• Published 29th Sep 2016
  • 559 Views, 10 Comments

A Stranger Harmony - aceotaku

In a world where the three princesses died, a purple dragon rules a unified empire in their stead. However, a lost treasure must be recovered as an old enemy returns...

  • ...

2: A Gathering

Fido’s ears flattened against his head as he watched in concern.

His longtime friend and self-proclaimed leader, Rover, was currently dangling from a rope, under which was a small pond filled with piranha, the lean diamond dog desperately trying to climb away from the ravenous fish even as the rope he clung lowered, inch by inch.

“P-please have mercy!” Fido whimpered desperately, turning to a figure beside nearby. “Punish me instead, it’s my fault we didn’t meet our quota!”

The figure tutted, shaking her head. She was a yellow Pegasus mare with a long light pink man, which covered the left side of her face which wore only a cold, stoic expression, as well as a black suit with a red tie. “Fido, you’re a good dog, and a I can respect your loyalty, however Rover still failed to meet his gems quota, and I cannot just allow his flagrant disrespect to go unpunished, it would make me look weak.” She turned to the leaner dog, who was still trying to escape his predicament. “Rover, I have done SO much for you, I have given you a home, my unconditional support, and how do you repay me? By failing to repay me your debt?”

“You have done nothing for me!” Rover spat. “I don’t care what you call yourself, you’re still just a weak little pony who took advantage of us when the mine collapsed!”

“Ah, of course, your typical response to stress: insults and racial posturing.” The mare sighed. “To which I must respond with MY typical response: Humphrey.”

A large, black grizzly bear stepped out of the shadows, wearing a black tie and sunglasses, pulling rover off the rope and then proceeding to repeatedly slam him into a tree, causing the dog to cry out in pain.

“You might not understand it, but this pains me very deeply, Rover.” The yellow mare said as the bear beat Rover savagely. “I see you as one of my own children, but my protection, and my charity towards you, does not come cheaply. And if I went easy on you, my competitors may think they could perhaps use you to get to me, or perhaps think they can encroach upon that which is my property.”

“Please Beastmaster, you’re going to kill him!” Fido cried out, tears in his eyes.

The Beastmaster regarded the larger Diamond Dog with a look, turning to the bear with a nod. “You may cease, Humphrey.”

The bear nodded and gently put the small dog down, who groaned in pain as Fido pulled him into a tight hug.

“Fido!” Rover complained. “Gettoff!”

The Beastmaster watched the two calmly before speaking. “Calm along boys, we have a very important meeting to get to, and you two are the guests of honour.”

“A meeting?” Rover frowned suspiscously. “And you need us? Why?”

The Beastmaster glanced at the dog and spoke quietly into his ear. “Your worth is in your connection to Fido. Through you I control him, and through you I punish him for his transgressions against me. As long as you come along with me, Fido will obey me. He has a very important role in today’s meeting.” The mare smirked. “And I can tell you this because you fear me, underneath all your tough talk and fire, you’re terrified of me, and that’s why you will obey me.” She spoke louder so both dogs could hear. “Now come along.”


Rainbow Dash strutted down the streets of Canterlot, her long rainbow coloured mane blowing in the breeze as she smiled to herself confidently. On her left flank she had a small bag carrying a pencil and a notebook as well as a microphone in hoof, and trailing just behind her was Starlight Glimmer, a bulky camera strapped around the unicorn’s neck. The pair had recently been employed as they worked for the local newsgroup Canterlot Monthly.

“Rainbow!” Starlight whined softly as she trotted. “You know we shouldn’t go anywhere without the boss’ say so!”

The rainbow maned Pegasus scoffed, tossing her hoof dismissively. “If we wait, then every other two-bit muck raker and hack photographer and coloumnist will cover the story and we’ll be left with some....fluff piece! No, if we want the big scoop, we have to go as quick as we can!”

“But how do you know anything big is even HAPPENING!?” Starlight asked, rolling her eyes. “I didn’t even get to have lunch today!”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Well, my dear protégé, every good reporter has contacts to give them a heads up on potential scoops, and several of mine have informed me of rumblings about several big shots in the Empire coming here to Canterlot! Which tells me that several of our lands’ leaders have something to discuss with the princess!” She clapped her forehooves together as she chuckled. “Why, I may even get an interview with the Princess herself!”

Starlight frowned. “We’re newbies, I don’t think we should be too ambitious....”

“Oh hush you!” Rainbow Dash chided. “There’s the castle now!”

Indeed, the pair stood before the majestic castle as it stood high over the city, a pair of royal guards saluting as a red coated earth pony mare ran through the front gates.

Rainbow Dash walked over to speak to one of the guards. “Excuse me, sir, mind answering a few quick questions.” She held up a press pass. “Rainbow Dash, Canterlot Monthly.”

The guard, a tall Minotaur, glared at her. “No one’s allowed inside without proper authorisation.”

“You let in that mare didn’t you, and she certainly looked like a civilian!” The reporter argued.

“I don’t make the rules ma’am.” The minotaur slammed the shaft of his halberd on the ground. “Now move aside for people who are actually supposed to get in.”

Rainbow growled and tromped off as Starlight shrugged.

“Looks like them’s the breaks.” The photographer said nonchalantly. “How about we go get a bite to eat? There’s a great Saddle Arabian place I know...”

“No, we’re not giving up that easily Starlight!” Rainbow argued. “We just need to find a back way in!”

“Miss Dash, you’re suggesting we break into Canterlot Castle.” Starligth responded with a half-lidded gaze. “You realise how long a stay in prison we’re getting if we’re caught?”

Rainbow ignored the unicorn, her hoof to her chin in thought. Her ears perked as she her attention was drawn to several hoofsteps approaching the castle. “Well, well...seems I was right. The Princess is having quite a few interesting guests pop over...”


Princess Spike sat upon her throne, golden bracers wrapped around her slender wrists and thighs and a golden crown sitting between her long, green barbs and a green jewelled pendant hung over her chest from a gold ring around her neck. Her green, reptiallian eyes gazed down, glittering with thousands of years of wisdom and patience. She stood several feet high, about half the height of an adult male dragon like Captain Sunder.

“Next.” She called out with her soft, husky but smooth voice.

Beside her, looking dwarfed by the massive form of the Princess, was a blue unicorn with a slivery mane, dressed in a well tailored suit. “Our next candidate,” The mare began with a exasperated, but polite, groan, “Twilight Sparkle.”

There was a fanfare of trumpets sounding out as a large, white carriage was pulled through, the door at its side opened as a purple unicorn stepped out, the mare wearing a dazzling cat and a matching hat.

“My dear princess!” The mare called out, posing dramatically. “It is I, The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle, and I am ready to become your student! With your knowledge and my skills, we shall DAZZLE the crowds, shame the unworthy and usher in a new era!”

Princess Spike chuckled and gazed down at Twilight Sparkle impassively. “And why should I make you my student out of all the other applicants?”

The purple unicorn laughed haughtily, looking up at the dragon disbelievingly. “Why, Princess, am I not learned in the magical arts? Has not my mother contributed her wealth to this fine city on several occasions? Have I not performed various feats of astounding magical skill and power?” She made another dramatic pose. “Am I not the most breathtaking, beautiful and powerful unicorn in Canterlot, nay, in all Equestria!?”

The mare beside the Princess rolled her eyes. “Having your mother commission statues of yourself does not count as ‘contributing to the city’. And sure, defeating an Ursa Minor is an amazing feat so long as you ignore they’re an endangered species and any harm brought upon them is illegal.”

“Those statues will drive up tourism once I become the Princess’ student!” Twilight argued. “As for that Ursa, the stupid creature should’ve stepped out of my way.”

The blue mare snorted in annoyance. “Not to mention your other ‘feats’ include barging into various venues unannounced and driving all the performers away so you can perfom one of your infamous ‘shows’.” She shook her head. “Why you think anyone would spend good money to listen to your night-awful singing or your narcissistic displays of ‘magic’, I can’t begin to understand.”

“Trixie!” The Princess snapped, gazing at the blue mare scoldingly. “You are not here to make judgements or rude comments about any applicants before me, regardless of whatever childhood you shared.” She looked down, adding under breath. “Even if what you say is accurate.”

“What was that, Princess?” Twilight asked, head tilted as she leaned her head upwards to hear the dragon better.

Princess Spike cougher into her clawed fist, blushing in embarrassment. “Twilight Sparkle, there’s more to becoming my student than social status or wealth, or even magical power.”

“What else could there be!?” Twilight cried out in exasperation. “Magic and status are THE most important things in the world, as you must surely know, your majesty!”

“U-Umm e-excuse me?”

Twilight blinked and turned, brows knotting in anger as she spied a red earth pony mare peeking through the large door to the throne room.
“WHO. ARE YOU?” The purple unicorn spat.

Big mac chuckled, pushing her further further inside. “I...I came to...to ask the Princess if I may...if I may become her student....”
Twilight Sparkled sputtered, then arched back laughing loudly. “Y-you think YOU, a-a mere EARTH PONY? C-can become...become the Princess’ protégé!?” The purple mare scoffed and laughed derisively. “Look at you! All muscles, no class, just like any of your dirty cretins! I bet you don’t know the first thing about magic!”

“N-no Ah suppose AH don’t...” The mare looked away, but then turned back to face the room. “But, I have very important reasons, so even if I can’t do magic, I-I am willing to learn!”

“You can’t LEARN magic, no EARTH PONY can!” Twilight smirked, marching over to the red mare. “All you are good for is ploughing fields, growing plants and breaking things. Go back to your farm or hovel or whatever field of dirty you call a home and let the TRULY GIFTED fulfil their DESTINIES!”

Big Mac gulped but shook her head, pushing the door to move further inside....accidentally pushing the massive piece of wood out of its hinges and falling onto the head of the opposing unicorn. “O-oh dear! Ah’m so sorry miss!”

Twilight Sparkle stood up, enraged, a large bump on her head. “You! You stupid little oaf! Do you have ANY IDEA who I am, you filthy mud pony!? Why, I could...!”

“That is quite enough, Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Spike intoned, then spoke far gently. “Come closer, miss, introduce yourself.”

Big Mac looked around nervously while Twilight Sparkle sputtered incredulously, the red mare slowly trotting forward, head bowed respectfully. “Th-thank you, your Highness.”

“Now, now, relax.” The Princess Spike smiled warmly and welcomingly. “Tell us your name.”

“M-Macintosh, your majesty, b-but m-most ponies call me Big Macintosh, ma’am.” The earth pony looked up at the dragon, hoof to her chest. “I-I came from Ponyville all the way to this big, beautiful city of yours b-because we head you’re taking on an apprentice....”

The Princess nodded. “Indeed, most consider it quite an honour, I only take on a new student every 100 years, usually. But...why would you want it? You do know being my student means being trained in magic, largely?”

Big Mac nodded. “Y-Yes I know but...the reason I came here, the reason I NEED to become your student...i-is cause you’ll help out your students’ families, right? I-I thought if I became your student...y-you could help give us just a little money, even just a small amount will do...our crops ain’t doin’ so well and there’s not a lot of us, not to mention we don’t make any money...m-mah aunt doesn’t complain much, but she can’t do it all alone, a-and mah sister is far too small for such tough work...s-so...”

“Say no more, Macintosh, I understand.” Princess Spike gazed over the mare curiously. “But tell me, why be my student? Why not find more gainful employment, rather than hope on the generosity of royalty, and a dragon at that?”

“I...I’m clumsy...” Big Mac looked downcast. “I trip a lot, I bump into things...I-I cause trouble, even though I try so hard not to...Nopony will hire me, and a lot of our farm equipment needs repairs because of me...this...this is the ONLY way I can help my family.” She gazed up at the dragon pleadingly, tears falling. “Please, Your Highness, please give me this chance, I promise I’ll do my best to learn and be a good student...just please, promise me you’ll help my family i-if you let me....That is all I ask.”

Princess Spike leaned back, gazing the mare over carefully. “Hmm...this is a HIGHLY unorthodox request, however...” She smirked knowingly. “You may be exactly what I need.”

Big Mac gasped and looked up the dragon wide eyed, while Twilight Sparkle stood at the back of the room shaking in confusion and disbelief.
“Y-you can’t be serious!” Twilight Sparkle cried out. “She...She’s an earth pony! What can she gain from learning magic!? She broke your royal door!”

“Door’s can be fixed, and my wealth is such that money is no object.” The princess gazed down warmly at the red mare before her. “To want to become my student so EARNESTLY, for such a simple, heartfelt reason....her lack of magical skill aside, she has the qualities I need in a student.” She chuckled and winked. “Besides, I know what its like to break things without meaning to.”

“This is ludicrous!” Twilight Sparkled screamed out. “I am the most powerful mage of our age; it should be I who becomes the Princess’ student, not this...this country bumpkin!”

Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Are you calling into question the Princess’ choice?”

The purple mare blanched. “N-no of course not! I-I’m just saying...uh...that this newcomer, this tourist, is...underqualifed!”

Princess Spike chuckled. “True...however, all the more reason to take her on, to teach her and help her improve herself.”

Twilight held her hoofs out, shaking in confusion, anger and disbelief...before her eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out, collapsing on the floor.

“W-will she be...alright?” Big Mac asked aloud.

“Oh she’ll be fine.” Trixie said with a sigh. “She’ll be back up in a few hours and start ranting at someone later.” She bowed. “I am Trixie, Princess Spike’s personal ponyservant, if you need anything do not hesitate to call. It shall be enlightening to see what you bring to us.” The mare trotted off, picking up the unconscious Twilight Sparkle and carrying her out of the room.

Big Mac looked around herself, looking unsure as she turned to gaze up at the Princess once more. “Th-thank you your majesty....I promise I won’t you let you down.”

The dragon smiled kindly. “Oh, I know you won’t, my student.”

The captain of the royal guard, Sunder, stepped into the room. “Princess, the dignitaries are here. Are you ready?”

Spike nodded, getting up from her throne as she looked down at Big Mac. “Macintosh, there is some matters I must attend to, I will send for you when I need you, so don’t stray too far.”

The red mare nodded slowly. “Understood, your highness.”


Shining Armour stood outside her mother’s flower shop, sweeping the front with a sigh. She was bored and restless, and the earlier excitement from this morning only made it harder as adrenaline pumped in her veins.

She looked up, raising a brow as a crowd of strange people marched down the road, brows raising higher as she recognised them as fairly important nobles and leaders from the various settlements of the empire.

“Why the hay are all those bigwigs here...?” She wondered aloud.

“Shining Armour!” Her mother scolded, trotting over. “Keep your head on the job!”

The blue haired unicorn sighed. “Mom! Something big’s going on right now and I wanna find out what it is!”

“No buts missy!” The older mare scolded. “That’s the royal guard’s business, not yours!”

“Well I think I should be in the royal guard! I am good at magic, and I’m tough and strong! I could protect everyone just like Captain Sunder!”

Her mother shook her head. “You know that no pony is a part of the royal guard, let alone a mare! Get this foolish dreams out of your head and do your job!”

Shining Armour spat at the ground. “Like you’d understand, you’re not even my real mom.” Her eyes widened as she said. “Uh, what I mean...”

Her mother gazed at her coldly, thin lipped as she turned and trotted back into her shop.

Shining frowned and sighed. “Dangit, I shouldn’t have blurted that otu without thinking...I really hurt her feelings.” She tossed her broom away, pacing in a circle. “....I just don’t see WHY a mare can’t join the royal guard. I may not be as strong as Captain Sunder or a minotaur or anything, but I know magic! If somepony’d just give me a chance...”

She looked, eyes following a lone bird as it flew across the sky....and then began to fall towards her.

“Oh no!” Her horn glowed as she formed a small bubble to catch the bird before it crashed, pulling it towards her hooves. “That was a close one...hey, what’s that in your talon?”

Indeed, upon closer inspection of the large bird, a bald eagle in fact, she could see something wrapped in its talon, the object a small, glowing stone bearing the crest of the Empire carved into it.


The Princess stepped into the room, looking over at three assembled world leaders allied with her Empire gathered together at a large, ornate golden table as she sat on her throne at the head of the table.

“You all know why I have summoned you all here.” The dragon stated, gazing slowly among the assembled peoples. “I hope you were able to meet my request, all of Equestria hangs in the balance....”

One of those sitting at the table gave a furtive nod. He was a black unicorn stallion, his horn having an unusual red colour; almost as if it was made of brilliant ruby; expensive looking fur clothing covered most of his body save for his head and hooves, which held a large abacus. “Why of course, this is a very profitable long term investment on our part. Only an idiot wouldn’t see the sense in helping you.” He gestured to his side, a yellow Pegasus mare waving with a nervous face. “This is my protégé, Flash Sentry, I have spent a few years training her in both the ways of the Merchantry, as well as shaping her into being able to fulfil her upcoming role.”

Flash Sentry looked down, bowing her head respectively. “I-It’s very nice to meet you, your majesty...I-I just hope I’m able to do whatever you need me to do...”

The dragon smiled warmly and reassuringly. “Miss Sentry, all we need you to do is be yourself.”

Sombra, President of the Crystal Merchantry Guild from the far north, smiled at his student wryly. “No need to be nervous. She’s not going to eat you.”

Flash Sentry gulped and squeeked. “She might.”

The unicorn laughed uproariously. “I should hope not! That wouldn't be very good for business!”

The Princess smiled and turned her head to another group at the table, a trio of what appeared to be ponies wearing grey, plain robes.

“We of the Changeling Consortium owe much to you, Princess.” Their leader spoke. “Our Queen had been killed at the hands of The Adversary and we were forced into slavery under his fist...Long, we thought we would suffer under his cruelty...but then you freed us, and offered us a home. We have longed to repay you for everything, and if one of us must leave the Hive to serve under you, it is an honour we must not deny.”

The pony directed her hoof to a smaller one of her kind at her side as she spoke. “Thorax here is still young, but we have taught him much of our history, of your ideals, of his purpose in all this. We only hope there is enough time.”

The young pony smiled under its hood, looking like a purple tressed white mare. “I’ll gladly do my part to help our Saviour...”

“Stop, please...” Spike frowned in concern. “I don’t want you to do this just because you think you ‘owe’ me...”

“It’s just our way Princess.” The mare spoke, voice melodious and light. “Even if you told us not to, we would do whatever it took to help you.”
The Princess still looked unsure, but nodded in acceptance. “...Thank you.”

“Aw Princess!” a voice called out from where a group of griffons stood. “Don’t be so glum! Here, I’ll play ya something!”

Spike blinked and turned to the speaker. “Ah, you must be Gilda, the musician, correct?”

Gilda nodded, smiling. “Yeah, that’s me! Pops said you could use my talent, and I just JUMPED at the chance of playing for the Princess of the Empire!”

An older griffon, who stood more somberly and composed, shook his head slowly. “I tried to teach her some decorum, but...as you can see; she refused to listen to me. Still, from what you told me, her...eccentricities could be useful.”

Spike nodded, frowning at the griffon. “That is no way to speak of your daughter, Julius. You should be more accepting, particularly since she is exactly what we need.”

Before any more could be said, the sound of hoofsteps could be heard, as well several different kind of footsteps. All eyes turned, many widening in disbelief at the entourage who entered.

The Beastmaster stood, frowning with cold confidence, wearing her finest suit, a pair of diamond dogs walked alongside her left flank, while a massive bear stood to her right, an eagle flying overhead.

Captain Sunder, the head of the royal guard, slammed his fist to the ground suddenly as he flew in from the shadows, his massive red face fuming. “What are you doing here, you fiend!? How did you even get in here!?”

The Beastmaster simply gazed up at the dragon, stepping past Sunder’s claw. “Your beloved Princess invited me here. She and I made a deal.”
Julius the griffon turned to Spike with a pale face. “Y-you didn’t! H-Has she somehow gotten control over you!?”

The Princess shook her head. “No, no she has not, thankfully. No, the reasons are far more insidiuous, and perplexing.”

The Beastmaster took a seat, smirking confidently. “Indeed, I am the one who has the next Bearer.” She gestured to Fido, who looked confused, as did his smaller companion. “These two have served me well, but now they serve a greater purpose: to allow me and the Princess to reach an arrangement.”

Sunder glowered, body shaking as he turned to his Princess. “What...what did you AGREE to!?Don’t you realise who that is!? That is The Beastmaster, the criminal overlord plaguing our fair city for YEARS, whose animal subordinates have terrorised our fair citizens!”

“I know who she is, what she has done.” Spike frowned. “Believe me, I did not believe she was even able to contact me as easily as she did...however, more surprising was what she requested in return for handing me the Element Bearer.”

“What did you give her!?” Sunder roared.

The Beastmaster smirked. “Quick and immediate incarceration in your finest, deepest cell in your dungeons.”

Sunder’s eyes widened. “W-What!?”

“W-why would you WANT to be arrested!?” Julius the griffon shouted.

Sombra stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Or do you feel no need to explain your motives?”

The Beast master shook her head. “Oh no, I have a perfectly good reason. Lavan is coming, it’s not a matter of ‘if’, but of ‘when’, and it’s going to be soon. As such, it’s in my best interests to ensure the princess gets one of the keys to defeating him. However, I can’t just simply ‘hope for the best’, so I need someplace safe to hide in until he’s dealt with. And what better place than the dungeons of Canterlot?”

Sunder growled, smoke flowing out his nostrils. “How can we trust you at all?”

“You can’t.” The yellow Pegasus said simply with a shrug. “But is it worth distrusting me when Lavan could show up any day, at any moment, ready to destroy these lands?”

Princess Spike frowned. “I know, but since you are here, you must be incarcerated post-haste.”

The Beastmaster nodded, smirking. “Go ahead. It is in my best interests as well.”

Sunder growled as a metal collar snapped around the pegasus’ neck, surrounding her in a magical aura as the dragon silently lead her out of the room.

Princess Spike sighed heavily. “And with my student chosen, there is but only one left...”

“Is it anyone in this room?” Sombra asked.

Spike gazed along the room. “No...no I do not see anyone else...regardless, we should have them speak to each other...”

There was a loud explosion and a guttural roar filled the air. The Princess’ blood turned to ice as her eyes shrank and her face paled.

“No, it can’t be...” She muttered. “We still aren’t ready...”


Lavan stood over the wreckage of Canterlot’s gated wall, stepping into the city itself. The cityfolk gazed up at the creature in fear.

He roared angrily, punching through a house, smashing it to rubble in one strike, a single word resounding in the air.


Author's Note:

I forgot some things I wanted to include, such as more detailed characterisation for the world leaders and their students, as well as flesh out The Beastmaster’s scenes a bit more. But since I forgot what I planned, this is what we get instead.

Hope you all enjoyed it, and please comment.

Comments ( 4 )

This looks like a really interesting concept and I'm excited to see where you go with it.

7907538 thanks friend : 3

And yeah, the name thing still bugs me.
It also doesn't help that I read this chapter just after I finally read the epilogue to the Rainbow is Magic season 1 finale story.

But this was still an interesting chapter now that I've finally gotten around to reading it.

7950642 no worries : 3

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