• Published 11th Oct 2016
  • 5,580 Views, 75 Comments

DJ-P4NTL3SS - ThisIsMyFateNow

Vinyl loves her new girlfriend Octavia. So much so, that she can't stop listening to her voice... even to check if she's wearing pants on the way to school

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In Which Skirts Are Better Than Pants

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you never want to get out of bed? For me, that’s nearly every morning. Of course, it doesn’t help that I usually go to bed at, like, four in the morning, only to wake up a couple of hours later for school.

This morning, the cool autumn air permeated my small studio apartment, causing me to wrap myself into the mess of sheets on my bed. As I snuggled deeper into the pile of warmth, I almost missed my phone ringing softly. Hoping against hope that it would stop, I waited.

After a good minute of ringing, I grumbled and slipped an arm out into the crisp morning air and grabbed the device that I had almost missed in my blissful slumber. Huffing, I cracked an eye open, attempting to glare through the haze and see who would be so crass as to interrupt my slumber. Turns out, it was an angel calling. Well, I mean, she’s not an actual angel, but she’s the next best thing.

After I slid the icon to “Answer,” I slipped the phone over to the side of my face.

“Good morning, Vinyl,” Octavia said, her melodic intonation coaxing the sleep from my brain. “I’m guessing I woke you again? Another night of mixing?”

I responded with a hum of affirmation as my body began to move and wiggle out from under the sheets and a smile slid across my face. No matter how many times she calls, she can always get me going. Which, if I’m fair, is needed nearly every morning.

A shiver ran through me as my feet hit the cold, laminate floor. I really need a rug there. I sighed. One of these days, I’d do something about that. Tilting my head, I sandwiched the phone between my ear and shoulder as I made my way to the small bath to start the day.

“I really do detest how much reading Ms. Longsdon gave us for this coming weekend,” Octavia rambled on as I turned on the shower, letting the hot water steam up the bathroom. While everything got all nice and warm, I let Octavia’s voice carry me away as I just listened.

“Were you able to finish that math homework?” she asked as I started to brush my teeth.

Humming a response, I finished before rinsing the leftover toothpaste out and shed my panties and the over-sized shirt that I was wearing.

Realizing that I did need to get moving, I set the phone to speaker before stepping into the warm water. As it cascaded down on me, it plastered my hair to my head and, as usual, my face. Pushing the hair out of one eye, I work to get said mess of hair clean. The only problem with losing yourself to Octavia’s voice while showering? You don’t realize how foamy the shampoo has gotten until it’s found its way into your eye.

I let out a sudden shriek, and then reached up to scrub the irritation from my eyes. Octavia's laughter cut through the sound of water pelting against my head.

“Shampoo in the eyes again, Vinyl?” she asked, still giggling.

She knew me well enough to figure out what’s happened, and even then, she could make me blush even from across town. Now that I was nice and clean, it was time to get a move on. I shut off the water and hurriedly dried myself. I picked up the phone again and cradled it between my head and shoulder as I raced about the small space, trying to get dressed and ready for school.

“The bus is here, love. I’ll see you at school, okay?”

I mumbled a reply as I grabbed my bag and also headed out the door, but not before saying my good-byes to Octavia and slipping my headphones on.

With the music pulsing through the headphones, I locked the door and began to make my way to the bus stop. Another chill raced along my legs as a soft, autumn breeze brushed past me. Lost in thought of my lovely Tavi’s voice, I made it to the bus just as it was pulling up.

Even though it was still early autumn, everything seemed so cool that morning. Especially once I got to my seat. When I sat down, another shiver ran through me and my seat felt far cooler than I was used to. A quick glance down, and I quickly figured out why everything was so cool this morning. I noticed the pink and grey panties peeking out from under my shirt. No skirt, no shorts, no pants. Nothing.

I got so lost in Octavia’s voice that I forgot to put on any pants. Oh, goddess… this was going to be a very long day.

As the bus continued to pick up other students, I did my best to hide my lack of clothes by positioning my bag next to me. I was able to tune everyone out as I lost myself in the pounding beat that was blasting out of my headphones. I watched the cookie cutter houses, with symmetrical patches of green out front, go by in a blur. Thankfully, I didn’t get too many strange looks during the seemingly-interminable bus ride, but there were a few. Each time I felt someone's eyes on me, I shifted my bag to try and hide my predicament.

It was more once I left the bus that the looks, whispers, and giggles came. The walk to first period had never taken so long. While there would usually be a confident swagger in my step, today I scooted as fast as I could, trying not to draw attention to myself, which didn’t happen, as Lyra and Bon Bon tried to stop me for a brief chat. I don’t remember how, but I managed to extricate myself from that awkward scene.

Thankfully, I made it to homeroom before the bell rang, and I took my place at the back of the class. Since I wasn’t allowed to wear my headphones in the building, they had to go. Now, I could hear all of the whispers. And the giggles. And the comments that my panties were decidedly Octavia-themed.

I could only sit there and try and lose myself in the memory of the call from earlier that morning. Her lovely voice, filling my head until it felt like I was floating. I spent the better part of the first two periods like that. Head in the clouds, trying my best to ignore the whispers and doing my best to hide my predicament from the teachers. I still couldn’t believe that I had become so ensnared by Octavia’s voice that I had forgotten to put pants on.

The bell rang, signalling the start of the twelve-minute break between classes, and I made my way quickly through the hall to where our lockers were. As I weaved through the crowd, my lack of pants were evident to everyone I passed, a trail of laughter following me. At that point, I was too focused on finding Tavi to pay them much notice. Although my bright red face might have suggested otherwise.

As I approached my locker, I could see her standing just a few feet away at hers, door open. Hearing me approach rather rapidly, she turned to face me. I could have melted right then and been happy to get lost in those mulberry eyes. Her face lit up when she saw me, only to have that gorgeous smile quickly vanish as she saw the panicked expression on my face.

“I’ve already heard what’s happened. Are you okay?” Her tone was full of concern... for me.

I slipped my arms around her, holding her close. Leaning back slightly, I saw her eyes make their way down my body to alight upon my very severe lack of pants… and I noted that she looked good when she blushed. Thankfully, she seemed to understand what had happened.

“I see you were distracted by my voice again,” Octavia said.

Nodding, I buried my face against her neck. What I didn’t expect was for Tavi to lean in and whisper to me, “I think I can help.”

After she pried my arms from around her, she took my hand and lead me to the ladies room, right into that large stall at the end. Once she had sequestered us in the stall, Tavi removed her pants before holding them out to me. I’m not going to lie. If that’s all it took for me to get her to remove her pants, I would have stopped wearing mine to school a long time ago.

Tossing her pants at me, Tavi tugged down her sweater, neatly covering her panties, and you know what? She could totally rock the no-pants look. Slipping Tavi’s pants on, a great sense of relief washed over me, not to mention some much needed warmth. My own panties would finally be hidden from everyone else’s view.

“Do my pants fit alright?” she asked, eyeing me up and down.

Nodding, I run my hands over them, feeling how snug they are. Tavi stepped close to me and leaned in, whispering, “Good. I rather like you wearing them between us. And thank you for giving me a breezy excuse to think about you all day.”

Smirking at me, Tavi took my wrist, and led us out of the bathroom. Walking hand in hand back to our lockers, she leaned over. “Did I really talk you out of putting on pants this morning?” she whispered. “Because I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”

Nodding, I felt the blush spread, suffusing my whole face.

I’ve never blushed as much as I had that day. And Tavi’s coy smile at me didn’t help things either. Sadly, the bell rang, signalling an end to our brief rendezvous. With a quick kiss before we had to go to our separate classes, Tavi hugged me again. “I’ll see you at lunch,” she whispered.

I just stood there for a moment, a goofy grin on my face as I watched Octavia vanish around the corner. Spinning about, I walked off in the other direction towards my next class. And with my usual confident swagger, no less.

Halfway to my next class, my phone began to vibrate. As I pulled it from my bag, Tavi’s face appeared on the screen with a message icon. I opened the texts and found the new one from her.

By the way, smashing color choice. Maybe this afternoon you'll get to see mine.

Once again, this girl managed to distract me as I ran right into someone. A cold wet feeling hit me as I looked down and saw a large wet spot gracing the crotch of Tavi’s pants. As I looked back up, I saw another student holding a now-empty bottle of soda.

She sputtered an apology, but I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying. Tavi’s message kept distracting me until I put my phone away and waved it all off. As I stepped around the other student and continued on my way toward class, only one thought occupied my mind: Lunch couldn’t come soon enough.

Author's Note:

This story is brought to you by shortskirtsandexplosions in conjunction with fourths media productions. Directed by Scarlet Storm.

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Comments ( 75 )

That was incredibly adorable.:rainbowkiss:

When you deliver, you deliver. Honestly all I can think about is how jealous I am of that school schedule. We get 4 minutes between classes, and it's never enough. Good job, definitely lived up to the hype.

I am Wanderer D and I approve of this story. Have a thumbs up.

7635402 Thank you!

7635422 We had that, but between second and third period, there was a 12 minute break.

7635432 :pinkiehappy:

7635451 Thank you!

That was some very cute flirting. :heart:

7635486 I agree!

7635487 Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Cute story. For the record I hate shorts. ~hugs

Finally! Time for popping. So glad you FP'd it!

Wanderer D

7635432 But if you're me and I'm not you, then who am I?


That was excellent!

And I dig the fact that Vinyl said nothing at all the whole time through.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Majin Syeekoh

7635692 You're him.

Or her. Whichever you choose.

Skirts are better than pants. :trollestia:

Hahaha! This was a funny story! I liked it!

Fell over laughing this was great there needs to be at least two sequels to this wonderfully written story. :twilightsmile:

I don't just love i this,I love this

7635422 We had a flat 3 minutes when I was in juvie. The door of our Tech building (Gym, arts) and the main building were 100 yards apart. Then usually up two flights of stairs once inside the main building. And then your class was never near that corner, it was at the end of a wing.


You've got style.

This was silly... 53/10 would read again.

Fun and adorable. Always a great combination :pinkiehappy:

As a strike witches fan, i immediately approve of this!

Well, well, congrats on the feature! I figured that I'd give a review, so here we go!

The story as a whole is pretty solid and that's something that's hard to find. A lot of stories that are on the site may be good, but they can only have a good concept and not execute it right, or they execute the concept right and don't flush the story and everything else. But, enough praise for now, when I give a review I try to get the bad stuff out of the way.

Let's start with the logic, or say, the situational excuse for plot development. I know that the whole story was about Vinyl and how she was so distracted with Octavia's voice that she forgot to wear pants, which is believable, to a point. But what I found increasingly sketchy was that she wasn't stopped by any adult for dress code, or that any teacher's pet got someone to get Vinyl in trouble. When I'm reading a story, whether it's fanfiction or fiction itself, I always like to have as much reality in it as I can. I want some concept that can seem impossible, like time travel or space travel or really just something that seems unlikely, revealed yet explained in a way that makes me go: "Wow, I never thought of it that way." or "I don't understand how this hasn't been done like that, it sounds like it's possible."

I highly doubt that someone would've been able to get by with a few inches longer t-shirt and not get noticed by the teachers. If teachers are going to notice hats and IDs, I think they'll notice someone that doesn't have pants or shorts on. I want to be able to enjoy reading the story and not have to continue reading it and go "that wouldn't happen with them". When a reader is, well, reading a story that includes a ship that they like, they want to read it for the content that puts the characters in a situation that may actually happen, and the engrosment is hindered by the constant thought that it would probably not happen. It's a sense of immersion that I think was slightly overlooked because of plot and that's really my only problem with the story.

Whew, now that that's over with, let's get to the good stuff.

Like I said before, this was a pretty solid read. I went through it liking the interaction and noting the few things that made Octavia, well, Octavia and that was nice. You wrote the characters interactions and how they would've gone about the situation very well and included lines that were quite enjoyable. I think the most notable would be:

By the way, smashing color choice. Maybe this afternoon you'll get to see mine.

I cracked a smile at that one. Something that I didn't notice until I read over it again, since I wanted to get a good review in and see something that Skeeter mentioned, was that Vinyl never directly talks. She only nods and stuff like that, I think the only time that I saw that she actually could've been talking was here:

"The bus is here, love. I’ll see you at school, okay?”

I mumbled a reply as I grabbed my bag and also headed out the door, but not before saying my good-byes to Octavia and slipping my headphones on.

If you had asked me after the first time that I read through the story if Vinyl had talked I probably would've said yes or at leas that I would've thought that she did. But now that I've read it again I think that you've done a really good job of having the interactions between them without Vinyl having dialogue flowed really well. And for someone that just finished writing an OctaScratch one-shot that has Vinyl not talking it makes me huff in annoyance at how well everything flowed with only one character talking.

It was nice to see Octavia a little more forward than Vinyl in this, especially in initiating things. Usually Vinyl is the one to be doing all the confident flirting and stuff, but it was refreshing to see the tables turned on her. I wouldn't mind seeing something with this Universe, maybe something like this again. The only things that I could think of would be shirtlessness or a skirt and being commando, just off the top of my head. I think other people wouldn't mind seeing more of this, and I wouldn't either.

Keep up the good work and I hope to see another enjoyable OctaScratch story from you!

-Till the next one

That was such a sweet story.

I always love these guilty-pleasure fics.

Read the title, as a Brit, and thought this was going to be something else :twilightblush: Glad it wasn't, because this was hilarious. Loved it! :rainbowlaugh:

Heh. Got a good smile out of this.

Maybe Vinyl should put an extra pair of pants in her locker for next time. Or give a pair to Octavia to hold onto.

This was a highly amusing and enjoyable little story <3

I only have the one issue with this fic. It's not even that important... Vinyl has a car. She could have driven to school, noticed the problem, turned around and fixed it. HOWEVER that does NOT mean i disliked it. It was an amazing fic.

7636713 just a thumbs up for the cover art alone.
strike ponies when ?

7637542 story was cute too

7637524 well it does say alternative universe and not equestria girls so maybe that's why she doesn't have a car in this story

That may very well be the case. I still standby the fact this fic was amazing. Well... "fact". It's more opinion, but the sentiment remains.

Not going to read this (sorry), but I just wanted to comment that the title sounds like a really cheesy low-budget porno/ero-doujin.:rainbowlaugh:

—then she owes me a damn beer.

You'll have to show them your damn ID

Also, did you see how much music equipment was in her car? That thing must be expensive to run.

7637524 She had to take out the engine to make room for that killer bass, but it was totally worth it.

Its fics like this that make me question life. Fics that make me walk outside, looking into the sunset, asking myself, "Why?" Why is life like this? What do we gain from such fanfiction, what is it's purpose? Does it have no rhyme or reason? Why does it exist?

I'm bailing from this planet. Don't look for me.

When I saw the story image I was hoping for a crossover with Strike Witches. It may not have but it was a cute story, have a thumbs up.

7637822 it was p. okay

it was a lovely story, though i woukd like to see a sequal to it soon (that is if youd like to do one for it) but none the less this was a very cute and addorable one shot between Vynil and Octavia (Tavi) kind regards, night_shadow12

7639091 careful on Pluto it has some guard bots on it from when I last tried to leave.

You know what I'll be there with some cookies and a good internet connection.

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