• Member Since 25th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." - Georges Danton


Equestria is a vast place with many corners that remain unexplored. For most the pursuit to fill in the map is driven by an urge for knowledge, prestige, or wealth. Although, in the case of Twilight Sparkle and her rival Trixie, it all started over an impulsive bet.

So join Twilight and her crew as they travel the world aboard the airship Discovery, in a quest to explore the unseen, discover new things, find fabled treasures, and one up that egotistical showmare.

Oh, and try not to get sweet talked by cannibals, killed by cultists, or scared off by dashingly handsome highwaystallions.

This fic is inspired by the game Renown Explorer: International Society.
Cover Art Source

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

I am intrigued, would you kindly continue?

P.S. To get the question out of the way and by no means am I asking for myself as I have no need to inject my own idiosyncrasy into this story; are there plans that allow you feature OC's in this story?

P.P.S. I am rooting for Team Trixie. :trixieshiftright:

I do have plans to include a few original characters but they are of my creation. I am not saying no to including fan characters I just haven't thought about it yet.

And don't worry chapter 2 is in the works with 7 more after that :P.

Hmm this story has attracted my attention! Great work keep it up!
Team Twilight all the way!!!:rainbowdetermined2:

As a fan of RE:IS, I am highly amused by the premise of the fic and I'm looking forward to the two teams' romp across Equestria!

“Princess Celestia isn’t trying to blind me with a spoon.”

that is a dangerous assumption to make. one that could prove fatal.

“Oh we defiantly are,” Trixie responded with a smile.

a common misspelling. definitely is the correct one. not that I'm assuming you don't know already, I'm just erring on the side of caution.

Thank you for the assist. No matter how finely you comb a fic something will always slip through.

Thank you, I hope future chapters don't disappoint.

Nice, another fan of RE:IS, so what RE:IS characters would be closer to trixie's and twilight's teams?

Twilight is an Emilia
Rainbow is Dolores
Rarity seems like Yvonne

Trixie would be an older Hildegard
Sunset would be closest to Anna
Maud looks like a scientific version of Bia

Its more that I gave them traits from the game instead of completely basing them off of characters.

Twilight: Naturalist - 2 (Friendly)
Rainbow Dash: Athlete - 2 or Athlete - 1, Quick Thinker - 1 (Friendly + Aggressive)
Rarity: Diplomat - 2 (Friendly or Devious)

Trixie: Beguiler - 2 (Devious)
Starlight: Diplomat - 1, Archaeologist - 1 (Friendly + Devious)
Maud: Naturalist - 1, Engineering - 1 (IDK)

Rarity sighed and shook her head. “What are you doing in my bed?”
“What I usually do in your bed.”
“Rainbow Dash not in front of . . .”

Liar. I know what you meant.

7571102 RE:IS?

Resident Evil International Searchers?

Renowned Explorers; International Society, the game that was used as a base to this story.

7576546 I like mine better.

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