• Member Since 15th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Sunday


I'm a proud brony who reads stuff for a living. I also write darkfics & family-friendly stuff every-so-often. All I can say is, if you plan to read any of my content, happy horrors ;)


Trixie's performance was a success, and out of it, she gained Starlight as a friend, but after waking up with a horrible itch all over her body, she quickly figures out that something went wrong during the performance, but what went wrong? Grimdark story :pinkiecrazy:

Starlight, Are We Friends or Not? [MLP Grimdark Reading]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

sad. so very very sad. :fluttercry:

Well thats fucked.

This story has given me a stomachache. Congrats.

A disease that's so intensively painful and dire, yet easily curable...

...a disease that needs a simple spell to counteract it and reverse the effects, yet the symptoms cause the patient to become desperate to commit suicide via letting him/her go.

A disease that can, if left untreated, become really nasty and fatal.


Sounds more like an Equestrian SCP to me
And yes, this made me feel weird. :pinkiesick:

Great story, but now I'm super itchy.

Well, this didn't go where I expected. A thumbs up for surprising me.

You're welcome! ^^

"I'll be back, Starlight," spoke Twilight. "I'm going to contact Celestia, and see if there's anything that can help us in Canterlot."

Why didn’t she do that before?

"Thank Celestia! Turns out Trixie's condition is very much curable! Her condition came from the saliva of the manticore's mouth! A very rare condition that has only been recorded in Equestria history once! Trixie's skin must've been very sensitive to the bacteria, but not to worry, a simple spell I'm sure you know will do the trick, Starlight!"

Starlight felt her blood run cold at the sound of Twilight's words, and she was afraid to ask her next question.

"W-W-What is the spell exactly, Twilight?" she spoke blankly.

"Predacarus Exporius," confirmed Twilight.

Starlight was at a loss for words. She did know that spell. It was a simple one too, one she could've simply cast with no struggles or issues. If only she would've waited just a little longer, Trixie could've been cured. She could've lived a longer life.

That’s what happens when you don’t have patience.

Twilight's response was not what Starlight expected. "How long ago did she die?"

"Only a moment ago... If only I'd..." Starlight was interrupted by Twilight, "Then there's still time! Predacarus Exporius!"

The glow of Twilight's horn rose to a glare, echoed by a matching halo around Trixie's body. When it vanished, the body was whole and healed once more. "Get the oxygen running again! And get a crash team in here!"

"She's dead Twilight..." When Starlight didn't make a move to the button,. Twilight's magic activated it, pumping air into Trixie's lungs. Twilight popped out of existence and reappeared with a slightly singled looking Doctor Stable and Nurse Redheart. "...on the table a few minutes ago. Start resuscitation procedures!"

The case covering Trixie vanished in a flash of purple magic, and a glow surrounded her as Twilight cast. "Monitor visceribus."

"Didn't you hear me? SHE'S DEAD!" Starlight broke down in sobs. "I killed her!"

Several red and orange lights appeared over the headboard of Trixie's care unit, along with a muted siren and underlying tone. A spreadeagled block image of a pony was the centrepiece, inequally threatening yellows, oranges and red.

Twilight replied, "Fortunately, she's only mostly dead, tissure necrosis hasn't set in, otherwise we'd see black. and the spell hopefully reset any previous damage to the neural tissue. I learned a number of other medical spells while I was researching."

"Princess, she's ventilating, but the heart isn't restarting. Nurse, we need to operate to start heart massage."

"Don't worry, I've got this." Twilgith cast another spell. "Cors Vivifica!"

Trixie's chest glowed purple, and the muted tone stuttered, then went to a thumping rhythm. Doctor Stable looked up from where he was using a stethoscope. "I'm getting a heartbeat! I need you to teach me that spell, Princess."

"What's the prognosis, Doctor?" Twilight asked, as the pony diagram lost it's more threatening colours, from red to orange, yellow and green in places, and the siren sound faded.

"It's too early to say for sure, physically, her body seems to be healed, but it all depends on how long she was oxygen starved. If the period was as short as you said, there shouldn't be too many long term effects. There will almost certainly be some short term memory loss, but the pony brain has a lot of redundancy. If there's any motor skill damage, it can be relearned, the same as procedural memory. Long term memory and knowledge... We'll have to see."

"She's alive?" Starlight was shocked.

"That's what the doctor said. And since none of the brain was black, there was little to no neural tissue mortality, which if my reading of those medical books is correct, mean we'll have her up, around, being annoying and speaking in the third person before you know it!"

A/N: Suffocation takes time to kill someone, even after their heart stops beating. If Twilight was only a moment too late, quick action could revive Trixie.

I know it's not very tragic, but this is my personal headcanon of what happened next. I like happier endings.

That's the point of a grimdark, it's not meant to end happily. Trixie was already too far gone and no amount of magic, except dark magic, can bring one back from the dead. The healing spell would only be effective on the living, so it wouldn't heal a corpse, and I highly doubt Starlight would resort to dark magic tactics to bring her friend back. It wouldn't end well.

It's fine you have a head Canon, but I figured I'd just point out some of the flaws, seeing it's still my story

11137294 Doesn't make sense. If she was so damaged by the disease that the healing spell couldn't save her, then she's dead either way. If it was, then the only problem would be suffocation, which over the time period you gave could be reversed. However, it's your story, so it only has to make sense to you.

Edit: Though looking at the rest of your content, I'd seriously suggest that you go find professional help. No joke, no insult.

Bro. Are you seriously going that route? Just because I write twisted shit doesn't mean I apply any of it to my irl self. If that were the case, Stephen King, R.L Stine, and many other authors and movie script writers would be in jail on death row. I write twisted and horrifying mlp shit out of the sole purpose of entertainment, not because it's a fucking fetish.

Having a mindset like that towards authors who write grimdarks is not right. I just love horror and have loved it my entire life. My style of writing is how I got the nickname Stephen King Jr. which is a huge compliment given King is the King of Horror.

Don't come into my comments with toxic shit like that. It's rude and insulting.

11137427 Okay, I apologise. Like I said, it wasn't supposed to be an insult, but I have no call to comment about anyone else's mindset.

But I seriously can't understand that mindset. It's why I avoid horror movies/stories because they don't do anything for me. I see a movie monster, I don't enjoy it, or feeling scared, I just get angry and want to reach into the story and destroy it with extreme prejudice. I can't understand how anyone could possibly feel any different. I probably shouldn't have read this one.

The world is crappy enough as it is. While I'm no nihilist, there are many wonderful things in the world, and good, and despite everything, the world is better than it ever has been, but there are still a ton of horrible things, many of which we can do nothing about. Fiction is the one place we can escape that, so why would anyone bring it in with them?

Because horror is a genre, it has fans who enjoy it, and it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's how the order of fictional work will always be, so I suggest reading tags, looking at the genre, and taking an author's personal feelings into account before outright accusing them of being mentally unstable/a psychopath. Unless you have full proof that someone is something so vile, you don't just outright falsely accuse people of such things.

11137451 As I said, I apologise. It was uncalled for, but I wasn't calling you a psychopath or anything close. And you're right, i should have stayed well away from this story in the first place.

Heart crushing. Love it!

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