• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 11,785 Views, 616 Comments

A new chance at one HP - Emeraldleafeon

Coming off of the genocide run, Sans will get a new shot at having one HP

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10 Reunion and Separation

Underground True Lab

Chara waited impatiently as the elevator moved down, holding a sack of cinnamon bunnies she got from Snowdin. The Underground was actually starting to run out, and she didn’t want to give them any of her good food items, like the instant noodles. (She mentally scoffed at the idea of giving Alphys her noodles, when all Alphys did with them was cook them. Everyone knew they were better dry.)

It was the final day before she would kill Monster Kid. She would have also killed Flowey, but he was too useful to the lizard. Having been through several thousand resets beforehand, the flower knew more about science than you’d think. Didn’t mean she wouldn’t kill him later, of course. She chuckled at the lizard’s foolishness; did she honestly think that she was just going to waste all the free EXP that they would provide? No, she needed all the EXP she could get before facing the comedian again. She was able to defeat him before, but now he knew what to expect. Plus, who knew what new things he may have learned from wherever he was? MK and Alphys may not provide much, but Flowey would be a huge help. He was LV 9999, after all. If only he wasn’t trapped in that flower body, it was really limiting him. If he were a human or even a monster, he’d have been a huge help.

As the elevator reached the bottom she drew out her knife, opening the sack and letting the pastries fall onto the floor. “Hey! Lizard, how’s it coming? I got your food!” She stepped out into the stale air. “You better be done!”

Alphys rushed down the hallway wearing a welding mask, which she flipped up the front to revealing dark circles under her eyes, “I’m almost done! It will be finished by tomorrow, I swear! Just don’t do anything to Monster Kid, I swear it’ll be done by tomorrow.” She sounded desperate.

Chara grinned wickedly. “Well Alphys, his fate rests in your hands.” She walked down the hallway to where the portal was, inspecting it for anything that she thought might be suspicious. She wouldn’t have put it past them to try to sabotage it, but all they saw was what appeared to be circuitry and recently welded sections. “Everything seems to be going to plan. How close are you to actually being done?”

Alphys looked at her, weary. “Probably another eight hours of work, but I’ll get it done.”

Chara turned around and went back into the elevator. “Until tomorrow then, good luck. Your friend is depending on it.” As the elevator ascended she could only laugh. “This is going to be great! That comedian is going to finally going to be able to join his brother!” As the elevator reached the top she exited and walked back through the lab, out to the save point. She could only begin to imagine what it would be like; the comedian’s shocked face, their knife slicing through his bones- or perhaps she would use something else, like the frying pan- and the euphoric sensation of her LV climbing one more level. She paused a moment, her hand hovering over the save, her smile nearly splitting her face. “Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day.”


As Chara turned away from the Save, a massive explosion shook the ground.

“What the-” she looked back over to the lab and saw smoke pouring from the windows. “NO. No-no no no!” She rushed back into the ruined Lab only to see a pillar of smoke coming from the elevator.

She reached out to her save and reloaded. About five seconds after she loaded a massive explosion rocked the ground again. “No!” Once again she reloaded and then sprinted towards the lab only to be thrown back by the shockwave. The child could only struggle to her feet as they looked towards the ruins of the only hope they had of getting to Sans. She wracked her brain for answers… Why? Why had this happened? ‘Alphys said she was almost done…’ Her eyes widened in realization. “Wow,” she chuckled to herself. “You would rather kill yourself and those in your care then give me a way to get to the comedian… I guess I never took you for that type of monster.” She walked back towards the save point, still chuckling. “Well, you outplayed me there… Guess you really did get to be the heroine of the story.” She gripped the knife tightly. “Unfortunately, you turned out to be a tragic hero, just like the one before you. Looks like I’ll have to find another way.”

Canterlot Castle Garden

The two monsters and the flower fell out of the portal along with various pieces of technology that they had been able to salvage, collapsing into a heap. “Do you think it worked?” flowey mused, looking back at the portal that was hovering a foot off the ground. As he spoke the portal cut off, leaving only air.

“Looks like it,” Alphys grunted. She pushed herself to her feet and glanced up at where the portal used to be. “The portal is gone so the bomb must have worked. We just gotta hope that Chara saved before the bomb went off.”

Monster Kid blinked, then smiled. For real. “Yo… we- we DID IT!” he cheered. He leapt onto his feet. “WE DID IT!” he cried out, “TAKE THAT CHARA, YOU CAN’T TAKE US OU-” his celebration was cut short as he noticed several spears were pointed in their direction, courtesy of the several ponies wearing armor that were surrounding them.

A guard wearing a red jacket approached them, glaring. “In the name of Celestia, I demand that you surrender,” he intoned.

Alphys held up her hands and sighed. ‘I was kind of hoping we’d not have to deal with sharp things pointed at us after we got away…’

Sans’ Room Canterlot Castle

Sans was reading a book on Equestrian history in his room. He was just about to start the chapter on what was called the “Reign of Chaos” when he suddenly felt a massive power wave flow through his skull. ‘wait, that feels like-’ he cut his thoughts short as he recognized the power he felt. ‘flowey. the flower’s here.’ His eye sockets darkened as he put the book on the shelf, not bothering to mark his page. He quickly donned his jacket and opened his door to find Celestia teleporting past Clean Sweep, who yelped in surprise, ‘this better not be what I think it is.’

He walked through the door, but ended up colliding with Celestia, who didn’t know he was coming out at that time. Celestia looked down in confusion at the skeleton who she had run into. “I am assuming that you felt that power and were coming to tell me, Sans?”

Sans shook his head. “not just that, I think I recognise the power of who what came in. an old enemy of mine. and no, it’s not chara. they’re similar though. the only main difference is what chara does is a bit more… permanent.”

Celestia nodded, not quite understanding but not wanting to ask just then. “Prepare yourself Sans, we are going to teleport.”

Sans looked up at Celestia and braced himself as if he was going to use a shortcut. With a flash they both disappeared.

Canterlot Castle Garden

The moment they landed Celestia already had her horn glowing, and was holding a large halberd in her magic. Sans summoned several glowing bones, half normal and half golden, his eye glowing a bright green. He quickly dismissed the bones, however, when he recognized who the ‘intruders’ were. “ALPHYS!” he called out in a loud shout as he ran over to hug his fellow monster.

Alphys, who was confused from where the shout came from, had only a moment to recognize the voice before she was blindsided by a skeleton hugging her. “Sans?” she asked in shock. She honestly didn’t expect to see him so soon.

“holy cow, you’re alive! how did you get here? how did you get away from chara?” The skeleton noticed Monster Kid and Flowey. “how did you get them away from chara? why is flowey here? we need to talk about-”

Sans was cut off by a cough. He looked up at the alicorn who was behind him, who was looking baffled. “Sans, would you... care to introduce me to your apparent friends?”

Sans smiled, “this is-”

He was again cut off, this time by Alphys. “Don’t worry Sans,” she said, “I can introduce myself.”

Sans again was in shock. This wasn’t the Alphys that he knew from when he fought Chara. This Alphys was much more confident and more in control, not the nervous wreck that he knew more than two months ago. This was almost a completely different monster… Especially with the scar she had over her eye and oh my god she had a scar over her eye. ‘what did chara do to you while I was here?’ he wondered to himself.

Alphys held out her hand to Celestia, ignoring the spears thrust towards her when she moved. “My name is Alphys, I am… well, was the Royal Scientist for Asgore, King of the Monsters and of the Underground. The two that are with me are Flowey and Monster Kid. I ask that you offer us shelter from Chara, whom we have just escaped from.”

Sans has briefly mentioned Alphys and her personality while discussing his previous life in the underground, but Celestia couldn’t see the similarity. The monster before her was completely different from how Sans had described her. Nevertheless, she cleared her throat and smiled. “Seeing as how you have just escaped what I can only assume was a very traumatizing event,” she told them, “I will offer you a safe place to stay, along with both of the others that you brought with you. I only ask that you answer some questions we have about how you got here.”

Alphys nodded in response. “That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Thank you for doing this.” She glanced back at Monster Kid and Flowey and then the guards that were surrounding them. “Do you think you could call off your guards? I’ve had enough pointy objects inside me these past months.” She gestured to the scar running vertically on her face, almost casually.

“Of course. Shining Armor, guards, stand down. Also inform all the other guards in the castle that these beings are not our enemies as to avoid confusion. They are seeking refuge from a much larger evil, treat them as you would foreign guests.”

The guards all saluted and said “It will be done, your highness,” and returned to their posts in the garden and the doors surrounding it.

Celestia looked back to the monsters in front of her, smiling benevolently. “Now come along, we must talk.”

Meeting Room, 1 hour later

“So then we grabbed all that we could, armed the bomb and went through the portal. Now here we are.” Alphys leaned back into her chair, tired from the long winded explanation. Both the princesses and Sans had needed thorough details to understand, and Alphys felt she owed them that much.

Luna stifled a yawn, not used to being up so early. “How do you know that this Chara will not be able to follow you? Wouldn’t she be able to possibly rebuild the portal and come here?”

Alphys shook her head firmly. “No way. I set up a few more bombs in the True Lab. Two were on the portal itself, one was on the computer, and another was on the elevator shaft so she couldn’t get back down easily. There are no blueprints for her to follow as I never made any so she couldn’t rebuild it even if she was to have the parts. The only thing that could have gone wrong is that Chara didn’t save just before the bomb went off, and seeing as how we are here right now and not currently dusting all over the floor of the True Lab, it looks like she saved within the expected boundaries of the time limit.”

Celestia frowned, “I am sorry for what you went through. Please, if there is an-”

Alphys cut Celestia off, “Listen, Princess, I don’t need pity.” Her eyes grew flinty, “What’s been done is done. We aren’t able to change that. The only one who can is Chara, and they clearly don’t feel like it. Our primary focus should be finding a way to beat Chara if they manage to come here. Flowey here,” she gestured to the potted flower, “has given us a unique opportunity to learn how to defeat her. In the past, he has had the ability to save that I mentioned, and used it in awful ways.” Celestia looked at the flower inquisitively, who at least had the decency to look ashamed. “Even though he isn’t the best creature in the world, he will allow for us to get a view on what Chara is doing, and with Sans’ battle prowess and your power we might be able to defeat her. I’m sure of it.”

Celestia was silent for a good minute. Eventually she spoke. “I truly hope it does not come to that, but if it does… we will help you. I promise.”

Author's Note:

And finished, Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter. No cliffhanger this time just a good old fashioned chapter for you all to read.
-Emeraldleafeon out