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Your weird, german Nerd || Something, Something, Dragonmaids


BEWARE: Spoilers for "Legend of Everfree"

Since they saved Camp Everfree something felt wrong for Sunset. So she proceeds to find out what causes this feeling. Though the reveal may cause some old problems to resurface.

Slight OOC humor, so please don't take this too seriously.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

I have faith that she will receive wings eventually

Me too, buddy. Me too.

That's a good question, she got wings at the end of the Friendship Games, how the fuck did she lose them in the Camp Everfree one yet Sci-Twi has her wings still yet she hasn't done anything to prove herself worth of alicornship. And she deserves it too, after all Sunset's done in the past three movies, she's more than deserved her own wings, while I don't agree with how you wrote it turned out, it is a mystery I would like addressed more.

I agree, it doesn't make sense. That's why I wrote this rant fic:twilightsheepish:

“I on the other hoof–”

I think you meant hand, Sunset. Then again...

If they actually do have anyone else become an alicorn before Sunset, imma shoot somebody

Too soon my friend, too soon. *Sigh* even the artworks for the dolls showed Sunset with wings, but in the movie? No wings. *Sigh*

It was funny, but it hurt man. Please don't do jokes like that until it have been at least a month after the movie... Have a like I guess...

What really irks me about the movie is that outside constructing the dock, everyone but Sunset was useless until the climax, in which only she and Twilight did anything of value. She was the only one to notice Twilight's struggle, never got jealous of the others' powers before she figured out hers, helped everyone embrace them, and solved Twilight's emotional problems on her own (the others all literally said one line each after Sunset spent the entire movie helping Twilight). It only gets worse when you take into account the other movies. First, she was the only one never turned to fighting or a wreck by the sirens and saved all her friends who did. It's implied by LoG that Sunset went through the same she demon ptsd that Twilight did, but had to get over it on her own (the entire school hated her and her friends spent the entire movie shoving her into the background and constantly bringing up the event even though it clearly made her uncomfortable until she got used to it).

Come FG, everyone brushes off her concerns while she dealing with the possibility of forever losing her home (heck, she lost part of her story in the movie as well), no one belps her research the magic while she helps with the games (because they were important to her friends, not because of personal interest like the others, who again ignored her struggles). She then not only singlehandedly defeats Twilight, but talks her down from the magic rampage instead of just blasting and leaving her in a crater, then pawning her off to people who have no clue about friendship (seriously, those five not only never once tried talking to each other when Sunset set them up, not even a quick "where are you?" text, then all treat each other and Sunset like crap through RR, to the point where the Holiday Special comic is probably the most accurate to the source material...).

Come LoG, Twilight is instantly forgiven, only Sunset actually helps her and notices that all the she demon comments are seriously affecting Twilight (the others never learned after RR), again gets ignored when she says learning to control/about the magic is important (never even gets the others to admit she was right again), teaches them to embrace it and control it before someone gets hurt, guided Twilight the entire way through her character arc by herself, completely and officially ended Flash's relationship with Twilight (insert joke about being an alicorn worthy achievement here), was the only one trying to figure out what was going on in camp (powers and the Gloriosa, Timber, Flithy Rich, and Gaia Everfree stuff), then gets punted off almost off screen in the victory line up (not even next to Twilight as an equal). Twilight's achievement? She stopped running away from her problems (the ones Sunset faced head on) with Sunset's constant help and learned to listen to the advice resident magic expert and veteran she demon... Sorry about that, rant over, was thinking about posting it as a blog, but this story really nailed it.

On a side note, after reading the little TV guide blurbs for the season 6 finale, I wouldn't be surprised if Starlight became an alicorn (she hasn't had to struggle or face any repercussions for her actions and the show gives her a free pass for everything else, on top of making her obscenely powerful), though it would be a bit off putting that it was another unicorn who got the leadership position (and potential assenscion) again. Oh well, only time will tell.

A few moments later a sudden scream shook the entire camp causing the dock to collapse the seventh time this week.

Fic was worth the read for this alone, :rainbowlaugh:

Okay no, but seriously, Twilight Sparkle has done exactly 0 things to earn her wings, whereas Sunset is the literal sole reason she isn't an evil monster. Sunset was the only person in this entire movie who was on top of things, while Twilight was bitching and moaning like, admittedly accurately, like a teenage girl. She got wings in the movie too, she had the true power of harmony, why did Twilight get to be an alicorn? She knows the goddamn least about Friendship! She demonstrated as much in the movie! God fucking dammit.

I swear to the oldest Gods, if Sci-Twi becomes the new leader, I'm gonna flip a tit.

Sad thing is....I won't actually be surprised if Starlight becomes the next princess at the end of the season 6 finale.....
I was SO mad that Sunset didn't have her wings in this movie! She deserves it a heck of a lot more than Sci-Twi....I mean, does she just get special privileges for being princess Twilight's counterpart?
I guess becoming an alicorn now has as much meaning as winning the Nobel Prize...seeing as Obama won it, and he did absolutely nothing...
It's pretty much the same thing...

Maybe it has nothing to do with whether or not Shimmy OR SciTwi has *earned* their wings, but simply a causality of the connection between the two worlds as filtered thru the portal. Earth (or whatever EG-planet is) seems patterened after Equestria, moreso than the other way around. SciTwi has wings because Twilicorn HAS wings, regardless of her previously being only a unicorn. If pony Twi suddenly went level-17 alicorn with seven wings and 10 horns, maybe human Twi would too.
And since Baconhair is essentially on the "wrong" side of the portal, she could be likely preventing herself from alicornization, seeing as how it took a large infusion of magic, directed by Sun-butt herself from within "this is your life in highlight reel form" space to flip the switch for Twilight, and there just may not be enuff magic (at least not yet anyways; somebody needs to plug that hole) OR anyPONY to properly use it in humanland to go all Princess Mode. Maybe next time ShimShim visits home, *POP*, instant wings, complete with catchy song courtesy of Celly :trollestia:

Not sayin I necessarily subscribe to either of these scenarios, but as vaguely as the parallels between the two worlds have been defined, they seem just as likely as not. :pinkiehappy:

Oh and also:

“Did some kind of faceless monster make you forget something important?”

“No, Pinkie, I think I would remember that.”

“You can’t know.”

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

That was pretty funny and random. And kind of sad too, considering harmony magic just seems to like Twilight Sparkle (human or pony) better than Sunset. And considering the way season six is going, I wouldn't be surprised if Starlight did get wings too sooner or later (probably sooner). Doesn't help Sunset got the least practical power and Sci-Twi spent most of the movie whining and complaining and avoiding the subject about her magic. I really hope the next EG movie turns out better.

Dear Sunset Shimmer.

You won’t guess what just happened.

You know my student Starlight Glimmer, right?

You’ll never believe, but she just became an alicorn! Right, she grew wings! She will be a princess.

Oh HELL no!

I agree with this story's sentiment, When I saw SciTwi get wings before Sunset, even though Sunset was the one who basically made the plot move forward, I wanted to throw my computer at the wall so hard...

7615449 Don't know why she doesn't have wings after everything she's done, but I think the reason she had wings in Friendship Games was because she was overcharged with her friends' magic

7617309 While i do agree with you guys, there is a bit of fridge horror from the idw comics. Starswirl fear the mirror would connect the world in more ways than one (He notice that it started off small, taking a book there cause a book to be missing in there world, cooks from both worlds deciding to make the same dish on the same day, etc. It got so bad in his prototype mirror that when Evil!Luna got beaten up, good luna felt it all. hence why he built a safety lock on the human world mirror (That andthe human mirror has the power to change your form to fit in better with the world your sneaking into.

Sci-Twi has wings because her magic recognizes her as Twilight Sparkle. Magic doesn't care if she's human or pony - one Twilight has wings now, so as long as both have magic, both get wings when they pony up.

Sunset no have energy wings because she doesn't have enough magic in her to make 'em. She'll get real wings someday, because she's awesome, but she doesn't have 'em now.

Also, this needs a proofreader. It's funny, but it needs a proofreader.

I like to imagine that the art team for Legend of Everfree declined to give Sunset wings (even though she got them in the toy line) for some reason associated with character development already locked in for the next movie/spin-of series.

Then again, I'm an incurable optimist sometimes!

That last sentence cracked me up.

Wow, Sunset. Obsessed much?

Very hilarious, have a like :rainbowlaugh:

I think Sunset Shimmer has earn her wings but she needs to pass a final test that will no doubt be the hardest test in her life. Stepping through the portal and confronting princess Celestia once more. Once she does that I can see this:

I failed you, princess sunset shimmer said.

I failed you, Celestia said.

What?! No you didn't fail me. I was too blind to see the truth! Sunset exclaimed

I should have saw you were taking the dark path. I didn't see it happening to my own sister and I didn't see it happening to you too. I'm the failure.

Let's just agree that we are both failures? Sunset asked.


A flash accured

Where did they go? Starlight asked.

Look outside. Luna said.

The sky change from morning to sunset as the sun set out a ray of light which became sunset cutie mark and she appeared with wings.

Wings how? Sunset asked.

You have earned them, sunset shimmer.

Her new wings shot up as she look at princess twilight who was now as tall as Luna with her mane and tail waving on its own.

Back in the other world.

It's unfair my wings are the prettiest! She can't have them! Sci-Twi scream.

Was I this bad?


Sunset faceplamed.

Oh, and Sunset, even more news! See, Starlight has a friend who used to be one of my recurring enemies, and she became an alicorn too. Now, if I can just get her to stop posing in front of the hallway mirror and waving her wings, I'm sure Trixie will make a great Princess! They've both generously invited you to their coronations, you should come.

What Sunset didn't read... :trollestia:

This actually ties in with what's quickly becoming my biggest gripe about Equestria Girls: THEY KEEP TRYING TO MAKE TWILIGHT THE PROTAGONIST. And yet despite seeming to actively try doing that, they still fail...

Sure it makes sense in the first, and it's debatable if they should for Rainbow Rocks (since the plot was largely a redemption arc for Sunset, but Twilight was the one trying to fix everything).
But Friendship Games....basically all they did was introduce Sci-Twi while Sunset is the only one trying to actually deal with the conflict (caused by Sci-Twi, so she should have been the ANtagonist, if anything). And then well, others in this comment thread have already said why (in far more detail than I'm willing to) Sunset should be the protagonist in LoE.

I thought she did get wings during the Song My Past is not Today she grew Pheonix Wings.

Those were more of symbolic nature. She didn't have any in the movies afterwards.

7850945 This I agree with every word you typed, Sunset is given the underdog role but we know she is the most relatable and maybe developed character in the whole EQG/MLP universe.

Luv Sunny for she is best pony/human.

But the story was fun with her (split-persona??) and a good read too.


Well technically there is Legends of Everfree merchandise with her having wings. Like this or this one.

And I always found it odd, that they give her wings in her powered up form "when it's plot relevant", and she had wings just like Midnight Sparkle in their big battle. But in the Legends of Everfree the only thing that's unique that she gets are shoulder spikes. While Twilight who did (as you pointed out) has done even less than Sunset Shimmer did, got to keep the full wing look.

Honestly I blame it on all the sugar the heads at Hasbro keep snorting that keeps them from making sane decisions that don't violate what they've written / done previously.

Definitely another funny concept, but like others have said before me, you should've gotten an editor. :unsuresweetie: Again, sorry I can't do it myself. :fluttershysad: Upvote still earned! :twilightsmile:

Haha this was funny :rainbowlaugh:

There's also the disadvantage of having wings: Wing boners!

I don't think 'ouch' covers that emotional dagger.

Thank you. THANK YOU.:pinkiehappy: This was the perfect thing I needed.

Ok, so I have this theory/thought that sunset was already an alicorn but when she was banished from Equestria Princess Celestia somehow took her wings because she said she didn't deserve them, so that Sunset became just a unicorn. And Sunset just went with saying that she always was a unicorn because she wanted to forget about that day.

I dunno, most of my theories shows Celestia in a bad light.


Um, no, the comics clearly show Sunset as a unicorn before going into the mirror.

I have been thinking why Sunset Shimmer doesn't have wings yet. Pony Twilight was able to use dark magic to save the crystal empire. Without the use of the dark magic spell she wouldn't have found the secret passageway and would have never knocked the Crystal Heart outside of the trap meaning Spike would have never save the day. Which means King Sombra would have an army.

Human Twilight and Sunset Shimmer did get corrupted by dark magic but the difference is that Human Twilight overcome her fears of dark magic by using it to break the bonds of the crystals to goroliossia.

Sunset has not confronted her own inner demon but with forgotten friendship she is finally taking the steps to face them.

“Did some kind of faceless monster make you forget something important?”

“No, Pinkie, I think I would remember that.”

And Wallflower Blush whistled innocently as she left the building...

I can't honestly blame Sunset on this one. Hopefully she and Twilight can reach a compromise: Twilight gives Sunset airlifts whenever she wants, as long as it's no more than, say, three times a week.

A few moments later a sudden scream shook the entire camp causing the dock to collapse the seventh time this week.

I feel that.

A few moments later a sudden scream shook the entire camp causing the dock to collapse the seventh time this week.

Considering the fact that Sunset has saved both dimensions in Friendship games and several other times with her comrades, she most definitely should have wings and its kinda bull that she doesnt.

I loved this.

I don't think they were intending Sci-Twi to usurp Sunset as main protagonist of Equestria Girls. Looking at how the focus of the movies are distributed in who the major leads in each movie/special are:

Equestria Girls 1: Pony Twilight
Rainbow Rocks: Sunset and Pony Twilight
Friendship Games: Sunset and Sci-Twi
Legend of Everfree: Sunset and Sci-Twi
Dance Magic: Rarity
Movie Magic: Rainbow Dash
Mirror Magic: Sunset
Forgotten Friendship: Sunset
Rollercoaster of Friendship: Rarity and Applejack
Spring Breakdown: Rainbow Dash and Sci-Twi
Sunset's Backstage Pass: Sunset and Pinkie
Holidays Unwrapped segments:
Rainbow Dash: Blizzard or Bust and Dashing Through the Mall
Pinkie Pie: Saving Pinkie's Pie
Sci-Twi/Applejack: The Cider Louse Fools
Sunset: Winter Break In

So focus order is Sunset > Sci-Twi > Rainbow Dash > Rarity = Applejack = Pinkie > Fluttershy. Sunset's still the protagonist.

Sunset's still the leader in the later movies and specials. And besides, you act like Sunset wasn't spending Rainbow Rocks being angsty until the climax (the same thing you criticize Sci-Twi for in Legend of Everfree).

And if it makes everyone feel better, Spring Breakdown shows that Sci-Twi doesn't have wings when she turns into a pony when going through a portal to Equestria.

You act like Friendship is Magic didn't have moments where Twilight's the only one taking initiative to combat and deal with big threats while the other five (Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity) tend to goof around until the climax. It's especially evident in the 2017 movie.

Besides, later movies that do have others as the main leads like Rarity and Applejack in Rollercoaster of Friendship and Rainbow Dash in Spring Breakdown and Movie Magic do have them show more initiative to solve the threat so it could just be a focus thing where Sunset's only the most proactive due to being the lead. Heck, Spring Breakdown clearly had Rainbow Dash being the only one trying to take initiative against a potential threat, how was that?

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