• Published 24th Aug 2016
  • 11,178 Views, 304 Comments

Spirit of the Sacred Forest - Princess OtakuGeek

Once upon a time, I was an average geek attending a con dressed as Ori. Then I bought something and found myself spirited away to Equestria as my costume.

  • ...



"So let me see if I've got this straight, all of this is based on a game?" Applejack asked me and I shrugged.

"More or less," I admitted. After some internal debate, I had decided to admit the truth to them. I saw little point in trying to hide it, so why not just disclose the truth. Of course, I didn't tell them the whole truth. I just told them what I used to be, how I got here and about how this was based off a game. I opted against telling them that their adventures were all a cartoon show back on earth.

"So that means you must know how this will play out," Twilight said.

"Not exactly," I said as I hopped on stones to cross a stream. "While it seems as though the story has hit all the usual beats, it's hard to say what exactly is in store for us."

"But I thought you said this was all based on a game you are familiar with." Rarity spoke up as they followed behind me, also hopping on the stones.

"Exactly, I said based on not exactly." I pointed out. "There are several factors that may likely alter events. First off, in the game, there's only one Lightkin. Not eight. And to my knowledge, there isn't a multiplayer option so things might play out differently than in the game. And secondly, this is real life, not a game. In a game, you can end up dying and coming back to fix what mistake you made. In real life, you only get one life so we're going to need to be-"

"Ow!" A sudden cry from Pinkie interrupted me and I glanced at her as she held her hooves and fell back on the ground on the opposite shore.

"Careful." I finished before joining the others at Pinkie's side. Fluttershy reached Pinkie first and gently removed the hands that were tightly grasping her hooves to reveal the burn marks on them. They were small and had the appearance of chemical burns rather than fire burns.

"Pinkie Pie, what happened?" Fluttershy asked as she examined the burns. "How did you get these burns?"

"I don't know." Pinkie pouted then wailed toward the end. "One minute I'm jumping into the stream and the next thing I know, my hoovsies are burning!"

"You might want to refrain from touching the water for now," I said as I pulled a large leaf from a bush. The others turned to me and once I knew I had their unmitigated attention, I dipped half the leaf into the stream. There was a small hiss and when I removed the leaf, half of it was gone. My fellow Lightkin's eyes widened.

"Until we fix things, the water is going to burn if you touch it," I explained as I waved the half dissolved leaf. The former ponies (and zebra) shivered and Pinkie looked particularly shaken. Twilight looked closely at the glowing purple water and suddenly her eyes widened.

"Is this going to happen to Equestria's water too?" She asked in a quiet voice and I shrugged.

"I can't say for sure, but it is highly likely." I offered and Twilight looked disturbed. It was at that moment that Fluttershy called out to us.

"Um girls, you need to see this." She said and we all crowded around Pinkie as her burns healed before our very eyes until it looked as if nothing had happened. We were all stunned into silence and the only one who could do anything at that moment was Pinkie. The Lightkin at first tentatively touched her hooves before attempting to stand. She stumbled a moment until she regained her balance and was now frolicking like usual but noticeably far from the water.

By this point, the rest of us had snapped out of out initial stupor and were watching her frolic. "How?" Twilight asked. "How in the name of Faust did that happen?"

I shrugged. "I don't know," I said. "I don't know a lot about how this works and I don't exactly recall insta healing from the game. Remember games are much different than real life so it works differently. Anyways, we should get going."

"You don't want to know more about this?" Twilight asked with no small amount of distress and I could easily imagine her scholar mode going ballistic.

"Not really. I have this policy to not look a gift horse in the mouth." I said and the others gave me curious expressions so I explained. "It's an expression where I come from that refers to finding fault with something that has been given as a gift or favor. In this case, it would be the fact that Pinkie is now mobile. Given what we have to face, we'll all need to be as mobile as possible. Plus this isn't really the place to conduct experiments and I doubt Pinkie will let you dip her hooves into the acid water again."

"Darn right I won't!" Pinkie snorted as she directed a fierce glare in Twilight's direction. "I like my hoovsies where they are thank you very much!"

Twilight bit her lip and I could tell that she was debating what to do. Eventually, she conceded defeat. "You're right. This is neither the time nor the place. So what do we do now?"

"Well, first we have to find either the tree or Sein," I said before turning to look at the absolutely massive forest. "A task that's far easier said than done."

Third Person POV

Ori wasn't kidding when she said that was easier said than done. This forest was huge! And just to make things worse, nopony knew their way around this forest. Ori may have come from here and even had some knowledge of what would happen, but even she didn't know where to go. While she didn't share a lot about the game, she did tell them that this was the point of the game where the prologue was so she had no idea where or how game Ori reached the tree.

We all could tell that there was something she wasn’t telling us about the game and it wasn’t just what she wasn’t sharing. Matter of fact, Ori was quite tight-lipped on the subject no matter how much Twilight reasoned. Part of her reasoning was that she didn’t know how closely events followed the game and partially because she had a policy against spoiling a great story. Pinkie Pie, of course, agreed with that logic and the matter was closed.

However, this was different than that. It felt like Ori knew what her final fate would be and none of us liked that. But as we traveled, Ori was getting weaker and weaker going from leading the group to lagging behind. Fluttershy also lagged behind to help when it got hard for her to walk. When we would break for camp, some of us would go looking for food for Ori, but the food was almost nonexistent and any food we did find wouldn’t keep her going for very long.

Fortunately, none of us needed food. Ever since we’d transformed, none of us felt hunger pangs so any food we found went to Ori who needed it the most. Twilight was curious as to why we weren’t feeling hunger, but this was neither the time nor the place so she agreed it was best to just keep moving. Then the inevitable happened. It had been a week and a half since we’d entered the forest and as we were walking across a log, Ori suddenly collapsed to the ground and didn’t get up.

Fluttershy immediately crouched down to try and wake her with no success. “Girls!” She cried, drawing everyone else’s attention. “Ori’s not moving.”

Those three words filled us all with dread and everyone instantly converged on the unconscious Lightkin. Ori was still breathing, but her breaths were getting further and further apart and her light was starting to flicker badly.

“Ori. Ori stay with us! Please.” Fluttershy pleaded, almost breaking down. Ignoring her pleas, Ori’s light continued to flicker and fade in and out.

“I, um, stay here I’ll go find something!” Rainbow stuttered in a panic and as she started to bound off, Zecora stopped her.

“While I do not wish to disparage your efforts, they shall be useless at this point.” She said grimly and Dash shook her head in denial.

“No, if I can just find something, anything, maybe I can...I can...” Dash began to falter as she spoke, distress shining in her eyes. In response to this, Zecora pulled her into a hug.

“Do not worry. I do not believe that you have failed.” She said soothingly. “You have done your very best and that is all that we can ask of you.”

Rainbow buried her face in Zecora’s fur and tried to tell herself that the stinging was from dust getting in her eyes and not tears as she hugged Zecora back.

“But it wasn’t good enough.” She whispered hoarsely, unable to stand the thought of failing a friend.

At this point Fluttershy and the others were growing desperate, all of them practically screaming and crying for Ori not to leave them and terrified of what would happen if she did. Setting aside the fact that they didn’t want to lose a dear friend, none of them knew anything about the game all this was based on like Ori did. She was also their guide and without her, they didn’t know what to do.

But that fact didn’t really register in their minds as they were more focused on the fact that they were losing a dear friend and there was nothing they could do about it. Being the calmer of the party, Zecora gently guided Rainbow back to the group and after entrusting her to Applejack approached Fluttershy.

“My friend.” She said gently as she grasped her hand, drawing Fluttershy’s attention to her. “Among my people, we believe that even when our friends and family are gone, they remain with us in our hearts. We will have to continue our quest for our home and Ori.”

Fluttershy sniffed and looked down at Ori. “She’s not dead yet, so can we just stay with her until...”

“I would never even dream of leaving her while she is still with the living,” Zecora said and the others began to gather together. “We shall remain here until her light fades.”

The other six Lightkin then formed a tight circle around Ori and Fluttershy to comfort each other as their friend’s light grew dimmer and dimmer as it constantly flickered like a candle in a strong breeze and her arm dropped to brush the ground. Fluttershy could only cry as her friends gathered together and Zecora murmured something under her breath in her native language the sounded like a chant or prayer.

Twilight chose to save her questions on that later as she brushed a hand over Ori's face. The form beneath her hand was getting colder and soon the light guttered out completely. Fluttershy burst into wails as she buried her face into Ori's still chest and the group spent a moment in solemn silence.

Then there was a tiny glow that caught Twilight's attention and when she looked down, she saw a small glowing flower that sprouted at the point of contact where Ori's fingers brushed the ground. Then another burst from the ground followed by another then another and another until there were dozens of flowers sprouting up.

By this point, everyone but Fluttershy saw the flowers and watched as they formed a pathway that pushed away from the ever constant mist and led up to a massive form that was revealed to be a tree. It was huge, the biggest tree any of them had ever seen even if they were in their original form. The branches were gnarled and drooping and once the glowing flowers reached the foot of the tree, it sparked to life lighting up blue like something had been ignited inside.

As they stood there gaping at the massive tree, a yelp from Fluttershy drew them back to the present. A beam of light had erupted around Ori and lifted her out of their friend's hands. The body gave a jerk as if electrocuted and eyes flew open. As she was lowered back to the ground gently, Ori gasped then coughed harshly for half a minute before she began breathing normally again.


"Remind me to never do that again," I grunted as I took deep breaths. "Near-death experiences and actually dying aren't fun."

"ORI!" Everyone cried, almost deafening me, as they jumped at me. I let out a startled yelp as I was pulled into a group hug then felt some wetness on my chest. Looking down, I saw Fluttershy bawling her eyes out into my chest. Slowly I pat her head in an effort to comfort her.

"Um, hey guys," I said as casually as I could to try and ease the gloomy atmosphere. "So, did you miss me?" I received a punch on my arm courtesy of Rainbow Dash in response.

"Of course we missed you ya, dummy! You died!!" She shouted and though she frowned, I could see the moisture gathering in her eyes. I decided not to point it out.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," I said apologetically. "Didn't mean to. Forgive me?"

Rainbow sniffed then joined the hug. "Yeah, just don't do that again." She grumbled and I chuckled.

"I'll try, but I can't make any promises," I said. "This is going to be a dangerous mission you know."

"Well, then I guess I'm going to have to try harder to make sure you don't leave us like that," Dash said stubbornly as she clung to my arm. I just smiled in response and started to pull myself free from the group hug.

"Alright, that's enough hugging," I announced, snapping the others back to the present. "Remember we have a mission to complete you know. We've found the tree, now we just need to find Sein."

"And who exactly is Sein?" Twilight asked.

"Sein is the little guide that helps us in our quest," I said as I started walking once again. Now that I knew where we were, I could get my bearings better. "Plus he's a vital part of the Spirit Tree and it's sort of our goal to restore him to his place."

"Okay then, let's get looking." Applejack said heartily as she and the other came up to follow me. "So where should we start?"

"Well, the good news is that now that we've found the tree, I have a rough idea of where we need to go," I said then pointed forward and declared in a very cheesy voice. "Onward, friends!"

I then led the way, jumping over a tree and making our way down into the Sunken Glade. Unfortunately, I misjudged the drop and ended up hitting the patch of spiked purple pustules on the bottom. I didn't bleed, never have, but there were definitely marks that were painful. After we crossed the pool in two leaps, we came across the green bud which opened at my touch to reveal a green ball of energy that sparkled like a star.

"What is that?" Applejack asked.

"A Life Shard," I whispered. "In the game, these are basically HP which can restore your health."

"Then you should take it," Rainbow said. "I know still feel great and besides, you're the one who hit those, whatever those things are."

I smiled privately because, despite her usual tone, I could still hear a note of concern. So I reached out to the Life Shard and watch it absorb into my body, filling me with vitality and closing the puncture wounds on my side and back. The entire experience was like a jolt of energy not unlike caffeine but better.

"Oh wow, that was cool." Pinkie said as she looked me over. "You feeling any better?"

"Yeah," I said with a nod. "But that's probably only because I wasn't hurt too badly. Life Shards can only restore you're HP so far and when you lose more health it can't restore it all, just a portion of it. The only things that can give you a full recovery are Spirit Wells."

"Are there any around here?" Twilight asked as she looked around.

"Yeah, but it's not accessible yet," Ori said. "Neat thing about Spirit Wells is they can be used to travel quickly between different wells like a teleport but until we find a few more wells, we're hoofing it."

"Darn it!" Pinkie said and I laughed a little.

"It's for the best Pinks, if we just teleport around, we'll miss all the important things," I said as we started walking again, quickly encountering our first energy cell. "Well, that's interesting. Looks like we are incorporating some gameplay."

"What's that?" Pinkie asked, poking it. Oddly enough her touch didn't absorb the cell but rather made it bob slightly in the air.

"An Energy Cell," I answered. "It makes me able to retain more energy which is used for things like certain attacks, unlocking special doors and most importantly creating Soul Links. If there's energy and Energy Cells here, does that mean I can create a Soul Link?"

"Maybe. What does a soul link do anyway?" Twilight asked.

"Soul Links are basically savepoints in games that the player can create," I explained. "You can access the Ability Tree and If you die, you just respawn where you created a Soul Link or used a Spirit Well."

"It is likely," Zecora stepped in. "While my people don't know much about Lightkin, One thing we do know is that Lightkin does not have physical forms like ponies. Even we do not have physical forms, they were likely stored away elsewhere when we transformed."

"So that's why I could still feel my horn." Twilight hummed in wonder. Pinkie herself was also looking thoughtful.

"I wonder if we can do that too." She said before closing her eyes in a look of concentration. Within a few moments, sky blue flame-like light burst from her and when she stepped aside, it remained where she'd been standing.

"Cool." She said as she waved her hand through the flaming light. As the others tried it, I reached towards the Energy Cell and absorbed it. Soon there were eight lights of varying colors filling the area.

"It's almost like using magic," Twilight said as she stepped out of her magenta flames. "And there's this sensation that there are many things I can do."

"That would likely be the Ability Tree," I said as I moved away from my own white light. "And if all this is here that means that we're about to learn how you get ability points."

"What do you-" Rainbow paused her question as Ori jumped down from their perch and rush to one end of the grotto. It was then that they took note of the unstable wall of stone blocking them from going any further. I felt the rumble before the armored creature burst from his hiding place with a roar and charged me. Just like in the game, I ignored the shouts for me to move away and waited for the creature to get close enough before leaping over him.

And just like in the game, the creature hit the wall and was crushed into black smoke that dissipated and golden balls of light that scattered on the ground. I then waved the others over and they quickly joined me. Rainbow was the first to arrive and her first reaction was to smack me on the head.

"What did I say about not doing that again!?" She exclaimed with a scowl.

"I knew what I was doing," I said I my defense as the others caught up. Now that we were gathered, I indicated the Spirit Lights I had won. "Anyways, I got us some Spirit Lights, They'll help us level up."

A few looked around at the battleground in discomfort. "Um dear, didn't you just take the life of another living being just to get those?" Rarity asked. Before I could reply, Zecora came to my rescue.

"Worry not friends, for I didn't feel any loss of life," The shamaness said as she examined the ground where that creature had been. "That creature was merely a construct of darkness and hate likely a result of the excess dark spirit magic. Its heart was filled with nothing but a hate for the light and it and others like it would attack us once we reach their sights."

"And what about the Spirit Lights?" Twilight asked as she scooped one up. "They had to come from somewhere."

Zecora shrugged. "Either they were what gave the creature the power it had to move...or they are the remains of previous meals."

Author's Note:

Hallelujah, I'm back! :pinkiehappy: I know you've all been asking me when the next chapter is and hopefully this means I'm back on the horse and will be publishing more chapters. :rainbowdetermined2: I will do my best to make that a reality. Pinki Promise. Next chapter, we'll be meeting Sein.

Comments ( 56 )

nice, been waiting for an update. keep up the good work

Zecora shrugged. "Either they were what gave the creature the power it had to move...or they are the remains of previous meals."

In other words, poop

Finally, an update! Been waiting for the story to continue.

Zecora shrugged. "Either they were what gave the creature the power it had to move...or they are the remains of previous meals."

Scandal! :raritydespair:

Thanks for the update, it's been a while.

It's alive! It's alive!

Huh, we see 'Ori and the Will of the Wisps' premiere a few days ago at E3 and now this updates. Neat.

The reader pokes the story with a stick. the story twitches. "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" says the reader.

And story is CONTINUE. Man, how wait for it. Good luck with next chapters.:twilightsmile:

Oooh... Interesting...

I like how the story is going, but I'm worried about it becoming a bit too canon to the game.
If this becomes just a retelling of the game but with slightly different perspectives, the lack of diversity might cause this story to become rather dull.

Worries aside, great progress so far. Hope to see more.

Im so glad that this story, or its Author isn't dead. ; )

Sadly I couldn't remember a darn thing about it and I ended up having to relisten to it from the beginning. Let me tell you that it has great re read value, I thourouly enjoyed it the second time around. This speaks volumes about your writing.

This is a great story

The Monk

I also agree with everything you've said.

There's a time and a place for a time skip and this was not the time, nor the place.

Adventure and action is not the focus of any story. Even the action and adventure genre, it's not the focus. The focus is on the journey, not the destination. In any story you have the genre; then you have other focuses. You have the characters to consider; their interactions. Places they've seen, people they've talked to, things they've done. If you skip all of that; it ruins the story. It skips days; months; years of development even if you skipped a single day. It could be something insignificant that happened, or something huge. The character stubbed their toe, or a friend was sent into a coma. All of it has development and an impact on the rest of the story and if you skip it all, you leave readers confused and unable to make connections with the character or story.

Ah. I've missed this story. Good chapter.

You're alive! *Kicks dirt back into a grave before throwing the shovel offscreen, where it explodes* It's so good to see you again!

This is a hecking good story :D

And thus the adventure begins ...

being the calmer of the party

is that supposed to mean that she calms the others or that she is calmer than them, in that case you'ld have to use 'calmest'

I know still feel great

I know I still feel great

and watch it absorb

'watched it be absorbed'
Now this one I'll do without a quote. How is Pinkie able to create a Spirit Link before Ori picks up hte energy cell? I assume that whenever she picks up Energy or Life Cells, the others get them too, but in that case Pinkie shouldn't have had the energy to form a link before Ori picked up the cell.

As Ori jumped down from their perch and rush

Okay, why are you suddenly switching to third person (and immediately back after this sentence ends)? Ori is the one narrating this bit. And it needs to be 'rushed'

I said I my defense


Now ... to wait for more chapters ...

Great story! I love it! Can’t wait for the next chapter!

Okay good job so far but a small nitpick from me is your relying a little to heavily on elements and jargon from the game,
what I mean by that is if you want the characters to unlock new ability's and things like that fine but you should give it a more reality based reasoning like it has to do with their new biology, or the character said earlier that they and twilight discovered that light didn't have magic but some thing similar to it then say that the light shards unlock new abilities the lightkins already possessed but until that point could not use or something along those lines you know?
Now I know I probably didn't explain the point I was trying to make very well and for that I apologize so if you require clarification please reply back to this post.
But all of this is just a suggestion on my part if you want to continue with the story the way it is now then that's fine its your choice after all it is YOUR story so do what you want to do.

Heya. I keep poking my nose in here, to see if this has updated yet. Hope you're doing okay, and maybe can get a chapter or two going on this again.

There's another update on Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Check it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2reK8k8nwBc!! And they also gave the release date of the game, which is the 11th of Feb 2020.

:pinkiegasp: I AM SO EXCITED!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Hopefully soon. I've been busy, tired, and uninspired.



I'll try, I'm happy that you love it so much.

In glad. This story makes me very happy.

I still miss this story.:fluttercry:

Can. You please finish the story please?

I'll try, but I've been pretty busy lately.

come on when will there be a new chapter🙁

I'll try, I've been busy with work.

I have played the first one and it's a good game but there aren't that many story's off it on
fimfiction so I wait for any updates but none have bin updated yet
but I still want to see this story updated:heart::pinkiecrazy:

Dang it!, I was hoping that she will roleplay her character in the game but Oh well.

you have broken a pinkie promise now fate worse than death awaits you :3

hay do continue this I want to see more chapters:heart::twilightsmile:

I mean, the world kinda is ending in this situation... Heck, you could even make it a minor detail in a future chapter so there's an in-universe reason, get people actually complaining off your back? Something, something, disruption in the spirit world; something, something, Zecora's usual connection to the spirit world causes her words to come out confusing and mystical? IDK.

Either way, I was just teasing. I know writing in rhyme makes for a difficult time. See? That one sucks...
Takes a decent amount of effort and research. Possibly a degree in lit. or something...

I love your story I hope you do more.

Would you please consider continuing this story? It is actually decently written and fun to read! There aren't any finished Ori stories on here...

hay when will you update this story:heart::pinkiecrazy:

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