• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 29 minutes ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


"Hey, the name's Flash Sentry... Royal Guard! And I might have once been something else as well. But that's not what's important. ... I remember things I shouldn't, and don't remember things I should. What's going on? Hopefully Doc has the answers I'm looking for... so why am I so scared of asking?"

Made it to popular stories!

Don't forget the trope page. It's REALLY needs some updating.

Edited By Louis Badalament
Edited By Wolfram And Hart
Spell Checked By Docontra.

Cover by vector-brony http://vector-brony.deviantart.com/art/Flash-Sentry-and-Flash-Sentry-407245983

MLP:FIM Copyright Hasbro

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Silly Flash. Sunset and Queen Elsa know best!

"Am I both my own parents?"

that was a weird movie

Stupid boys!” Rainbow Dash grumbled, before grinning madly as she swooped into the fray. “Ah well, who wants to live forever?! HAHAHAHAHA! DIIIIIIIIIIIVE!”

..........(i'm too awesome-d to say anything)

BWAHAHAHAH! Now that I have you, my pretties, nothing will stand in my way!"
"Wanna bet?" I dramatically leapt onto the scene, wearing a top hat and mask I'd slapped on from the drama club.
"YOU!?" Chairman Sombra roared. "Attack, faceless minions!"
His thugs charged me all at once, but I brought out my guitar and hit a string so powerful it knocked them to their knees!
Then I used my ice breath to freeze his goons! Then I used my heat vision to sear through the ropes holding the Elements of Harmony!
"He's so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said.
"He's so dreamy!" Sunset and Princess Twilight said together!
"No! You can't foil my evil plan!" screamed Chairman Sombra. My super strength was super enough to punch him to the moon! Everyone cheered, my cape flapping in the wind.

I think i invented a new type of laugh. Some sort of hyena-macaw mix.

forged signatures courtesy of Scootaloo.

nice canon nod.

"I couldn't beat you after all...” she said, still on her knees, looking at the ground, “but I've delayed you as long as I could, hopefully I bought enough time, the rest is up to them."

Diamond gets curbstomped, and is fighting solely to buy the Humane 7 time. The heck is going on here?
Overall, this is great. Very nice combination of humor and mystery, and great character for Flash(I'd say better than canon, but that's pretty easy to do)


that was a weird movie

Got it from a web comic.

..........(i'm too awesome-d to say anything)

Added by Wolfram & Hart.

I think i invented a new type of laugh. Some sort of hyena-macaw mix.


nice canon nod.


Diamond gets curbstomped, and is fighting solely to buy the Humane 7 time. The heck is going on here?

A mystery.

Overall, this is great. Very nice combination of humor and mystery, and great character for Flash(I'd say better than canon, but that's pretty easy to do)


For the record, I think you're round about the last guy who actually edits the trope page without being asked anymore. I just want to say, thank you so much.

7661447 Hate to disappoint, but I'm not a troper. I plan to be once I'm out of essays to write though. And I'm a bit confused about Flash. Do all instances of Flash Sentry have multiple sets of memories? Is this some sort of composite Flash? Was he originally born in the human or pony world? And how many licks /does/ it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?? I need answers!


This Flash Sentry was born originally in the human world. I foreshadowed that for a while with him using terms like 'lend a hand' during the wedding arc. He is not a composite Flash Sentry.

Huh... guess PoV isn't fully over yet huh?


Nope. I'm still going through the notes for the true last battle.

... But it's called the Pony PoV Finalle over on DA... did things change as you wrote it up?


It's made of three sub-arcs.

... And the rumors arc, is just one of those sub-arcs, right? Unless that was just two different arcs right now...

... Seriously, you had the entire world rewritten. Where do you go from there?


The Fake Ponyville was one arc. Rumors was another.

So, one more arc huh... are the CMC gonna be the main characters again?


No. They won't be the center. Now do you have anything to say about this story?

Short, but I like it. Helps us understand just what is going on with Flash.

Love the Reference to Bioshock Infinite. I'm still working my way through your stories but this caught my eye and I love it. I feel it is a very interesting look at the character and works to make things different. I look forward to reading the rest of your stuff in the future.


I was WONDERING if ANYONE was going to get the Bioshock Infinite reference! You're the first it seems.

And thank you.

Basically, this Flash Sentry has had years to fall in love with Twilight from afar, since now gets hit hard with his memories of the events of Legend of Everfree... and will likely be soon hit with many more.

Damn, that was brutal. If the Doctor hadn't been there, Flash would have likely gone insane. The Doctor's last pieces of advice were words to live by.

That alternate version of Nightmare Diamond was awesome.


Interesting interpretation.

Well, this is what I get for reading your backlog backwards: Fascinating ideas for which I don't have all the context. :derpytongue2:

In any case, I quite like this take on Flash. And given how we're still getting EqG content, he's far from through unpacking all those memories. Poor guy.

What happened to Booker in Bioshock Infinite basically happened to Flash Sentry. His brain filled in the gaps with whatever it could gasp.

I'm told I have a knack for making fan un-favorites and reconstructing them.

Again, you HONOR ME by reading my stuff! THANK YOU!!! You have no idea! *Hope that doesn't scare you off.*

And yeah, sadly, Flash Sentry DOES have more memories to slog through. And who he was and he's become are gonna start having a sense of dissonance to them eventually...

How was the reveal that Flash Sentry's memories were a mixed up mess influenced by his own desires?

Ironically, Flash Sentry has either created a new timeline, or he was always destine to be here.

That was a good story. I was wondering how he got to Equestria but if he's human Flash were did pony Flash go or was he never born? It seems like Nightmare Diamond Tiara cant help be help others no matter how much she claims to be evil to bad couldn't stop Gloriosa only delay her. Did Gloriosa just ruin Human Fluttershy's chance at becoming a Alicorn?

The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist…

It was a quote from Bioshock. Flash Sentry's mind was struggling to fill in the blanks.

"That was a good story."

Thanks. What was good about it?

"I was wondering how he got to Equestria but if he's human Flash were did pony Flash go or was he never born?"

It's been a while. I've forgotten a lot of details. It was meant to be a legit mystery, but now I've forgotten the detail.

Another possibility is that he died. Or he ended up fusing with his alter counterpart.

Or Flash Sentry never had a counterpart in Equestria to begin with like you said and they were always the same person.

I remember Flash Sentry trying to use the portal in some way, or make one, that that caused him to end up in Equestria years before the events of Equestria Girls.

" It seems like Nightmare Diamond Tiara cant help be help others no matter how much she claims to be evil to bad couldn't stop Gloriosa only delay her."

She and Discord had both already decided to die "suicide by cop" style (while foiling the other's attempt), and were getting affairs in order so to speak.

"Did Gloriosa just ruin Human Fluttershy's chance at becoming a Alicorn?"

More like SAVED HER from becoming one the WRONG WAY.

what I meant when I said Did Gloriosa just ruin Human Fluttershy's chance at becoming a Alicorn? was did Gloriosa become the Alicorn of nature when she got reformed from her nightmare form preventing Fluttershy from becoming Princess Gaia in that world regardless of if she earned it the right way.

Gloria doesn't truly count as one, since she was relying on borrowed power rather.

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