• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 4,410 Views, 180 Comments

What Shy Did on Her Summer Vacation - FanOfMostEverything

  • ...


Something's wrong.

Where are my leaves? Where are my roots? What are these strange feelings?

The last thing I remember is... Is Tree Hugger. Doing something. Changing how I thought. Reaching out. Grabbing my trunk. Holding tight and...


I remember how to see and hear a few moments later. It takes longer to make sense of what I'm seeing and hearing, but the unnaturally straight lines and angles soon resolve themselves as my bedroom. I recognize the moving shapes as my friends. After a bit longer, I register that their faces have worried expressions, that their grunts and hoots carry meaning.

I try to respond in kind. "Whuh guggle brrf."

I'm not seeing any smiles. I don't think that went very well.

Rainbow Dash says something to Sunset. The words are still hazy, but it sounds angry. Sunset puts her hands up. The others start joining in. It's all enough to make me want to pull the covers over my head, but when I try to move my arms, I can't get them to do more than twitch.

Rarity speaks up, and it's the first full sentence I understand since waking up.

"Girls, she's crying."

Everyone looks at me. Apologies ring out. Rarity dabs a tissue at my eyes.

I smile. I can do that much. Words are coming back to me, and I manage a "Thanks."

"Are you okay?" says Rainbow, and everything after that goes by too fast to parse.

"I..." I shake my head. "Slower. Please."

Sunset shuffles forward. I realize how little room there must be with seven people in here. My family has a spacious apartment, but it still must be a tight fit. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy," says Sunset. "I should have never done this to you."

"My idea," I say. "I... I insisted. What happened?"

"The seven of us are connected in a way I never anticipated. Because of that, it was like I never stopped casting the spell. It fed off of that connection and never stopped turning you into a tree. That combined with..." She stops for a moment. "Well, there's a lot of technical stuff, but basically, form defines function, including brain function. The more you turned into a tree, the more you thought like one. The more you wanted to be one."

"That never really changed." I sit up in bed. Talking about what happened seems to help me remember how to be human. "It was like..." I let myself trail off rather than voice my first thought. Hopefully, the others will just think I'm trying to think of an appropriate comparison. "Like a warm bath. I just wanted to sink in and never get out."

"From what Tree Hugger told me, it was more like a drug." Sunset scowls and looks away from me. "One I administered. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if Applejack hadn't thought to contact her."

"It's okay, Sunset. Really."

"It's not. I—"

I reach forward. My muscles all groan in protest. Almost everything hurts. I don't care. Sunset needs a hug, and I give her one. Twilight and Rarity join me, and the others work their way in as best they can. "You made a mistake. I forgive you. It's time to forgive yourself."

I feel her tears on my shoulder. I hear her give a laugh through the suppressed sobs. "I thought we were supposed to be worried about you right now."

"I know I'll be okay. Now we need to make sure you will be too."

She returns the hug. "Thanks, Fluttershy."

I manage to lever my hand enough to pat her back. It's not easy, given how buried we are under the others. "Any time."

Once we break up and Sunset wipes at her eyes, she sighs and says. "Well, seeing as you're alright, we're going to have to go."

"You are?"

"Well," says Rarity, "we're hardly the only ones who want to see how you're doing." She gestures towards the door and the person standing there.

Oh. Oh dear. "Mom, I'm so—"

Mom wraps me up in an even tighter hug. I'm not entirely sure how she made it around my friends so quickly. "As long as you're alright, dear."

I decide it doesn't matter how she did. I return the hug. "I am. But still—"

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. I'm not mad at you. Goodness knows I made a poor decision or two at your age." She releases me, and her expression takes an eerie calm. "Your brother, on the other hand..."

The memory comes back. "Oh. Right."

"I wasn't worried about you because I didn't know I should have been worried about you. According to Zephyr, you were fine the whole time." Her eyes have taken on a rather glassy sheen. "He's grounded now. I'm not sure when that will change. I may consider it when he turns thirty."

I feel I should say something in his defense. On the other hand, I haven't seen Mom put her foot down like this... well, ever. It might be good for him. "It wasn't entirely his fault."

"Maybe when he turns twenty-five, then."

Sunset clears her throat. "Sorry to intrude, but there's someone else who wants to talk to you, if you're feeling up to it."

I tilt my head. Mom seems calmer now, but also uncomfortable, judging by how she's wringing her hands. "Who?"

"Hello." I look back at the doorway. The figure in it is dressed in khaki explorer gear, looking like a Daring Do cosplayer or a young Missing Link about to start her first foray among the chimpanzees. She even has a pith helmet in her hands. However, the complexion, hair color, and icon sewn onto her breast pocket make it clear who she is.

Still, it's so disconcerting that I have to ask. "Fluttershy?"

She nods. "Nice to meet you, Fluttershy."

I look back and forth between her and Sunset. "Why...?" I'm not sure how to phrase the question.

Both seem to understand what I mean. Sunset answers. "When I wrote to Princess Twilight about this whole debacle, she had a very good idea about how to help you along the road to recovery."

"We should probably leave you be," says Rarity.

Rainbow Dash nods. "Yeah, I'm not sure how Pinkie's kept quiet this whole time."

"Planning the best 'Congratulations on Not Being a Tree Anymore' party in the history of ever."

"I'm pretty sure it will be the first such party in history," says Twilight.

Pinkie nods. "Which means I need to make it one to remember."

I can't help but smile at that. Neither can Sunset, who then says, "We'll be on our way. The expanded space should return to normal when we do."

"Thank you again for your understanding, Mrs. Shy," says Rarity.

Mom nods. "Of course."

My friends vanish in a flash of light. My vision swims for a moment as the room does... something. It's comforting to see Mom and the other Fluttershy shake their heads as well. At least this time, I was supposed to be disoriented.

Mom moves towards the door. "I'll let you two talk. Can I get you anything, dear?"

"No thank you," we both say at once. I flush. The other Fluttershy just smiles. Once Mom leaves, she almost shuts the door, leaving it open only a crack.

It's so strange. She seems so graceful, so confident. The way I felt, comfortable with myself, at one with everything around me, it feels hollow compared to the way she carries herself. How much do I resemble her? How much will I? "What did Princess Twilight have in mind?"

She smiles. "To remind you that humans are fascinating."

"We are?"

"Oh my goodness, yes!" She almost lunges towards me and takes my hands in hers, words spilling forth like a Pinkie Pie monologue. "Where do I even begin? I heard stories from Twilight, but it's something else entirely to get to be a completely different species. I mean, I turned into a breezie once—they're the most precious little butterfly-winged ponies you've ever seen—but it was nothing like this! Oh, you're so lucky to live in this world, Fluttershy, you have no idea!"

And so we talked long into the night. And the regret that I hadn't even noticed before slowly faded away, like leaves in autumn.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading. The afterword can be found here.

Comments ( 49 )

Now that chapter title makes sense! And it is awesome! :yay:

Why the explorer gear? I guess 'cause she's outdoorsy (and confident)? ... If personality changes, do clothes change too? Where do the clothes go when they're back in Equestria? Does coming from Equestria, changing clothes, going back, and then returning to EQG preserve changes in EQG form clothing???

But that's a side-bit. Fluttershy's back to normal! :pinkiehappy:

How does Mrs. Shy react to the Mane6!Fluttershy??

OH I did not anticipate that one. Cool twist!

The Fluttershy has been doubled! :yay:

Well, this story happened.

Well, this is interesting. Who better to talk to her than...her?

I wish I could give this story more Thumbs Up. :applecry:

This was very interesting.

If I read it all in one, I'd be rooted to my seat.

That was really something :fluttercry: Good job on a surprisingly intriguing concept.

(I now wonder what Mister Leafy and Fluttershy would talk about if they ever met.)

I really like showing the difference between teenage human fluttershy and adult horse fluttershy.

That was nice. Very nice.

Nice use of pony Fluttershy.

"Currently exploring Kaladesh"
Oh heck yes.

Also, story idea: Super Cider Squeezy 6000 at the Inventor's Fair. Thoughts?

7591791 Accidental deforestation, and also the city drowns in cider.

Familiarity breeds... not contempt, necessarily, but familiarity. I think that meeting herself from behind the mirror will help HumanShy kick off a lot of that complacence and anxiety. :yay:

I actually cut a scene where Mrs. Shy reacts to pony Fluttershy, since it would've disrupted the first-person present tense and otherwise distract from the main thrust of the chapter. Suffice to say, Mrs. Shy needed to sit down after that encounter. Fortunately, if there's one thing either Fluttershy can do, it's speak calmly and reasonably to her mother.

As for the outfit, my headcanon is that a pony's mindset as she goes through the portal for the first time determines her outfit. Sunset was focused on her rebellion and came out wearing the skin of a dead cow. Twilight, going forth at Celestia's behest, thought of herself as a student first and foremost and looked the part. Fluttershy couldn't help but think of it as an opportunity to examine the most exotic species imaginable and got an outfit suitable for her safari.


Sorry it wasn't quite what you expected. Given the tonal shifts and the spoiler potential, I left the tags vaguer than I probably should have.

Fluttershy would probably listen for the most part. After a few repetitions, Mr. Leafy would probably start admitting his feelings about being used as a glorified memo pad.

On a functional basis, I think it would be very similar to a Cultivator's Caravan.

7593343 ...Yes. Yes it would be.
Now to get a playset, and build that deck.

I have read.
And I have enjoyed.
I think I rather enjoyed Tree Hugger's chapter the most, followed by the last bit with the Flutteshy's

Those chapter titles are certainly evocative.


Finally got around to reading this fanfic, and I'm glad I did. It started off a bit silly, but became morbidly fascinating as Fluttershy gradually descended into a vegetative state. Oddly enough, two of the most serious chapters - Pinkie Pie's and Applejack's - were also the funniest. Of course, you'd expect Pinkie to be funny, and I loved her "firsuit" comment. But then you actually gave AJ funny lines too. "Pear-flavored fuck" was hilarious, and I also liked "I ain't takin' no guff from no tree." Tree Hugger was brilliantly utilized as well. In "Three's a Crowd" she seemed like too much of a stereotype for my taste, but I loved your EG Tree Hugger with her aura-vision and healing throat punches. Clever use of depersonalized chapter titles, too.

If I have one nitpick, it's that I don't think it was necessary to bring in Pony Fluttershy at the end. It's not that I disliked it, but I thought it was enough for Tree Hugger to bring her back and for Flutters to reconnect with her friends and family. But other readers seemed to like it, so maybe it's just a personal preference.

You know, this story capitalizes on a fear I have. I've been afraid of losing my fundamental sense of self, and that was exactly what was happening here. I started getting suspicious all the way back in chapter 2, and...yeah.

I found this fic creepy, but I admit I love the way Tree Hugger saved Fluttershy. Also, first time I've seen healing throat punches.

Overall, I loved this fic and found it enormously creepy.

I like this story. The characters are well written, I like that everypony everyone gets their own chapter. I am especially fond of Rainbow's pervasive self denial.

Overall, this is a journey into the hazards of exploring the unknowns of this new universe you've created. It could have very easily gone completely grimdark, with Flutteryshy's body being essentially brain-dead and her essence trapped forever in that grove, or worse. I am glad you went for the ending you did though.

I'd actually like to see Pony Fluttershy's POV. But mostly cause she's the only thing I liked about this story

Well, an interesting read, although I guess I'm just missing the horror aspect here that is supposed to exist. This isn't really body horror. It's a story about someone trying to commit a slow suicide and nearly succeeding, if not for an intervention. That's depressing, but not horrifying in the sense that you seem to have intended there. That kind of thing can make for a good story in and of itself, although I can't quite decide if it serves to the detriment or the benefit of the story that this theme is seemingly unintended here.

The original idea for a little story. Respect the author.

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you accusing me of plagiarism? Are you accusing someone else of plagiarism?

8179978 And-and-and... where did I mean plagiarism? It seems nothing negative or bad wrote. Nevertheless, the story is good, when I read it completely.

Wasn't sure what you meant, and I drew the conclusion I most feared. Sorry, and I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Dang. Either that's a reference to something in Pratchett's later works that I haven't read or it's been much too long since I picked up a Discworld novel. That one sailed right past me.

Author Interviewer

This does not, I feel, qualify for what Sunset was aiming for in the first place, mythological precedent or no. <.<


It took a minute. Sunset knew it would stick with her for years.

Sunset forced a grin, hoping her stomach would settle soon.

I tried to convey that, yes.

Author Interviewer

So it's more an 'oops' on her part. :)

Author Interviewer

That was fantastic, and it fully justifies Tree Hugger's appearance in Oversaturated. :)

Author Interviewer

Okay, but you need to write stories about Limestone now, and not just because I still want to know how Maud deals with all the changes. :B

And I want to write a clop sequel to this. XD

Maud does show up in Silicon Tiara, actually.

And I look forward to seeing how well you can write hot hummingbird-on-flower action. :raritywink:

Author Interviewer

Yeah, no, that's not what's happening. :V I am just going to fill in the holes you yourself have created...

To me it feels like everyone blames Sunset for every little thing that goes wrong

Well, when you're in charge of the universe, you do tend to be the default target of blame. Especially when you also have still-unresolved guilt regarding your past misdeeds.

"Oh my goodness, yes!" She almost lunges towards me and takes my hands in hers, words spilling forth like a Pinkie Pie monologue. "Where do I even begin? I heard stories from Twilight, but it's something else entirely to get to be a completely different species. I mean, I turned into a breezie once—they're the most precious little butterfly-winged ponies you've ever seen—but it was nothing like this! Oh, you're so lucky to live in this world, Fluttershy, you have no idea!"

Awww that's cute.

In other news, good Fluttershy writing here (the human one mostly). The first-person shift does it well, and you do play off her emotional strength well. Good story. Have an upvote.

One thing I notice: the moment I've established that certain characters exist in my multiverse suddenly I care a bajillion more times about them. I got that deep "oh no" pit in my stomach while reading this. Good stuff, FoME.

NOTE: still feels kinda cheap that Sunset couldn't do anything. But eh, I'll take it.

-GM, master of THE GAMES.


NOTE: still feels kinda cheap that Sunset couldn't do anything. But eh, I'll take it.

You mean like the memory error that's forcing the League to go back out of the Dragon Matriarch's lair the hard way? :duck:

In all seriousness, it's the same issue: There needs to be some way to keep the overwhelmingly powerful elephant in the room from solving the problem with a twitch of her trunk. Turning Sunset's own power against her by virtue of Fluttershy being a metaphysical extension of her is definitely less contrived than many other options.

Glad you enjoyed this, though note that you may also want to look at Unfriendly Competition before Fey Breeze. Not strictly required, but it'll explain one character's presence.


You mean like the memory error that's forcing the League to go back out of the Dragon Matriarch's lair the hard way? :duck:

:raritydespair: You fight dirty.

Let's call it a demerit in both cases and call it a draw.

((I just realized I have to think, ALL THE TIME, how to NOT have the Merodi Warship come in and solve everything in an instant. The Sweeties are certainly more open to calling for help than the Primary Team is... Such a common issue for those of our ilk.))

-GM, master of bread.

I am contractually obligated to leave this here for reasons I will not go into detail about.


-GM, master of yes its Wallflower shush.

This was an acid trip and a half of slow dawning horror. Nicely done.

This one was interesting. I'm not really a big fan of the "chapter for each of the mane six in sequence" structure, which I felt dragged things out a bit, but I did like the dark turn this took towards the end, and the solution was pretty novel.

Fluttershy counseling Fluttershy about the pros of her original species, as seen by a visitor to the form. . . Genius

I reach forward. My muscles all groan in protest. Almost everything hurts. I don't care. Sunset needs a hug, and I give her one. Twilight and Rarity join me, and the others work their way in as best they can. "You made a mistake. I forgive you. It's time to forgive yourself."

She's right. Don't blame yourself too much Sunset. :fluttershysad:

"I wasn't worried about you because I didn't know I should have been worried about you. According to Zephyr, you were fine the whole time." Her eyes have taken on a rather glassy sheen. "He's grounded now. I'm not sure when that will change. I may consider it when he turns thirty."

Good, he deserved it. :ajsmug:

Ngl, I wasn't 100% sure I'd like story, but in the end, I did. :twilightsmile:

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