• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,066 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

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Reason Things Went Wrong

To be without a bed was not a new situation for Jackie, in fact it happened plenty of times long before Sunset Shimmer moved in and started locking her out of the bedroom every now and then. Whether it came to unexpectedly crashing at a friend's house or just needing to find a soft spot of floor to pass out on while drunk or high, Jackie had become a connoisseur of things that could be slept on and even a tactician, scouting out the pros and cons of each possible spot.

For example, a rookie move would be to simply take a pillow and blanket into the bathroom and sleep in the tub, but there in lied the minefield. What if someone needed to pee in the middle of the night? What if she woke up and startled someone like say, Princess Twilight? What if, after having spilled that they had slept together, Sunshine gave into an urge of pettiness and turned on the shower while Jackie slept? Or Tino and Poppy came over and did that.

No, they wouldn't do that... they'd try to make her pee with that hand in a warm bowl of water thing to see if it actually worked. Or make it looked like she peed her pants.

The point being that when one was not drunk or high or extremely sleep deprived, many more factors had to be taken into account, like the fact that without your nerves temporarily numbed from any of the previous three status effects, even a floor with carpeting was too uncomfortable to fall asleep on. And since Bobby had so nobly offered her the couch in a way that made her feel bad and tell him to sleep on the couch, that just left her with the chair. Sure it was a recliner but since it was second hand like just about everything else in the apartment, it didn't quite recline all the way. Which left Jackie tossing and turning for most of the night until she was finally too tired to pass out.

She awoke stiff as a board that morning, groaning like a zombie and tilting her back and neck this way and that to crack the bones, wanting to try and work out all of the kinks before getting her cup of coffee from Bobby. After that and scarfing down some toast, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight and Spike would emerge from the bedroom. While Twilight and Spike gave a cheerful good morning, Sunset seemed a bit more neutral. Not cold per say but just... seemed to be holding back? That was the best way Jackie could describe it. Conversations between her and Sunset were on the brief side and if she even tried to bring up the status of their current relationship, the red head was quick to segue to another topic. Over all it left Jackie feeling frustrated but since she had no idea how she felt or how Sunset felt, she was hesitant to try and force the issue.

That late morning they would all get their things together and head for the beach to meet up with Sunset's friends from Canterlot. They had arrived late last night and had stayed at the hotel to recuperate from the long drive but officially today would be the start of spring break beach fun. They picked a beach not too far a drive that still had fire pits, usually it would of been a hassle to get them but Sunset had received a text from Rainbow Dash saying she had gotten their early and snagged a good one close to the water.

As Jackie drove down the street by the beach, it was already fairly crowded with all of the high school and college kids that wanted to partake in beach fun as well. Even down the way there were stages, volleyball courts and booths being set up for various events. Of course, Jackie was most looking forward to one event in particular!

"You looking forward to the Beach Band Battles, Sunshine?"

"Beach Band Battles?"

The query had come from Twilight Sparkle, looking intrigued as Jackie grinned to her by way of the rear view mirror.

"Yup! We signed up like, weeks ago when we found out. Cash prizes to the first top three AND it's going to be broadcast on TV! Not a super swanky affair but it's good publicity and a little cash in your pocket. The Pony Breakers are gonna sweep the competition of course!"

At Jackie's boasting, Sunset could not help but smile slightly and roll her eyes before pointing out an open parking space that they would have to snatch up quick unless they wanted to keep trolling for a spot.

Once they were out of the car and retrieved their supplies from the back, it was easy enough to spot where the others were, Pinkie Pie seeming to have immediately spotted them and jumping up and down. As Sunset and Twilight hurried ahead to greet the group and do a quick catch up, Jackie took her time walking over and take them in. She hadn't really spoken to them much after the Friendship Games, but it was interesting to get a read off of them based on their swim wear.

Blond girl, Applejack, orange one piece... with three apples over the left hip? Really? A bit plain but the muscular farm girl pulled it off well. Fluttershy, fairly conservative, it looked like a pink one piece with those naturey green whatchamacallits around her waist. Worn on those island paradise scenes... sarong? But she pulled it off well, sort of an exotic look.

Pinkie Pie's stood out the most based on color alone with it's neon blues and whites and... wast that an inner tube around her waist with a unicorn head on it? Rarity certainly liked to show it off in a black bikini, very stylish, although sort of over the top with the big sun hat and knock off sunglasses all those starlets liked to wear.

Rainbow Dash was also in a one piece, dark blue, which was a little surprising since Jackie had banked on the athlete wearing guy swim trunks, a two piece top, and possibly an open Hawaiian shirt like Jackie always opted for. Then there was this world's Twilight Sparkle and for the sake of avoiding confused, she was calling human Twilight, Sparky and Princess Twilight, Twilight. It was hard to tell what Sparky was wearing since she was wearing swim shorts and a t-shirt over whatever she had on, which was pretty different compared to Twilight's magenta two piece that she had borrowed from Sunset.


Trying to be as discreet as possible, Jackie's eyes slid over to Sunset, the red head currently talking to Sparky and Pinkie Pie. She would be a damn liar if she didn't think that Sunshine looked particularly fine right now. Bold as could be in that fire red and orange bikini, not a gangly teen but filling out those curves. Those curves she had seen. In the bedroom, as Sunset was slowly taking her bra off to reveal-

"Uh, Jackie? You okay? You're not heat stroking already?"

Snapped out of naughty fantasies by Bobby, the blush on her face intensified as she shook her head, as if determined to shake it off her face while also answering the college student at the same time. In a slightly higher pitched voice.

"NOPE! Fine! Everything's fine! Great!"

Hustling over to the fire pit in an effort to work off the hormones, Jackie set the blankets, beat up old lawn chairs, and her acoustic guitar case down while Bobby continued to carry the big cooler the rest of the way.

It wouldn't be long after that Poppy, Tino and Sandy arrived, all dressed in swim wear as well and being greeted by the others. Tino and Applejack would man the stations by the fire pit, cooking up the food they had brought while comparing and contrasting cooking techniques and even experiences. Tino impressed that Applejack was basically in charge a lot of the time when it came to her apple farm and Applejack impressed with the story of how Tino's grandfather had come to Los Pegasus and set up his taco shack.

Sandy, who had gone to work as a busker since her career as an actress was on hold after going into Pony Mode on stage, was working up a comedy routine with Pinkie Pie, entertaining the group as they went through a rendition of 'who's on first?'.

Most of the group's attention was on them until Rainbow Dash heard Jackie and Poppy going over their strategy for the Beach Band Battles contest. Intrigued and curious, the prismatic haired young woman scooted closer to the two to join in on the conversation.

"You guys playing here on the beach?"

"You bet, the Pony Breakers are gonna get up on stage and blow everyone away!"

As confident as ever, Jackie was a tad confused when she saw Rainbow Dash smirk slightly.

"I guess, depending on if you got any real competition or not. Now if the Rainbooms were playing, we'd give you a run for your money."

This time it was Dash's turn to look confused when she heard Jackie snicker.

"The Rainbooms... you mean your high school band?"

Overhearing the way Jackie said that, Sunset looked over, a frown on her face and clearly wanting to shut down where this was going.


"Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

Too late.

"Oh no, no. I mean, you have a high school band that what, only played in one event? That Battle of the Bands thing?"

"That we won."

"Right, even though you got knocked out. No that's... cute."

This was already working on Sunset's nerves. Why did Jackie have to be such a snob when it came to bands? The red head stood up and moved over to them, crossing her arms and frowning down at the two.

"Jackie, just drop it. Please?"

"No, if she's got something to say about m-our band, Sunset, then she should just come right out with it! We practice every day, we're just as good as you, if not better!"

At this Jackie had to roll her eyes before raising her hands in a mocking gesture.

"Ooo, you practice. So how many gigs have you played? Are you actually even going to pursue a music career after you graduate? It's adorable how you think this little phase of yours has a chance against a real band like mine, but don't count on it chica."

By now Rainbow Dash had gotten to her feet, fists clenched as a challenge was just being dangled in front of her face while Jackie spoke to her in that condescending manner.

"Better than you! And what, like you're such a big shot? I don't see you getting signed on to any big labels!"

"Hey, at least we're closer to getting there than you!"

By now Jackie was on her feet as well, arms crossed and glaring right back at Rainbow Dash. As annoyed as she felt and though it was probably better to just walk away, the last thing Sunset wanted was two of her friends fighting.

"Look, both your bands are good, can we just-"

"You know I've heard some of your songs before Sunset joined up. Gotta' say she pretty much saved your band since your guy's song sucked. Especially the guitar solos."

That might as well have been a slap to the face from the look on Jackie's face, the guitarist's hands balling into fists at her sides now.

"Oh yeah? At least I don't sound like some generic as fuck kiddie pop rock, music flavor of the month bullshit!"

"Better sounding than yours!"

"More bullshit!"

"How bullshit will it be when the Rainbooms sign up for the Beach Band Battles and kick your sorry asses?!"

"Oh! I'd love to see that! Did you even bring your music gear, jocktard?"

"You want to go bitch?!"

At that point the two had to be separated before it came to blows, Poppy, Sunset and Bobby dragging Jackie back while Pinkie Pie and Applejack did the same for Rainbow Dash. When she was sure Jackie wouldn't try to make a go for Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer stood in front of Jackie, glaring at her.

"What is your fucking problem?!"

"Well excuse me if I don't take to some wannabe talking smack like that!"

"But you didn't have to instigate it! You don't have to act like some damn snob just because there are people who aren't making music a career like you do!"

"Hey, I just call it like I see it!"

"Well you're being a bitch when everyone was just trying to have a good time!"

"Oh, I'm being a bitch? When the jocktard over there dissed my music?"

"Yes, you are!"

Then Jackie said something she instantly regretted, in one of those moments where, as tensions ran high, one really didn't think before saying the first thing that came to mind. It happened almost in slow motion as the words escaped, the guitarist realizing too late to shut her mouth before they were out for all to hear.

"Well ain't that something coming from the chick who used to be queen bitch in high school?!"

Dead silence.

All eyes were on the two, Jackie's eyes wide and a hand over her mouth, Sunset Shimmer staring at her blankly, mouth slightly open. Then without a word, she turned and headed down the beach, ignoring Twilight and Rarity calling after her, leaving Jackie under the glares from Rainbow Dash, Poppy, Applejack, and disapproving looks from the others. It would be Poppy who spoke up first.

"Go apologize."



Rubbing the side of her head where Poppy's hand had smacked, now starting to feel worked up and agitated all over again.

"What's the point? She won't talk to me anyway!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's fucking complicated and I don't need the rest of you getting on my fucking case!"

Without another word, she headed down the beach in the opposite direction Sunset Shimmer had gone, just needing time to think away from the others. Yes, she had crossed a line with that but she was still pissed! She didn't like the way Sunset had been talking to her like that. After all, it was the first extended conversation they had in days and it was an irritating as fuck argument!

.... okay, she knew she was pretty much wrong through that whole thing but... ugh, did she even have a case to defend herself? Outside of Sunset could of been less harsh and Poppy could have realized it was not the time for a smack to the head? Why did she even have to be the bigger person? Why couldn't Rainbow Dash have been the bigger person? AND WHAT THE HELL WAS BETWEEN HER AND SUNSET?!?!?

With a frustrated cry, Jackie looked around, spotting a nearby sand castle that looked abandoned before rushing over and kicking it before stomping it into the ground.

"Oh dear, and I was just about to make a killing with the sand crab family! It would of been quite a boon selling that beach front property!"

Wait, that voice was familiar. A quick glance over to her left and she saw two people she honestly expected to see here.

"Discord? Celestia?"

Meanwhile, down the beach a ways, Sunset Shimmer had almost completely walked off her anger, now feeling a bit drained as she thought over what had happened. Jackie shouldn't of been a snob, sure... but she could of handled that better. But why did Jackie have to bring that up? Sure Sunset had settled things with her past for the most part, but hearing that come from Jackie hurt. A lot.

"Well, don't you look distressed. Does drama simply follow you everywhere?"

Jolted from her thoughts, Sunset Shimmer glanced over to a large beach umbrella. Where, reclining underneath like the queen of Sheba was the last person Sunset had ever expected to see again in this lifetime.

"Adagio Dazzle?!"

Author's Note:

I'm back baby.

Hopefully this was worth the wait.