society, it depends on their talents. Earth ponies are usually infantry, though, and pegasi tend to be air support. There are exceptions, of course, as you saw with Fluttershy.

Im still curious as to the ending of Applejacks "If only [humans] werent so..." Sentence. I am also curious as to how the ponies will react when they find out that the prophets have been lying to them.

2630249 Heretical? Evil? I'm not entirely sure of the right word myself, so the cutoff was quite convenient. Just remember that they've been lead to believe that the humans are the villains in this war.

2651620 She didn't think she could do it, either. I figured AJ could take a level in bada**ery (sorry, can't fully use that word- obsessive compulsiveness). Hijacking a Falcon and Scorpion is nothing compared to her other achievement in her chapter: she got a pair of Hunters to not only tolerate her, but actually cooperate with her, something completely unheard of for someone who isn't an Elite or Brute. A cutscene from Halo 4's Spartan Ops mode comes to mind: a pair of Hunters who are in command of the facility being attacked get into position. As one Hunter walks up, a grunt tries to move out of the way. The Hunter smashed it across the head with its cannon to get it out of its path, likely killing it. That should give you an idea of how hard that is. If there's anyone who can do that, I figure it would probably be AJ.

... I hope the Mane Six die. That's really the only thought on my mind right now. But great story! You have my attention!

2630249 Probably the same as the rest of the covenant? Half of them will rebel? :derpytongue2:

I think you're making the ponies too good against the humans, but otherwise it's a good story.

3145416 Oh, don't worry. Their luck won't last. They're in for a wake-up call.

Okay, someone turned their upvote into a downvote. What did I do this time?

The 'Demon' should have won, but that's my opinion. Let the ponies know the power of humanity. The humans must survive as always. But this story is great. Keep up the good work.

3152776 My original plan was for help to show up, but it seemed like a Deus ex Machina to me. Plus, it wasn't that much help, so I doubt it would've been any more satisfying.

Huh. Now that I said that, I just came up with an idea. I may end up rewriting part of that chapter.

4633288 No, I'm just unreliable. The reasons for that are as follows: laziness, procrastination, a short attention span due to ADHD, a lack of self-confidence for my writing skills, and ~100k words' worth of backlogged proofreading I promised someone else.

4633332 Sounds like me on this site in a nutshell.

I am in love with this story

Interesting... Although I'm confused at how the equestrians fell for the covenant lies so swiftly.

5401451 It's a pacing issue. I don't have the talent or the patience to add everything the story needs. Maybe someday I can get someone else to work with it.

5414337 Ah, well either way, it is a pleasant twist on the usual Halo crossovers. Albeit my human pride makes me twitchy reading this. XD

When do all the ponies die?

They must diiiiieeeeeee!!!!!!

357083 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I have been waiting for ever for a fic like this please tell me that twilight won't go the way of Thel 'Vadamee and help the humans.

The only way this fic could be any better is if you make twilight a spec-ops or honour guard

6359426 She has a chapter already. She's a gold-armored Commander, the highest pony rank. Rarity and Dash are the spec-ops ponies. I need to get back on this story...

6360992 that would be nice

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