• Published 26th Sep 2016
  • 1,091 Views, 17 Comments

Deeper Reasons - SomeGenericPonyNameHere

Gloriosa Daisy wanted to sustain the camp, but was that the only thing driving her?

  • ...

Pain Hidden Beneath Smiling Flower Petals

Something wasn't exactly sitting right with Sunset Shimmer as she at awake in her cot. She was glad that things had finally calmed down enough to where it could be considered "normal", and the unanswered question of where the magic came from was something she tucked away in the back of her mind to contemplate for another day. No...Something about how things went down earlier just wouldn't let her be at ease. And so, with a huff, Sunset abandoned sleep and threw off her blanket.

She let her eyes adjust to the darkness before she threw her legs over the side of the cot. A subtle shift from across from her made Sunset be mindful of her movements, not wanting to wake up Twilight. She was tired, no doubt about that. She'd have to pry out the good deets of Twilight's dance with Timber later, no doubt that her newly acquired magic took a lot out of her. And she did need a good night's rest, if at least for one night.

Sunset Shimmer slipped on her shoes and threw on her hoodie before tip-toeing out of their bunk and walking outside, towards the now extinguished bonfire circle. The moon hung high overhead and cast a bright light over the camp. It was still dark out but the light of the moon made things a bit easy to see. She dusted off a part of one of the logs and took a seat on it.

"Hey there."

She turned her head to the sudden sound of a voice to her left. Sunset saw Timber standing a few inches from her, hands stuffed into his pockets and wearing a set of sandals. "Heya Timber. Can't sleep either I see."

Timber, cheerful and laid back as ever, shrugged his shoulders without a care and smiled to Sunset Shimmer. "Nope! No Z's for this guy tonight."

Sunset pats the spot on the log beside and scoots over as he nods a brief thank-you and takes it. She was surprised to note that the young man beside her was without his beanie. He's had it on the entire time they've been at camp that she considered it akin to seeing Applejack without her Stetson. It revealed his disheveled forest green hair. 'Guess he really tried to get some sleep...'

"Sure is nice out tonight." Sunset was first to speak after Timber sat down. Timber nods his head in agreement, looking uneasy.

"Definitely! Its always fresh out here, and the air is so crisp that you feel refreshed by taking just one deep breath."

"The pines really keep the air clean and cool. I bet you and Gloriosa Daisy have had fun around the neighboring forest. The mountain range is also pretty cool to check out. From afar anyway, the view's really nice no matter what angle you look at it in my opinion."

Sunset didn't miss the flinch Timber tried to play off as nothing, making believe he was merely shifting in place to get more comfortable on the log. Seeing this caused Sunset shimmer to frown in concern. "You alright Timber?"

"Yeah!" He answered much too quickly to actually be genuine about it. He could see that she was unamused by his answer and faltered. "W-Well, kinda. Sorta."


".....I'm happy y'know. Really! After everything you and your friends did to get my sister back to normal, AND what you've done for her and the camp! It's more than I could've asked for!"

He was earnest to convey his gratitude towards Sunset and the other girls for pulling through for him and everyone else. Still, something was troubling him.

"Don't worry. It's totally fine! We were happy to help. Timber...I can't help but to feel like something else is up."

Timber ran his hand through his messy hair and let out a weary sigh. "Its just... my sister's been through a lot since the debt for the camp started becoming a problem. Gloriosa... She's always shouldered everything since she became the camp director here. Well, maybe even longer before that. This place is family land after all."

Sunset Shimmer nodded in understanding. "You two do a great job managing this place, even with the lore surrounding it. Its beautiful."

Timber nodded silently and aimed his eyes skyward. "Gloriosa loves the beauty of the forest, in all its natural glory. It...reminds her of something she feels she isn't."

Sunset turns her head around at his words. He spoke them so morosely that it made the uneasy feeling that kept her awake swell up in her chest again, renewed and making her feel on edge once more.

"Something she's...not? I'm not following."

"Gloriosa...loves the beauty of Everfree...because she feels she isn't."

"What? You mean beautiful?"

She sees Timber nod again, keeping his eyes up towards the stars. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows thickly, suppressing a breath, or at least it sounded like a breath to her. "Y-Yeah."

"Timber?" Sunset Shimmer was now convinced something was wrong with Timber and turned around to face him.

Sure enough, she saw his eyes, though still glued to the sky, glittering with moisture welling up in them. He was trying not to cry. Slowly, carefully, she places a gentle hand on Timber's shoulder. "Hey..."

"He hurt her", he spat out as he swiped his arm under his nose in annoyance. Sunset could see that Timber was coming undone. She was still new with friendship methods but she was always a quick study. She gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze and spoke softly, patiently.

"It's okay Timber. Take it slow though, what do you mean he hurt her? Someone hurt Gloriosa?"

He let out a loud sniff and nodded, swallowing again. "Who hurt her Timber?"

She saw Timber squeeze his eyes shut, causing the tears he had been trying to keep at bay to slip down his cheeks in thick rivulets. He stifled a sob in the form of a cough. "T-That...bastard..."

The poor lad broke then, hiking up his knees immediately to his chest and burying his face in his arms, weeping into them. Sunset immediately came to his side and wrapped her arms around Timber. As she patted his shoulder and head in attempts to comfort the boy, everything slowly dawned on her.

I have waited for the day
To send this greedy wolf away
Now the magic is my salvation
Gather close in my protection
We will stand for Everfree!

Gloriosa's words from before began to eerily resound in Sunset's mind. Back then, when Gloriosa found out about the magic and made her intentions clear, Sunset Shimmer hadn't given her words much thought. She thought it was the desperation of maintaining Camp Everfree talking, which was a part of their family. It was understandable. Given her circumstance at the time, Sunset wasn't really afforded the time to consider that something deeper was possibly at work here, some hidden drive to fortify Everfree.

No need to fear the vultures at the door
Right here you have me to protect you
Within these walls of thorns

She felt Timber shift in her hold and he threw his arms around his friend, using her to anchor him as he quaked with sobs. His grip was desperate and shaky. How long had he kept this in? How long had he been holding strong for his sister? Covering for her? Supporting her?

waited for the day

greedy wolf

magic is my salvation

fear the vultures at the door

protect you

walls of thorns

Don't be afraid

Nature is our friend

All of this beauty that surrounds us

Every lovely bloom designed to defend

The gravity of what was unspoken began to sink in and Sunset's eyes blurred as tears started to form, the sting behind making her blink rapidly. Oh no...

"You mean...Filthy Rich? D-Did...he-"

"He used my sister! Over! And over and over! Always hurting her! Taunting! Laughing! Debasing her like she was nothing!!" Timber shouted into Sunset's shoulder as he wept on it. "The bastard made our lives a living hell...Threats. Blackmail. Whatever his sick mind could come up with."

After a few sharp hiccups, Timber slowly pulled himself away from Sunset's shoulder and wiped under his nose again. He looked more miserable than he did before, but he seemed less...troubled. Resigned at best.

Once he seemed calm enough, Sunset tried to get him to open up about it a little more. "H-How long?"

Timber let out another sigh and slowly dragged his hands down his face. That sudden outburst seemed to drain him just as quickly as it had relieved him. Understandably so, she figured. "Too long to remember. I guess if I had to put a number to it, I'd say...'bout 5, 6 months. Give or take."


For a while the two friends sat together in silence, digesting all of what was conveyed, or at least what was more or less conveyed. Sunset was still curious about the matter, but it wouldn't do to press on about it. It was over, in a way. Filthy Rich didn't have that control on them anymore, but the damage...the damage was already dealt. She was no specialist when it came to these sort of traumatic situations, but Sunset would try her hardest to help the Everfree siblings in any way she could.

"Um...I'm uh, s-sorry for laying all that on you. I just... needed to let that out."

They made eye contact and she could see the shameful hurt in his eyes. Crying in front of anyone was never an easy feeling after, most considered it weakness. Timber truly didn't mean to vent to her like that, that much she understood. And Sunset understood entirely why he had apologized. Still, she felt it unnecessary.

She shook her head, her red yellow curled hair swaying gently with her motions, and once again gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze, a gentle and friendly smile on her face. "Don't worry about it, really. I'm glad you were able to vent this to me, Timber. Its quite a bit for anyone to carry on their own." She pauses before asking. "Is that what kept you up?"

Timber nodded. "Yeah. For a while, I'd been having nightmares of hearing Gloriosa screaming for help. Since everything got squared with our new contributors, thanks to the principal and vice principal, we've both been able to sleep just a little bit better. She still has a hard time some nights though."

Sunset spotted a stray tear and wiped it off his cheek, her smile turning into a grin. "Though it is late, and you look beat. We should get back to our bunks and try at some sleep again. Whattya say, hm?"

Timber wiped at his eyes, rubbing out the rest of the lingering tears in his lashes and nods. He's the first to rise, clearing his recovering throat and smiles appreciatively at his friend, though a headache was starting to grow at the back of his head. "Yeah, you're right. It really is, isn't it?"

The two young teens chuckle sheepishly at one another, both weary from the brief emotional roller coaster ride they rode. Sunset took a step in the direction leading back to her bunk but turned once more to a retreating Timber. "You gonna be alright Timber?"

Hands once again jammed lazily into his pant pockets, Timber gave a single nod to Sunset Shimmer. He still looked tired and she was sure they'd both have rings under their eyes in the morning at the mess hall, but this was just a baby step onto the healing road both he and Gloriosa would have to take.

"Yeah. Yeah, I will. Goodnight, Sunset Shimmer. And thank you again. It felt...good to let that go."

With a subdued smile Timber walked off back towards where his designated bunk was. Sunset started back to hers, wanting to talk with Twilight and the girls about it what she had learned. There had to be a way for them to help. Perhaps though, it was something for the morning. For now, she settled for just getting some sleep. Anything more and she was sure she'd need a shoulder to cry on herself.

Author's Note:

Quick, simple, sloppy, rushed and random. Not intended but well, it's my shoddy writing. Try and enjoy what you can though :twilightsmile:

Inspired by the "Legend of Everfree" movie. Thanks to Jlargent for taking a quick read-through for me ^^

Comments ( 16 )

Because crippling debt and the loss of a family heirloom apparently can't be enough motivation for a magical villain, let's throw in everyone's favorite four-letter-word!

Sloppy grimdark, but nothing vitriol-inspiring. It could use another pass with the editor, too.


gloriosa is evil


7595534 wait how dop you know shes a villain i just put "gloriosa is evil}" everywere cause its a joke i have with my friends

It wasn't Gloriosa's fault. It was the rich bastard!

I always knew that Capitalists ARE evil!

7595955 Because she's the villain.


7596317 the film doesnt come out till the 1st

7596320 The Brazilian release was yesterday. It had an option for English language. Some enterprising fan ripped the English version off of TV and uploaded it to Youtube. And then we watched it.

Honestly, when was the last time you saw a fic written about an episode before it even came out that bothered to label itself with spoilers? That would just be silly.

You know, the weird part for me in this is that when I first saw the initial scene where Gloriosa and Filthy Rich stare each other down, I couldn't decide if it looked like they wanted to strangle one another or jump in the sack, :twilightoops:

Oh dear. Feral darling, erm... You might want to go over this little piece of yours. As you said,

Quick, simple, sloppy, rushed and random

, but I do see the potential!

It just needs some...polishing up some. I say this as a friend, dear. Beastie isn't being mean! :raritydespair::raritycry:

At least not trying to be anyway :duck:

...I'm sorry, I have a hard time seeing any incarnation of Filthy Rich as being the sort of person who would abuse or violate anyone.

Then again, him being a greedy pig is a bitter pill to swallow too.

7600512 Hehe, Nah. You're a sweetheart, Beastie ^^ No worries :pinkiehappy::heart:

7595534 I would've loved for some more editorial-esque help with this but only one person was willing to take a gander at it.

Their help was appreciated nonetheless ^^

7600904 Editorials and editors are two very different things.

An editorial is a heavily opinionated piece written by someone for the express purpose of telling you what their opinion on a thing is.

An editor, who does editing, is someone who corrects spelling errors and sentence structure flaws.

7608873 :pinkiegasp: !!!! ..... Awww~! Thank you!!! QuQ:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: I appreciate the nice words, my friend ^^


And Filthy and Timber do a great job of bait and switch for the viewer.

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