• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 520 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria's Fall: A TellTale Series - Bringiton6611

Thunder Wing and his best friend, who is a changeling, are enjoying the life that Equestira has given them. Little do they know, thats all going to change.

  • ...

Episode 1 : Chapter 2 : Practice

I close the door behind me after Skater exits and we start trotting down the path toward the skate park. It's about a ten minutes walk to the park, so I strike up a conversation with him.

"You ready man?"

"What? You think I'm not?"

{I didn't say that.}

"I didn't say that."

"Sure sounded like it."

"I'm just saying there are some things that I want to make sure you know."

"Um.. okay. What things?"

"The most Important thing is your name."

"What's wrong with my name?" Skater asked me with a completely puzzled expression.

"Everypony that knows who you are thinks that 'Skater' is your nickname. So, what happens when some reporters come by and want to know your real name. You know you can't use 'number 404'."

"I'll just refuse to give them my name."

"That just will raise suspicion. You have to give a real pony name eventually."

"I...that... actually makes sense. But I don't know any pony names besides the ones I hear every so often. What do you suggest?"

{Wooden Board.}
{White Lightning.}
{That's for you to decide.}

"Well, your white. And your good on your board. How about White Lightning?"

(?) Skater will remember that.

"Pretty cool... I only say that because I can't think of anything else."

"Reminds me of that time I had to make an excuse for you when your teacher asked you why you couldn't skate when your cutie mark said otherwise."

"Heh, yeah. That was a mess. I never really thanked you for that save."

{Don't worry about it.}
{About time.}
{Better than never.}

"Don't worry about it. What are friends for?"

"Yeah... friends..."

Skater seemed down when he said that. Should I push the matter?

{Are you ok?}

Friends help each other. I can't help him if I don't know what's bothering him.

"You okay man?"

He head perks up. "Yeah, of course. Why would you ask that?"

"Skater, you know that wont work on me. I know somethings wrong. Somethings always wrong when you act like that.''

"It's just... It's just that you're the only real friend I've made."

"What are you talking about? You have a lot of friends besides me."

"Yeah, but none of them know who I REALLY am. There my friends because I trick them and lie to them."

"Are you saying you want to reveal yourself?"

"That's the problem. If I do that, everypony will just think I replaced the 'real Skater'. Nopony would believe me. Even If it's been eight months since the invasion, ponies either still hate my kind or have just forgotten about us, and I doubt it's the second one. What do you think I should do? Do you think I should reveal myself to at least one pony?"

"What if it goes bad?"

"I can just use a memory scrambler spell. I know you don't want me to, but it's driving me crazy just lying to them all the time. It's not right, even if I am a changeling. What do think would be best?"

{Go ahead.}
{That's not a good idea.}

"I don't think it would be a very good idea, I can only guess how much it's bugging you... oh, crap. No pun intended. just, at least wait a few more weeks if you really want to do it."

(?) You didn't agree with Skater.

"... Okay... fine..."

"Don't mope. It's better this way. I would want to be sure. I'm only trying to protect you from making a life changing choice that may not end well for you."

As I finish that sentence, the skate park came into view. I wasn't that big of an area. There was the park itself, a storage shed next to it, and a big building that the park was attached to. We would have to go though there in order to get inside the park.

"Here we are." Skater says as we walk up to the front doors." Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go on in and get this show on the roll."

I give him a nod with my head and face the door.

(o) Look at Door
(o) Open Door

I raise my hoof and open the door, holding it open for Skater as he walks though.

"I'll get us checked in. Why don't go 'familiarize' yourself with the place. It's been awhile since you've been here." Skater suggest to me while looking over his shoulder.

"Will do."

With that being said, I breack away from Skater and start exploring the place.

"Skater was right about it being awhile. Half of this stuff wasn't even here before... I think."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

I take a look behind the counter where Skater is talking to the pony at the desk. "These are the boards of all the famous skaters that took a trip to show there skill here in Ponyville," I take a closer look at one them," Wow, they're even signed. Cool."

(o) Look at Boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

I steal a look at Skater, who is still at the front desk.

"He really enjoys what he does. I feel sorry that I almost turned him over to the guards... and why do I feel like that's still going to bit me on my rump in the future."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group


Skater looks up at me. "I'm almost done here, just keep looking around for now."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group


Skater looks up at me, this time, with a slightly annoyed expression "I'm almost done here, just keep looking around for now."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

Before I even say anything, Skater speaks without looking up from the sign-in sheet in front of him.


(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

"I just got here. No need to leave so soon."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

"Huh, interesting. All of them are skateboards. Why did I not see that coming," I say to myself, my voice dripping with sarcasm," I don't even think that many ponies carry key rings on them."

(o) Look at boards
(o) Look at Skater
(o) Talk to Skater
(o) Open Front Doors
(o) Look at Key Chains
(o) Look at Group

I look over to a group of about five or so ponies, just chatting away. They look young. From the looks of it, the oldest one doesn't even look above twenty.

Right as I finish that thought, I feel a tapping on my rump that causes me to jump about five feet off the ground. I turn around and glare at Skater, who has an amused face.

"Not funny."

"Consider it pay back for bugging me when I was trying to sign as in just now."

I sigh. "Okay, I guess I deserve that."

"You guess?" Skater says with a grin on his face.

"Shut up." I say with a similar grin.

We share a small laugh and then head for the door that will led us to the park itself.


Loading. Loading.. Loading... Saved!


We walk out into the fairly sized park. A nice breeze passes over my coat as I we do so.

{[Poke him]} ----> (lol wut XD)
{No rain}
{Nice day.}

"Nice day." I say.

"You said it. I'm tried of the rain. Why did the pegasus decide it would be a good idea to make it rain for 3 days straight?"

"It's what the board said for them to do. I'm sure some of them weren't happy to do it thought, but they didn't really have a choice. Me included. I wasn't happy at all."

"I bet you weren't. So, are you ready for some training?"

" Yep, all I hav... dang it! I didn't bring a board."

"You can use mine."

I look up at him with a look," One, you need your board to practice AND to show me. Two, you know that your board is not my size."

"But, I only had enough bits to get us in here. Renting a board is ten bits an hour. I only have eight left on me."

"Hmmm, I can just trot back home and get some more."

"But that would take too long, you can try to use my board. At the very least, you could ask some ponies around here for an extra bit or two. I doubt they'll mind giving up one bit. You could also try looking around on the ground. Some ponies don't really do a good job at securing their bits.. or anything for that matter. Just look in trashcans even. You'd be surprised."

"Ok. One, eww. Two, I'm not going to just walk up to a random pony and ask for bits. It's their money. And I'll just look weird trotting around, looking for bits everywhere I go. It would just be easier to go home and come back."

"We wont have as much time to spend together before the show. I want you to learn as much as possible before hoof."

I weigh my options. On one hoof, going home would be faster and I would look like a total creep looking around and asking. On the other hoof, asking around here would take a shorter amount of time and I would have more time with a good friend, who seems very happy to teach me now.

What should I do?

{[Go home]}
{[Stay with Skater]}

Author's Note:

You decide this one.

Every two chapters, you the readers will get to vote on a choice that will effect the furture of the story, so choose wisly.

When you vote on a choice, keep in mind that the choice you vote for may have a positive outcome later, or a negative out come later. Some could have both positive no matter what you choose, or vice versa. It may just come down what choice would have a harsher consequence then the other.. Some choices also affect other characters opinions about you. They may not help you later if they don't like you, or they might help you out of a tight spot if they do like you.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 2.:twilightsmile: