• Member Since 16th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago


What a beautiful Sunset.


Adagio has lost all direction and ambition in her life and is constantly sliding in and out of depression. After yet another sleepless night, she visits her favorite coffee shop to think about what she really wants.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Sing a song...
Sing out loud...
Sing out strong...

Oh, I wanna sing~
Sing something new~
Bring us together~
Its up to you~

All in all. A bit formulaic but the expression is done well.

This is really good.

Man, this was surprisingly beautiful. The highs and lows, the sadness and hope.

You made me feel for Adagio.

This is so beautifully written
The topic of Adagio— of any of the sirens— mental states after the battle of the bands has always been something that intrigued me, and you’ve managed to capture it in such a wonderfully expressed way, despite how depressing and hopeless it may be

I really just love the way you describe things. It’s simplistically beautiful. You can just feel adagio’s lethargy through your words

Amazing job!

Adagio willing to risk what she has to do something she knows she could fail at but is driven to achieve gives a great feeling of hope even with the after-the-fact knowledge that she and her sisters do get better at singing. Being able to see how Adagios thoughts get to the resolution, and how that passion inside finally ignites out of her tired circular thinking is engaging. Thanks for finishing and sharing the story, Holy!

An unexpected and welcome find in the feed this evening, especially after being away from the site for a few weeks.

Thanks for this. Drew me in like your pieces tend to do.

I needed to see this nowadays. thank you.

You're very good at painting a vivid and captivating scene (without getting too carried away from the actual progression of the story). The way you contrasted Adagio's somber demeanor with her unbefitting surroundings was a nice detail.

Adagio's train of thought also remained realistic and interesting throughout; especially her brief struggle with doubt. I noted the slight change in tone at the end from the "what she wanted" to the "she was going to", effectively conveying Adagio's newfound determination and optimism, and ending the story on a very different note than it began with.

Nice work.

I like this story, I guess because it shows Adagio in a different light, and as a more complex character than we usually see. I can certainly see how Adagio misses the power she had, and the adulation she got. I wonder though if the fact that she walked with her sisters into Canterlot High, and no one recognized her, ever bothered her, or if she even noticed. The sirens had the gift, but they never used it for any constructive purpose. They just showed up, did what was needed, and left, apparently making no lasting impression whatsoever. Maybe...it will be different this time. Good job sir!

Damn, this nigga really wrote every damn story about depression. Like that's your whole shtick G?

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