• Published 1st Dec 2011
  • 33,550 Views, 1,861 Comments

The Games We Play - AbsoluteAnonymous

Somepony is once again masquerading as Mare Do Well, and it's up to Rainbow Dash to figure out who.

  • ...

Chapter 14: A Truce

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

It was Mare Do Well who spoke.

She sounded nervous, and stopped in her tracks in the snow.

The two of them – the masked mare and Rainbow Dash – had only left Ponyville a few minutes ago, and were now apparently making their way over to the cliffs by Whitetail Woods. Actually, Rainbow Dash wasn't exactly sure where they were headed, but Dash figured that since the mare appeared to be guiding her to the cliffs, it was probably a safe bet to assume that the cliffs were, in fact, their destination.

When Mare Do Well had first started running, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but recall the autumn when she'd first faced off against Applejack in the Running of the Leaves. Dash might have been the fastest flier to ever come out of Cloudsdale, but on ground, she was nothing special – a natural athlete, but nothing phenomenal. Mare Do Well, though, was downright scary in how quick her reflexes were and in how easily she seemed to make those jumps. Rainbow Dash felt that familiar rush of competitive spirit wash over her, forcing her to pick up speed as she followed the vigilante, suddenly wanting to be able to outrun her opponent at any cost.

Once they'd reached the outskirts of town, though, Mare Do Well's gallop slowed to a trot and finally to a lazy stroll. They still hugged the edge of the forest, bordered by the shadows that the trees cast in the moonlight, as if Mare Do Well was afraid to leave the cover of darkness for even a moment.

Rainbow Dash fell into step beside her, allowing herself to be led by the mare. Then, and only then, did Dash allow herself to speak up. Before, when her thoughts had been occupied by their imaginary, one-sided race, she hadn't wanted to let herself get distracted by idle chitchat. Once they'd slowed down, though, Rainbow Dash had to admit to herself that she was curious; yet when questioned, Mare Do Well's responses were either intentionally vague or just plain nonexistent.

"You'll see," was all she'd say. And rather cryptically, as well.

After she'd told Rainbow Dash this three or four times, she began to bring up the Spike thing every time Rainbow Dash spoke, prodding Rainbow Dash with questions about what, exactly, she'd been doing that led her to that conclusion. Eventually, after she'd reluctantly confessed to 'investigating' Rarity's room only to get caught, Rainbow Dash just gave up and stopped trying to talk.

It was only when the cliffs were in sight that Mare Do Well had paused. Dash took a dark sort of satisfaction in noting how uneasy Mare Do Well sounded when she voiced her concerns, but only said, "You can't change your mind now."

Mare Do Well pawed at the snow with a hoof before saying, rather hesitantly, "Well, there are two things I want to show you, really. I'm just taking you to the first one, now, but – I don't know if you're going to like it."

Two? Rainbow Dash thought – but out loud, she said, "Even if I hate it, what's the big deal? C'mon, just go get it, or do it, or whatever. I'm gonna go nuts if you just drop the whole thing now without even telling me what it is."

"The first one isn't a thing I can give you, exactly. It's more like something you use? And I sort of cheated, too, because it wasn't initially supposed to be a Hearth's Warming present. It was something I wanted to share with you, but I was just saving it for a good time, and I thought now might be a good time, but..."

Her voice trailed off.

"But what?" Rainbow Dash asked. She was quickly losing patience. Her internal brat wanted to run ahead, search for and tear open the supposed present, shredding the paper with her teeth the way she always used to on Hearth's Warming mornings back home in Cloudsdale, but from the way Mare Do Well was almost trying to apologize for the gift pre-emptively, she was starting to wonder if it was going to turn out to be a terrible grand gesture thing after all. It felt like Mare Do Well was trying to prepare her for a letdown of some sort.

"Maybe this was a bad idea –"

"Okay, seriously. Don't get all whiny and self-doubting. I don't feel like being your shoulder to cry on. You dragged me all the way out here, so go ahead and... do whatever it is you were going to do, or say whatever it is you were going to say," Rainbow Dash interrupted, knowing full well that she was being rude – but not really caring, mostly due to how she was still reeling from the way that Mare Do Well had tricked Rainbow into hugging her. Talk about a dirty, scheming, underhooved move.

"I'm not whiny," Mare Do Well said with mock offense. "How dare you?"

"Is it gonna be awesome or not?" Rainbow Dash shot back. "The only reason I walked all this way was because I like getting stuff and I'm supposed to get a present here. If I'm not, then I'm heading back right now."

"Well, I think that you'll like it. At least, I hope you will."

"If you like it, it's probably gonna turn out to be... uh... dumb," Rainbow Dash retorted weakly, unable to think of a witty reply. Much to her irritation, she just knew that she'd probably only come up with a clever response at a really bad time, like in the middle of breakfast when there was nothing at all she could do about it and she'd be forced to sit and stew on it until she finally forgot what it was.

At some point Mare Do Well had begun walking again, and Rainbow Dash had automatically begun to follow, despite the heated exchange they'd just shared. Although maybe that heat had only been in Rainbow's imagination. Mare Do Well certainly didn't seem very angry, just unsure.

"Look," Rainbow Dash finally cut in, breaking the silence that had fallen over them. "Whatever it is, it's not like I'm going to –"

"We're here!"

Mare Do Well almost gave a little skip, running forward a bit before stopping and skidding slightly in the snow. She had her head tilted upwards, looking at something that Rainbow Dash couldn't quite see, and was doing that antsy little dance from before, jumping restlessly from hoof to hoof. Rainbow Dash almost wanted to chuckle when she saw her, if only because it was so out-of-character to see Mare Do Well act so undignified, but it was probably safe to assume that such behavior was due to her spontaneous burst of anxiety from before.

Rainbow Dash went to join her, and lifted her head as well, trying to find what Mare Do Well was looking at.

And then she saw it: a platform built into a tree.

Once she spotted the platform, her eyes slowly began to follow the line that led from it, hanging low over the gap between Whitetail Cliffs and connecting to a tree on the opposite side.

"Is that a –" Rainbow began, then stopped herself. Instead of continuing, she ran forward, fueled by a sudden burst of excitement, to get a better look, her jaw hanging open. "Oh my gosh... oh my gosh! Is this seriously the surprise? Like, for real? Seriously?"

Rainbow Dash didn't really know what she'd been expecting from Mare Do Well, but she could say with certainty that she hadn't been expecting a zip-line.

"I didn't make it," Mare Do Well said quickly. "I didn't even buy the equipment or set it up. Somepony else did, and I just asked if I could use it. I, I thought that maybe you might have fun with it, because I know you can't fly right now, and... I thought it might kind of feel like flying? Maybe? So I wanted to bring you here, just to show it to you. That's all."

"Oh my gosh!" the pegasus squealed, oblivious to the apprehension in Mare Do Well's voice. "I've always wanted to try one of these things! They're just so awesome, but I mean, when would I have ever gotten the chance to, right? And besides, it probably wouldn't be as fun with wings, but still, oh my gosh, this is so cool! Who do you even know that would have something like this?"

"Um, I'm not sure where they got it, but the equipment belongs to Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. Apparently their special talents weren't in zip-lining, so they had no further use for it."

"Man, I gotta try it out. Right now," Rainbow Dash declared decisively, preparing to bolt forward and climb the ladder built into the side of the tree, so that she could grab the harness and go sailing, even if she had no idea how to actually use the thing and wouldn't be able to fly away if she lost control.

"You probably shouldn't," Mare Do Well interrupted. "It's too dark. I wanted to show it to you myself, so I brought you here tonight, but you should wait until tomorrow before you actually use it, so that you can see better. Besides, this isn't the gift I had in mind when I mentioned a present before – it was just something I wanted to show you."

Rainbow Dash stared longingly at the device. It was tempting her with the promise of the speed and freedom she so craved. Still, she'd get herself killed on the thing no matter what, so it would probably be better for her to do it during daylight hours, when she'd at least be able to see what killed her before it happened.

"Okay, I'll admit it," Rainbow Dash said, changing the subject rather than concede that Mare Do Well had a point. "I was kind of expecting something lame. But this? This is pretty awesome."

"Really?" Mare Do Well asked after a beat of silence.

The answer was yes, of course, but Rainbow didn't especially feel like having to reassure her. So instead she shrugged and asked, "If that wasn't the main present, then what is?"

"Ah... it should be hidden here somewhere."

There was a cluster of trees surrounding the tree with the platform built into it, and that was where Mare Do Well headed, using her hooves to dig through the bushes and snow until she found whatever it was that she was looking for.

The mask she wore covered Mare Do Well's mouth, so she wasn't able to lift the package with her mouth like anypony else might have. She didn't use magic, either, but that could've been because she was still trying to be careful about revealing too much of herself around Rainbow Dash. Instead, she reached into the tangled mass of leaves and pulled a package out with her front hooves, awkwardly dropping it on the ground before her. She leaned forward and nudged it with her snout, pushing it towards Rainbow Dash.

The package was dusted with flakes of snow, like everything else in this part of the woods. It was small and tidy, neatly wrapped with crimson paper that was dotted with tiny damp stains in spots where the snow had melted.

"I hid it here beforehoof because I knew that I was going to bring you here anyway," Mare Do Well explained. "It just made things easier to have it all set up before we came. And apparently somepony has a habit of ransacking the rooms of her friends, now. It's a good thing I didn't hide it anywhere that you might have dug through for fun."

Rainbow Dash awkwardly nudged the present with her hoof, uncertain whether to rip into it or what. Now that she was actually being confronted with the reality of the gift itself, she felt nervous, possibly more nervous than Mare Do Well had been about bringing her here in the first place. Maybe because, rather than worrying that it would be terrible, she was worrying that it would turn out to be really cool after all, and then she'd be in a fix, all right. She'd have to be all polite and grateful when she didn't actually want to accept anything Mare Do Well had to offer; yet the allure of a potentially awesome present kept her from turning and leaving right then and there.

"I wasn't ransacking anypony's room!" Rainbow retorted. "I was searching for clues. There's a difference."

"And the difference is...?"

"The difference is... well, I've been spending a lot of time in bushes lately, so you never know. I might have camped out here one night and found it totally by accident."


Again, Rainbow Dash nudged the box. Nothing about the shape gave away what might have been inside, and the wrapping seemed harmless enough. It didn't squeal or hiss when she poked it. Another good sign. In fact, it felt pretty light, like if she tapped it any harder it would tip over. Was it empty? Was this some weird joke?

Mare Do Well was still watching, making her reluctant to actually open it. Rainbow Dash felt weirdly self-conscious under her gaze, the knowledge that the mare was still there causing her stomach to flutter unpleasantly.

"I probably didn't need to wrap it," Mare Do Well said after a moment. "It's nothing big, really. I was joking when I said it would be meaningful and heart-warming."

It occurred to Rainbow Dash that Mare Do Well was trying to cover for herself. She was probably mistaking Rainbow Dash's hesitance for disinterest, and was trying to convince one – or both – of them that she didn't actually care, just in case it turned out that Rainbow Dash didn't, either. It was the kind of thing Rainbow Dash did all the time, making it easy for her to recognize it in others as well.

This moment passing between them, this awkwardness and uneasy silence, felt so natural and so understandable, so relatable, that Rainbow Dash felt another unexpected surge of sympathy rising against her will. It was her weakness for weakness, that protective big sister instinct that made her want to be able to take care of others and be a hero for them, even though she didn't actually have a little sister. Scootaloo didn't count.

She almost wanted to go over and pat Mare Do Well's head, to say, Hey, it's okay, you don't have to be so scared. Calm down. Nopony's going to hate you. Except that Rainbow herself was firmly convinced that she hated Mare Do Well, so any words of reassurance that she might have offered would've been meaningless, even though she, too, knew what it was like to live your life trying as hard as you could to be somepony strong when, in reality, you felt anything but strong.

The very least she could do was open the present.

Rainbow Dash took a few steps forward, approaching the gift set on the ground – pointedly ignoring the way Mare Do Well was fidgeting – and leaned forward. As a pegasus, she had no choice but to tear open the box with her teeth, but that didn't especially bother her, aside from the fact that the paper tasted a little gross. Once she tore it off, she spat it on the ground with a "blech" sound, and gripped the lid of the box with her teeth to remove it.

Inside was a rectangle of paper.

"What is this?" Rainbow bluntly asked, but she didn't wait for an answer before leaning forward to examine it more closely.

It wasn't just a piece of paper; it was a ticket. A ticket of shining silver with a sky-blue border, the words "VIP Pass" clearly written across it in bold blue font. And Rainbow Dash, being Rainbow Dash, immediately recognized it for what it was.

"Oh my gosh!" she shrieked for the fifth time that night, and if she'd been able to think clearly, that might have bothered her, that she was being so open about her excitement. But how could she be expected to control herself when she'd just opened a box holding a VIP pass for the upcoming Wonderbolts Derby in Canterlot?

"How?" Rainbow Dash cried, holding the pass before her eyes like the most precious of treasures. "These are impossible to find! Like, anywhere! Even Princess Celestia wouldn't be able to get her hooves on one!"

"Ooh, blasphemous."

"How?!" Rainbow Dash repeated, ignoring the mare's snide interruption. "How did you get one? And... oh, sweet, if it's VIP, then that means I get to sit in the guest enclosure and everything! I'll get to actually meet them! I'll get to talk to Spitfire!"

"I called in a few favors, that's all," Mare Do Well answered, and although her tone wasn't smug, exactly, she certainly sounded pleased with herself. "You'll be in Canterlot then for the pageant anyway, so getting there won't be an issue. I thought you'd want to attend, just for the sake of seeing the show, but I also thought that it would be good for you to have a guaranteed opportunity to talk to them while you're in the city. The Wonderbolts are going to be at the holiday party in the palace as well, but they'll likely be too busy to hang out then – there will probably be photographers and such keeping them occupied, the way it was at the Gala."

It wasn't a grand gesture. It wasn't sentimental or heart-warming in the least. It couldn't even vaguely be interpreted as any kind of romantic overture, but this, somehow, was the first thing Mare Do Well had ever done for her that actually made Rainbow Dash feel even the slightest traces of gratitude towards her. It was faint and flickering and disappeared almost instantly, but for a brief moment, it had been there – something like fondness. She didn't know what the word would be, exactly; she wasn't Twilight, and didn't just happen to have an enormous repertoire of appropriate synonyms available at the drop of a hat for every possible occasion. All Rainbow knew was that although she'd felt pity for Mare Do Well, as well as appreciation for her sense of humor, she'd never felt anything akin to genuine liking before.

And then, in a flash, it was gone, when something occurred to her.

"Is this you trying to ask me out?" Rainbow Dash asked warily, now eyeing the pass with apprehension. "Am I supposed to go with you, or something?"

"No. There's only one, isn't there? And besides, I wouldn't do that to you. I only gave you the ticket because I knew it was something that would make you happy; I wouldn't try to turn it into something for me. That would be selfish and manipulative," Mare Do Well answered primly, as if she hadn't been selfish and manipulative countless times in the past throughout their relationship.

Relationship. Rainbow Dash had to find a better word to describe what the two of them had. The word relationship never ceased to make her cringe each time she thought it.

"Well," she began. The wariness had replaced any of the temporary elation that she'd felt upon opening the box, only to find the completely unexpected yet totally welcome VIP pass within. "I guess this wasn't too bad. For a present, I mean. It's pretty cool, I guess. And the zip-line thing is pretty awesome, too. But... why did you want to show me that, anyway?"

"I told you," Mare Do Well explained, turning her head to look back at the device. "I feel guilty. It's my fault that you hurt your wings, after all, so it's almost like a substitute. I know that you love flying; you must miss it terribly."

She did, that was true. It wasn't even that flying was obviously far superior to walking, in terms of travelling; it was that Rainbow Dash missed the rush of adrenaline that she got from spreading her wings and taking off into the rushing wind. It was that she missed how easy it used to be to satisfy the itch she had, the itch to move and soar and return to the sky from whence all pegasi came.

"It's an apology, I suppose," Mare Do Well continued, still with her back turned to Rainbow Dash as she observed the line. "If I broke my leg, it would be inconvenient, but hardly a tragedy. Your wings, though... your wings are you. It's not right that you can't use them. You should never be trapped on the ground; you're meant to fly."

"They're getting better," Rainbow Dash said weakly, casting a backwards glance at her still-bandaged wings. They were getting better. She was actually going to get Fluttershy to remove the gauze soon, so that they'd be free before she went to Canterlot.

"Anyway. My answer is no. No, I have no hidden intentions. However, if you wanted me to accompany you..."

"No," came the immediate response, without Rainbow Dash even stopping to listen to the rest of Mare Do Well's sentence. Any fondness she may have felt before was gone now, and any innocence there may have been in Mare Do Well's voice had been replaced with that lilting, enticing tone she only used when trying to coax Rainbow Dash into doing something she didn't want to do.

Mare Do Well's warm breath on her neck. A seductive, breathy whisper. Please?

Well, most of the time it was something she didn't want to do. But whether Rainbow Dash might have secretly wanted it or not was irrelevant – if she said no and pushed somepony away, that should be enough for them to butt out of her life.

"That's all right," Mare Do Well said graciously. "I was just kidding, anyway. Besides, I couldn't very well head out in public like this, could I?"

"You could," Rainbow Dash challenged, then wanted to kick herself. It was her inner contrarian busting out. That, or Mare Do Well was some kind of master at reverse psychology. Whatever it was, she hadn't meant to say it, but once it had slipped out, she found herself continuing despite herself. "Nopony would know who you were. You have a mask, remember? It's not like you'd be revealing your identity or embarrassing yourself or anything. And everypony thinks you're a hero, so they'd be happy to see you. It's not like you're a criminal on the run."

Mare Do Well tilted her head, listening, and Rainbow Dash forced herself to shut up.

She expected Mare Do Well to respond to her outburst by saying something idiotic like so you DO want me to come? but the mare did nothing like that. Instead, she quietly began to approach the edge of the cliff, her steps slow and easy and deliberate.

"I know I said that you didn't have to get me anything in return, but if you wanted to properly thank me, I know what you can do for me," she said, glancing back, and Rainbow Dash felt her cheeks flare with an unwanted blush. Even though Mare Do Well hadn't explicitly said anything creepy, she was getting used to having to leap to conclusions with her, and her mind had immediately gone to something disgusting.

"Get your head out of the gutter," Mare Do Well chided, and Dash could once again practically hear the smile in her voice. "It's nothing inappropriate. It's just... I don't feel like saying goodbye to you yet, and I know that you'll want to leave soon."

"So?" Rainbow Dash asked, voice almost catching in her throat.

"Would you stay? Just this once? We're not going to see each other for a while, after all. We don't have to play – we can call off the game for tonight. We'll talk about something else for once. Just don't leave."

It was a simple enough request, but Rainbow Dash didn't owe Mare Do Well anything, and didn't have to feel compelled to agree – and yet she did. This had been exactly what she'd feared when Mare Do Well had first told her that she had a gift for her; Dash had been afraid that it would turn out to actually be pretty good, and then she'd feel as if she now owed Mare Do Well a favor in exchange. Had that been Mare Do Well's plan all along? Had she intentionally tried to garner sympathy with her vulnerable act, just to make Rainbow Dash feel trapped afterwards when she made her request?

She didn't have to say yes. She didn't have to respond at all. If she wanted to, it would be so, so easy for Rainbow Dash to leave.

Except... she didn't have anywhere else to go.

And she kind of wanted to stay.

What's wrong with me? It was cold and it was dark, and they were right on the edge of the woods. If she stayed, she'd basically be camping out with her current worst enemy. Why the hay would anypony agree?


"I swear I won't touch you."

Dash gulped. She hadn't been thinking about that. It hadn't even crossed her mind that Mare Do Well might have tried to take advantage of a situation like this, but maybe that was because the pegasus couldn't actually picture her doing so. There was a difference between being overly affectionate and outright assaulting somepony, and it was difficult to imagine Mare Do Well doing the latter.

Rainbow Dash had no obligation to her. But Mare Do Well's request wasn't one of obligation. Despite the way she'd framed the question, she wasn't asking Rainbow Dash to stay because she truly felt that Dash owed her anything; she was asking as a means of testing the water – she wanted to know whether Rainbow Dash had grown to accept and trust her enough to be willing to stick by her. And the answer was supposed to be no.

"It doesn't have to be all night or anything. I'd just like to be in your company another hour or so, and then we can part ways."

"Okay," Rainbow Dash said, speaking quickly so as to get the answer out before her common sense could catch up with her and give her all the reasons why it was a bad idea. "But only if you promise there won't be any mind games or manipulating or anything. We're dropping the game. This is just gonna be like two ponies randomly hanging out. Nothing special. We'll talk about normal things."

Mare Do Well nodded solemnly, but she'd already taken a seat, having plopped down on her haunches like she'd anticipated Rainbow Dash's inevitable agreement.

Dash felt a prickle of annoyance, but brushed it away. She didn't go join the mare, even though she suspected that was what she was supposed to do. If she was the heroine of one of those sappy romance novels Fluttershy and Rarity were always reading, then this would probably be the point where she started looking at Mare Do Well in a new light, only to realize how wrong she'd been about her all along and how she actually wanted nothing more in the world than to be close to her.

But Rainbow Dash was stubborn. Not as stubborn as Applejack, maybe, but stubborn all the same, and she refused to give more than she had to. She'd given in to Mare Do Well's stupid request, but she wasn't about to start acting all buddy-buddy with her because of it, let alone all... lovey-dovey. Or whatever it was she wanted from Dash. What did Mare Do Well even want?

"What do you want?" Rainbow Dash blurted unthinkingly.

"Have I not been clear?" Mare Do Well asked, sounding surprised.

There was an expanse of maybe five or six feet between them. Rainbow Dash had taken up a position against a tree, leaning against it with her forelegs crossed in what she hoped appeared to be a cool, unaffected stance, with Mare Do Well casually seated in the snow. She carried none of that stoic dignity that seemed to dictate her every move on any other ordinary night; it was like she'd meant what she'd agreed to and wanted to relax – to drop the pretense that she usually seemed to wear, if only for a little while.

"I like you," Mare Do Well said firmly. "I want to spend time with you and make you happy. In an ideal world, you'd return my feelings, and then we'd be together. That would make me happy. But for now, I'll settle for just getting to have these nights together, even if you spend most of them acting hostile."

"Hostile?" Rainbow Dash repeated, already bristling, preparing for the imminent confrontation that she knew in her heart would never, ever happen. "There's a reason for that, you know. It's not like I'm randomly being a jerk. It's because you've been screwing around with my life."

"I know," Mare Do Well humbly agreed. She drew her legs close to her chest, hugging her knees. Was she cold? "But I keep hoping that someday it'll all prove to be worth it and you'll forgive me. For now I'm just going to keep trying. Maybe someday I'll know what I should do to fix everything, but for now I only have my instincts to go on."

"And your instincts tell you to stalk me and invade my personal space?"

Mare Do Well didn't say anything for a moment, and then she sighed. "Let's talk about something ordinary. What would be something normal for us to talk about?"

Was she nervous?

This whole night, Mare Do Well had seemed jittery and insecure, first by apologizing again and again beforehoof for the surprises, then by the pathetic way she'd asked Rainbow Dash just to stay a little while longer, but Dash couldn't tell whether this was because Mare Do Well's mask was slipping, or if this was somehow intentional on the mare's part. Or maybe she was imagining it, and only thought so because there was something very wrong with Rainbow Dash right then that was causing her to be more emotional than usual. Whatever was causing it, she didn't like it. She hated the way her mood kept flipping between sympathetic and irritated. It would've been much easier if she could just settle on one definitive way to look at Mare Do Well. It would save a lot of time if Rainbow Dash could just know for sure whether she was willing to try warming up to the mare or not, but as it was, she was indecisive, her mind in turmoil and her stomach knotting whenever Mare Do Well spoke or drew too near.

She'd decided to stay. So what could they talk about to pass the time that was harmless and wouldn't just lead to another argument?

A small wind was rustling the leaves of the trees behind them, and Rainbow Dash shivered. Just a little. Not enough to mind the chill yet. Pegasi ponies were sturdy – she could handle worse than this. She was built for it. Well, maybe not her specifically; more like pegasi in general. Still, it applied to her, too.

With a sigh, she lifted her head, staring at the sky. Rainbow Dash was under the distinct impression that she'd spent a lot of time looking at the night sky lately.

Maybe she was imagining this, too, but the sky seemed especially bright in her eyes. There wasn't even a trace of those wispy gray clouds that usually haunted the night and hid the moon and stars; instead, the sky was clear and a brilliant deep blue. The air was clean and crisp, cool against her skin.

The world itself seemed to have come to a halt. It was utterly silent and still, the only disruption in this perfect night being Rainbow Dash and the mare who sat in the snow just a few feet away from her.

And suddenly, she felt impossibly lonely, standing by herself beneath the tree that she was propped against. For some reason, knowing that somepony was so close by – somepony that she was refusing to go near on a matter of principle – only made this sudden surge of loneliness that much worse.

"Wow," Rainbow Dash said stiffly. She was careful to monitor the volume so that although Mare Do Well would be able to hear, she could easily pass off what she was saying as her thinking aloud. "It's... it's getting kind of cold."

Mare Do Well didn't answer right away, but when she did, she turned to look at Rainbow Dash pointedly, and Dash flushed. It never failed. Even though she couldn't even see what color those eyes were, whenever she felt them on her, there was that heat.

"Would you like to borrow my cloak?" Mare Do Well asked, very deliberately.

Either she fully knew the implications of such an offer, or Mare Do Well was dumber than Rainbow had thought and hadn't yet gleaned that removing her cape would let Rainbow Dash know whether or not she was a pegasus. But Rainbow wasn't going to push it; for one thing, if she pointed it out and it just hadn't occurred to the mare, then she'd likely immediately retract her offer. And Rainbow Dash was genuinely a little chilly. It was winter, for Celestia's sake.

But believe it or not, Rainbow Dash still had her pride, so mustering as much dignity as she could, she haughtily sauntered over to where the mare sat, plopping down beside her. She watched carefully as Mare Do Well clumsily unclasped the brooch that kept her cape fastened around her shoulders, before shrugging it off and wordlessly holding it out to her.

There were no wings.

Their eyes met over the cloak, and Rainbow Dash might not have been able to see her expression, but she knew, right then and there, that Mare Do Well had done it on purpose, removing her cloak with the intention of giving her that vital clue. And she honestly couldn't say whether she was grateful or not. Instead of feeling smugly self-satisfied that she finally knew something for sure about her opponent, Rainbow Dash instead felt oddly hollow, like she'd been caught cheating.

"Do you want it?" Mare Do Well asked pressingly, indicating the cape she was holding out to Rainbow Dash.

"I'll feel bad if you sit and freeze. I don't want your death on my conscience," Rainbow Dash said after a moment. "You keep it."

"I don't want you to be cold, either."


And wordlessly, without waiting for the flustered Rainbow Dash to organize her thoughts well enough to form a coherent reply, Mare Do Well swung the cape with a flourish, draping it over both of their shoulders.

"What are you, stupid?" Rainbow Dash snapped. "This won't work, it's too small."

"I know," Mare Do Well said sagely. "We'll have to huddle pretty close for both of us to fit."

The meaning behind her words wasn't lost to Rainbow Dash.

But it couldn't hurt to pretend.

Just for a little while.

Because they weren't enemies right then; they were two normal ponies, doing normal pony things. And if the mare beside her had been Twilight or Applejack or whoever, then this would've been perfectly fine. It wouldn't have meant anything that Rainbow Dash was now scooting closer, leaning against her as they huddled for warmth, and it wouldn't have meant anything that it seemed to work especially well, either, as her body heat inexplicably seemed to soar the moment she made physical contact. It didn't have to mean anything at all.

Mare Do Well, to her credit, didn't act coy. She didn't say anything about it at all, actually, instead letting Rainbow Dash pretend that she was still in control of herself and the situation. And Dash would never admit it, but she felt another twinge of something like gratitude towards her then. It was kind of her to not say anything.

When Mare Do Well did speak, she said something very unexpected.

"Can we be friends?" she asked.

"Friends?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

The proximity to Mare Do Well was more distracting than she ever would have willingly admitted.

"Friends," Mare Do Well confirmed. "I know that you hated me, and I know that you're far from genuinely liking me yet, but could we try at least being friends? Just to see what it's like?"

She sounded sleepy when she spoke. Something else unexpected. Rainbow Dash had never stopped to think that Mare Do Well would need sleep. Dash had only ever seen her at night, and had grown to assume that she just... didn't sleep. But that didn't make sense – Mare Do Well was just an identity held by a real pony, and nopony could survive without regular rest. Of course Mare Do Well would need to take a break every once in a while.

Now that she thought about it, Rainbow Dash was starting to feel tired, too.

"Friends," Rainbow Dash repeated for the second time.

Friends? Yeah, we can be friends. Why not? I'm cool with that. Let's be friends.

But she didn't say any of that out loud. Her eyelids were getting very heavy.

• • •

Something was on top of Rainbow Dash, and for a moment she wasn't quite alert enough to see what it was, but then the initial grogginess she always felt upon waking started to fade, and her mind began to clear. The first thing that registered with her was whatever it was, it was very warm. And that was all it took for her eyes to fly open with a start.

She was curled on her side like a foal, lying on the cape, using it like a makeshift bed to protect her from the cold ground, but it was also tangled around her legs like a blanket. The half she was lying on top of was now soaked through and chilly, but the half wrapped around her was still soft and comforting. Mare Do Well was curled up beside her, turned in towards her and apparently fast asleep, her breathing slow and even. Like a filly clutching a beloved teddy bear as she slept, a violet-clad foreleg was loosely wrapped around Rainbow Dash's waist, hugging her.

It didn't feel weird. It didn't feel unpleasant or unwanted. It was just... nice. Like when they'd watched the sunrise and Mare Do Well had leaned against her, it was a gesture of pure affection – and if she was asleep, then it was a purely unintentional one. No ulterior motives. Nothing to worry about. The sky was tinted pink, signaling the coming sunrise; so she would likely wake up on her own soon enough. There was no reason to wake her up now.

If she's not doing it on purpose, it's okay to think she's being cute, Rainbow Dash reminded herself. And it was. Since Mare Do Well was asleep, then obviously this was an unconscious act on her part, one that Rainbow didn't have to pick apart and analyze the meaning of before determining her next move.

It felt kind of nice, anyway.

The breeze blew past Rainbow Dash's ears, and she shut her eyes, just letting herself enjoy the warmth of another against her. It was a new and strange feeling, but it didn't feel unpleasant or frightening. It was kind of peaceful.

Rainbow Dash was thinking, and because her mind was still half-asleep, it was a confusing muddle of jumbled thoughts – thoughts that she'd later either forget or refuse to remember.

But then, right then, she was thinking that she wanted to know who Mare Do Well was, and how it would be so easy to just reach over and tear off the mask while she was asleep, but that she didn't want to, not really, because if she did, then Mare Do Well might move, and she didn't want to lose this comfortable warmth. So instead, Rainbow Dash sighed.

She thought dreamily to herself that this had been the first restful sleep she'd enjoyed in what felt like, oh, a billion years. She thought how it would be wonderful to feel like this all the time. She thought about how whoever Mare Do Well might be, she wasn't that bad, really, and that if she'd just take off that mask...

And then she was drifting once more.

• • •

Mare Do Well had been awake for a while, now, but she wasn't going to let Rainbow Dash know that just yet. She wanted to stay like this for a little while longer, and if the pegasus knew that the mare was now awake, she'd likely shove her away. Besides, although she wasn't certain, she was starting to suspect that Rainbow Dash had fallen back asleep. That was okay, though. Rainbow Dash hadn't been sleeping very much, anyway, so she wasn't about to interrupt the first real rest the pegasus had gotten in what probably felt like, oh, a billion years to her.

When Mare Do Well had first felt her eyelids begin to flutter open behind the mask, she hadn't been sure if she was still dreaming or not. Everything about her current position had seemed to indicate that she was, so she'd stayed perfectly still, waiting to wake up, but time passed, and nothing changed.

Her heartbeat had quickened, a slow fuse lighting inside her, the heat spreading from the pit of Mare Do Well's stomach until her whole body was suffused with it. But still she didn't wake up, and only then had she finally begun to suspect that maybe, just maybe, this was real.

They'd agreed last night to temporarily drop the game and just act like two normal ponies. Maybe Dash didn't realize it yet, but that was exactly what Mare Do Well had wanted for so very, very long. She had made so many mistakes and had done so many terrible things as she'd subjected Rainbow Dash to Mare Do Well's strange and consuming need for her, and all she wanted at this point was to find a way to fix it all.

This, though... this was perfect. This was exactly what she'd been hoping to win from the very beginning. The two of them, bodies tangled together under the stars in a moment of peace, drifting off together and later waking up, greeted by the sunrise.

A temporary truce on Rainbow Dash's part, perhaps. Or maybe the pegasus wouldn't even remember when morning finally came for real. Maybe Rainbow would go into that funny state of denial again once she'd truly woken up, and then she'd insist that none of it had happened, that she'd never fallen asleep against Mare Do Well, before running off. But even if she did, Mare Do Well, at least, would remember.

As cliché as it may have been to think so, if this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. Whatever it was, she wanted to stay like this as long as possible, closer than she'd ever thought they'd ever be, with Rainbow Dash not pulling away for once – just letting herself be loved.

It made her heart ache to know that it was going to have to end soon, and that no matter what she wanted, there would be a point where Rainbow Dash was lucid enough to realize what was happening, and then she would have to try again.

But until then, she would just let herself enjoy the moment.

It felt kind of nice, anyway.