• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook


Aria is a violent person. Perhaps it makes sense that she does professional wrestling moves on every boy she likes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

I read the description and just knew this was going to be magnificent. I was still pleasantly surprised.

I don't know a damn thing about professional wrestling, but this was the funniest thing I've seen all day.

new pretzel of a sister.

I mean, when you have stuff like this, who needs to get the wrestling jokes?

as a bg fan of pro wrestling i loved this to death

in fact im favroting this along with crime pays


When I read the OC name, I felt bad,, but when Aria made that connection, I understand lol.. Good job fir a crack fic

I dont know mutch about Wresling but this was fun eather way.

I thought the Liontamer was the moonsault he does off the middle rope.


This felt like watching WhatCulture somehow XD I absolutely LOVED IT! Awesome work! I was considering writing a wrestling fic but really no idea how to start that off so I'm EXTREMELY glad to see this! A++ work, Chilly!

7600339 That's the Lionsault. Liontamer was the modified Walls of Jericho that he used quite a lot in his WCW days.

7600118 Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

7600357 ah, my mistake. They rarely called it the Liontamer when I watched as a kid, and I only ever got to watch Smackdown.



I think it may have gotten a little too random in a few places but otherwise this was pretty good. The "swear jar" bit cracked me up the most.

Kay Fabe welcome to viperville!
I want to see someone do a stone cold stunner.

This was Awesome!

so when i read chokeslam i thought- "black hole?" until she pointed out undertaker and i was like "DANGIT, nothing but WWE moves?"

Then Aria hit Eat Defeat. and i laughed. HARD. got some TNA IN here!

AND THEN Kayfabe shoed up. and i screamed "ARIA'S GONNA KILL YOU!", but then Pinkie became the Ring announcer and i said "welp, i want her calling most matches i see now. actually, great, now i want Pinkie guest commentating on Lucha Underground. sick call with the Super Kinniku Buster, but i honestly would have loved a 630 Senton here.

Booyah on the Suplex City bit, though, really, no fruther german suplex and locks? Lesnar is pretty cool, but y'can't just have one suplex in a trip to suplex city! but butterflying Aria is SO totally worth it. i could see this.

Well done! wish there was more!

Wow! EQG and wrestling. Awesome! And Sonata, as ever, was such a sweetheart with her swear jar! Adagio was great too!

I'm not a WWE fan, but I was a big fan back in the pre-WWE/F territorial days when kayfabe was still in effect. "Rasslin'" back then was a genuine demimonde that existed outside the radar of most people, and its performers lived their characters 24/7, even if it meant being hated. And they'd put on the same show whether it was Madison Square Garden or the old school gym in Finger (pronounced "Fanger"), Tennessee (where I once actually attended a rasslin' show).

I was born too late for a lot of great things, but was privileged to get to watch Lawler and Jarret's Memphis wrestling just before and during its golden age. What days those were!

I would have preferred more classical terminology (isn't the Liontamer just a Boston crab?) but then I'm an old fogey, and I imagine Aria would prefer the current product (I'm glad somebody does!).

7603035 There seems to be a bit of confusion on the difference between a Walls of Jericho (Boston Crab, as it is known when used by anyone except Jericho) and a Liontamer. I'm here to clear things up a bit.

The Walls of Jericho/Boston Crab involves Wrestler A grabbing Wrester B's legs, turning Wrestler B onto his stomach, and then Wrestler A crouches over the lower back of Wrestler B. As such...

Meanwhile, a Liontamer is when Wrestler A grabs the legs of Wrestler B, turns him much in the same way, but then kneels on the back of Wrestler B's head, holding his torso vertically. As such...

Hope things are a bit more clear now.

Aria Blaze the Bonecrusher. Fitting. :rainbowdetermined2:

Adagio gave no response on account of being mostly unconscious, so Aria assumed her work was done. She turned to drag Sonata’s forlorn body into the house when she saw two people heading towards her. One was easily recognizable as Pinkie Pie (although, bizarrely, she had on a very atypical black cowboy hat). The other person was a boy that Aria had never seen before. He was thin, about Aria’s height, and wore blue jeans and a black hoodie.
“Hiya, Aria!” said Pinkie, waving wildly. “This is the guy I was telling you about!”
“Sup,” said Aria. She hefted Sonata’s body over her shoulder. “Name’s Aria Blaze. You?”

Comment posted by jaroslav deleted Sep 30th, 2016

Not my cup of cofee.

Wrestling is awesome

7609741 So it is, my friend. I fell out of it around 2010, but I found myself coming back a few months ago. Now, I'm back in there for good.

7609765 sweet. I've been a fan since i was a kid

I'm not big on pro wrestling, but this was insanely fun. Shame about Sonata and Aria, though.

Oh, and Flash, but that's kinda the rule.

Poor Nata, just wanna hug her better.:heart:

Kinniku buster... the ultimate move, having been preformed by the king and prince of Muscle planet...

Kayden Fabe, but most people call me Kay,” said the boy.
“Kay… Fabe. Meh. Whatever. Wanna get out of here? Go do something?”

Another WWE fan. :rainbowlaugh: Thank you so much for this story! I loved every minute of it. Oh and BEST CHARACTER EVER!!!! Great job! :pinkiehappy:


Soooooooooo...those three watch New Japan too?

Good story. And great reference to WWE Hall of Famer "Good Ol'" Jim Ross

I could see Aria Claymore Kicking someone's head off

This was written prior to my rediscovery of Drew McIntyre/Galloway, or else there would have certainly been a reference to the Claymore. Arguably the best strike-based impact finisher in the game right now (that's not the Black Mass, obviously, because that's not even fair)

Aaah, love is in the air. And spittle. And a mouth guard. Possibly a tooth if you look closely.

Adagio would later blame the next moment on the wine and her sister’s contagious stupidity.

“What the hell is Eat Defeat?” she asked. As soon as she did, she regretted it. She tried to abort, to say ‘nevermind, I don't care’, but Aria was too fast.

Aria rushed over to Adagio and grabbed her by the back of the head. With amazing gracefulness and agility, Aria put the bottom of her foot underneath Adagio’s chin. After hopping in place for a moment to keep her balance, Aria fell onto her back, bringing Adagio down and slamming her face against the bottom of Aria’s boot.

“That's Eat Defeat,” said Aria after leaping to her feet. “Any questions?”

Adagio gave no response on account of being mostly unconscious, so Aria assumed her work was done.

That moment made me lose myself! :rainbowlaugh:
Just imagining this scene in mind made me feel surprised, amused and excited! You don't see Dagi (the arrogant diva) getting such (random, embarrassing and even a bit humiliating) moments often even in fics.

EDIT: I've just noticed now:

She turned to drag Sonata’s forlorn body into the house when she saw two people heading towards her.

Did Aria really just leave Adagio unconscious in their front yard?🤣

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