• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 17,094 Views, 563 Comments

Call me Queenie - Abaddon spice

Thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, and trust me mate, I got 99 problems and a Chrysalis ain't one.

  • ...

What doesn’t kill you...

Its been a few days since the worm incident, Scout has put me on house arrest so lately I’ve been-

“Lying on the floor bored out of my mind~
Not knowing really what I’m trying to find~
I’m thinking up words that maybe rhyme~
Can’t stop me, cause I’m wasting time~”

Yeah....so I kind of got bored of just sleeping so I’ve become a rapper.

Powa to the People!

Alright, honestly I have slept so much Luna would legally have the right of smacking me upside the head for overtime.
Besides that, my grubs are still in their cocoons and Scout has taken it upon himself to be the breadbringer of this family since I’m out of commission.

‘Your majesty, I have returned.’

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

“Ah, Scout. Glad to have you back.” I grinned as Scout sauntered into my room.

His confidence has been getting better after I began ordering him around more. (I guess he’s more used to that anyway).

Today seemed different though, Scout had a cloth bag slung over his back. Curiosity gnawing at the edges of my mind, I spoke up.

“Soooo. What’s in the bag?”
Scout sat down and levitated it to me.

“The zebra were asking me where you were. I told them you were easing your battle wounds and then they just gave me this-”

Scout pulled out a huge woven jug.

“-And told me it would ease your pain,” lightly poking the container Scout looked at me with affirmation.

Well, at least my recent disappearance has not gone unnoticed. “Ease my pain eh, this going to be some sort of Zebrican medicine?

I gingerly pick up the jug and uncap it. Taking a whiff I smell a slightly fruity odor.

The fuck?

"Well I have no idea what this shit is but it doesn't smell too bad. Scout, go hunting for a bit, I'm going to try it."
Scout gave a worried look, but the queen knows best. So he headed out.

Now alone, I gingerly bring my face to the jug.
"This stuff can't be that bad."

"So! Scout-like wandered off to like wherever-now and like I think this stuff ain't too-to, hehe tootoo. Like a train, huh-I’ve never been on a train-what a Queen who never been on a train. Blasa-femmy! I’m a firckn Queen I can get a million trains! Millions of trains-lings!"

Kerrigan was drunk out of her buggy bellbottoms. The pain had long faded away and Kerrigan was up an “walking” around. Okay, more like stumbling and faceplanting around, but at least she was active.

Ah sheeet~ the boozes-gone! How did it go so fast! That jug was as big as a-my fucking head! It waz ma only friend a long with Scout!

Now you see a depressed, drunk Kerrigan in her natural element. Several miles away from the hive clinging onto an empty wine jug. How did she end up here? Fuck if I know.

"I must have more of that good shit!"

Kerrigan wobbly sat up and tried to stagger forward. Her limbs flailed uselessly for a bit until she managed to stagger forward until she inevitably face planted into the sandy earth.

“Earth why you got to be so bad to me, you hurt my eye, you hurt my face. Wait doesn’t face cover the pain in my eye and like now both my eyes hurt. Hmm... sand is crunchy."

This disappointment of a Changeling Queen lightly crunched the sand for a couple of minutes.

Finally, she remembered what she had sent out to do and after standing up running in a drunken frenzy Kerrigan found herself on the outskirts of the zebra’s village. However, upon reaching said village Kerrigan realized that she didn't have a way in actually apprehending said drink.

'Hmm..what to do? The only thing I have... is me,' and with that thought, a glowstick snapped in Kerrigan's brain.

'Ohhhh! I got an idea!'

A lone zebra guard stood watch over the wine hut. His fellows had left him as they went to the bonfire to get drunk. Rolling his eyes and sighing the guard stood at his post- that was- until a beautiful mare caught his eye.

A young zebra mare, swaying side-to-side, cheeks pink with blush, as she gave the guard a huge smile. She then promply staggered over and collapsed onto him.

"Kavii! hic h-hows it going ya-hic beautiful stallion!"
Kavii recognized the mare as Mari, his childhood friend (and not so secret crush). Blushing, all the stallion could think was, 'Even drunk you're still gorgeous,' and was totally unprepared for what happened next.

Mari leaned forward and passionately kissed Kavii.
"You don't knowhic how hic-long I've been wanting to do that."
Kavii stood there it pure shock until he managed to force words out of his mouth.
"I love you."
"Took youhic long enough."

As this scene of passion played out a medium-sized box scooted past the unguarded entrance.

‘I am stealthy as the snake.’ Was all Kerrigan’s drunk ass could think as she scooted her way further into the wine hut.

~ Within the Anise Hive~

Queen Anise sat on her throne, lazily looking around her throne room. Most of the drones were busy disposing of the weaklings so not many had foolishly wandered in so she could make an example out of them.

Executions were routine for Anise, fewer drones meant fewer mouths to feed, and due to the recent shortage of love, it was a necessary sacrifice. She still was at an age were she couldn’t control the regularity of her egg laying so she solved her hive “growth” problem by her own means. Drones also hardly ever got upset about it as long as they were given an excuse. And if they did, well, that just made the culling easier.

Anise snorted as she brought herself out of her musings. Nothing good ever came from sitting around daydreaming. She stood from her throne and arched her back. She groaned as her joints popped synchronously down her spine.

"Ugh. Empresses fangs I hate this thing. What I would give to get rid of this infernal thing." Anise grumbled as she popped her neck.

However, there was a reason she never got rid of that throne and every queen before her knew the reason as well.

The throne was made of Chanvium, an incredibly rare element which most notable ability was that it absorbed magic.

Legends say that Chanvium was created by the first Queen who used it as an advantage against magical creatures. However, due to numerous takes on each legend, each tale recalls the process differently. One tale says that the Queen used the blood of a cursed dragon and copper to create the substance. Another claims she killed her offspring and used one piece from each of her dead pupa to create the legendary rock. Since it was never truly agreed how she actually managed to create the damn substance the true process had been decided as “lost to time”.

All the same, any queen in their right mind would kill to have this throne.

But that doesn't mean that wasn't the literal most uncomfortable thing to sit on for hours on end.

After working out the worst of the knots out of her joints Anise began to walk around her throne chamber. By the Empress this was boring, but it had became her routine for the time she had taken the throne. She closed her eyes and recalled the surprised expression of her mother the day she killed her.

Anise gave a small smile as she remembered that fond memory. Her first decapitation.

She couldn’t wait till she had a pupa good enough to challenge her. One that was as vicious as she was when she first hatched.

A frown crossed her features as she remembered her previous successors. Too soft, too weak. Soft-shelled weaklings the lot of them. At least she crushed her siblings skulls the moment she freed herself from her egg. Nowadays she was lucky if her pupa had enough strength to stand much less stomp.

In reality Anise knew why her pupa were so weak. Malnutrition had been the bane of her hive and it had only gotten worse after the Empress had increased the required amount of love for her yearly tribute.

Oh how Anise would have loved to tell that overstuffed glutton where should shove her tribute, but even Anise knew that she wouldn't live long enough to see her reaction.

Alas one problem as a time though, she first has deal with that pesky Feral and then she needs to send another raid party to retake that village.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

'There is no reality. Only pain.'

It was morning and a certain queen had just been dragged out of the village wine hut.
Becio stood over Kerrigan with a smug smile.

"Oh, it looks like one can't hold her wine. Don't worry now, she'll do her time."

Eyes squeezed shut and hooves plugging her ears, Kerrigan hissed.

Everything hurt, by Faust herself, everything hurt. Light burned her eyes and sound aggressively drilled into her eardrums. Her throat was so dry she felt at any moment it could crack. She pressed herself as further in the ground in some faint attempt of trying to get away from the pain.

Becio chuckled at Kerrigan's pathetic attempts to block out the world, but had a wrinkle of worry on her brow as she could see Kerrigan's still-recovering injuries.

"Come, this is no time to lie. Let's get you to the shaman before you die."

With the help of several other villagers, an incredibly hungover and uncooperative Kerrigan was now leaning/shuffling alongside Becio. The chieftess guided Kerrigan to the Shaman's hut that was further within the village.

Finally making it to the hut, Becio guided Kerrigan to one of the mats within and helped her lie down. She then looked at Mado the village's shaman.

"Give her good care. Of suffering she's had her share."
With that, the shaman Mado nodded as Becio left the hut.

As the shaman mixed up a remedy they were barraged with a cacophony of hissing each time a noise was made. Deciding that at this rate they might make a mistake from being surprised Mado decided to take their work outside. Much to the relief of the suffering changeling queen.

Tear it. Shred it. Destroy the cause of our pain.. Oh for FUCK'S sake just shut up.’
' It hurtssss~'
'No shit sherlock! I'm just curled in the fetal position trying my best to not shove my head in the ground because I wanted a new change of pace!'
'See that wasn't so hard was it? Now that you've stopped being some bloodthirsty dumbass I'm going wallow in my suffering.'

And that is what Kerrigan did for and hour before Mado returned with his finished brew. Luckily it was dark enough that Kerrigan could squint at the shaman as he instructed her what to take it ease her pain as he offered her various pots and bottles. Despite it being one of the worst things Kerrigan had ever eaten in this new world, the shaman's cures did work relatively quickly giving her much needed relief. Kerrigan sat up once her splitting headache finally died down.

The initial blaring pain that was pressing on her temples slowly dulled down to throb as the brew worked its magic. Kerrigan sighed as she, at last, had a moment of reprieve.


And that moment was gone as the flaps of the tent were torn to side and a very panicked Scout tackled her.

"Oof! Scout- How's it been?" Kerrigan drawled, as the weight of the events from yesterday finally started to catch up to her.

Scout's red compound eyes looked up at her.

‘AftermyhuntItriedtocontactyou-butyoudidn'treasponedsoIfearedsomthingmighthavehappenedsoIreturnedtothehive andIjustknewsomethingwaswrongbecauseyouweren'tthere-’

He wrapped his hooves around her foreleg.

"You could have died!" he wailed.

'at this point I think he just uses the mind link because he doesn't require him to breathe,' Kerrigan mused as she looked down at Scout.

"Hey, don't worry. Look I'm fine, " Kerrigan gestured with her free hoof and winced, "okay not 100% but overall I'm doing great."

Scout looked up at her unconvinced.

'I mean I guess it's good that he's always worried about me, but at this rate I think I'm going to cut his lifespan in half.'

Kerrigan lowered her head so she could look into his eyes.

"Thank you for worrying about me Scout. I'm glad that you care so much. You're a hard worker and I know my bullshit hasn't made anything easier for you-" Scout tried to interject but Kerrigan silenced him with her free hoof, "-but you forget that I am not made of glass-" she removed her hoof from Scout's mouth and pressed it into the ground, a spiderweb of cracks spreading across the floor.

"I am the queen of our hive. When push comes to shove I am going to be sledgehammer that's going to crush the opposition," her mind seemed to go somewhere distant and Scout let go of her foreleg.

"I'm not going to just survive Scout, I'm going to live. I want to live the best life I can. I know this world has so much wonder to offer," her eyes seemed to focus on him, "And I plan on taking you with me. We're in this together so don't think you won't be by my side."

Kerrigan stood up, "So don't worry too much, I'm not leaving you behind."

She made her way towards the door.

"Let's go home."

After thanking Mado and apologizing to Becio for raiding the wine hut Kerrigan and Scout flew back home.

On the flight back Scout was silent, previous words from his queen repeating in his mind.

Our hive.

His wings buzzed faster.

Our hive.

Comments ( 92 )

I'll be honest, I completely forgot this fic even existed until it popped up again in my watch list.
Now I'll have to go back and reread the whole thing, oh woe is me!

But really though, this was a pleasant surprise. Thanks for the chapter.

Holy shit! It's Alive! ITS ALIVE!

Holy frick.

Jest #5 · Feb 25th, 2022 · · 3 ·

I have absolutely no idea whats happening in this story but I think I'm glad its back? Not sure tbh.

No way... it lives it's ALIVE ITS ALIVE


Why do you want new cover art?/ It looks fine to me.

Some metal gear there

Yay this story had an update

WOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so happy to see this get an update. :yay:

Awesome to see a update! And a good chapter

*maniacal laughter intensifies*

now if we can get the next chapter sooner than 4 years from now

I think I remember reading this back in 2018. It’s good to see it’s being continued.

Fantastic work you beautiful bastard! I hope for more when inspiration strikes thee.

Interesting. The Administration shall continue observing this reality (provided it stays alive).

“Lying on the floor bored out of my mind~
Not knowing really what I’m trying to find~
I’m thinking up words that maybe rhyme~
Can’t stop me, cause I’m wasting time~”

Hmm, not too shabby :applejackunsure:

Now alone, I gingerly bring my face to the jug. "This stuff can't be that bad."

I can see where this is going... and it's no doubt gonna be funny :trollestia:

As this scene of passion played out a medium-sized box scooted past the unguarded entrance.

...perfect :coolphoto:

‘I am stealthy as the snake.’ Was all Kerrigan’s drunk ass could think as she scooted her way further into the wine hut.

Oh she is not gonna enjoy tomorrow :pinkiecrazy:

In reality Anise knew why her pupa were so weak. Malnutrition had been the bane of her hive and it had only gotten worse after the Empress had increased the required amount of love for her yearly tribute.

Really, now isn't that interesting :trixieshiftleft:

He's alive! HE'S ALIVE!!! YAY

I'm glad that this is back, I wonder how good the zebras are at metallurgy and crafting? Maybe they could build Kerrigan a set of thick steel/tungsten/something magical armour and a warhammer? Maybe they could enhance it via magic in some way?

I am so happy about this sudden return.

holy shit spice, I never expected this update, are you back?

be glad it’s back, this story is basically an artifact,

To reiterate the sentiment that has been already said, YES!! YES!!! YES!!! A THOUSAND TIMES ACROSS ALL THE COUNTRIES OF THE REALMS YES!!!! I love this story and was very surprised to see it had been updated in quite a pleased and jovial fashion. Thank you for updating the story, I look forward to seeing the confrontation between Queen Kerrigan and Queen Anise, it's gonna be glorious, or at least be able to see the 'rejects' from Anise's hive arrive at Kerrigan's hive and get accepted....hopefully, I don't know, I'm still just surprised and in good spirits at having seen that this story updated is all.

Looking forward to what you bring us readers next!

Thank you thank you thank you for the update!!!
Kerrigan the God Queen of Equis Dune.!:trollestia:

I wonder if chrysalis will try and fight Kerrigan only to get overwhelmed and run with what remains of her hive to equestria? Would Kerrigan chase after her? And I wonder how the elements will react to Kerrigan and her madness


i waited soo long for the new chapter that I am now an adult XD

so the dead rise again

Dang, first The Problem With Magic updates after like four years, now this story too? Wowee. Guess I'll be starting my reread of this story tonight now.

Ah, I've reread this a few times over the years due to just how good of a changeling fic it is, I'm glad to see it being continued.

Now, after this little adventure I believe the Zebras are going to be much more welcoming of Kerrigan. After all, it's a bit hard to me terrified of a being who you've seen writhing around on the ground from a hangover. Not really an awe-inspiring sight. Heh, and did the Zebra medicine speed up her new wing growth? Because Scout said at the end that they were FLYING back to the hive... If so, that's some dang good medicine. And a definite plus to their alliance.

And now I'm wondering what the chances are that Kerrigan and Scout will come across a group of wounded changelings just left out to die? That could be an interesting way to increase the Hive's population with more experienced adults.


It return may other follow as well

Anyone else wish you could upvote per chapter?

I’m so happy you updated. This is the only fanfiction that I’ve ever reread multiple times. A new chapter is one more I can appreciate.

Me: checks the tracking folder
Me: oh hey a story updated
Me: reads story name
Me: i.redd.it/2y0athlz8uu41.jpg

A return is always nice to see.

Oh heck yes!

Scout is great. We need more of the little guy!

On the flight back Scout was silent, previous words from his queen repeating in his mind.

Our hive.

His wings buzzed faster.

Our hive.


Comment posted by PaleAuthority deleted Mar 2nd, 2022

I like your story so far, and I honestly would like to see "There is more than one way to live a Nightmare" updated as well; you make good story's and I look forward to seeing more off your writing.

True though I would like to see the author fovus on one story at a time for some time.

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