• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 1,065 Views, 54 Comments

Legend of the Sirens: Wild Vines - zalla661

Adagio and Rainbow go to Camp Everfree for a school reunion. Trouble lurks close behind.

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Author's Note:

So here we are again. A new chapter in the series of Legend of the Sirens. What crazy stuff will I do? Not sure! So stay tuned and find out as we travel together in this crazy thing we call life!!

*Eight Months After Super X Fight*

It was a cold day in Canterlot City, and Rainbow Dash was happily sleeping in bed at her simple home at the edge of town near the Everfree Forest at the edge of the ocean. She was all warm under her thick blanket covers in sweatpants and a white tank top that was way too small for her. Snuggled up against her, Adagio slept peacefully resting her head against Rainbow’s forehead. It was now eight months after Adagio’s father Godzilla had fought both Helechos and the G-Force in the Super-X and emerged victorious.

Shortly after the fight Adagio had a long talk to rainbow Dash about what they were going to do with the new powers the former Rainboom had. At first Rainbow said it was going to interesting and Adagio, not paying attention to the tone Rainbow said that in didn’t think twice about it.

Suddenly the town was talking about a blue rainbow haired dragon flying around Canterlot City, and terrorizing Trixie to the point she went crying to Maud and Limestone about the, ‘terrifying monster that was harassing her’. Adagio found out a few days later that Rainbow was the culprit and gave the woman a stern lecture about abusing power for childish purposes. Of course, Sonata and Aria were there to give their two cents in the conversation. Primarily, to jab at the irony that Adagio was lecturing Rainbow about power abuse when said siren did so herself for hundreds of years.

Afterwards Rainbow had made an extensive series of apologies to Trixie, while being blocked by Maud and Limestone. After several attempts to appease them and Trixie the now semi-famous magician accepted Rainbow Dash’s apology and the two became friends once again, though Trixie wouldn't admit it, she was still butt hurt from the Battle of the Bands.

Now, Adagio and Rainbow live together in Rainbow’s home lazily sleeping the day away together. That is until a loud obnoxious knocking come from the door.




Two high pitched shrieking voices called through the entire house.

Adagio and Rainbow both groaned under the covers. Adagio was the first to get up. She tried to wriggle from under the covers as more knocks came from the door and she accidentally flopped face first to the floor. Rainbow winced under the covers as Adagio let out a most undignified colorful metaphor. Rainbow poked her head from under the covers to see Adagio clutching her nose as she made a beeline to the bathroom with a bloody nose. Rainbow sighed flopping off the bed with as much grace as a drunk monkey and lazily dragged her feet to the front door.

She opened the door and surprise surprise she found her two most eccentric friends ever at the door grinning happily at her. In a flash of pink and blue Rainbow was glomped by Pinkie and Sonata in all their cheerfulness.

“HI DASHIE!” The yelled in unison, their iron grips making the woman's eyes bulge from their sockets.

“GAH! Can’t… breath,” Rainbow gasped.

Behind the two girls were the rest of their friend including Aria who was standing off to the side leaning against the wall. Just then Adagio came to the door wearing a girly pink robe and little pink bunny slippers. She was about to ask what was going on when Pinkie and Sonata released Rainbow and bear hugged Adagio next. The siren gasped as the air was literally crushed from her lungs as Aria snickered at her along with Applejack.

“I hate the two of you so much,” Adagio hissed at her sister and Applejack. “Hey Pinkie, hey Sonata.”

“HI DAGI!” The two women shouted squeezing the siren.

“GAH! Will you two ever grow up?” Adagio asked, trying to wriggling loose from the two women's grips.

Pinkie and Sonata giggled and tougher said, “Nope!”

Finally after a great struggle, Adagio managed to free from the two insane iron grips Adagio dusted herself off. Rainbow shook her head and ran her hands through her bed head. She then turned to address the possy at the door of her home. Everyone was here, Suneet, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight (this world's Twilight), Aria, and Sonata.

“Hey girls why are you all here?” Rainbow asked the group, placing her hands on her hips.

“We wanted to invite you two to join us at Camp Everfree for a little reunion our class is holding,” Rarity said reaching into her purse and pulled out a folded slip of paper.

Rarity then offered the paper to Rainbow Dash who opened it to give it a read. Adagio looked over her shoulder resting her chin on the rainbow haired woman's shoulder.

“Camp Everfree?” Adagio asked, snatching the paper from Rainbow, who glared at her mate.

“Why are you girls going there?” Adagio asked offering the paper back.

Rarity stepped forward and took the paper back placing it in her purse. “We’re planning on going back for a little early reunion with some friends from school.”

“Will you come?” Sonata asked Adagio.

The older siren was about to blurt out no, but then thought about the last time her and Rainbow actually had some time off from work together. Not to mention just a few day s prior Rainbow was complaining she hardly ever got to see her friends with college and her own work.

Between Rainbow’s college, and Adagio’s work it was hard for them to find time to spend together and they both felt they were drifting part. Partly in desperation of not losing Rainbow, Adagio planned to have her lover over during the month she had off for summer break and stay together to rekindle their relationship.Perhaps this camp reunion was what they both needed.

The older siren shrugged. “Sure when is it?”

“We leave later today. We know it’s last minute but if you can we’d like to have you come with us,” Rarity nudged Rainbow Dash with her hip. “I know Dashie would.”

Rainbow blushed pushing Rarity away who was now laughing with everyone else.

“Rarity! Shut up!” Rainbow whined.

Adagio tried to stifle a chuckle as Rainbow blushed at the group of laughing girls.

“You guys suck!” Rainbow yelled walking back into the house.

Adagio chuckled at rainbow’s over the top reaction. She then turned to the group and noticed how many there were.

“How are you all getting there?” Adagio asked.

“Ahm borrowing my dad's truck, and Rarity was gonna carpool with a few others,” Applejack tilted her hat at the siren. “Although we could use some help if you were to let us use, Tom.”

Adagio looked over at one end of the house where a large garage stood alone and detached from the house. Adagio grinned at the opportunity to show her new revamped, Tom off. She nodded towards the garage and walked everyone over. She knelt down at the door to reach for a large lock. She pulled a set of keys out from her robe and unlocked and set the lock aside.

She slid the door up and revealed her new Tom to the group. Needless to say they all gasped at the sight of him. His custom radio antenna, heavy ceramic steel frame, huge treads, his twelve wheel drive, custom UTD-20 Diesel engine, and huge treads left the group in awe.

Applejack whistled impressed lifting her hat with her thumb. “Now, that’s something.”

Adagio beamed in pride closing the garage. “Yeah, he is. Especially after Rainbow trashed my truck. May Tom rest in peace.”

Rarity scoffed. “That was your own fault dear.”

Adagio gave the woman an undignified harumph, before marching towards her home, the group laughed at her as she did.

Adagio gave a brief goodbye to everyone and rushed in after Rainbow Dash. She found Rainbow face down on the couch with her feet dangling over the arm of it. Adagio pushed her legs over and sat next to Rainbow. The younger woman turned her face from the cushion to see Adagio Smiling at her, and tilted her head slightly to the side.

“Ugh,” Rainbow grunted turning back into the cushion.

“Oh, don’t be like that, Dashie,”Adagio leaned down and kissing Rainbow’s neck.

Rainbow gave off a soft moan turning from side to side like a boat in slightly unsteady waters. Rainbow pushed Adagio away with a slightly annoyed look.

“Dagi, we need to pack,” Rainbow said walking up stairs.

Adagio watched her mate go upstairs, then with a casual shrug followed Rainbow to the room. By the time Adagio was at the door Rainbow was already half packed for the trip. She had a large suitcase that was half full of clothes, and skimpy bathing suits, along with a bunch of hair care products that were in one corner in an orderly fashion.

Adagio looked at the hair products from the doorway as Rainbow quickly tried to hide them under a few towels. She then turned to see Adagio standing at the door and was slightly startled from seeing her.

“He-hey, Dagi!” Rainbow greeted.

Adagio said nothing, but looked at Rainbow with a cheeky grin. Rainbow was clearly nervous about the look Adagio gave her as the siren walked towards her with a playful swing in her hip. Every step was exaggerated with a wide swing of her hip in every step, her bare feet padded across the floor as she closed the gap between her and Rainbow Dash. Adagio stopped as her chest pressed against Rainbow’s and she looked down at the younger woman who was nervously looking around the room not making eye contact.

“Hey Dagi, what’s up?”

“You owe me some kisses for when you wrecked Tom,” Adagio Said gently gripping Rainbow’s chin.

The rainbow haired woman groaned loudly. “You’re never letting me live that down are you?”

“Never,” Adagio said as she lenaed in to kiss her mate.

The packing could wait, for now Adagio was in the mood and Rainbow was her outlet from a stressful week of work and maddening research. Adagio had been tracking strange magical reading for a long time now ever since her father came back. It made her worry that something was happening with either her father of the G-Force.

She lost herself in the emotional passion feeling all the stress of the week melting off of her as Rainbow submitted to the sirens touch and the two spent the next few hours not packing, but making passionate love, feeling their hearts synching one again like they did when they first fell in love.