• Published 31st Aug 2016
  • 6,353 Views, 168 Comments

A Lost Crystal Gem - The Story of Sunset and how she became Spinel - ratedoni

She has been on Earth for a long time, she even died to save humans once. Rose Quartz gave her a second chance to live and now she is in the biggest adventure of her life; becoming a Crystal Gem helping raise Steven and mostly having fun.

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Sunlight in Space part 1

Author's Note:

And we are back on the present.

“Okay, that is new,” were the only words the young looking hybrid gem could say after watching the flying eye get closer and closer to Earth. Watching the big ship traveling through space and entering orbit was seriously freaking her out. She had been very confortable spending time back at Canterlot and her friends, nothing out of the ordinary when Fluttershy had seen the strange floating second sun in the sky. Immediately she had transported back to Beach City and she was sure that this time it was very serious. The thing in the air was none other than an eye ship back from Homeworld. She had studied the design after pestering Rose enough times until she allowed her to check the old information they had about their original planet “So two Suns; when this did become Star Wars?” Sunset quietly joked as she began to walk in the beach. She then found two members of her crazy family walking her way.

“Hey Spinel! You are back!” She was sure that Steven would have jumped in her direction but he had a very familiar bag on his hands.

“Are you still asking for the bits?”

“Hey you cannot beat a good fry bit while you walk on the beach and enjoy the two suns in the sky.”

“Come on Steven, what have you been eating? Two suns?” The laughter from Amethyst after such a sentence was obvious.

“Well, you better be careful what you say shorty because we have major problems in our hands.” Sunset simply said before Amethyst mouth fell all the way down to the sand in surprise. And I do mean it fell all the way down to the ground. In the next second the purple short gem held Steven on her arms and ran as if her life depended on it. Thinking about it, their life DID depend on it. Sunset simply sighed as she snatched the falling bag in the air and put the small bit of French fry in her mouth.

Following Amethyst she soon found the rest of the gems looking through a telescope and soon they began to do their usual Crystal Gems Pre-Ass kicking reunion.

“Look at the size of that thing, I had no idea these things were so big.” The thin gem said and Sunset just couldn’t contain the jokes almost pouring out of her brain.

“Maybe you should visit the internet; I think you can find bigger phallic symbols in there. Also, that’s what she said.” The answer to her joke were the grumpy face that Pearl send her way, Steven just watching the eye in the sky and Garnet and Amethyst containing their laughter -well, more like Garnet smirking a little bit and Amethyst trying not to roll in the sand laughing- was what happened “now, being serious, that’s obvious an unmanned scout ship, like the one I studied back when, do you think there is a way to drop that ship without destroying it? I really want to study an intact one.”

“One, I hope you never do a joke like that in the presence of Steven again and number two-“ Pearl started.

“We cannot allow that ship to crash on Earth; it will cause enormous damage to the planet.” Garnet said making Sunset grumble a bit about the missed opportunity.

“I’m pretty sure the damage it will cause will be minimal, besides, look at the speed that thing has. Is not trying to crash on Earth, it is just getting closer to get information. Like I said, it is a scout ship.”

“Scout ship or war ship, it does not matter, we need to get rid of it.” The leader of the Crystal Gems said finishing the discussion.

“If only we still had Rose’s light cannon.” Pearl’s words made Sunset furrow; she knew she had heard of that before.

“Wait, my mom had a cannon? How I didn’t know about that?”

“Oh, believe me, Rose was a junkie for weapons, hell, she had more weapons that I had computers in the house.” Sunset said making Steven’s eyes go wide with the information. At that point Sunset knew that Steven would keep asking her later on about those weapons.

“Yes Steven, sadly we don’t know where it is right now.”

“Hold on, you mean that thing that looks like a rose and shoots a laser?” Sunset said eating a fry bit before offering the bag to Steven who gladly started to share the salty treat.

“Yes, that one. Wait a minute, do you know where it is Spinel?”

“Well yeah, she left it with Greg for safekeeping, something about never hurting an innocent if Greg kept it.”

“Wait, my dad has it?”

“I can’t see Rose trusting Greg with something like that.”

“You’ll be surprised, so what do you say Steven? Wanna go visit your dad and get a Weapon of Mass Destruction all at the same time.”

“Wow, let’s go.” Just watching Steven’s eyes turn into stars was the best thing in the world as both human gem hybrids began to run in the direction of Greg’s car wash. Behind them they heard Amethyst complain.

“Come on, why do they get the chance to go on an adventure?”

“Because we will try to destroy that eye in case they fail.” Was the only thing the short gem got for an answer before Garnet held the other gem in her hands and threw her up into the air, this one screaming as if she was on a roller coaster. The last thing Sunset heard from them was the loud clang of Amethyst hard head colliding with the ship.

Shaking her head, Sunset held Steven on her arms before placing the small child up on her shoulders, then her boots became rollerblades and the two began their small adventure in search of Rose’s lost cannon just to save the world. Sunset was also wondering how Greg was these days; it had been some time since the both of them worked together. She couldn’t wait to show her father figure the new songs she had written, maybe it was time for Sunlight in Space to come out of semi-retirement.